One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Babies shouldn't be able to wake bears. » 2018-12-04 13:04:18

Well to be fair, you are not poking the bear, you are just walking very close to its cave, taunting it. If you pet the bear, you are dead.

I disagree, this should stay in game.

#2 Re: Main Forum » how did you learn to play? » 2018-11-13 09:40:24

I found the game on youtube and I had to try it. The video taught me nothing, other than to buy it and that mothers are mean.

I remember trying to click stuff to figure out what happend if I combined it, and would get frustrated that a random stick wasnt the stick i needed and a stone wasnt the stone i needed. I spent many lives just eating berries, jumping from wild bush to wild bush. And I remember that the sound of the food bar dropping would hunt me in my dreams for days and when playing other games I got a feeling that I had to remember to eat. It was pretty stressful tongue

I remember the first food I learned how to make was popcorn, so I spent lives after lives just making popcorn, since i knew no other food recipe. Im not the read and learn kinda girl, so I had to learn by doing. But spawning in to more and more bigger cities and asking people how to do stuff, taught me so much. Finally when the tutorial came I would spent a couple lives (read 5) to learn how to smith and make my way out of the tutorial.

I have played the game since beginning of June, and it is my go to game, when I dont wanna play WoW - and I still learn new stuff each life and I have much to learn. I still dont know how to make a knife, haha.

#3 Re: Main Forum » What’s the longest Generation you’ve started as an Eve? » 2018-10-22 07:31:59

My longest line was 17 - I normally dont do well as an eve, but this was pretty amazing. I was even born back in my own line in gen 8 and saw all the amazing work my kids did. … id=1199543

#4 Re: Main Forum » The Life of Ryan » 2018-10-19 14:34:38

Yeah thats for sure. A life with a bit of RP in it, is just so much more fun than one without smile

#5 Re: Main Forum » The Life of Ryan » 2018-10-19 13:42:46

My dear brother and husband - you gave me a wonderful life and a good son, who did wonderful things just like you.
I made sure that the last thing to do before I died, was to bury you in the pretty garden you made for us, and I rest there next to you for ever.

With love

#6 Re: Main Forum » Horse Corral » 2018-10-19 13:31:13

My son - im proud of you and all your horses tongue
I laughed so bad when I saw this pen filled with wild horses.

#7 Re: Main Forum » The japan youtuber get a huge success with this game. » 2018-10-15 09:01:06

The mobile version is so bad, wasted my money on that one. I dont understand how anyone can play that one.

#8 Re: Main Forum » How often do you Murder? » 2018-09-26 12:38:35

Turnipseed wrote:

Oh i also kill babys named hope.... and their mothers...

Stop doing this please

- Because they are named hope if they had any honor they would suicide

Please do explain what a name choice has to do with anything? Hope is just a name like any other name.

#9 Re: Main Forum » List of skilled player on forum » 2018-09-18 09:16:57

Im so bad at being an Eve, but a child of an Eve or forth is very nice for me. When I am an Eve I never name my self the same thing.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Is this rude? » 2018-09-06 09:11:04

Not rude at all. I did that to learn how to make stew and pie. For me it looked like a horrible hard job to do - and then someone i asked showed me how to and it was super easy and now I make so much pie and stew big_smile

Smithing i learned by repeating the tutorial over and over till i got my self out of the area.

#11 Re: Main Forum » I am being bullied on the forum. » 2018-08-10 10:55:53

xxx90x wrote:
Micca wrote:

Your way of writing in the forum is kinda annoying and silly. That has nothing to do with where you live or are born smile

There are people here who hate me. Japan is a beautiful island and Japanese are very fond of white people. But why are you betraying us?

This is what I mean by you being silly. No one is betraying japanese people by answering one random guy on a forum post.
Japan is very beautiful country, the Japanese people I have met are very nice - but you are just silly, kinda annoying and seems like a troll to me smile

#12 Re: Main Forum » I am being bullied on the forum. » 2018-08-10 08:24:03

Your way of writing in the forum is kinda annoying and silly. That has nothing to do with where you live or are born smile

#13 Re: Main Forum » My beloved Jason! Get rid of omelet items. » 2018-07-26 12:30:19

jinbaili83 wrote:

Also eggs need more uses.

Yes this, please. More uses for it, maybe in pie or something.

#15 Re: Main Forum » My beloved Jason! Get rid of omelet items. » 2018-07-26 08:47:26

and I spend a whole life only eating wild carrots, berries and cactus fruit... should we get rid of that too?

It is your choise how you spend your life and what you eat. You could just not eat or make the omelettes.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Favorite Job? » 2018-07-23 13:35:08

I love hunting, especially bears. But I also love to learn something new aswell, this week i finally learned how to make pies, so much easier than I thought.

My least favorite job is taking care of babies, they seem like a waste of time since most die when they are able to grab berries them selves, even though you show them everything. I love being born male for that reason.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-07-22 17:06:54

To my daughter Laila - I am so sorry. I wanted you to keep the knife safe, not stab you. I feel so guilty. God dammit sad

#20 Re: Main Forum » Glitching Game » 2018-07-12 18:42:16

Lag is really bad today, just played a game with tons of lag, im trying to pick up things, but they are not there. I see people standing same place for ages picking up things from the other side of the map. I got error message 3 times in one life and had to give up at 40.

Has nothing to do with my internet. Its great quality.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Where are all the new players coming from? » 2018-07-04 10:43:19

I think youtube is a big part of where people see it. I got a video by Paragonhex in my suggestions and when I saw his video of the game I was sold. But also HoneyBunnyGames on youtube makes some great videos I think more and more people see.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Killing is still too easy, More nerfing needed. » 2018-06-25 12:15:03

Sure they did and you got to be the judge of that smile

#23 Re: Main Forum » Killing is still too easy, More nerfing needed. » 2018-06-25 11:15:14

I bet you like being the killer in this game smile

#24 Re: Main Forum » I made my very own golden crown today... and died for it! » 2018-06-24 15:42:07

I am not really a "hosting a game"-type of person. I just bought this game because I saw it on youtube and found it fun with the survival/crafting stuff in it. The killing I only found out about playing the game and thought, ok that must be a rare thing. But its just been more and more lately. I really enjoy the game alot, but man I get sad and feel less like playing when i get killed by a player.
I love to pvp in other games, but not in this one. But yeah I guess Ill just have to live with it.

#25 Re: Main Forum » I made my very own golden crown today... and died for it! » 2018-06-24 15:00:19

YAHG wrote:
Micca wrote:

Killing people should be much much harder i think. It kinda ruins the game.


Never gonna be happy, it will never be enough.

You really need to swear?
This is my first post, so what is it that's never enough for me?

I really just want an option to play without fearing other players. Im always nice and polite, yet I have already been killed in this game by other players more than 10 times. Only thing that kills me more are rattle snakes, but thats my own fault smile

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