One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Are tattoos broken? » 2020-10-11 02:52:50

Joeeee wrote:

the only thing i can think of is the mango leaf not being on a jungle tile because i saw some tattoo ink earlier

Oooooh! Didn't know it needed to be on a jungle tile. Damn, wasted my whole life just to be standing in the wrong place. That really needs to be made more clear in the recipe instructions.

Well, I guess the town got some salt water for sauerkraut out of it, so not a complete waste.

#2 Main Forum » Are tattoos broken? » 2020-10-11 01:19:49

Replies: 4

Tried making them just now. Even did some chores for the gingers and left them a pile of bananas in exchange for some salt water, but when I tried to apply the ink to the mango leaf, nothing happened.

#3 Re: Main Forum » To all the people who just cursed Bobby Quant... » 2020-02-12 18:21:19

Lava wrote:
WomanWizard wrote:
Lava wrote:

His most loyal supporter cursed everyone who cursed him and screamed that he was a good man. She died doing that of old age. Everyone thought she was crazy.

Was this a brown-skinned woman in a rubber mask by any chance?


That was apparently Bobby's wife.

#4 Re: Main Forum » To all the people who just cursed Bobby Quant... » 2020-02-12 13:28:52

unoriginal artist wrote:

The people who did this to your mother was bobo's gang, currently half their discord members left his group after what happened with your mother cause they felt so badly and me and some friends got to go and kill them all ingame during one of their ingame raids so if it will make your mother feel better we griefed her griefers for over 2 hours.

Good to know!

Lava wrote:

His most loyal supporter cursed everyone who cursed him and screamed that he was a good man. She died doing that of old age. Everyone thought she was crazy.

Was this a brown-skinned woman in a rubber mask by any chance?

#5 Re: Main Forum » To all the people who just cursed Bobby Quant... » 2020-02-11 22:50:41

My mom read through this thread and appreciates the responses, so thanks everyone! The venting and resulting sympathy helps take the edge off the frustration. She played a game earlier today and so far hasn't had any consequences, but we'll see over time. We don't actually know how many people ended up cursing her after she died. For all we know, someone wandered into the scene of the crime and calmly informed the crowd that that was the guy who had killed the wild animals and everyone repented for their sins. (Hey, a WomanWizard can dream, right?)

But yeah, I agree that griefing is a pretty major issue with this game. I've taken breaks from it for months at a time as a result, especially when I see people, including the developer, in the forums insisting that griefers are needed to keep the game interesting. I've had maybe one or two interesting griefer experiences in game, and those were more likely than not real disagreements rather than actual griefing. The rest are frustrating and/or tedious to deal with. I have my hopes that this update will give us more good than bad, but I also know that it's hard to stop humans from being humans, and humans are really good and joining the mob when something's going down (me included).

So please be alert when cursing!

#6 Main Forum » To all the people who just cursed Bobby Quant... » 2020-02-11 03:39:27

Replies: 26

...for being the "animal griefer."

Congratulations. You just cursed my real life mother, who spent her entire in game life killing the dangerous animals that somebody else brought into town. She has never griefed a day in her life.

She doesn't play a lot of online games, but the parenting and family/community building in One Hour One Life sucked her in a long time ago, before the game was nearly as toxic as it is today. Griefers frustrate her to no end, but she's hooked and the game is apparently still enjoyable enough for her to come back time and time again. But now? Who knows. She's asking me all kinds of questions about what's going to happen to her now that she's been cursed and tagged for future lives, and I can't answer her questions. I simply don't know, because the mechanic is too new.

This is why the new cursing mechanics worry me. Now she's been ganged up on and killed in a town (she actually had a posse after her?! are you guys serious?!), cursed by people for saving the town, and she has to suffer the consequences of being marked as a griefer in subsequent lives? This mechanic is too easily exploited by griefers who can turn the town on the wrong person and tag innocent people, who will then become suspects every time there is a griefer in the town in which they are born (which is pretty much always.)

This is a woman who loves this game, plays it with her husband and daughter, rescues babies and hand feeds people who are afk. She'll happily spend her entire life farming and feedings kids and now she's cursed and tagged for not only trying to save the town, but actually succeeding?

Let this be a cautionary tale. Be careful who you curse, and whose word you trust, because now more than ever, griefers are going to want to pin their wrongdoings on someone else. Know the whole story and only trust griefing you've actually seen happen. I just hope this doesn't negatively affect her future lives, because she loves this game and now her anonymity is gone.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Similar game to OHOL with economy / professions / social structures? » 2020-01-02 19:26:43

Eco maybe? I really only play it with close friends and family, so I haven't seen too many of the society mechanics in play, but it has currency, laws, professions, etc. I'm pretty sure you can't kill other people, but you can work your way up different skill trees if you want and be a hunter/baker/mason, or whatever combination of professions you're interested in.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Well wine is never getting made » 2019-11-27 00:56:06

Spoonwood wrote:

So, just so you know WomanWizard and everyone else, there don't exist race restrictions on low population servers (all servers, I think even bigserver2, though I'm not quite sure of it, are 'low pop' depending on their player count... I saw a video last week where Twisted ended up on server1, had the dropsy at the beginning of his life, and then didn't towards the end of his life since player count had dropped below 15).  You might be able to find some of the more advanced towns on a given server by running up and right towards their old spawns.  So, you might find some people who would help you to do this sort of stuff.  But, it's not all that reliable that anyone will be on servers 2-15.  If you start from scratch and know all of the steps, it will take a bit at least to get to the point where you can make the glass tech.  So, I can understand why people would avoid playing in that context.  Actually, remembering now, you once said on your stream WomanWizard that you had played low pop before, so I guess I didn't need to say all of that for you.  I'll leave it up though, in case it's useful to someone else.

I didn't really play on the low pop servers so much as I eve-chained a bit on one server to play with real life family. I also built up a small camp for a while but it lacked the parenting and community aspect of the game that I loved so much so I gave up on it. I like the main servers. I like being in a different situation every time, possibly ending up with a newbie child who needs my guidance to get by. I enjoyed the challenge we had with the newbie boom, though admittedly that one time I ran away from home because we had no water and then popped out twenty-one kids in my new home (most of them new) was a little overwhelming.

The low pop servers have definitely been tempting these past few weeks though.

But without the parenting, this game is basically a less interesting Don't Starve that forces you to die every hour. So why am I not just playing that game instead?

#9 Re: Main Forum » Well wine is never getting made » 2019-11-26 22:25:12

Yeah, I think I'm putting the game on the backburner again for a while. Getting new content is no fun if I'm never going to get to play with it.

I was so excited when the rift was finally gone that I started playing again, but this past week I've been non-white only two times. Those two times I tried to play around with some of the racially locked content (and I'm sorry Jason, but locking content behind race is highly problematic and "predicting people would get offended" doesn't excuse it), but then I was back to being white on the next go with nothing new to play around with.

I'm bored of it. I'm bored of not being able to do anything interesting. I'm bored of making compost every life because it's all I'm good for as a white man. I'm bored of being in the same town over and over and over again because, I assume, it's the only town that's managed to advance far and fast enough to survive after the biome locks. I'm bored.

So yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on the game like I did over the summer and hope for some new content that will actually interest me, but this update isn't it. I love the concept of this game so so so much and want to play it, but... it's just getting more and more tedious to do regular things, which simply isn't fun.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Coming soon: Character skills (tools) » 2019-10-26 00:26:59

I think the difference between the male and female brain is a little too complex to use it in balancing the gender dynamics in this game. Not in its current state, and not without offending anyone. That's probably better done by enhancing male strength in some capacity, like many people have already said. Running faster, picking up rocks, carrying more... there are tons of possibilities there.

Jason, you mentioned that you wanted to fix the boredom of being a baby. What if you added some kind of benefit to babies playing with certain items? What if playing with the rubber ball improved a child's motor skills, making them work a little faster? What if there were even more toys, like toy axes and swords that gave children benefits to using these tools when they grow up? What if you could use certain tools as children to gain a proficiency in that tool that makes better items, only you must gain this proficiency as a child while you're a quick learner. Children who knitted enough before they were 14 can make fancier clothes or something. Shear enough sheep before you're 14 and you get twice as much wool as an adult. Bake enough pies as a child and the pies you make as an adult give extra pips when consumed. Having an adult play or work with you might even give you another tier of benefit!

If the baby stage is really a concern, maybe an early childhood update is in order. Toys and child-sized clothes that you grow out of at a certain age. Play and learning, because that's why children play after all. Teaching as an actual skill that helps children improve their own skills!

I like the idea of some kind of skill being added to the game, but adding boons rather than restricting what players can currently do might be a little more interesting, and you can kill two birds with one stone by connecting that boon to a player's early years.

#11 Re: Main Forum » What do you think will become "that next step" for civilizations? » 2019-07-06 13:11:32

The next logical step would be improvements to farming. Why are we still doing everything with clay bowls and hoes when we have much better tech at our fingertips?

#12 Re: Main Forum » Twin Names! » 2019-07-06 13:06:45

If you aren't naming your redheaded boys Fred and George, then you're doing it wrong.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Using the name "Hope". » 2019-07-03 01:30:28

testo wrote:

Even worst, naming all people the same protects griefers.

Not anymore. The game no longer supports duplicate names and instead defaults to the next closest one. You can no longer have an entire town full of Bobs, unless those Bobs all have different last names.

I still dislike it when someone names my baby though. I usually have a name picked out for them already and feel slightly cheated when I don't get to use it.

#14 Re: Main Forum » To high rank Players! / What do you do to keep your rank High? » 2019-07-03 01:21:36

As others have mentioned, a lot of the scoring is just dumb luck. Currently I'm at number 24 (Hazelgrace Rudow) but before my most recent game I was in 213th place. That's how finicky the system is, that you can jump hundreds of numbers in one game just because you were lucky/unlucky. But if it is something you care about, there are ways that you can increase your chances of hitting those higher ranks more often.

Learn to consistently make it to 60 yourself. There are too many factors in this one to list here, and there have been many conversations about it in the past, so I'm not going to bother.

Don't slash die. I tried it over the weekend to see what would happen. Dropped another massive chunk in the leaderboard.

Don't play after an update. Eve camps and repopulating old villages are perfect places to lose most of your children/nieces/nephews. Again, I logged in around an update specifically to see what would happen and went from 50th place to nearly 400th because the town I was born into was full of Eves and war swords.

How to keep your rank high? Get it up there and stop playing. Seriously. One bad game that you have no control over and you will drop significantly. I'm not likely to play for a few days because of work so I will probably stay near 20-25th place for a while simply because I'm not out there rolling the dice.

With all that in mind, just be friendly, play for the success of your town, and try not to worry about it. The leaderboard is an interesting tool, but hardly an accurate measure of real skill.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Other off-the-wall ideas for "making you really care"? » 2019-04-10 22:20:53

jasonrohrer wrote:

In real life, we don't care about our family, tribe, city, state, nation, or planet because its survival "buys" us a ticket to come back in future lives.

We care for some more abstract reasons.  Maybe biology and attachment.  Maybe Dawkins' selfish genes.  But also social comfort, justice, ideology, and bigger-than-us meaning.  Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

And these reasons affect us directly, just in this one life.  It's not about a chain of lives.  But just in this one life.

I've only really skimmed this thread, so please forgive me if I get any facts wrong or make any suggestions that have already been brought up. But it seems to me that a lot of the suggestions posted here don't really address this particular issue. We are suggesting that by rewarding players outside of their current life with blessings, better family trees, stats, etc. we can make them care more about their current in game family. And this may be true, but it feels about the same to me as only caring about our families because having a successful lineage gives us the chance to be born back later on. I guess I'm not really seeing the fundamental difference between these ideas and that one.

Where's the "real play" in these ideas that you've been looking for to replace the role-play? Caring about our families isn't some magical problem that needs a magical solution like our reincarnating griefers. We just need a better way to represent the "why" in loving our families in a video game.

I think in order to make people really care, in the moment, for their families, you need to reward them, in the moment, for being with their families. Give us some kind of speed/productivity/warmth boost if we've been spending enough time with close enough relatives. Maybe you've seen your mother/child/sibling in the past x seconds and this makes your character happy enough that they can work faster, or we feel warm inside and this spills over into our actual heat bar. Being around our families, in most cases, is good for our mental health in real life, so find a way to mimic this in the game for our characters.

This would encourage families to stick closer together, work on projects together, pick up family trades and pass them onto their kids, etc. What it won't do is encourage a mother to stick her only daughter in the trunk of a car to sneak her into a successful city. I don't think I can come up with an exact solution to that particular problem, but I feel that this at least could move us in the right direction.

Also, as a streamer, I am going to vehemently oppose your super crazy "only get one life per hour" idea, since a false start at the start of my stream would mean an end to my stream before I've even started. How depressing would that be?

#16 Re: Main Forum » new clothes - white & natural color ? » 2019-04-06 14:39:27

You're confusing the dye-ready clothing with undyed clothing. Dye-ready clothing is the stuff that has been dipped in simmering dye mordant. Undyed clothing before this is wearable, just like undyed wool sweaters/hats/socks. But once you start preparing it for dyes it can't be worn until the process is completed.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Once upon a jail » 2019-03-15 18:32:28

I absolutely agree with you about berry patches! Big, disorganized farms kill. Well-designed ones saves lives.

Of course, getting those initial bushes out of the way can be a pain when you have dedicated berry tenders doing their job properly. I find that once you slap that first tile down at the edge of the field things ease up a bit because people can start to see what you're doing. Not everyone gets the message though.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Once upon a jail » 2019-03-15 16:58:48

It looks like I was generation 35. I don't know that anyone was actively working on the path in my lifetime since it didn't look like progress was being made. I saw some boards in place and two bushes blocking the path, so I removed them and don't remember seeing anyone do anything with that empty space. But I was a little preoccupied making sure the fires were going and the garden was free of bones, and in general doing generic chatting and RP. I didn't feel like picking up any major projects that life, just maintaining the stuff that was already there.

My name was Keyron Painter, and my last words were "We a" because I was moving a seemingly useless note out of the garden to be replaced with the more meaningful ones my cousin wrote.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Once upon a jail » 2019-03-15 15:15:08

What a shame to see what happened to that place. I had one of my most peaceful lives there, though admittedly it was probably one of my least productive.

My mom and aunt were writing notes for the shrine when I was born. I had two little sisters that I clothed with junk I found lying around on the ground and/or snatched from the corpses of recently deceased old people. My mom had a red sweater that I got to see passed down for four whole generations, reminding each one that it was a family heirloom. My great neice, who had the sweater last during my lifetime, was just telling her mother that she was new as we kitted her out with what was left of my clothing. I wish I could have stuck around to teach her some stuff, but I was just about sixty at that point so there was no time. My sister named one of her sons after me and I gave him my wolf hat, which also used to belong to our mother.

I spent a lot of time in the garden, which we called the Garden of Life at the time. Lots of "Praise be"s being flung around that place. I carted wood to the bakery so neither of the fires would go out, made some extra pads when it looked like we were only down to one, and dug up a few bushes in the berry field because it looked like someone had been making a path and there were two bushes in the way at the time. I stabbed a man in the garden because he shot some poor woman, and we didn't have any thread by the pads to heal her. It felt so dirty having to kill him in a place that we called the Garden of Life, but it was what it was.  Some guy thought our altar needed a sacrifice and begged me to stab him. I told him it was "the Garden of Life, not the Garden of Death."

I found another batch of notes north of the shrine and brought them down right before I died. "Clothe the naked" "Teach the young" They seemed like good points, and as someone who spent his life clothing the naked I thought those ideas should be heard.

It was a relaxing life, and kind of exactly what I needed at the time. Sometimes you just want to have a heartwarming connection with your in-game family, you know? So sad to see the place griefed like that, but I suppose it was inevitable. After all, it took the town killing three griefers in my supposedly peaceful life to keep things "peaceful."

#20 Re: Main Forum » Locks are terrible. » 2019-03-09 02:46:51

No, the hospital didn't even have all of it's walls, so was therefore completely open to the public. Only the clinic was locked, as backup in case someone griefed the hospital.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Locks are terrible. » 2019-03-09 01:09:29

Once I was in a town that had a hospital and a backup clinic. The hospital was open and the clinic was locked, with a trustworthy person holding the key in case the hospital was griefed. Who knows how long that system lasted though.

Until we have a way to force griefers into a prison, the locks are never going to serve any kind of intended "prison" function. You can try to threaten them at knife point, but I'm sure your average griefer would rather be stabbed than put in prison, so that doesn't do much good. In the meantime, the only people who will end up rotting in prison probably don't deserve to be there. Locks right now are most definitely for griefers.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Shift + Delete Does Not Seem to Cause Instant Death at Any Age » 2019-02-24 19:08:41

Spoonwood wrote:

I just want some way to instantly die in the game via Awbz's mod, some other mod, or via Jason's changes to the game.  I think Jason's changing the game to include suicide by default is optimal for his game, but I really don't care how a suicide feature gets implemented.

I take no issue with this, so long as people aren't using it in place of the slash die command, which was put in place specifically so that player suicide wouldn't inconvenience other players. The mod function as it was, was poorly implemented and resulted in lazy users using it instead of the in game mechanic. Many of them had good reasons for doing so and I therefore think that it's a good thing that Jason took notice and made adjustments to slash die to compensate. But those who weren't using it for good reasons were doing so selfishly at the cost of other people's enjoyment of the game. Jason wasn't just enforcing his vision with this change, but also responding to a major complaint that many players have had with the mod.

Give modders some time to find a solution that doesn't clash with a game feature since I'm sure you're not the only one who wants it. I feel your pain and want you to have a game experience that you enjoy, but remember that other people also want to enjoy the game which makes this issue a bit tricky.

#23 Re: Main Forum » What is the roughest start you have survived? » 2019-02-24 16:04:55

I've told this story before, but here it is again because it stuck out to me just how close of a call it was.

Back when temp running was a thing, I was born to a second gen mom who I think was relatively new. We were in a green noob camp with some super basic tools but nothing else going for it. Mom carried me around doing usual confused new player things like picking milkweed and trying to use it on burdock, picking a branch off of a tree and holding it for a moment before simply putting it down.

She was slowly moving out of the green biome and soon I found her running through the snow where, no surprise, she had a panic moment and dropped me in the snow to go look for some emergency food. I didn't know if she was coming back so I stood there for a second near her basket just in case. But it was cold and I didn't want to die so I toddled a little south and luckily found a tiny patch of desert where I stood and waited patiently for mom to return.

She didn't return. I stood there hoping maybe I would grow hair in time to feed myself but I knew that even if I did I was going to starve looking for food since I was in the middle of the tundra. In a last ditch effort I temp ran back in the direction of the camp and ran in circles around a berry bush to keep perfect temp until I grew hair. I was on my last hunger pip for a painfully long time before I eventually grew my hair and ate that long awaited berry.

Anyway, not to drag the story out too much, I grew into adulthood and later found that my uncle had been diligently creating his own camp in a spot that actually made sense. When I showed up with my first baby he was ecstatic. Apparently he'd been hoping someone had survived and I went on to populate his camp with my babies, telling all of them about their heroic uncle who built everything they saw just for us. After a lonely life of building a camp and not knowing if it was going to be worth anything, my uncle died surrounded by family who loved and thanked him for everything he did.

A close second to that life would be when I was born into a dying berry field to a mother who was on murder cooldown. My uncle grabbed me and ran me into the wild where he eventually put me down and explained that my mother was a griefer who had murdered all the women in town as well as destroyed the food supply. I was the last girl.

He fed me berries until I was old enough to take care of myself and took me back to camp where my mother was no longer standing around. She must have died somewhere because I worked my butt off to revive the bushes and she didn't show up to stab me. Being the only girl I got kitted out in all of the best clothes and was able to load my backpack with wild food while we revived the farms.

I repopulated that town and later in the day was born back into it to find them trying to make a rail. It was right after the rail update so the train was getting a lot of attention. I was just glad to see that the family was still alive.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Shift + Delete Does Not Seem to Cause Instant Death at Any Age » 2019-02-24 14:51:21

Spoonwood wrote:

I don't think I said anything about Jason not being within his rights.  I also don't know how I or anyone else would force it on everyone else.  So, I don't know why you're worried about that.

Spoonwood wrote:

No.  The creator can disagree with a mods use as making for 'good play'.  But, they are still fine, since the game is open-source and thus there exists nothing prohibiting the use of mods.

Maybe I'm just misinterpreting the point you are trying to make here. Do you want the mod feature back or no? Because like I said, Jason is within his rights to make changes to his game on his servers. The mod creators and users are also within their rights to create and use these mods on his servers.

But Jason didn't touch the mod. He changed something within his own game code that the mod was using to create this feature because it's use WAS inconvenient to other players. But you seem to be ignoring this particular complaint in favour of arguing about the misuse of of the words "misuse" and "abuse" which are both being used correctly, by the way. And even if they weren't being used correctly, it doesn't change the point that anyone is trying to make here, so debating their use doesn't help your argument at all.

If you're just frustrated and need to vent, then that's fine and I apologize for getting involved. Please, continue.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Shift + Delete Does Not Seem to Cause Instant Death at Any Age » 2019-02-24 00:48:14

I'm sorry you lost a function of the Awbz mod that you enjoyed using, but the fact is that it was being abused by some mod users in a way that caused others to take notice, negatively. Do you know how frustrating it is to have most of your babies shift-del on you when you're one of few women left in your town/camp? So many of these kids could be slash dying on us and giving us the chance of having another baby, but they choose the mod function instead of the in-game intended feature that works in a way that doesn't negatively impact other players. Yes, there were people who were using the feature in a way that made sense, like to come back as a different gender, but unfortunately not all mod users were using it this way and as a result it needed to be removed.

Jason is within his rights to enforce his vision of his game, even if it means that a mod loses a feature that it used to have. In the end, people are paying Jason for access to these servers, not Awbz. Feel free to create your own server that allows people to shift-del out of whatever they want, but don't force it on the rest of us.

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