One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Freya Red and the lost children » 2020-12-09 02:56:45

Caprys wrote:

Love these kind of stories.

Thank you for leaving a comment! I love the story potential of this game, its why I keep coming back to it big_smile

#2 Main Forum » Freya Red and the lost children » 2020-12-06 21:17:33

Replies: 2

My name was Frejya Red, an inexperienced farmer trying to learn the many different types of plants.

During my lifetime, I had a daughter I named Freya Red, who was then promptly stolen from me by a man named Todd Mary from far away. I chased them down for a long while until she died in his arms. I had to leave her there out in that barren place or risk death myself. I never forgot her. Nor her killer.

Not long after that, I had another daughter I named Elizabeth. The first thing she typed out, one letter at a time, was the dreaded name- Todd Mary. I knew then that my first daughter's killer had been reborn into my arms as a newborn babe. I promptly abandoned the child and left them to die- though it seems they managed to survive infancy only to perish at another's hand- good riddance.

After several years doing work on the outskirt of town living as a barren woman- I returned in my late thirties and had a pair of sons not long after the other. I named the first one Thor and his brother Leon. As I took care of them by the fireplace, a cousin nearby not right in the head had a son they did not pick up. I fed him for a time alongside my two boys and when it became clear his mother would not be right in the head anytime soon- I dubbed him Charlie.

I must confess, Charlie was my favorite boy even though he wasn't my own. He was affectionate and said kind words while my two boys were quiet and said little if anything at all. I made sure all of them were fed and warm by the fire, clothed with whatever I could get them.

Charlie and Leon went off to try farming down south, while Thor never left home. It seems that whatever was wrong with Charlie's mom might run in our family. I tended to him though as much as I could between tasks before he too grew too big for me to care for and he perished.

After that, I was too old for children and simply focused on the farms. One by one I found the bodies of my boys- I don't know what happened to them- there was plenty of food and they should have been warm enough with the clothes. With sorrow in my heart- I kept working until I was older still. I eventually  gathered their bodies in a basket and laid them together my three boys- Charlie, Thor, and Leon - out in the cemetery field. Yet even as I looked at them gathered there, my heart longed to find my daughter, Freya. I went back up to the far north-west and through sheer luck found her and brought her body back home and laid her next to the brothers she never got the chance to know.

I made no attempt to find Elizabeth.

With but moments left in my life, I waited for my time next to where I had buried them- happy to know I would be together with my family at long last.

A family together at last-
Frejya, Freya, Thor, Leon, and of course- my adopted son Charlie.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Mashed Carrot in a Bowl, Why? » 2019-12-07 19:44:02

Clearly, they dont want chunks in their pie, good sir- for they have class.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Have checked for awhile, loads of cool updates and questions. » 2019-12-07 19:40:41

Well the last time I posted was four months ago. That would be around when I stopped playing. What are rifts?

#5 Main Forum » Have checked for awhile, loads of cool updates and questions. » 2019-12-07 19:10:43

Replies: 6

Cool updates have been added and it seems like everyone is thriving. Question now is...
What is the new meta? How do people eve now ? Heard people can now build pine huts as eves but that they cost a shit tone of string from milkweed, which seems really expensive when starting out. Is there more milkweed around?
Also, how have certain jobs changed? Do kids still run around with shovels burying the dead or have such folks all moved on? Is iron still the literally count down to when your civ dies out? 
I guess my question is how does one play this game now? lol.
If there are updated guides on these things, feel free to link me.

Thank you!.

Look how far we've come from those carrot-munching farm civilizations full of no-names you've no idea how you're related to.  We are advancing!

Also, you can erase stuff from paper and rewrite stuff! Which is the bomb!

#6 Main Forum » Shoutout » 2019-08-01 16:56:36

Replies: 0

I was born to afk mother and adopted by Eve Ziv and raised by her. Thanks mom!

I ended up wandering away down south and found a new village full of cool peeps. Zuko Freckleston really tried to teach me the language there with minimal success. Apparently Duke = Peace and Thyss = Plate.

Thanks ya'll for making me have a good life.

#7 Re: Main Forum » What was your first post on OHOL? » 2019-07-31 15:32:54

I remember my first post- it was before I had even purchased the game. I had been shadow stalking the game for about a month and then when I saw the new update that allowed for names I decided that I absolutely had to purchase this game and start playing it.

I love the concept of multi-generational games where you the player can have a family that grows and changes with time. The feature of families isn't uncommon in rpg games such as Fable, but almost all games with family features eventually hit a stagnant point- and that kills the fun for me. I was very much drawn in by the story potential of this game- a growing family in the middle of the troublesome wilderness? Sign me up! Sounds like a hell of a lot of stories waiting to happen.

I was not then and still not now a fan of survival games- the main reason being that I tend to suck at them.

I get overwhelmed by the number of tasks needing to be done ASAP causing me to freeze up and/or panic leading to a premature death- that has been my experience with almost every single survival save for things like Minecraft lol. Survival just isn't really my genre.
But I was willing to take the plunge into something that wasn't at all my thing for the promise of really good stories and cool family dynamics. I read the wikipedias and guides while waiting to build up my courage and and watched youtube lets plays and tutorials so I wouldn't a 'worthless berry muncher.'

Then I started playing the game.

I made mistakes and I died. Then I died again. I learned some new stuff and then promptly died. It was fun.  I made a friend who then promptly died.

And yet, soon enough, I began to gain competency in the game.

One thing this game has disappointed me in is that it is leaning heavily towards survival stuff at the expense of the story, which I don't mind- it is a survival game. But for me personally what brought me in was the family feature and the potential for good stories. I guess I had hoped to be an rper but I never really got to do that much due to high pace nature of this game. You only have an hour and you starve quickly- it is hard to have much of a conversation with others much less rp.  It seems that as more and more difficulties are added there is less time and opportunity to appreciate the story unfolding.

It isn't at all interesting to me to write about how I was a baker for the 50th time in a row cause everyone else was dicking around or griefing with a few handful actually working but unable to talk due to supporting ten other people.  While you may get the occasional good story, they are getting more and more rare which each update.

I actually played a few games before this post to see what the game was like now after months of being gone. There isn't much to say- its a cartoony survival game with partially clothed people running around.  I just wish I felt more connected to the people I was playing with. Even the weird genetic score thing just turns my family into numbers I want to be higher for my own personal benefit. Instead of feeling like I'm a part of a community with the same goals in mind I feel like I am actively fighting everyone else there for food and resources to get stuff done in place of whatever non sense they're trying to accomplish at the time.

I want to have fun and fun for me isn't the current grind that the game development has leaned towards and thats ok. As I said before- a lot of survival games are this way and survival isn't my genre. I think I would be willing to overlook and/or even welcome the grind if there was any connection with the other players on the screen but there really isn't.

Sorry 4th cousin once removed Billy Johnson, idgaf about you or your sister-wife Laura No-name. Please stop moving my fucking furs around I am trying to make a backpack so I can get some more rabbits to make another backpack for my sister's spawn in the hopes one of them is competent enough to keep this shit fest going. Fuck off with your pie eating gremlin children 'Adolph' and 'Adolph II' running around saying Heil.
God bless the mess.

I intend to continue playing the game for now as there are still pleasant experiences here and there but both my tolerance and my patience is starting to run thin. I loved the potential this game showed when I first bought it and I still have hopes- but I think it just isn't going down a route I would be able to appreciate much.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Free account. » 2019-07-31 03:59:43

Goodbye Tarr, you old legend. May we meet again.

#9 Re: Main Forum » screenshots of mass graves of dead babies: » 2019-07-27 16:28:57

Jesus, and to think I  was considering coming back from my months long hiatus ;-;

Think I'm gonna wait a little bit longer

#10 Main Forum » My Fear » 2019-07-27 16:17:53

Replies: 22

So I have been on a few month hiatus from this game after the weird temp update that made it so you couldn't survive without clothes. I got really frustrated with it and decided to take a break for the sake of my temper and sanity- and also to see if things would change and the game would be enjoyable to play again. Every couple of weeks I would check up on the forums and updates and see what was going on. Yet, it seems with every week more and more people are less satisfied with the game.
People also no longer seem excited about updates but are instead dreading them- no longer do we see updates as new fun content but instead another disappointing or difficult add on to the game. Even people who are still hopeful only look forward to updates to see if they remove or fix features from previous  updates in the past.

This is not good.

As said in previous posts, I loved this game and the potential it has shown but the direction it is currently going is opposite what drew people in in the first place. It saddens me greatly that so many people are having their love for this game sucked dry. I just wanted a cool game full of family members bonding, working hard, and learning together how to survive in the wilderness. What we have now are mounds of baby corpses and hard to understand mechanics that are impossible to teach new players about before they perish. We have chaos, despair, confusion, and anger all the time with little to no hope.

It is still possible to turn this ship around and get back to what made this game fun and interesting in the first place. But really, it is all up to Jason and whether he gets the message. I understand being a game developer is difficult and I really hope he hasn't thrown in the towel on this game- I couldn't imagine trying to come up with and implementing new content for such a complicated game.

What do you guys think?

#11 Re: Main Forum » The problems that make this game now boring for me. » 2019-05-30 15:00:39

Keyin wrote:

I do not think simply adding a bunch of substitutes would help either, because people would find the most efficient one and it would become meta.

I think the problem can be condensed to too much of the early tech tree requires access to the green/swamp biome. During the early game when you have no clothes, it becomes unfeasible to settle anywhere else due to lack of food, necessary crafting ingredients for early tools, large amount of clay needed for first pottery/oven/kiln, and  swamp will be only water source until you have steel.

Also, because people are born in different places the average skill level/expertise with different jobs/crafts will be around the same and biomes are small enough that we can feasibly have access to every biomes resources no matter where we are.

Well yeah just adding potatoes that work exactly as carrots would be no fun. In my original post I tried to focus exclusively on the problem and not go too far into potential solutions. I'm not entirely sure how to fix the problem anyway, just wanted to point out that this was a problem and was hurting replayable due to all towns being very similar.

#12 Main Forum » The problems that make this game now boring for me. » 2019-05-30 14:01:30

Replies: 3

Jason posted something about posting problems instead of solutions so I'll try to skip to the points.

All towns are essentially the same. The only differences between one town from the next is what they lack vs what they don't lack and maybe some key people who decide to stop and chat. If you've been in one mega city, you've been in all of them.

The underlying problem behind this problem is that there is only one way to do things. In our real world, your population does not die out because you did not farm carrots- if you need carrots but do not have them you find something else in your local area to fill the role of a carrot. There are different environments with different stuff that can still add up to surviving and a successful civilization even if you did not have a thing.

Because there is only one technological path to walk and no alternative paths, all civilizations walk the same path and after a few hundred hours- that same path, however interesting initially, loses its spark and shine.

There are so many fun and interesting civilizations and cultures in real life all because of simply having different resources and landscapes unique to their area. Yet in OHOL everyone deals with the same biomes and items, making trade improbable.  The reason people trade is when they dont have a thing and need/want said thing. But because of how ohol works, if you run out of a necessity you die quicker than you can facilitate any sort of trade with a neighboring village. Any sort of necessity-based trading would have to be done by someone with a lot of foresight who notices the dwindling number of that something- in which case they would either go out and get the thing themselves or make it so they can get it when they need it later. And if they find themselves unable to- usually because there is no more of said thing in their area- the village next door will be no help as they're probably in a similar boat. And even if they're not, how many times are you going to be trading with them for the thing until they inevitably run out or the person(s) facilitating trade on either side die?
There aren't a lot of luxury items to want in ohol either, most of the time if you don't have that thing you want you just live on without it because there are more important things to do and you just don't have the time. Maybe you could trade that iron for some paper, but would you? Especially since your people will need that iron generations on? There are no silks, jewels, and/or high dining stuff in OHOL or really a lot of things to be described as luxury save for the crown. Plus, with how most players are on ohol- how long would it take just to get the people from the other village to stop and listen to your proposal? Especially with the limits of communication.

To put everything in short: Trade doesn't really happen in this game due to its very nature and neither can any real variation from one village/town to the next.
I would like this to be changed one day, as I believe this game has a lot to offer and a good amount of potential in the future. Just as this point, I am bored of playing the same jobs in ridiculously similar towns.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Just had the best experience! Also new player question. » 2019-02-20 20:01:47

The main resources one needs to watch for are: iron, water, food, furs, and string/rope. Everything in this game and the value of each act tends to be measured by iron, which is one of the few resources that you will inevitably run out of. Look to see if the tools needed are  around and not broken and then see if there is a blacksmith and if so, ask them to make said tool if there is iron stacked nearby.  Water in the form of ponds or wells is needed for everything- literally everything and if your town runs out you're screwed. Check to see if the dry wells can be upgraded further, like a shallow well to a deep well with a bucket. Furs are needed for clothing and backpacks- not usually immediately life threatening but with the new update clothes are definitely a good thing to have. Plus you need bellows for smithing. As for strings and ropes, which are needed for clothing and various other necessary crafting items- you can get them by foraging milkweed but also starting up a milkweed farm. Though it is far more effective to turn wool into string.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Is this game elitest, temp update definitely makes it feel that way? » 2019-02-19 13:33:01

FlyingAboo wrote:
Ellesanna wrote:

I understand how you feel FlyingAboo, I feel like this game has changed really dramatically and for the worst with this new update. It was done with little consideration to how the majority of the player base, casual players, would feel about it and I personally feel like it was done with either minimal or no play testing at all. I understand wanting clothes and buildings to play a role, but this was not the right way to go about doing it. The game isn't as fun as it was before.

Its a real shame because it really felt like it had so much potential.  But I guess I should have read more reviews on Steam before I fell victim to the Youtube hype.  Allot of them clearly warn that this game should be beta or better yet early access.

My hope is that Jason will realize his mistake and his next update does something to either reverse this or add something in to balance it all out. My advice to you is to not give up on this game just yet and wait like the rest of us for the next update.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Is this game elitest, temp update definitely makes it feel that way? » 2019-02-19 13:16:20

I understand how you feel FlyingAboo, I feel like this game has changed really dramatically and for the worst with this new update. It was done with little consideration to how the majority of the player base, casual players, would feel about it and I personally feel like it was done with either minimal or no play testing at all. I understand wanting clothes and buildings to play a role, but this was not the right way to go about doing it. The game isn't as fun as it was before.

#17 Main Forum » New Eve Strategy » 2019-02-18 14:16:26

Replies: 10

So with the new update, eveing is a bit more tricky and some of the things done before to get a civ started will not work now. Rushing to get kilns and iron tools started isn't working very well- or not as well as before. The only time I 've gotten close to getting something actually started was when I just got a fire with loads of food and kindle nearby and just sat near it whilst popping out babies and raising them to childhood and then having them do the labor needed- directing them to get rope and other resources to get farming and trapping underway. Does anyone have better strategies or guides as to how to eve now with the new update?

#18 Main Forum » ignore » 2019-02-18 13:06:12

Replies: 4

Sorry!  Accidentally double posted hmm

#19 Main Forum » So About Berry Eaters... » 2019-02-18 13:04:58

Replies: 38

It seems with the new update a lot of people are ranting about those 'useless berry eaters' again but with even more zeal than usual. As a kid, I do eat berries as theres not a lot of other things I could eat without wasting food- so I am rather curious as to what the alternative is? Some say they should go out into the wilderness and forage, which seems like a good idea at first but not so much when you realize you're a naked five year old. I just find it personally better that young kids stay in town and eat some of the berries while farming until they're older and upgrade to more advance foods. I understand the berries are needed for compost but usually there are enough berries to support both the children and the compost makers- who are sometimes the same people.
Of course, when the berry shortage inevitably happens  I too know to go out into the wilderness and forage as everyone else, but seriously what else are the kids who are too old to nurse and too young to not waste more advance foods suppose to do? Eat dirt?

#20 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-17 23:07:56

Whoa hey guys. Getting a little heated here. I get that this is a subject of much debate but theres no need to get so hostile, it is just a game after all. Fragilityh14 you did come off pretty pretentious just then with your suggestion that this player expressing their displeasure over the new added difficulty of the game wasn't a good player. Lots of good players are struggling with the new update so don't be rude. Also, Rage, true to your name you did allow yourself to get pretty rallied up over Fragilityh14's comment, please try to remain civil during conversation on forums or no common ground will be found and we will all just end up yelling at each other and get nothing done.

#21 Re: Main Forum » We NEED more storage options » 2019-02-17 13:20:24

Peremptive wrote:

dude, fixing the storage problem is way too complicated. how about some planes and ultra fast temp shock death, that should fix it right? /s

Don't worrry about storage! Now you lose half your bars immediately when you step onto another biome not fully clothed smile oh and over half the playerbase is in the process of leaving.

#22 Re: Main Forum » The more I play the new update... » 2019-02-17 13:17:46

This game is definitely giving the vibes of the days when people could barely get past a certain technological stage due to there either not being an update or there not being a lot of skilled enough people to do so.

#23 Re: News » Update: Temperature Overhaul » 2019-02-17 13:07:16

As much as I wanted clothes and buildings to play more of a role, him making the game more difficult to force players to adopt clothing and buildings was the wrong approach by far. Maybe adding some sort of bonus? A reward for doing it instead of a punishment for not doing it?  It is extremely hard for casual players like me to enjoy the game or even for rper to have much of a story telling as everyone is too busy rushing to get clothes and buildings up in order not to starve. Being an eve was already hard enough but now is impossible except for the lucky and exceptionally skilled few. I'm starting to feel like Jason has disconnected himself completely from the majority of his player-base, casual players, and is just throwing out whatever he can to make the game harder to the point that only the most extreme of players could feasibly enjoy playing. I will, like everyone else, continue to try adapting to this new update but I am not at all optimistic if it is even remotely similar to how things were yesterday. My only regret now is not playing this game more back when it was still playable and fun and not just frustratingly difficult and disappointing.

#24 Main Forum » An Open Letter About The New Update » 2019-02-16 20:41:13

Replies: 23

Normally, I am either completely apathetic or ecstatic about the new updates. So when I heard about how hard the new update was and how it was making the game unplayable, I was thinking back to things like the dog update that everyone was upset about and I was like 'eh, its prolly not THAT bad."

Wrong. Oh how wrong I was. So young, so naive, and way too optimistic.

Now I am not a pro by any means at all but I do like to think that my skills as a player range somewhere between average and decently good depending on the day and the circumstances. But even I, when confronted by the massively absurd amount of difficulty presented by this update, have to ask one question- Why?
I understand wanting to make your game difficult and for wanting clothes to play more of a role in OHOL but I'm sorry chief, this ain't it.
New players are already struggling enough as it to understand the mechanics of this game and now you throw another curveball at them? One that almost all experienced players of varying skill levels are struggling to work with?

Ya wanna know what just happened in the game I just played? I was born to an Eve with the surname of May and we stayed in one place for a bit after I got to be able to move around and was able to start gathering milkweed to start stuff up. In the brief three minutes of life I was able to move around, the full banana tree was eaten and I had to stop to eat four times from other sources due to my low amount of bars and even then it was not enough and I quickly died a little over the age of five. Once I am able to move around, I don't frequently die young- I usually make it into  at least the late forties or early fifties without problem unless something crazy happens. Even when a town begins to starve  I am able to sense it ahead of time and flee to a nearby jungle or something for refuge.

I'm sorry Jason but your game isn't fun to play anymore, not in the slightest. I was gonna hop on and play with a friend as a twin for the first time today but then this update came out and made this game unplayable. We're both doing other stuff now waiting for this horrible wreck of an update to either be over with or fixed entirely. Please for the love of god do not let this continue on much longer, I love OHOL dearly and do not desire to see it fail and want it to be a well known and enjoyed classic in the foreseeable future. An update like this being implemented makes me curious as to whether you do any play testing whatsoever before releasing an update or if you had done much testing, what made you think that this was what the majority of your player base wanted?
-Sincerely, A Frustrated Fan

#25 Re: Main Forum » What really bugs me... » 2019-02-15 13:50:04

This idea that only noob players die during a famine isn't necessarily true. I was just apart of a big town and noticed we were running out of soil so I started getting compost going but couldn't get berries due to all the berry bushes dying. I had been the baker and the last basket of pies had just been nicked. No berries and no pies with the stew all the way on the other side of the camp= death. Now you could look at this and just say 'lol what a noob move!" but seriously, I spent my whole life poppin out pies and when I got hungry and went to get a pie, all of them had been taken, presumably by the large batch of young new children born who didn't know that them eating pies is wasteful.

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