One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Remove Cursing » 2018-08-31 23:44:22

Anyone who takes my curse notes out of town will be killed. Be warned.

#2 Re: Main Forum » What has been the most annoying moment that ever happened to you? » 2018-08-29 01:32:12

Most annoying moment? Probably the time I stabbed this guy in a small new town who did nothing but swear at new babies and eat berries for 15 minutes. I was last fertile female and some guy named aaban stabbed me in my murder cool down.I had been trying to farm my whole life and had borrowed the weapon from an old lady who didn't want to be involved. The town died off that gen. Guy who stabbed me probably felt the hero too, lol!

#3 Re: Main Forum » Anyone know, if monolith still usable? » 2018-08-29 01:26:11

I would enjoy apocalypses if they started a 15 minute timer to stab the person activating it and dismantle it.  I would make monoliths only revert to wilderness areas within 1000 blocks of them. Would add some late game excitement and blocking off monoliths within 1000 blocks is achievable

#4 Re: Main Forum » What is the most lucky thing to happen to you » 2018-08-29 01:21:44

Lotus wrote:
The_Llamacorn wrote:
willfrank84 wrote:

... one wants to hear you bragging about being the one thing that everyone hates in this game.


Don't like how easily one murderer can finish a lineage? Petition Jason to change it. I think the game would be better with further restricted murdering abilities.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Why am I cursed?!? » 2018-08-28 19:54:33

Yeah....I thought it would be funny to write a bunch of notes sayin to curse an innocent player and leave them around town. The person in question started taking the notes out of town so i killed him.

#6 Re: Main Forum » What is the most lucky thing to happen to you » 2018-08-28 09:49:21

One time I was killing off this family but I wasnt being too careful and someone ran up to me with a knife Inc center of town during my murder cool down phase. I hid behind a tree and kept poking out both sides constantly moving. To my surprise they kept trying and failing to stab me. As soon as my murder cool down ran out I stabbed them. Even funnier. About 5 mins later the same thing happened. Another person tried t stab me behind the same tree
I thought for sure the other person was just a bad player but he also couldn't get me and I killed off the rest of the family. Best life yet.

#7 Re: Main Forum » People can take your backpack when your old? » 2018-08-28 09:36:26

This should remain. It is both hilarious and accurate that old people are feeble and can be undressed and dressed by force. Although I suppose it is another tool in the griefer arsenal.  I may be biased. I love stealing backpacks and crowns off old people.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Why am I cursed?!? » 2018-08-28 09:33:12

Were you named bravery? If so that town with your curse notes was reborn the next day. I didn't think the notes were cursing anyone at that point though but maybe they were before my life.

#9 Main Forum » All that was left after I griefed a large old family » 2018-08-27 04:27:43

Replies: 6

Btw, I firmly support changes to the game to make it much more difficult for families to be killed off by a single griefer. Possible changes I would like to see:

1. Lowering curse limit where it shows you are cursed to 6, or lengthening the hours you remain with curse tokens. I've killed many families this week and remain uncursed.

2. Requiring three people in a town to curse someone before they are murderable. If they are evil, more than one person should be able to agree to that. I also believe anyone who murders the cursed player should be murderable for the next 5 mintues just in case twin/triplet/quad griefers work together to curse players.

3. Lengthening bleedout timers. All too often there isn't time to heal wounds.

4. Allowing the murder of murderers in slowdown period with something other than knives/bows, maybe tools like shovel, axe, etc.... Only murderers and only during murder slowdown.

My main point is it's VERY VERY easy to enter a family with 3-8 players and kill off enough people the town dies. Jason thinks this is controlable by organized communities but this isn't what I see. Perhaps jason intends interperson murder and strife to be a game mechanic, but I think most towns killed off by griefers feel quite disheartened at the loss of their work.

#10 Re: Main Forum » What is the Worst Item in OHOL? » 2018-08-18 05:21:11

Marked Graves or rose bushes or chests because they are unremoveable and can be used to block doorways to buildings. Make those things removeable and/or traversable and they are fine.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Awful Players - The Curse System is NOT Working » 2018-08-17 15:50:46

I don't care if murders get punished or not. Certainly in society a murderer can die of old age. My issue is that a single murderer can kill off a civilization in the current version of the game.

If you wanted the game to be like real life you could have players randomly die of disease before reaching old age. But clearly that would be a stupid game mechanic.

Joriom, if its completely feasible for a smart civilization to prevent griefing, why hasn't a single civ lasted more than 24 hours lately? The answer is simple. The game isn't designed for there to be. Call me crazy but I think a game where you could sometimes be reborn into a town 18 hours after you were last in said town would be greatly rewarding

And anigamer, stop your bitching about my bitching. I'm adding constructive criticism.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Awful Players - The Curse System is NOT Working » 2018-08-17 15:28:14

Jason, given that lineages are never longer than 24 hours and most lineages die off due to griefing there is an issue with griefers being unable to be controlled/contained by society. Sure it adds drama and intrigue and I get the allure of that....but in society the criminal element could under NO circumstances kill off all fertile females in the entire civilization. Wrongdoers could be caught or killed because they were a tiny percentage of said society. You want towns to handle crime then there needs to be additional measures in place to allow them to do so. A person slowed after a murder could be hit with tools to murder them. A global chat for the town could better spread word and organize a resistance to an attack by griefers. A lasso could be used to temporary hold down a suspect for 5 minutes for questioning if a town suspected bad behavior. Those injured by knives or bows could have bleedout timers extended by 30 seconds giving more probability of them being healed by an advanced town. Again, a global chat in an advanced town would allow someone hurt outside town to name accuser and ask for help as they ran to the center of town giving the town time to gather the medical supplies.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Meaning to all the game time invested. » 2018-08-17 15:16:31

I think a spectator mode benefits would far outweigh the negatives. There certainly is something lost in not knowing what happened to your kids, grandkids, and the last generations of your family.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Better keys needed, also add ways to remove chests, marked graves » 2018-08-17 15:11:47

I play a lot on small servers with populations less than 10 so players can respawn in the same town repeatedly. In that case the code can easily be shared and remembered. If you can't remember a 4 digit got issues. It's not hard to write it down. I would agree it would make less sense in more randomly populated servers. I've played a lot of games where a single player or group of players owns a structure and want it protected against thieving/griefing.

#15 Main Forum » Better keys needed, also add ways to remove chests, marked graves » 2018-08-17 01:09:21

Replies: 5

Honestly, 10 keys really is insufficient. Would be nice to build an ancient walls building with a locked door and feel it is secure. Even if you put multiple doors all someone has to do is make a few keys. If each key had a 4 digit code it would be near impossible to guess the combination. Also, griefers love to block or remove doors with lame items like chests, marked graves, that cannot be removed. What sense is that? Oh my castle is no longer accessible because someone put a chest in the doorway. Oh well. Make marked graves so you can walk on them and chests so you can dismantle.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Lag Spike Server 1 - Kills family » 2018-08-02 22:34:17

Kinda makes you think if there is a connection issues to multiple players nobodies hunger should go down.

#17 Re: Main Forum » BELL TOWER HELP! » 2018-07-29 03:03:34

I have randomly had my home set as an eve and always assumed it easy a past life up until this thread. I'd that tells me what direction and how far a town far is it when it says 1.2k1.2k spaces? How far can one travel per minute?

#18 Re: Main Forum » Let all sons starve? » 2018-07-29 00:21:20

Lotus. That's why you gotta pretend you don't see the boys are starving. Make em think you see afk and not knowingly murdering them. Also don't tell them right away you see letting them starve as they might try to find a bear cave with their limited life ?

#19 Re: Main Forum » Deliberately lagging server out » 2018-07-27 19:40:16

Heh. I was in that town at the tme. My mom was lily white. I saw her get murdered and I ran to tell everyone but everyone said maybe it was a mistake. I went to make a bow and arrow but a boar got me. Came back as a female but at the age of 4 or 5 Lorenz stabbed me. I ran aground town saying Lorenz again as the guy in the house laughed. Had they killed Lorenz the first time maybe they would have made it.

#20 Main Forum » Let all sons starve? » 2018-07-27 19:30:37

Replies: 15

I am sure this has been suggested before but don't you maximize the chances of a town living if you let all sons starve? If you have a town of 6 people and 2 are fertile females then a grief only needs to kill 2. But if all are female and maybe 4 are fertile some will survive especially if they fight back or run away for a time.

There are only like 3 servers to pick from so when they try to get reborn there is a decent chance they will come back if they want. There is a danger of grudge holders though. I been abandoned before and plotted against my mom who had enough food in my next life lol.

#21 Re: Main Forum » This Really Shouldn't be a Thing » 2018-07-25 20:32:30

You spawned as an eve in a dead town. My understanding is if you eve somewhere. Set home marker. Die of old age you are reborn there as eve. You could have had another go. Never done it myself but lots who have says it works.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Is 'One Hour One Life' worth it? » 2018-07-25 20:27:33

100% worth it. Server disconnects are very very rare. Lag is usually manageable except in extremely cluttered active servers but that is being worked on and I have only seen it a few times. Apocalypse is turned off, thank goodness. Active discord community makes cooperative play even more enjoyable. Frequent meaningful updates. Don't expect futuristic tech any time soon though lol.

#23 Main Forum » How does lineage ban work? » 2018-07-21 23:05:30

Replies: 8

1. What age does it kick in? I have died at 14 and been reborn in same family.

2. How long till it expires? I been reborn in same family maybe 1.25 hours later.

Other questions....

1. Why do servers say shutting down sometimes?

2. What is the apocalypse?

3. Can you be born to your twin eve since she doesn't have same last name?

#24 Main Forum » Extending life through murder/cannibalism » 2018-07-19 10:35:50

Replies: 5

It probably would never be implemented as the duration of ones life is the name of the game, but I sometimes thought it would be fun if you could extend your life through a murder/cannibalism ritual. Kill a person, then scoop out their heart with a bowl. Eat the heart and extend your life by 15 minutes, usable on 3 occasions. Babies are plentiful so I would require the victim be over the age of 16 so there is a very real cost to the community. There would need to be a cost to the player as well however and I would have the person be transformed into a monster person who cannot breed from eating the heart. That way towns may fear/hunt the selfish murderer before he/she acquires more hearts. Not likely a popular change though, as town griefing and murder for fun is already considered an issue. Everyone wants their town to last. I do like the idea though of a town pariah that people go out to hunt who looks like a monster, XD.

#25 Main Forum » Twin/Triplet/Quadruplet Eve start » 2018-07-19 10:24:48

Replies: 0

Anyone interested in starting as Eves with me? I have discord and my username is willy#5381. could also try to coordinate through Facebook. Will be playing next in about 17-18 hours.

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