One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » PLAYER STATS + tools » 2019-03-16 23:39:18

How do you look through the stats, and also, can you please do mine?

#2 Re: Main Forum » [idea] tool rack » 2019-03-04 04:47:48

Trick wrote:

Once cities get large enough, there is literally shit on every tile for as far as you can see in all directions, and it's absolutely maddening.  I think 50% of my gameplay ends up being 'find the ______'. 

A great deal of stuff doesn't stack, even though that's entirely illogical.  Trying to organize it is ridiculous because people just come and take things and drop them wherever anyway, and who wants to play the "collect things into somewhat logical areas for an hour" game?


- They had weapons racks back in the day - put two fence kits together and make it a tool rack.  All tools get stored on it.  It would be so awesome if we had designated storage locations where you could reliably go to find things.  There would be an expectation that people put things back to where they belonged.
- More things need to stack.  It's insane that 1 carrot takes up a whole tile.  Surely we can stack fricken carrots!  Clothes should be able to stack.  All of the billions of little metal pieces of the same kinds should be stackable.
- Shelving units that hold 6 full baskets.  The unit can have a 'sign' on it that says what the contents are (e.g., kitchen, seeds, metal, etc.).

The disorganization and crap everywhere is really frustrating.  You can never reliably find something.  No one leaves things where they found them.  Crap ends up spewing all over the damn map.  And as time goes on and more stuff gets introduced, this problem is just going to get worse.

Thanks for sharing my idea big_smile

#3 Re: Main Forum » [Idea] Lineage Rework » 2019-03-04 04:27:21

If anything needs to be changed, it's that I want to see ALL my lineages in order of game play.  The current 'organization', to me, is frustrating.  I play a few games, forget about it for a day or so, and then want to go back to see how my lineage from a couple days ago is going, and I can't find it.  Unless I happen to remember my specific name, it's gone.

I also think it would be cool if it showed "named by".  This could effectively add in 'dads' (because you can have 'fathers' name the kids and then they are permanently linked to you in your lineage), and/or would show who the kid was 'raised' by, or who they were 'adopted' by.

While I would love to be able to return to the same place over and over to finish my 'projects' or check up on the progress of my 'projects', Jason has repeatedly said this is something he doesn't want to do.  I think it would be a cool mod that I certainly would be willing to play, though.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Open Letter to the Mobile Developers » 2019-03-04 04:16:10

This work is not copyrighted.  I place it into the public domain.

Do whatever you want with it, absolutely no restrictions, and no permission

Jason Rohrer
Davis, California
March 2018

"Do whatever you want with it, absolutely no restrictions, and no permission


From a legal standpoint, it seems that you really don't have much to go on.  "Absolutely no restrictions, and no permission necessary" is pretty explicit.  You voluntarily and actively relinquished your rights to what happened with mods/adaptations/etc..  I won't comment on the extent to which I think this is a questionable business decision - it is what it is, and they are your wishes as the creator (though, I would respectfully caution you to reconsider this position going forward).  Unfortunately, it seems you signed a cheque you weren't completely willing to pay out (likely because you did not foresee such an outcome), and now you're wanting to change the rules of the game after it's already been played.  This isn't entirely fair to the mobile devs.

That said, from a moral standpoint, I completely understand why this has become an issue.  1. You shouldn't have your time wasted by bug reports/etc. from something you are not affiliated with because people are confused.  2. You deserve to be acknowledged for the work that you specifically did, and also not have unrelated work misattributed to you. 3. People deserve to know the reality of what they are purchasing.

I think putting the words 'unofficial' or 'unapproved' into the title is not fair.  It was approved - you gave your tacit approval when you said no restriction/permission necessary.  And, it *is* the official mobile version of the game.

There is obviously a need for clarity, though - I think 'OHOL Mobile Mod' as a title, with a clear disclaimer (that has to be manually closed) upon the launch of the game indicating that it is an adaptation of the original PC version (and a link to the website), would be a great compromise.  I also think the mobile devs MUST put a bug-report function in the app itself so as to avoid emails making their way to Jason.  Bonus - a push notification or a one-time 'notice' explaining this to people who have already downloaded the app (i.e., to clarify to those who have already downloaded the game the reality, and to inform them that they should not be emailing Jason for support).  This can at least do some damage control that Jason is clearly concerned about.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Our accidental UBI experiment » 2019-03-03 06:12:58

Look up the Mincome experiment that was conducted in Manitoba, Canada in the 1970s.  They found that people were not less likely to reduce their productivity, and that in fact, it drastically improved their life outcomes (kids were more likely to finish high school, people who would otherwise be on welfare returned to being financially stable faster, etc.).  They also believed that the financial security improved health outcomes as people were able to eat better, and generally had less stress (which is considered to be one of the number one causes/antecedents of death/morbidity).

The truth of the matter is that a basic income will eventually be necessary.  The more we automate labour, and the less we need human involvement, the less we can rely on the current system.  Self-driving cars, for example, will literally eliminate billions of jobs worldwide, and millions in the USA alone.  You cannot have millions of people who are unemployed and expect that things can or will continue as they are.

Also, a video game where people are literally playing to waste their time is *not* a good representation of how things would play out in real life.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Recycling Iron » 2019-03-03 00:26:52

Oblong wrote:

Why the hell is there the option to put files into crucibles. File blanks I understand but why files.

EDIT: I see why now but imagine this: You’re making the first file of the camp. You just finished your newly made file after oiling and chiseling it. Then some kid says “WE NEED IRON” grabs the file before you’ve done ANYTHING with it, and dumps it back into a bowl while eating the other half of the goose.

This scenario has happened to me almost exactly.

And I wanted to punch a fucking wall in real life.  I was so frustrated.


#7 Re: Main Forum » Recycling Iron » 2019-03-02 22:21:05

antking:]# wrote:

putting chisels and files into crucibles, after use just smelt them again


They are a pain in the ass to make because they require goose oil.  If you put the only file in a crucible, someone has to find the bow and arrow, find a goose, kill it, cook it over the coals, then make another file piece, oil it, and chisel it.

I wonder if you're one of the people who has put my file into a crucible and made me want to rage quit.  Stop doing that.

#9 Main Forum » Zoom-Out Mod » 2019-02-28 18:46:13

Replies: 3

The link I have seems to be dead... anyone have the most recent?

#10 Re: Main Forum » What do you want added in the game? » 2019-02-28 18:43:52


#11 Re: Main Forum » We NEED more storage options » 2019-02-17 12:29:05

voy178 wrote:

Now that buildings are important it should be on Jason's agenda to build furniture for us to store our stuff and decorate. The loom is a great addition for its decoration purpose.

This is another valid point - the buildings are just square areas boxed in, usually with an oven and floors.  There's no furniture or anything that would make it notably a 'house'.  Having some functional storage furniture would enormously improve the aesthetic in addition to being incredibly useful.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Milkmaids? » 2019-02-17 12:26:47

Aren't they called wet nurses?

Anyway, this is an old gameplay tactic, but I think it really took hold when the original temp. update was introduced (because then it made sense to have all the babies in the perfect temp spot).  Before temp. was even a thing, babies could just run all over the place and it didn't matter much.  It also became really important when the black speech existed (i.e., the cursed ones).

Wet nursing can be a good role if you're new, like to roleplay, or even just want a break from the constant work.  I am a vet player now, but occasionally I just want to do something a bit mind-numbing, and wet nursing is good for that.

Instead of having a bunch of women who are incapacitated and not contributing because they are tending to a baby, it's better to just have one woman do it.  She can help teach, monitor for trolls/racists/etc., and decide on whether or not babies need to be sacrificed to save the town (e.g., in times of drought or famine).

Even better - a smart wet nurse will pay attention to the forger or baker that's usually nearby to try and learn.

#13 Main Forum » We NEED more storage options » 2019-02-17 09:45:51

Replies: 11

Once cities get large enough, there is literally shit on every tile for as far as you can see in all directions, and it's absolutely maddening.  I think 50% of my gameplay ends up being 'find the ______'. 

A great deal of stuff doesn't stack, even though that's entirely illogical.  Trying to organize it is ridiculous because people just come and take things and drop them wherever anyway, and who wants to play the "collect things into somewhat logical areas for an hour" game?


- They had weapons racks back in the day - put two fence kits together and make it a tool rack.  All tools get stored on it.  It would be so awesome if we had designated storage locations where you could reliably go to find things.  There would be an expectation that people put things back to where they belonged.
- More things need to stack.  It's insane that 1 carrot takes up a whole tile.  Surely we can stack fricken carrots!  Clothes should be able to stack.  All of the billions of little metal pieces of the same kinds should be stackable.
- Shelving units that hold 6 full baskets.  The unit can have a 'sign' on it that says what the contents are (e.g., kitchen, seeds, metal, etc.).

The disorganization and crap everywhere is really frustrating.  You can never reliably find something.  No one leaves things where they found them.  Crap ends up spewing all over the damn map.  And as time goes on and more stuff gets introduced, this problem is just going to get worse.

#14 Main Forum » Game and Forums Crashing » 2019-02-17 09:18:13

Replies: 2

503 bad gateway coming up on intermittently.  Game giving FPS errors.

What's going on?

#15 Re: Main Forum » GUYS! I HAD AN EPIPHANY! » 2018-12-29 10:45:15

karltown_veteran wrote:

It's EVIL JASON backwards.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Cats, Rats & Sicknesses! » 2018-09-27 17:18:36

Sharlank wrote:

I'd like to see some tech advancements update rather than another "infesting tiles with cute animals to the point of hating them" one for the moment to be honest eheh


Less useless shit.  More actual tech growth.

#17 Re: Main Forum » I TARRminated a town today ! :D » 2018-09-23 04:45:38

Your overwhelming desire to ruin the game for everyone else makes me seriously wonder about your mental health.  And I say that with sincerity.  It's not normal to constantly want to destroy everyone else's fun.

I hope that you're doing ok IRL.  And if not, I hope you have someone around you that you can trust - you should talk to them.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Game just shut down » 2018-09-23 00:49:17

jasonrohrer wrote:

No windows error box or anything, trick?

Absolutely nothing.  I thought maybe it minimized, and there was nothing to be found.  It literally just disappeared.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Game just shut down » 2018-09-22 11:20:54

Ok, and then I double posted somehow.


Also, we should have the ability to delete our own threads.

#20 Main Forum » Game just shut down » 2018-09-22 11:19:48

Replies: 5

Nothing happened.  I was playing, everything was fine, and then suddenly I was on my desktop.  The client just disappeared.  The end.

#21 Re: Main Forum » What is with all of the gingers?? » 2018-09-22 11:18:29

UnnoticedShadow wrote:

(Honestly, sometimes I wonder if Jason tests his own updates:)

Why bother when we can test it out for him?  And I say that seriously.  He doesn't have the time to figure out all the weird glitches that can take many game hours to figure out.  We figure them out within a few hours of release.  Might as well let us find it all and have him work on fixing it.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Bug: Food goes into backpack when trying to eat by clicking the face » 2018-09-22 10:00:12

This has killed me a few times where I sit there and keep putting food in my backpack while I starve to death.


#23 Re: Main Forum » Murder Hack » 2018-09-21 21:15:46

pein wrote:

curse feedme
curse noobmom
curse findaspotfirst

I am sure it could be coded so that it would only appear when the curse actually takes.  Unless someone is called "feedme", it shouldn't appear.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Murder Hack » 2018-09-21 21:14:45

Rohen wrote:
Trick wrote:

Also, curses should not be constrained by character limits.  It's not fair for a person to murder an entire town of people and get zero curses because no one has the character limit to actually curse them.

Babies would abouse it for communication.

If you're going to lose your curse token, I don't think people would abuse it.

#25 Main Forum » Child on horse = death » 2018-09-21 10:06:38

Replies: 5

This has happened to me a few times, and I keep forgetting to say something about it.

If you find a loose horse as a child, you can get on it, but can never get off (and will inevitably die of starvation).  I presume this is a glitch.

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