a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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11 XD shame shame shame!!
I slash die if my mum is busy riding or something.
I woudnt advise talking about your low pop server. It attracts griefers.
pubic hair flooring was the worst update to come out of this game worse than biome restrictions, meme score, tool slots, and the rift combined.
Sure pine floors could use a reskin
But imo pine houses are the best.
Super easy to build, dont decay, absolutly renewable.
Wooden planks have too many good uses to waste them on floors!
This game is a german's dream.
Gotta wörk wörk wörk. Wörk has to be efficient.
Dont keep the germans from their efficiency we all know hot that goes.
*Grabs popcorn*
Make it produce one garlic per planted seed instead of 4
StrongForce wrote:I don't think the Apocalypse should be considered griefing. It is exciting and challenging on both sides imo. *Spellchecked
Write to me in german so i can go grammer nazi on you in my naive language xD
No hard feelings here (my grammer is bad in german too)
If the town you have built dies out over night.
Its way easyer to get other players to help you repopulate it if the horses and the engine is still in town.
I dont mind property fences or biom restrictions.
In the beginning they were rather annoying but both have good uses.
Griefer protecting engines and other valuables.
Locking horses in your biom so they dont get looted when the town dies out.
had lots of interesting lifes getting exotic foods from other towns
The rubber is a bit too essential for it to be restricted but a town outgrows rubber as they advance to engine tech.
I dont need to trigger it with the last bloody blade. I just wanna build it cause i never did before. To see if i can actually do it
I never made it happen.
If this is a reason to stay away for you im sorry. Seams more like you are looking fir a reason tho
So your aim is to not ding your gene score and not get reborn
The last few lifes I've been working towards making the apocalypse and thinking about how to accomplish it.
I dont think the Apocalypse should be considered griefing. It is exiting and challenging on both sides imo.
Have you ever made it happen?
Well rebuilding from scratch is after the apocalypse.
Go nuke the server then xD
Using this update a single player with 3 accounts could trigger it. Noone could get inside an ancient wall town and he could be reborn inside
Did i miss the apocalypse or why are we discussing this?
Dont feed the troll let this post die
All he wants is for you to be triggered
Sorry your level of sarcasm was to advanced for me xD
No need for a custom server. What you want is one of the mostly unused official servers.
Open game- click settings - select use custom server - enter adress : server10.onehouronelife.com - port:8005 - back - login
You can replace the nr 10 by any number up to 15 i think.
You always spawn as eve and if you die of old age you respawn at your death location. Racial restrictions are off.
Gl hf
Congratulations you found the joke
Also tl:dr is my main reason i dont reply much
Arcurus you are missinformed you do not gain a lasting imunity after contracting the virus.
After 2-3 months you can get it again.
Way of topic but had to be said imo.
Hahaha true running out of food on the road is rip
tip leave the road dont keep following an hope the patch is not yet devoid of wild foods
Finally an actual update and not just a spoonwood Necro.
Im a low pop player too and these walls are very important.