One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Can This Game Evolve Beyond White Supremacy? » 2020-11-04 22:34:28

what the fuck

Seriously Spoonwood what is it with you that causes you to come up with this kind of shit?

Are you on the spectrum or something? Not trying to be offensive, I just don't know what the explanation is for some of your behavior.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Why does no one use property fencing for its intended purpose? » 2020-10-31 05:12:05

DestinyCall wrote:

Sorry, Chestburster.   This must be your first conversation with Spoonwood.    The frustration you are experiencing is perfectly normal - He is our local sentient chatbot.   He runs on GPT-3, so he is pretty convincing, if you don't already know about him.   

It disrupts Spoon's logic algorithms when you do not define your terms precisely and it is upsetting for him.   Try to keep this in mind in future encounters.

But if you forget, that's alright.  Such fallibility is only human.


#3 Re: Main Forum » Why does no one use property fencing for its intended purpose? » 2020-10-31 02:49:49

Spoonwood wrote:
Chestburster wrote:

Yes, this whole topic is an argument, or a discussion. If it was a question it would have been just the question. I wouldn't have brought up the other sides proposition and tried to counter them with my own logic and understanding. It would just be a question, and then an answer which would have been sufficient.

You have also been participating in an argument this entire time. Did you not know that?

You put a question mark on your topic, and said why.  You said that you didn't understand in your first sentence, which one would want to suggest that you were seeking understanding.  You said:

Chestburster wrote:

I'm hoping someone here can tell me.

You said:

Chestburster wrote:

If I'm missing anything let me know ...

An argument can get defined as a set of premises intended to establish the truth (or degree of truth) of a conclusion.  An argument need not involve any disagreement between two parties whatsoever, and there are many arguments in the study of mathematics and logic which involve no disagreement whatsoever between people.  Questions are not arguments ever by their very form.  You several times signaled that you wanted questions answered also.  But now, you say that you were trying to make an argument.

Chestburster wrote:

You have also been participating in an argument this entire time. Did you not know that? You have been attempting to counter the points I made with your own.

My intention lay in trying to explain to you why such happens.  I didn't think miskas initial use of the word 'stealing', but other than that I thought his comment explanatory.  It sounds like you now want to tell me that my intentions were different than I believed.  You want your claim to have credibility?  It's simply not wise as a general rule to tell people that their intentions were different than they believed, unless such is necessary for a whole host of reasons.  It seems rather clear to me that you wanted to tell me about my intentions, and for what reason?  You signaled you wanted questions answered, but then you rejected the answers.  The answers might have problems with them, but it seems to me that you did little more than hand-wave them off.

Chestburster wrote:

I'm sorry but I feel that I just can't have a proper discussion with you if you aren't aware when you are in one.

You implied that your intention did not lie in asking questions.  You want me to take your claims seriously, but you can't even get the basic form of what you wanting to do correct?

And sure, how could we have a proper discussion when you simply will tell me what my intentions were, when I'm sure that my intentions were different?

You are looking at the title of the post and the question mark in it and one other line of text and not reading the rest of the wall of text contained in the post or understanding anything in it or the context it is in, or the ways everyone here is responding including yourself, which extremely blatantly shows a discussion with arguments being made. Like it seriously can't be anymore obvious and I can't understand how you still don't realize this. It isn't even the least bit debatable, and you are indisputably wrong if you think it isn't. But there isn't anyway I can tell you this because you don't seem to be able to understand anything being said here which is starting to feel like pulling teeth to me. I'm not going to sit here and explain to you how the entire human language and conversations work just to try to get you to see why property fences are a good thing, so no I don't care whether or not you take my claims seriously at this point. You are free to have any opinion on the matter you want and I'm not going to change it but I no longer wish to hear it, so I'm not going to respond to anything else from you because there isn't anything I will gain from it. You show that you need to take some definition off wikipedia or a dictionary website to try to tell me what an argument is which means you aren't able to recognize one on your own.

The topic has derailed and there isn't really anything being gained out of continuing this at this point. This is my last answer to this mess. I'm moving back to the discussion.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Why does no one use property fencing for its intended purpose? » 2020-10-30 22:28:10

Spoonwood wrote:

Your post asked a question.  You now imply that when I try to answer your question, I should have made an argument?  But then I would be focused on trying to establish the truth of a proposition, instead of trying to answer a question.

Yes, this whole topic is an argument, or a discussion. If it was a question it would have been just the question. I wouldn't have brought up the other sides proposition and tried to counter them with my own logic and understanding. It would just be a question, and then an answer which would have been sufficient.

You have also been participating in an argument this entire time. Did you not know that? You have been attempting to counter the points I made with your own. That is what an argument is. You weren't simply just answering a question.

I'm sorry but I feel that I just can't have a proper discussion with you if you aren't aware when you are in one.You also kind of keep going on odd unrelated tangents and explaining your reasoning in ways that don't really make a lot of sense and you're not hitting most of the points I make.

I don't mean to sound condesending or rude, I just really don't know how else to phrase it. I feel like I've gotten enough info here to have a clear view on everything anyways so I'm only going to reply to this thread from now on if someone has an interesting point to add.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Why does no one use property fencing for its intended purpose? » 2020-10-30 16:50:22

Spoonwood wrote:
Chestburster wrote:

The whole style of the game is that each life is separate from the others, this is why you don't ever respawn at the same family.

I remember playing as Eve Volek this past winter … id=5840080.  Next time I logged in, I was one of my descendants and I did not use /die.  It also doesn't take that many lives to cycle back to the same family if one's first family stays alive.

An exception to the game's normal playstyle you had awhile back doesn't change the intended style of the game. This should be pretty obvious so I don't know why you are giving me all this info.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Why does no one use property fencing for its intended purpose? » 2020-10-30 16:32:15

DestinyCall wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:
miskas wrote:

What's the intended purpose of the Property fence?

You can not steal something that is not owned.
Everything out of a fence is owned by the players of the Server.
Comming as ginger and taking a horse from the black isn't stealing, this horse maybe even be tamed by yourself in your previous life so why bother to contain it in a fence that you will not be able to access later?

You are not attached to your property, neither to a family's property so why store your lifework products in another's property.
properties are useful only if you need something for the next 40-50 minutes. And It's probably better for you to return it to the community of the whole Server after.

I guess you propose to fence items so we can exile griefers efficiently, Too much work just mass curse them once and you build a fenced on the whole server for 90 days. 
Whenever you make a fence you exile your future self.

An idea would be to RP ourselves and make fences in All cities and then demand goods to give out our goods. It would be highly inefficient but it might be fun.

Good points here also.

Quoted for emphasis.

I've never seen anyone in-game with the mindset that taking things from villages isn't stealing. Maybe people wouldn't mind a horse stolen if they are overflowing with horses, but stealing the only delivery truck or horse from a village definitely would make most people angry.

I've never taken anything back from a village that I made in a previous life because all the work I do is to help the village I'm a part of. The whole style of the game is that each life is separate from the others This is why you don't ever respawn at the same family. Not leaving the work from your life to the village kind of defeats thus purpose. If you do this then you aren't really playing the game for anyone but yourself, because that cart wasn't made for the village, it was made for you. If you want your own personal cart for yourself then fence it in somewhere private. If you want to see how many others feel the same way you do, then just go up to any village in the game where an item is important to them and take it from them for yourself with them knowing. Almost everyone will hate you for it. If you think the general consensus is that things are free for all then you haven't played this game much or haven't thought about this correctly.  The points you made simply aren't there and this is not a good argument.

Spoonwood wrote:

Such boxes cost rope and only have 4 spaces, which even with a few of them is less than what a traveler can bring in a truck or horsecart.  And, of course, there's more that gives moved around than just bowls of sulfur, bowls of palm oil, and buckets of latex that gets moved around.  Why should rope go to such boxes instead of buckets, carts, boxes in the kitchen, boxes in the nursery, and lassos?

Also, such boxes cost butt logs.  It doesn't seem hard to find villages where finding two butt logs for wooden shoes can take a bit.  Players will continue to use wooden flooring for nursery floors and kitchen floors, even if I could convince some of them to make such floors AFTER getting their self and maybe others shoes.  And butt logs for buckets and carts.  And for boxes in the kitchen and nursery, and elsewhere.  Why should butt logs go to those property fence boxes instead of those other things, especially when butt log production sometimes, and probably even usually, involves hungry work?

Butt logs are extraordinarily abundant and easy to obtain and trees are everywhere. You just said this yourself by the fact that people are using them for floors but you still think it's a waste to build like 10 boxes at the very most? 10 rope is also very easy to get. Remember that there is only a select group of items that need to be traded and if the boxes are full that means they aren't needed because they aren't being used. The logic here is poor and contradictory, and there isn't really an argument.

Spoonwood wrote:
Chestburster wrote:

The whole thing with allied gates allowing people to simply just follow you and enter is an issue I haven't thought of and definitely needs to be fixed.

I will say that I haven't tested that "I follow X" to get access to a follower gate, when not being a follower, myself.  But, there is this:

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yes, will change the name of the object to "Follower Gate".

The fact that anyone can follow you is kinda part of the point. People can go in and out freely, but you can exile people to stop them. I mean, someone can be born into your town too, and they will auto-follow you.

These are pretty good reasons for why they'd be useful. Thanks for sharing.

Arcurus wrote:

so under the current birth conditions fences make only sense to protect against griefers. And as said here the most powerful protection are curses. The only thing an fence can do is to restrict the movement of a griefer once exiled. This comes with the cost of building and maintaining the fence.

So it comes basically downs to benefit of limit movement of exiled griefers / bear attacks vs maintenance and movement friction of fence.

This balance would most likely shift drastically if you are birth / score wise more connected to the family legacy.

The inability to maintain fences is a decent reason for why they may be flawed. But I don't think this is any reason to prevent their use in entirety and not at least try them. You aren't any worse off if a fence decays as it just allows the same freedom as before, and it's easy to put them back up

ollj wrote:

the fenches are always a waste of time.

the intended purpose was, to lure more than 5 bears at once, and more like 10, while safely standing on a line of unbuild fenches.
but that is no longer works.

now the remaining purpose is to make a zoo of humans, in their fenched areas, guarded by bears.


#7 Re: Main Forum » Why does no one use property fencing for its intended purpose? » 2020-10-30 08:00:47

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

We have to work together now. Putting walls up doesn't allow that.

Were you the person named Jason killed for trying to encase the ginger town yesterday? If so, we caught you bringing bears into town in that town, as well as the brown town.

No I wasn't and that isn't at all what is being talked about here. I don't want this to devolve into another thread where people argue with griefers over things that happened in-game so please go have that discussion somewhere else if you need to and stay on topic here.

The whole "We have to work together" thing pretty much sums up the vague inexplicable reasoning of the general consensus here for why walling off towns is a bad thing and is pretty much the thought process behind most people adhering to the current meta. Property fences are kind of seen as the big bad cold wall being put in place impeding the warmth of community and friendship that should be encouraged at all times between families in this game. This isn't really being shown through actual current gameplay though despite what the meta says, because teamwork is mostly done with your own family, and happens with other families really only with things they trade. It also seems like people are stealing things as often as trading at certain points.

The two way property fence boxes would likely make trading much easier because they would encourage a place where items were clearly meant to enter and and leave the village. It would make it much easier for the families coming in to find the place where the items that are meant for them to take are located and the family themselves to see where the items that were given in return to them are.

The whole thing with allied gates allowing people to simply just follow you and enter is an issue I haven't thought of and definitely needs to be fixed. It still doesn't make anything worse off though. At the worst people can simply enter your village freely like they normally would. But that would still allow for penning exiles and keeping out people who weren't aware that they could do this, while also still having that clear mark for imports and exports property fence boxes provide.

The issue with blocking off fences is yet another problem in this game where the issue is griefing. I don't think you'd see it too often. Villages would always have multiple fence gates allowing others to come out and fix it and form a posse. It's a similar case to not wanting the murder mechanic in the game because of potential griefing. It's yet another mechanic that fixes things with griefing but may occasionally cause grief itself. The pros should outweigh the cons here.

The only one here who has really brought up any kind of decent argument against the idea in my opinion and also didn't just repeat points that I've already addressed was Cogito, who I feel may be right on certain things like the fences causing friction but I feel like it's worth it to try something new. I think we should allow at least some villages to be fenced off to try to see if its worth changing it to the current meta.

#8 Main Forum » Why does no one use property fencing for its intended purpose? » 2020-10-30 00:22:30

Replies: 37

With the more recent updates to property fencing I don't understand why people don't fence their villages and why they see doing so as a form of griefing.

It is at very least well justified to try and do this even if it is accepted that property fences are a poorly implemented mechanic for some reason because you would be using the item for the purpose intended. But I can't see any of the downsides and I haven't been able to get anyone in the game to explain them to me personally. I'm hoping someone here can tell me.

I see so many problems happening in game that could be solved by property fencing if it was used correctly. People from outside villages come in sometimes and steal things like carts and trucks. People lock diesel engines in small property fenced areas because they are stealable when attached to certain things like wells and need to be moved back and forth because of this. Exiled people are free to steal a cart or truck full of items and harass the village from the outskirts just to spite everyone because they don't get locked into the area to be deal with.

The only thing I've heard from people is that it impedes movement but this doesn't make sense to me. Allied gates should allow basically anyone to walk through them in your family while also locking for exiles. Boxes can be put on the property fence lines that can be accessed from both sides which would be great to set up a clear selection of items to be traded to outsiders and allow them to add in their own without giving everyone free reign to everything in your villages.

If I'm missing anything let me know but at this point I can't see any reason for why we don't use them.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Is this a game or a memory clicking simulator? » 2020-10-29 12:53:35

Dodge wrote:

What's interesting about trading with a machine or a building?

A big part of the interest is in the interaction you have with the other real life human player, finding an agreement that suits everyone, maybe you could offer a service instead or maybe i could give you that baby i just had but will the baby be happy about it, when he grows up what will he do?

Starting from a simple exchange of goods a potentially interesting life story has been created, instead of putting your object in some trading house and clicking on some button to exchange it.

Even if right now trading is a joke/wouldn't even call it trading at least it's not the same as every other game out there.

But i agree that the game is pretty uninteresting right now.

Maybe come back in a year or something.

At this point I feel like I just hate having to interact with players through chat in this game in general. I used to participate a lot more in the whole thing but the lull in actual fun gameplay and frustrating shortcomings with the chat system and such just wore me down over time to where I mostly just stick to crafting and building things to make the village better.

My children get a name and clothing I can create or find, and then left on their own once they are 3 regardless if they are new or not. I've just gotten so sick of teaching new players and having more and more them being expected to be taught the same exact thing every playthrough while never doing any of the learning themselves. Actually raising a child and teaching them is fun concept when you first start the game but by god does it get old quick. I honestly really just can't be assed at this point to help the players who yell for food and help with learning while starving right next to a berry bush when there's so many first lifers that can adequately play the game at a functional level without being taught anything because they read up on the game a bit first. I'm pretty sure the novelty of interacting with people in this game wears out on most of the other long term players in a similar way because the ones who are usually crafting things like radios and diesel engines usually all seem to be running around their entire life and never stopping to talk to anyone.

Even if I have to trade I mostly just run through their village on a horse or in a truck and take their biome expert items off the ground that aren't being used and drop my own in their place and hope they don't get mad and form a posse or something.
Trading or pretty much any other form of cooperation in this game basically consists of chasing people around who are busy performing tasks in their own village screaming for literally anyone to help you get the items you need and getting ignored or denied. After awhile you get someone who isn't occupied and can bother with helping you, and that's because they're usually new and you need to walk them through everything which can be pretty complicated for them when they're only just starting out. Last night I went to get sulfur and pretty much spent most of my life trying to get a few bowls of it after the first person died because they were too distracted with learning what they needed to do in the desert to feed themselves. I had to spend even more time pestering people because now my horse cart was trapped in the biome and someone had to get it out for me.

The sense of urgency people feel by the limited 1 hour playtime before you leave all your work behind combined with the finicky and easily missable chat function almost makes it seem like this game had to be purposely designed to work this poorly with trading to have so many mechanics put in that are just plain bad for it. It's annoying for the people who don't want to be dragged away from the projects they are working on just like it's annoying for the people who have to run around pestering people until someone feels like helping you. I can't see how anyone would enjoy this and so much of the structure and overall gameplay would need to changed to make it the least bit fun or rewarding for most people that would play this game. I'm really hoping by now that the pretentiously written "What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL" sticky is just Jason's old way of thinking. He claimed to know the game better than the players did and not need their suggestions because he has more experience but hasn't been able show this at all really in his development of the game.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Configuring my server for singleplayer » 2020-10-29 11:53:45

I'm not at all a new player and I've been playing for 2 years. This isn't about me learning how to play the game. It's that I rarely get a chance to craft the most complex recipes like radios or engines and they tend to be a logistics nightmare on public servers where people are constantly getting in the way and cluttering things and stealing items and you're constantly wasting things like charcoal and water while also checking a guide on how to make them and many times don't even get to make one because of all the other factors and distractions going on.

My goal was to do a single playthrough of the game and mostly focus on crafting things I haven't a lot of practice with to the point where I can craft them extremely easily and habitually from memory off the top of my head.

I honestly might just look at if there's a way to just spawn stuff in to practice or something.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Destroy all graveyards » 2020-10-25 14:17:30

Spoonwood wrote:
Eve Troll wrote:

Waste of shovels and waste of stone. I see them as well. Destroy them whenever i see them. Nothing like rolling into the forge and seeing no flat rocks while there is a graveyard with 20+ thirty tiles away. Clearly a noob that has nothing better to do and thinks shovels drop from the sky.

I thought graves got changed so that they don't take up shovel charges.  Then again, shovels might end up ill-positioned because of grave diggers.  But otherwise, yeah, pretty much.

Yeah it was changed so it shouldn't matter now.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Breastfeeding Until Almost 5 » 2020-10-25 03:17:14

As soon as I turn 3 I always run off to do a bunch of stuff on my own and don't rely on my mom at all any longer.
But I've no-lifed this game for awhile and I always live to 60 as long as I make it to 3 besides the rare mistake like getting attacked by a wolf or something. I guess it might help with less experienced players.

Whenever I'm a mother and I pass by one of my kids or a young child as long as I can breastfeed and they aren't in the middle of something important I pick them up briefly just because it doesn't hurt me at all to fill their food meter for them.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Destroy all graveyards » 2020-10-24 21:32:57

If you don't want graves in the villages then just dig them up and build over them. People aren't going to see the big picture when they only get 60 minutes a time to work with something that they generally don't see the beginning or end to. It's why the villages evolve in this game with structures being built and removed or renovated overtime like they would for spans of hundreds of years in real life. There isn't really any need to try to get players to build villages the way you want them to when it is that easy to do it yourself.

#14 Main Forum » Configuring my server for singleplayer » 2020-10-24 20:21:15

Replies: 6

Hello everyone.

So I'm hosting my own private server for myself to play the game solo and moving all the way up the tech tree so I can get a better handle on many of the recipes especially the more complex ones.

I noticed there's a lot of different configs and I have no idea what many of them do. I'm wondering if anyone knows which ones are the best for configuring the game for solo play. I wanted to see if it was possible for me to be born from myself or something to create a lineage instead of just eve chaining because a lot of the mechanics rely on this such as cravings, food efficiency, and well sites.

If anyone has figured out a good set up for solo play please let me know.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Anti Armageddon Crew Needed! » 2020-02-15 19:42:27

Punkypal wrote:
testo wrote:

Since when is trying to trigger the apoc the same as griefing?

In the venn diagram of OHOL gameplay, it's in a shared set.


Of course, to trigger at apocalypse it seems lots of tools, and clothing, and carts, and food and such all get stolen and taken to the far corners of the world where they are hard to return, effectively removed from the game. Players are murdered as babies to get the endstones.

Sure, a nice team of apocalypse bringers could stab and heal each other. Nobody actually has to die. They could all ride out to their spots naked, eating berries along the way, and return their horses before they die. They could have no impact or take nothing from other players right up until the reset is triggered.

But alas, that isn't how they operate. Stealing, murdering, and ultimately destroying everything everyone has built or is building? That's pretty greifey actually. The only way an apocalypse trigger happening not being griefing is when the world has been going for long enough, and something is messed up about that, and so a large segment of the players want it to happen. Like, for instance a couple resets ago when everyone was getting spread out 10k tiles because of the Eve spawn bug. I had a road built that was over 7k long but a fresh start seemed like a good idea. I don't think anyone really tried to stop the apocalypse that time. I'm not sure if anyone was especially bothered by it. But I'm sure whomever caused still got there via a road of greifer actions.

A lot of people who play this game need to learn what griefing actually is.

Griefing is when you do things for no reason other than to piss people off and ruin their game for your own amusement, plain and simple.

If a person's motives are for legitimate gameplay reasons or their own personal advancement in the game, and someone feels like their game was ruined in someway because of it, its not griefing. It doesn't matter if there are more peaceful alternatives. If the motive isn't to cause grief, its not a grief.

Stealing things from a town that you need and will use for your own settlement? Not griefing. Stealing things and hiding them for no reason other than to cause people to starve? Griefing.

Killing someone in the wilderness because its funny? Griefing. Killing someone in the wilderness because they have stuff you want and aren't willing to share? Not griefing

If someone wants to cause an apocalypse because they are sick of the same world and towns and not because they like wiping everyone's progess to cause outrage they are fully justified in killing their babies or whatever to make the attempt just as you are justified to try to stop them. Anyone who is able to keep the tower up for that many hours while preventing it from being torn down earns it at that point.

Also, anytime I see someone curse someone for something like stealing from their town and calling it "griefing" they always get a curse back from me. I guess it's their right to not have to play with people if they don't want them stealing from them, but I also don't want to play with people that enforce a hugbox where someone doesn't want to act out in the least for fear that they end up in donkeytown because of it.

Murder is this games justice system. Its better to use that to punish things that are more akin to in-game crimes, and curse for things that are actually griefing. Players that commit "crimes" are mostly just adopting a role or filling a need isolated to the current life they're living, and are mostly just normal players otherwise and not repeat offenders

#16 Re: Main Forum » Sick of the same towns » 2020-02-15 18:34:43

Oh interesting that it wasn't actually the lack of the rift. I only started playing right after rifts were introduced so I have no idea what the game was like before that.

One good thing I got out of this is seeing everyone mention Zucc World. When Zucc World was first on its way to becoming the most prominent town I saw the sign that would hold the towns name with jumbles of mixed letters on it with more strewn all over the ground next to someones recently deceased corpse.

I was unable to unscramble any town name my predecessor intended, nor did I care. After deciding on a great name with only a few more letters to fill in from what I started with. I carefully arranged them on the board. I then took a few steps back to admire the newly created centerpiece for the town with such a prosperous future...


Yes my friends, I am in fact the one who christened Zucc World.

That is until someone just as determined as I decided to have a go with the lock, found the letter to be h, and gave it its current name, Succworld. In doing so they added on to the towns already rich history, teaching us the important lesson that the views of ones generation don't completely carry over with those of the generations that follow. Times are always changing, and we can only advance with the help of new minds with fresh new ideas.

One generation's Zucc,
paves the way
for another generation's Succ.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Walk Away, Jog Away, Run Away ... Permanently » 2020-02-15 17:44:43

I'm realizing that its a pretty bad idea for me to be arguing with this at all. I feel like I'm seeing someone not able to organize thoughts correctly or think rationally. I have zero right to even act like I can tell whats going on with someone mentally through a computer, I'm just worried about any possibilities.

Spoonwood, if you have anyone your life that you can trust and will understand you please please just go talk to them, tell them what is going on with your life right now, and listen to and consider what they say.

You need to talk to and listen to someone that isn't just yourself, and isn't anyone that you will find over the internet. Really listen to them, and no matter how much more real and rational what you are thinking seems at least consider putting their word over your own.

Please do this and I will leave the game forever and tell all my friends who play to leave too if that is what you want. But I need you to talk to that person first.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Walk Away, Jog Away, Run Away ... Permanently » 2020-02-15 15:47:41

Can we just consider the fact that the characters we play in one hour one life were never explicitly stated to be human, and likely wouldn't be human due to the fact that their reproductive functions are nothing like ours? Their world also couldn't possibly be considered connected to our world or universe even due to its infinite geography and existence of apocalypse-causing blood magic.

Spoonwood, you are equating uncontrolled births to our own when it would actually be more like Asexual Reproduction which a number of animals on Earth use.

Try telling any of the species in that article how unnatural and gross their reproduction methods are, and how it is bad and should not exist for them. If they were intelligent enough to understand you they'd probably find it offensive.

For a society that only knows of and experiences asexual reproduction spontaneous births would be completely normal and no one would be the least bit uncomfortable with it happening to anyone they knew in the same way any animal that reproduces this way wouldn't.  To these people the idea of sexual reproduction would be completely alien and even more repulsive to them then their reproduction methods are to you because it doesn't even exist in their world. They'd probably view the idea of getting to choose whether or not you give life to your next of kin with the same disgust as you view their inability to choose.

This leaves the question of why we still have the same sexual dimorphism in the form of men and woman. In this case there wouldn't even be males or females because sex doesn't really have a place in a species that reproduces asexually. What looks like men and women to us is likely just two distinct castes of this human-like species sort of like what some insects have. One caste is born fertile, and the other is born infertile which makes it focus entirely on labor to provide for the colony.

There I just described the biology of our characters in the game. Make it canon.

#19 Re: Main Forum » In the Post I hate specialiations, Jason said he might warrant disease » 2020-02-15 14:52:49

Funny to see space station 13 mentioned here. I absolutely love that game and I've been playing it since around 2012. My favorite job has always been medical doctor and much of the time I tend to be the best doctor online especially on servers that have complex medical systems and more emphasis on surgery.

Most additions to games that include a more complex medical system are good in my book. Though in this game something like having different diseases and ailments with their own cures may be too detrimental and more difficult to manage of a feature to have commonly inflicted on players. I predict a lot of situations would happen where people might not even know if they are diseased or that disease is even a feature and become terribly confused as to why they start walking slower or suddenly die.

Back to the topic of the whole family specialties and enforced trading thing, Jason only brought up disease as an thought up example of what could possibly be done to not have families just band together for resources instead of trading with each other. The solution could end up being so many other different things that aren't disease.

I feel like I'm in the minority here, but I actually really want trading to be necessary for certain resources. I'd love to see it happen where at some point things can get more political with things like trading, diplomacy, justice, and leadership. It just needs to be implemented in a way that doesn't make it an inconvenient pain but something more interesting and fun to establish and get running.

The problem is that trading setups aren't really something that you establish and build up on through several generations like most progression in this game. Most of the time you just spontaneously find yourself urgently needing rubber or oil. So you run around everywhere looking for someone who can get it. Then you run out of time finding someone, steal it from somewhere, or actually find someone and take the supplies back to your village. That is until you run out again and either someone of that race joined your village by now or someone else goes and repeats the same process a couple hundred years later. Because its usually an urgent task that the player wants to do immediately, and because it tends to be a good amount of time before you need that resource again, people probably wouldn't have it in their minds most of the time to take the time to make it easier for the next person to do it.

If there more of a drive for players to better establish streamlined trade routes and communications, it'd become much easier to manage over generations and probably wouldn't be anywhere near as much of a pain as most players see it being now.

#20 Re: Main Forum » I hate specializations update. » 2020-02-15 13:58:28

Mekkie wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

Well, the point was trade, and people routed around it by living together.

If you wanted people to trade, then why did you make it so we can't talk to anyone outside our family?

Just because the goal is to have people trade doesn't mean there wouldn't be any challenges in doing so.

Communication is still possible with distant town members in that you can either have a brown or blonde haired families translate, write out notes, or learn what certain words mean.

Honestly I think the whole thing with learning what certain words mean is really cool and unique and I'd really like to see all the focus put into improving that aspect. I've already had some really interesting scenarios in the past with learning to communicate with someone but you don't really get past learning basics like "hello" and such before the much better alternatives are used.

I kind of want to see language learning become the only way to be able to communicate normally with people but we'd have to implement game mechanics that automate parts of it instead of just having to manually type out the foreign words ourselves.

I thought about how maybe something could be added like having people be able to create and add on to translation keys that can be posted and learned from. You could then have an option to switch your speech over to the language learned and any keyed words you learned will be automatically translated.

Generations could be spent cataloging what certain words mean, becoming much easier as we learn enough words to move past picking things up and saying what it is to actually knowing enough to ask them what they call certain things. Eventually communicating with that family really wouldn't be much different than communicating with your own. At least until someone said a word that hardly ever gets said and you get an opportunity to be the first one to add that one to the collection.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Walk Away, Jog Away, Run Away ... Permanently » 2020-02-15 03:10:54

Spoonwood wrote:
Chestburster wrote:

I've read this topic and I have not been convinced by your persuasion for me to stop playing this game because you don't like it. My argument against this is that while you don't like it, I in fact do like it. If I have purchased a game and I enjoy playing it, I will continue to play it. I think this makes sense.

Have a nice day.

You have stated your preference.  The only proposition involved there consists of whether or not your preference for the game is accurate or not.

I checked again just in case any enjoyment I received from playing this game was a figment of my imagination but to my great relief it was accurate as I was in fact enjoying myself and not just imagining I was enjoying myself this whole time.

#22 Re: Main Forum » I hate specializations update. » 2020-02-14 21:55:30

jasonrohrer wrote:

Well, I'm no fan of melting pot towns as a way to "route around" this problem.

Though I haven't see that myself so much.  It's not like every town has all three "necessary" skin tones represented.

Instead, I've seen problems that need to be solved through cleverness and determination, when before, there weren't really any such problems.

Having all three live in the same town is at least more interesting and presents more challenges than one know-it-all-player doing everything by themselves to keep the village going.  At least now, there has to be some coordination and cooperation.

Here's what I want:

Every life, you should see an obvious problem that needs solving in your village, and not be quite sure how to solve it.  And maybe, sometimes, even if you play perfectly, your attempt at a solution to the problem doesn't work out.

Think of it like an emergent quest system.  But a quest system with no NPCs.  Think of a social puzzle game, but where the "pieces" of the puzzle are intelligent entities with their own individual motivations.

I'm not saying the game is there yet, but that's where I'm trying to go.

Cramming three different skin tones together in one town is a bit of cheat toward solving the social puzzle.

But even that is not that easy to accomplish, right?  You might want to attract other families to live in your town, but that doesn't mean they will come.  It's a solution that is implemented across many generations, and not just something that one very competent player can do by themselves.

I think a big problem with it is how pretty much everyone is welcome in anyones town. The benefits for another family living in your town outweigh any possible detriments it may have. No one puts up property fences and guards the entrances anymore, and anyone is pretty much welcome in any town. I really liked the whole hostility and distrust to outsiders thing we had going, and I kind of miss it. I'm not sure if that is the direction you're taking the game though, so lemme know.

I've been sort of wondering if it might be better to tie specializations to something else besides families. Maybe we can tie them to the towns themselves in someway. Like maybe building your town around a certain resource could be what gives you access to that resource. I'm not sure what the best way to implement that would be though.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Walk Away, Jog Away, Run Away ... Permanently » 2020-02-14 21:46:04

I've read this topic and I have not been convinced by your persuasion for me to stop playing this game because you don't like it. My argument against this is that while you don't like it, I in fact do like it. If I have purchased a game and I enjoy playing it, I will continue to play it. I think this makes sense.

Have a nice day.

#24 Main Forum » Sick of the same towns » 2020-02-14 19:18:27

Replies: 9

Anyone kind of miss the arc system?

I mostly start the game now playing in the same towns that I've been born into for the past couple weeks. All of them have pretty much everything anyone would ever need in a town and there's one particular town that I seem to be born into like half of the time I play.

I just really would like an opportunity to start from scratch again like you do at the beginning of an arc, but that doesn't really happen anymore. I really miss when completing certain jobs could mean the life or death of a village. Now nothing really needs to be done and you are free to pretty much live around eating food without doing much if you really want to.

I've been trying to cause an apocalypse atm, but its been difficult.

#25 Re: News » Update: No Solo » 2020-02-14 08:46:35

jasonrohrer wrote:

Have you successfully landed a solo kill against a team of 3 griefers as a means of "fighting back?"

Yes, several times in fact. Griefers run slower after they've stabbed someone, and can be picked off this way when they are farther away from their group.

This is also very easily accomplished with two people as well.

If a grief team starts wreaking havoc it'll likely be a more isolated case. I was just asking if you've thought about it.

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