One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Monument to my mother » 2018-03-23 20:08:14

Replies: 1

In my last life, i was raised in a prosperous little farm, with everything i needed. After some years, while i was still a teenager, my uncle was close to his death. After exhaling for the last time, my brother and I buried (berried) his corpse in top of a bear skin. Later, my brother went out to, as he said, make us some crowns.

He was the best, but he never came back.

I took care of the farm without much to do. We already had clothes, food, backpacks and lots of tools. When my mother was too old for this world, she stripped of her clothes and gave me her shoes.

Then, she died.

Now I was alone in this world, with nothing to do but honour my mother. I had too many carrots, rabbits, milkweed, etc, so I didn't need anymore of them. I took the body of my mother in a basket and explored some of the wooden roads leading out of the farm. I found another village, blocked by a troll and some more resources, but I didn't took anything because my mother's body had to be carried.

Then, I had an idea. I would make a grave, a monument, so my mother would be remembered. I left her body in the green ground near to our farm, and planted milkweed all around her. Then, i put dug stones around the milkweed. Then, I brought a cart with her clothes, leaving it under her body, and i took my clothes off and left them under the cart, including my backpack, and died there, next to the grave. I spent my whole life making it, but it turned out beautiful, with all of the flowers sourronding her, and the monoliths guarding her soul.

I couldn't take any screenshots, but if you find the farm and see the grave, go ahead, use the milkweed, make good use of the clothes, but be careful not destroy anything, please. Don't move the rocks, don't kill the milkweed, and if you do, replant it.

I hope this way my mother will be always remembered, and when people go past the grave, they remember the love I had for her, the love we all should have for each other.

And mother, if you see this...

I love you.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Tool to show the tech tree » 2018-03-18 02:23:17

Shaac wrote:


These last days I’ve seen some tools made to explore the tech tree. Those are great tools to see what to do with an object, or what is the last step to make an object. But I found them difficult to use to see all the steps to make a particular object. I’ve been writing for a couple a week a tool to build a tech tree showing how to make a given object. I show you an example below for the clay bowl.

For very complex objects the tree becomes too big and hard to read. I’m working on an interface display only a part of it and move around.

This is free software, you can see the source and run it here:

I’d love inputs on how to make it more readable, or other ideas to improve this.

Please, change the "flowering milkweed" so it says fruiting milkweed, or somebody could read it and think thats the moment to pick it.

#3 Re: Main Forum » YouTube Tutorials Here » 2018-03-12 07:19:05

Joriom wrote:
Zeromus wrote:

I'm trying to not overwhelm a new player.  I'm just trying to help them stay alive.

Staying alive is pointless, even harmfull, if you dont contribute. Staying alive for the sake of staying alive should be considered trolling at this point. Whevener I can't contribute yet or anymore... I just go to die in the corner away from people - so my bones dont take precious space on the ground. Sad but true. This game is all about that - harsh reality. Thats also what I suggest others to do.

Well, I would say that if staying alive they can use that time to learn how to play and how to make things better, it would be more benefitial for the community in the long run even though they digged some carrots. At the end, they will be playing for a lot of hours, i think its more benefitial to avoid greater errors that could ruin a village in exchange for them eating a wild carrot from time to time.

#4 Re: Main Forum » YouTube Tutorials Here » 2018-03-11 17:16:26

Zeromus wrote:

Clothes making tutorial is now available:

Wow man, you sure are fast XD

#5 Re: Main Forum » YouTube Tutorials Here » 2018-03-11 16:14:34

Zeromus wrote:

I've started creating some tutorials and posting them on YouTube.  The first one, which is a very basic survival tutorial, is available here:

I have tutorials for making fire, making clothes, and basic farming recorded and I'm getting them uploaded now.  I'll post here when they are available.

Next I'm planning on creating a tutorial for pottery and then probably advanced farming.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or requests, please do let me know!  Thanks!

I was thinking on doing the same yesterday! Unfortunately, I'm a student and I don't have the free time, so its good someone is doing it.

#6 Re: Main Forum » The City of Rome » 2018-03-11 06:00:44

Had that city an adobe wall that surrounded most of it excepting the south? Was it located in a swamp?

#7 Re: Main Forum » OHOL Memes » 2018-03-11 05:58:32

JasonChrist is too real.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Best Time EVER! » 2018-03-10 13:57:55

Donny wrote:

Once you become a patriarch mor matriarch, there´s always one dickwad who´s just waiting for you to die to take your clothes. But generally dieing as an old, accomplished grandparent is really rewarding and the people you raised and taught actually feel for you.

One of my best runs was this yesterday. Strew around in the wild for too long, eventually all alone, then found the remains of some small fields in the perfect locations and started up farming all by myself, stockpiling more carrots than I could ever eat. After some time a woman with her child stumbled in, and a new community was born that saw two more generations before I died of old age.

The exact same happened to me yesterday, I just hope they were fine after my death.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Looking at the viability of sustainable farms to build villages. » 2018-03-10 02:39:14

Antarys wrote:

Just to get this straight, the carrot plot dies if the carrots on it bloom? If you get the carrot before blooming, you are good to use it indefinitely?


#10 Re: Main Forum » [Suggestion]Add Sound for Breastfeeding » 2018-03-09 20:37:21

InSpace wrote:

I found a sound that it could be like

Yeah, that's what it would sound like

#11 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 20:35:00

Laura wrote:

Cool - we have ice and snow now and ... reborn with NO mom around.
I start the game 30 times!!!
- no mom
- mom doesn´t move
- mom run away
- mom take me and starve
- i am in a town and everyone else starve bc of no Food

yeah. Amazing this shit update. I will not Play this game in a time ...
It was so much fun and i told all my friends about it and now ...

Waste of fun and time sad

Maybe you should stick around a little bit longer, in case Jason changes some things back or we are able to figure out a way to overcome these hard times.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Help is welcome » 2018-03-09 20:29:56

By the way, how do you think this could be made takong in mind the new update? (You know, with the soils now dissappearing and needing compost)

#13 Re: Main Forum » Help is welcome » 2018-03-09 20:25:38

xoomorg wrote:

I would suggest focusing on building tiny settlements of the sort you'd like to stumble upon if you were a wandering Eve.. because next life, you might.

Even a small improvement to the world can pay off big in the future.  If we all focus on doing this (instead of trying for more advanced technologies right now.. which is just not going to be sustainable yet) then soon the map will be filled with such locations, and a wandering Eve can get started on something more productive, right away.

I don't think this "look for one small thing you can improve before you die" strategy is permanent.. it's just until we have enough of a safety network in place.  Once it gets to the point that you're saying "well I can't build any more tiny farms / trapping camps / milkweed farms because all the good spots are taken" then that would be an indication that we're ready to move on to the next phase.

When I arrive to my home I'll try to do this. If it works, maybe I'll stick to that way of playing, and if not... Well, I'll share with you my thoughts ;D

#14 Re: Main Forum » Bears/Wolves » 2018-03-09 17:41:19

All I can say is run. Most of the time when you move towards them they wont kill you instantaneouly, but if you let them catch you, you will be almost certainly dead, so you have to react quickly.

#15 Main Forum » Help is welcome » 2018-03-09 17:36:36

Replies: 4

I have been playing a lot since I bought the game 3 days ago, and it's been a fantastic experience, althought totally exhausting I have to say.

I have seen posts in which you give tips like getting a backpack and clothes early, how to make a good farm, and so on. The problem is, most of the time when I respawn as a baby I have to follow my mother orders, because I want to help and I can't survive alone. Other times, when I spawn as an Eve, I try to trap rabbits, make fire and clothes, while at the same time trying not to starve. But I cant find enough milkweed, it is scarce, and when I find it it is just enough to make some basic things. I could try to make a milkweed farm but for doing that I need even more resources and time.

How can I progress if everything I do just leads to more problems? And how can I take care of at least one daughter to preserve my lineage when I alone am almost at the edge of starvation?

#16 Re: Main Forum » [Suggestion] Carving signs » 2018-03-08 20:04:17

I would love this. In fact, I have already thought about this and I bought the game yesterday, and I'm sure a lot of people have thought about it as well. This would be so useful in order to maintain your village alive.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Wetland Farms » 2018-03-08 19:30:26

What would be cool is if Jason added a sign or something like that to let people know whic carrots are for seeds and which for eating, but for the moment I agree that not having a well organised farm where the carrots used for seeds are safe is the main problem in a lot of communities.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Wetland Farms » 2018-03-08 17:49:02

Hello! I happen to be the Eve which inherited your farm. Yesterday was my first day playing and this is my first time in the forums, so it has been quite a surprise to see this post, but this way I can talk to you and thank you. I have to say it works perfectly, allowing me to live until I was 59, and 2 generations of my children.

A little bit off-topic, more or less 20 minutes after diying, I was reborn from an Eve who had just arrived to the farm, so I could reunite with my people. The thing is, we didn't expand and most of my children stayed in the farm, so at a point we had to leave some children to starve. After that, someone ate the seeding carrots and we ran out of food, which broke my heart.

I just wanted to share this story, and most of all, thank you. You allowed me to feed my family, and taught me very important things. Without you I would probably have starved. For the hour that I was alive, I considered you my mother <3

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