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Recommendedby Twisted
1,444.3 hour on record
Posted 6.2 years agoLast Played 2 months ago

One Hour One Life is a wonderful game about playing one small part in a larger story. You only have an hour to live, and your primary goal is not just to survive, but to make the world a better place for your future descendants.

It is unlike any other game I have ever played and it is by far my favorite game of 2018.

Recommendedby Sharpie
1,430.1 hour on record
Posted 4 months agoLast Played 5 hours ago

Love it! This mod is a fantastic solution if your cursor gives out. WASD-control and additional hotkeys allow you to access the main controls.

Additional feature that could be helpful would be a hotkey to dress children and a hotkey to get rid of your own outfit as an elder. Both of these things can be worked around in a developed town though and it doesn't affect the helpfulness of this m...

Recommendedby male
1,427.1 hour on record
Posted 7 months agoLast Played 41 days ago

Great game. Takes a bit to get the hang of, but once you get the basics it's smooth sailing and lots of fun.

Recommendedby Jinbaili
1,423.6 hour on record
Posted 4.7 years agoLast Played 41 days ago

Recent updates flipped the game on its head. Most bugs and issues are fixed now but others remain. Some people hate it and leave, some stay and hope it will get better. If You wish to become a guinea pig in Jason's lab give it a try, I don't regret it. One Hour One Life - a social experiment or monumental art piece build for glory of its creator but not a game like you might expect.

Recommendedby MidnightAdrenaline
1,394.4 hour on record
Posted 19 months agoLast Played 2 months ago

This game was randomly shown to me by my friend. He has 5.1 hours on the game. I have no idea how many I have, but I'm about to find out.

This game is special to me; an outlet for streaming and building a community, learning recipes that are simple or complex, expressing creativity. I'm still learning, I still have content to get to. I hope for boundless amounts of content...because in my t...

Recommendedby GELLYGEL
1,351.8 hour on record
Posted 7 months agoLast Played 6 months ago


Recommendedby Sam
1,340.6 hour on record
Posted 5 months agoLast Played 15 hours ago

Yum is love
Yum is life
Yum ran off
with my ex-wife

Recommendedby SoS
1,300.1 hour on record
Posted 3.9 years agoLast Played 2.2 years ago

Although this game has it's flaws, there is potential.
There are many things I disagree with, but I am curious to see where this game will go in the near future. I would like to see a difference between the wood that each tree produces for building, crafting and so on.

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