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Past Hour
Sliced Pumpkin Pie# +contFoodDish1131017
Cooked Mutton Pie52520
Cooked Berry Carrot Pie44440
Bowl of Stew32384
Burdock Root39349
Cooked Berry Pie39312
Cooked Fish15272
Pork Taco13260
Wild Onion43254
Cooked Carrot Pie36252
Cooked Mutton28228
Cooked Berry Rabbit Pie14226
Cooked Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie11220
Slice of Bread35210
Bowl of Turkey Broth# +contFoodDish +drink21210
Turkey Slice on Plate# +contFoodDish12204
Cooked Rabbit Carrot Pie13196
Cooked Rabbit Pie21191
Pickling Cucumber38190
Wild Carrot29179
Baked Potato14170
Cooked Goose10152
Shucked Ear of Corn1696
Cooked Mutton with Rub1080
Cooked Rabbit672
Buttered Bread on Clay Plate# +contFoodDish562
Bean Burrito460
Turkey Drumstick351
Bowl of Cooked Beans448
Bean Taco448
Bowl of Sauerkraut742
Cooked Shrimp436
Cooked Garlic Shrimp436
Wild Garlic634
Cactus Fruit432
Bowl of Popcorn3232
Green Bean# +yum11751024
Bowl of Skim Milk# +contFoodDish +drink721
Bowl of Garlic Cloves1220
Bowl of Carnitas220
Popcorn# +yum11211418
Drumstick on Plate# +contFoodDish117
Psilocybe Mushroom# remapStart1515
French Fry315
Hot Pepper# +emotEat_29_101414
Bowl of Gooseberries# +yum31412
Bunch of Cabernet Grapes1212
French Fry with Ketchup111
Garlic Clove# +yum425979
Bowl of Green Beans48
Tortilla Chip16
Skim Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum148115
Glass of Wine# +alcohol1 +drink +emotEat_6_10 +contFoodDish33
Glass of Skim Milk# +drink +contFoodDish13

Today (so far)
Burdock Root5164474
Sliced Pumpkin Pie# +contFoodDish4704235
Turkey Slice on Plate# +contFoodDish2283897
Wild Onion6883865
Wild Carrot5313429
Cooked Berry Carrot Pie3243249
Baked Potato2402889
Cooked Rabbit Carrot Pie1842651
Cooked Mutton Pie2562564
Cooked Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie1242485
Bowl of Stew2042448
Cooked Berry Rabbit Pie1372201
Slice of Bread3542172
Pickling Cucumber4032034
Cooked Carrot Pie2661879
Cooked Berry Pie2261828
Bowl of Turkey Broth# +contFoodDish +drink1821826
Cooked Rabbit Pie1971788
Cooked Mutton1771424
Bean Burrito891337
Cooked Goose831263
Shucked Ear of Corn1741061
Turkey Drumstick50853
Cactus Fruit86711
Wild Garlic114635
Pork Taco31620
Drumstick on Plate# +contFoodDish31527
Bowl of Cooked Beans41494
Cooked Fish25452
Bowl of Gooseberries# +yum31141431
Omelette# +contFoodDish30371
Cooked Rabbit34370
Hot Pepper# +emotEat_29_10293306
Bowl of Carnitas24240
Bowl of Popcorn230239
Buttered Bread on Clay Plate# +contFoodDish18218
French Fry40204
Green Bean# +yum117589194
Tortilla Chip41166
Popcorn# +yum1121140160
Cooked Mutton with Rub19152
Bean Taco12144
Bowl of Green Beans57118
Bowl of Skim Milk# +contFoodDish +drink36108
Garlic Clove# +yum425998107
Bowl of Whole Milk# +contFoodDish +drink21105
Bowl of Garlic Cloves7297
Psilocybe Mushroom# remapStart6176
Glass of Wine# +alcohol1 +drink +emotEat_6_10 +contFoodDish6565
Bunch of Cabernet Grapes5656
Bowl of Sauerkraut848
Cooked Shrimp547
Chip with Salsa545
Cooked Garlic Shrimp436
French Fry with Ketchup335
Mango Slices# +contFoodDish321
Snipped Pickling Cucumber# +yum4233210
Turkey Broth Pouch# +drink +yum2198110
Whole Milk Pouch# +drink +yum1463210
Glass of Skim Milk# +drink +contFoodDish39
Skim Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum148115
Skim Milk Pouch# +drink +yum148113
Chopped Garlic on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum425822

Burdock Root129811164
Wild Onion189410625
Cooked Mutton Pie101010191
Wild Carrot15659897
Turkey Slice on Plate# +contFoodDish4517781
Cooked Berry Carrot Pie7587722
Bowl of Stew6317644
Cooked Berry Pie7996552
Cooked Rabbit Carrot Pie4035818
Cooked Carrot Pie7935690
Bowl of Turkey Broth# +contFoodDish +drink5445516
Sliced Pumpkin Pie# +contFoodDish5855319
Cooked Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie2454947
Slice of Bread7834860
Baked Potato3724529
Cooked Rabbit Pie4834473
Cooked Berry Rabbit Pie2443962
Pickling Cucumber6573418
Bean Burrito1972977
Pork Taco1242484
Cooked Goose1582442
Cooked Mutton2862371
Shucked Ear of Corn3602256
Cooked Rabbit1741909
Wild Garlic3001638
Turkey Drumstick951635
Buttered Bread on Clay Plate# +contFoodDish1131376
Cactus Fruit1591373
Omelette# +contFoodDish1051317
Cooked Fish721296
Bowl of Gooseberries# +yum313611197
Bowl of Carnitas97976
Feast Plate# +contFoodDish16960
Drumstick on Plate# +contFoodDish45769
Bowl of Skim Milk# +contFoodDish +drink221703
Hot Pepper# +emotEat_29_10546693
Mango Slices# +contFoodDish93655
Bowl of Popcorn447533
Bowl of Cooked Beans34412
Garlic Clove# +yum4259308401
French Fry with Ketchup35387
Bowl of Green Beans170375
Bean Taco31374
French Fry73369
Green Bean# +yum1175163367
Cooked Shrimp39353
Bowl of Garlic Cloves272338
Popcorn# +yum1121270332
Psilocybe Mushroom# remapStart206269
Chip with Salsa29265
Bowl of Sauerkraut42254
Cooked Mutton with Rub29232
Bowl of Whole Milk# +contFoodDish +drink41211
Spoon of Ice Cream26210
Cooked Garlic Shrimp21191
Bunch of Cabernet Grapes177188
Chopped Tomato and Onion on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum283636180
Glass of Wine# +alcohol1 +drink +emotEat_6_10 +contFoodDish178178
Cooked Peppered Shrimp19171
Chopped Onion on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum285530150
Tortilla Chip35141
Snipped Pickling Cucumber# +yum42331262
Skim Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum1481929
Chopped Garlic on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum42581820
Chopped Tomato on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum2836420
Whole Milk Pouch# +drink +yum1463317
Whole Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum1463212
Turkey Broth Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum2198112
Glass of Skim Milk# +drink +contFoodDish311
Skim Milk Pouch# +drink +yum148128

Past week
Cooked Mutton Pie738174322
Cooked Berry Carrot Pie540654579
Turkey Slice on Plate# +contFoodDish265445535
Burdock Root527144149
Wild Onion748840844
Wild Carrot645639953
Cooked Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie188738001
Bowl of Stew293835610
Baked Potato285834540
Cooked Berry Pie413033681
Cooked Rabbit Carrot Pie223831895
Cooked Carrot Pie411129440
Cooked Rabbit Pie317429184
Slice of Bread462828574
Bowl of Turkey Broth# +contFoodDish +drink277728028
Cooked Berry Rabbit Pie163426448
Sliced Pumpkin Pie# +contFoodDish283825657
Pickling Cucumber474724481
Cooked Mutton280322719
Bean Burrito148922442
Cooked Goose115017593
Shucked Ear of Corn257116018
Pork Taco74214877
Omelette# +contFoodDish80710083
Turkey Drumstick5799929
Cooked Rabbit8939821
Cactus Fruit11499700
Buttered Bread on Clay Plate# +contFoodDish7619202
Cooked Fish4107406
Wild Garlic12326517
Feast Plate# +contFoodDish1076426
Bowl of Gooseberries# +yum3117955865
French Fry11025570
Bowl of Carnitas4854899
Bean Taco3954786
Drumstick on Plate# +contFoodDish2784743
Cooked Shrimp4874391
Bowl of Skim Milk# +contFoodDish +drink13184101
Hot Pepper# +emotEat_29_1033433845
Bowl of Whole Milk# +contFoodDish +drink6713415
Bowl of Popcorn29153314
Mango Slices# +contFoodDish4223021
Bowl of Cooked Beans2272754
Tortilla Chip6762737
Chip with Salsa2982695
Bowl of Sauerkraut4002426
Popcorn# +yum112120132338
Garlic Clove# +yum425919392268
Green Bean# +yum11759732194
Cooked Garlic Shrimp2422188
Bunch of Cabernet Grapes18501923
Bowl of Green Beans8201813
French Fry with Ketchup1611794
Glass of Wine# +alcohol1 +drink +emotEat_6_10 +contFoodDish17851785
Bowl of Garlic Cloves13891777
Cooked Peppered Shrimp1711548
Psilocybe Mushroom# remapStart11071339
Cooked Mutton with Rub1641326
Turkey Broth Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum219890906
Spoon of Ice Cream99810
Turkey Broth Pouch# +drink +yum219875767
Chopped Onion on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum2855148750
Snipped Pickling Cucumber# +yum4233145731
Chopped Tomato and Onion on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum2836130670
Whole Milk Pouch# +drink +yum1463100522
Whole Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum146391465
Chopped Tomato on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum283663331
Skim Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum148166208
Glass of Skim Milk# +drink +contFoodDish55187
Chopped Garlic on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum4258134150
Skim Milk Pouch# +drink +yum148143147
Glass of Whole Milk# +drink +contFoodDish27143

Past month
Cooked Mutton Pie64580752025
Cooked Rabbit Pie39456422170
Burdock Root35073284549
Wild Onion52675272572
Wild Carrot45320271407
Cooked Berry Carrot Pie24539251060
Turkey Slice on Plate# +contFoodDish14004241161
Bowl of Stew19199232852
Cactus Fruit24120196437
Cooked Berry Carrot Rabbit Pie9520192330
Cooked Rabbit Carrot Pie12897187345
Slice of Bread30386186275
Cooked Berry Pie21366178396
Cooked Carrot Pie25214176208
Bowl of Turkey Broth# +contFoodDish +drink13860140701
Cooked Berry Rabbit Pie8057130785
Omelette# +contFoodDish8566126705
Baked Potato10386125411
Cooked Mutton13313112697
Pickling Cucumber21071110252
Bean Burrito7057107179
Sliced Pumpkin Pie# +contFoodDish11355103217
Shucked Ear of Corn1367982958
Cooked Rabbit806881324
Cooked Goose534378973
Bowl of Gooseberries# +yum312373773934
Turkey Drumstick326856212
Pork Taco262352252
Wild Garlic693436861
Feast Plate# +contFoodDish53232089
Cooked Fish176231927
Bean Taco222426925
Buttered Bread on Clay Plate# +contFoodDish209425083
Bowl of Carnitas245525067
Mango Slices# +contFoodDish317322654
Drumstick on Plate# +contFoodDish129822326
French Fry424021695
Bowl of Popcorn1622618437
Hot Pepper# +emotEat_29_101486217824
Cooked Shrimp186516986
Bowl of Skim Milk# +contFoodDish +drink442414435
Bowl of Whole Milk# +contFoodDish +drink231612577
Bowl of Sauerkraut193511507
Green Bean# +yum1175493211310
Bowl of Green Beans493311183
Bowl of Cooked Beans91711174
Popcorn# +yum1121868510453
Garlic Clove# +yum4259842410448
French Fry with Ketchup8069028
Tortilla Chip21738956
Bowl of Garlic Cloves68508901
Chip with Salsa8878071
Cooked Garlic Shrimp8367672
Psilocybe Mushroom# remapStart52346733
Bunch of Cabernet Grapes55206643
Cooked Peppered Shrimp5455035
Cooked Mutton with Rub5784728
Glass of Wine# +alcohol1 +drink +emotEat_6_10 +contFoodDish35083508
Turkey Broth Pouch# +drink +yum21983393462
Turkey Broth Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum21983323425
Spoon of Ice Cream3963268
Chopped Onion on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum28554392315
Snipped Pickling Cucumber# +yum42333862021
Chopped Tomato on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum28362621407
Whole Milk Pouch# +drink +yum14632551369
Chopped Tomato and Onion on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum28362131147
Whole Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum14631951058
Skim Milk Bottle# +contFoodDish +drink +yum1481249867
Skim Milk Pouch# +drink +yum1481225780
Glass of Whole Milk# +drink +contFoodDish115659
Glass of Skim Milk# +drink +contFoodDish152555
Chopped Garlic on Plate# +contFoodDish +yum4258325406

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