One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-29 13:31:09

Cyniko wrote:

This must be happening more on certain servers. Its certainly not rampant, Ive been playing all day and some yesterday and have been killed via PvP once.
Jason wrote earlier in this thread, "Really, I just need to keep tweaking it until it's possible for "police work" to take place.  Right now, it sounds like there's just not enough evidence to pursue or convict."
I love this line of thinking, pvp solutions to pvp problems. Especially when the community comes together against griefers! I just hope he sticks to his original and core ideals for the game. I have no intention of ever killing players but would hate to see the danger of it leave!

I haven't played this game for like a week or so, so it might have gotten better. But back then it was insane. Not in small settlements, but beeing born inside a larger village basically was a guarantee to beeing brutally murdered.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-29 01:45:08

Lily wrote:

Craftable armor really makes sense. Of course if the murderer gets armor too, then you got real problems.

We just need babies to die first when you're beeing attacked while holding one. That way we can use them as shields.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-28 05:31:46

I mean with so many people going crazy and wiping out whole generations on a daily basis, we wouldn't even have survived as a species. Since there are no eves in real life.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-28 05:00:55

Plankst wrote:

I honestly think it should stay the way it is because it feeds to the realism.

Arguing with "realism" in a game that isn't even realistic in the first place doesn't work. In OHOL its way easier, without permanent consequences - and additonaly its not ethically wrong for most people to murder someone in a virtual enviorment. So naturally you have way more psychopaths running around, than you'd ever have in reality under similar circumstances.

As of right now the game mechanics highly favor a destructive playstyle. That needs to be balanced or we'll never even have the foundation to advance into a society organized enough to prevent such things. Imagine if in our past 30% of the population would have just keept running around, murdering people all day and destroy stuff for no reason - I'm pretty sure we would've never had a chance to become what we are today.

Murder rates within the own family/tribe have never been so high like they are here.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-27 06:24:52

jasonrohrer wrote:

Maybe murdering could work up an appetite as well?  So that you will die afterward if someone doesn't feed you?

I really like the idea of fighting someone making hungry big_smile

Now you have to make sure you're fully refreshed with food and at full strenght before you kill someone. Also it would be harder for little kids or old people - which actually makes sense.

#6 Re: Main Forum » To those saying the game is "over" because griefers » 2018-03-27 06:09:50

Its not about having murderers, raids and griefers. Generally those things are fine and should of course stay a part of the game. I'm roleplaying a "bandit" myself sometimes and it always creates some interesting stories.

Its about how easily exploitable those mechanics are. Beeing able to just kill and destroy everything in your sight, die, respawn and then continue somewhere else should never be possible.

I'm pretty sure this game isn't supposed to be a place where "trolls and griefers are embraced"

#7 Re: Main Forum » Blonde bitch with bow » 2018-03-25 10:39:26

Well its pretty easy to kill someone. So all you really need to wipe out all active settlements is determination.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Solution to the increasing problem of murdering: Let's make it a sin! » 2018-03-23 12:12:04

Erudaru wrote:

I think the idea of marking someone as untrustworthy is the best one I've heard so far (either manually by uses or automatically based on you number of murders). If marked, you can still do anything you like (and possibly redeem yourself if you work hard or when time passes) and the collective will know about you and what to do about you.

The issue with that is, that those people don't care if you trust them or not. They're going to try and sneak up on you and kill you regardless. And even if they fail they're just going to respawn and continue their path of destruction somewhere else.

Its just going to make people that actually had a reason to kill someone look bad.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Presumption of Innocence? » 2018-03-23 10:41:57


Its quite facinating to see how well some human behaviors translate into this game big_smile

#10 Re: Main Forum » Presumption of Innocence? » 2018-03-23 10:34:34

The funny thing is that entire villages die even when there wasn't any griefer in the first place. One guy starts to shoot "suspicious" people, another person sees that and thinks he's the bad guy - and the chaos begins! The more weapons around, the greater the damage.

Had that happen yesterday, when a self-proclaimed town guard called me "griefer" and shot me right after that. Probably because I grabbed a bow to go hunting. When I respawned there to get my revenge I was suprised to see that people were still fighting. Bloody corpses everywhere while my mother tells me "Dont worry I keep you safe"


#11 Re: Main Forum » Solution to the increasing problem of murdering: Let's make it a sin! » 2018-03-23 10:20:45

Joriom wrote:


Idea suggested over and over again - a lot of people seem to be against. Jason is MIA so we don't have official stance on the matter yet too.

[Suggestion] Timed penalty for mass killings - if ever implemented

Also... religion is fiction invented by people for the purpose of mass crowd controll. I don't think it will get videly accepted in video game on its own (for other reasons than shits and giggles) and forcing it would go against principles.

Oh, sorry. I should've scrolled through older threads before I decided to share this. But well, if really so many people suggest the same thing over and over again - then there's definitely a need for that.

This game is fictional aswell, so what stops us from using it as a game mechanic? We don't necessarly need to call it "sin", thats just the first thing that popped into my mind. Simply because religion thematically fits the mindset of early human civilization. And while of course fictional, its still a huge part of our history and had significant influence on the development of our society. So I don't see why it wouldn't make sense to be included as a concept.

Thexus wrote:

p.s.: punishment is always a bad game design, there could be some bonus for "pacifists" tho

Punishment is part of almost every game ever created. Especially this one! Here in OHOL you're sometimes beeing punished for stuff that's not even your fault. Some idiot picks the last carrot and a whole village is screwed.

Its a way create endogenous value in a game. Resources in a game mean more when they can be taken away. Taking risks is exciting - particularly if the potential rewards are balanced against the risks. You can only take risks if there are negative consequences or punishments. For griefers there are no risks. They don't lose anything, while you lose everything.

THAT is bad game design. We need to change that.

#12 Main Forum » Solution to the increasing problem of murdering: Let's make it a sin! » 2018-03-23 05:44:41

Replies: 12

So I'm going to make a suggestions for this on reddit later, but I also want to discuss it here.

It is already quite obvious that due to lack of permanent consequences, grieving and murder are way more common than I'd ever be in the real world. Even alot non-griefers are now becoming quick in randomly killing their fellow man for sometimes the most dumb reason. We need a solution for this or else the people that actually want to build a society are slowly going to leave and all that will be left is going to be one giant anarchistic grief fest.

So let's think about it: What did prevent most people in our past from doing shit during their life? Many religions depicted some kind of judgement. If you lived a filthy and sinful life - then you'd have to face a terrible punishment. There was this serious, possible consequence that would even exceed your whole current life.

We should have something like this too. A consequence that would hit you regardless of what happens in your current life, so that you would always have to ask yourself "Is it really worth it?" before you decide to draw that knife or bow.

My idea would be to introduce a hidden "Sin Score", which you aquire by killing people. This score simply adds a timer that doesn't let you respawn for a certain amount of time. The higher the score is - the longer you'll have to wait. Simple penalty that doesn't ruin the game. You want to be a cold-blooded murderer that kills the whole village? No problem. You can still have your fun! But now you actually have to consider the consequences and can't just abuse the respawn mechanic to keep wiping out one civ after another. It would also give villages some more time to recover after such attacks.

Murders, mass killings, tragedies, griefing.. all of that would still happen - which is good. The dark side of society should definitely be a part of this game. But now the frequency of stuff like that happening would be more realistic and if you do happen to be a victim yourself, then at least you know that you're going to get a new chance to live right away. Your murder won't.

What do you guys think?

#13 Re: Main Forum » Beaten To Death But... » 2018-03-23 04:00:37

Dchella wrote:

Why? Why can an armed person kill one person after another without having a debuff, vulnerability, etc?

Because Jason believes that massacres like this are realistic part of the experience, so it doesn't need to be balanced. The problem is that there are no consequences besides dead (Which means almost nothing in a game were you can just respawn within seconds and continue your griefing in the next village)

In reality stuff like that happens too of course. But the difference is that consequences are permanent, so even people that lack the empathy usually don't go on random rampages. It takes alot for a person to actually get to the point where they don't care about consequences anymore and often mental illnesses are responsible for that. People just dont make that decision because they're bored or something.

Ingame there's nothing that holds someone from doing whatever the fuck they want.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Presumption of Innocence? » 2018-03-22 22:46:58

Thorware wrote:

I tend to preemptively kill anyone who shows signs of being a griefer, such as stalking around, holding/packing weapons, and not contributing.

Killing someone should always be the last resort.

The chances that you kill someone innocent just because he acts suspicous are pretty high. I'm so sick of people that are not even griefers themselfes killing each other for the most silly reasons. Seen so many villages going to waste already because of that.

You just open actual griefers the door to unleash their chaos without anyone beeing able to tell who's friend or foe anymore.

#15 Re: Main Forum » The Three Queen System » 2018-03-22 22:32:35

Helperguy wrote:

i have seen many communities die because of such rules.

Well I've had some pretty good experiences with that so far. I build my villages around similiar principles and they always thrive for generations. Sometimes I'm even born back again into one of my communites a few hours later. And guess what? Its still going strong.

Helperguy wrote:

if a mother cannot teach the child the correct role, then its not the child which is useless - the mother is

So you're telling me if I decide to don't give a fuck about my mother and her rules its her fault? I like that. Always love to blame others or my actions. Seriously though babies are actual players and chances are they may have different goals than you in mind. No matter how well you teached them.

Helperguy wrote:

Queens are completely useless, because they will never have the chance to control every user.

While it is true that can't control every user - that's not the point. The basis of any society are rules and the ability to communicate them. As a mother you're the first, most respected and best source of information for that. You're the one to show the newborn the way of your village. And most people who actually want to play the game will want to help out and follow what you tell them. Especially if they see that everyone is following the same rules aswell. Its the power to give your community the direction it needs.

Beeing a matriach not useless task.

Helperguy wrote:

what do you do if the farmer leaves his carrots in the earth and they will soon become flowering?

I don't think any efficently advanced village will have only one farmer. And if there aren't enough people working on the field - then its your job to find someone to replace them. People not doing their jobs, leaving or dying will always happen. In most places no one will either notice or care and everyone will just go on with their buisness until its too late. At least from what I've seen.

However the difference here is, that you have someone keeping an eye on things to make sure problems like that are solved as quickly as possible.

Helperguy wrote:

you will have no time to play "queen" . damn you have to be a farming mother then.

We are not discussing a small three people settlement in the woods here, where its maybe just a farmer, your baby and you. The system draequine suggested is clearly meant for larger communities. While most likely not perfect, its at least an approach into the direction of a more organized society.

Your chaotic view however, with everyone doing what they want, tons of uncontrolable births and the premise that most people will just figure out what the village needs by themselfes - that's just not going to work out in the long run.

Ever heard about "Tragedy Of The Commons"?

#16 Re: Main Forum » Acronyms and other useful things? » 2018-03-22 08:15:05

A mother once teached me the useful acronym "STFU" after I greeted her with "HI"

#17 Re: Main Forum » Adding a wounded backstab & medicine will halt murders substantially. » 2018-03-22 05:48:57

Joriom wrote:

people who attempted that though were branded heretics and killed. Thats also true for many earlier religions and cults.

That's not entirely true. Yes, christianity had a huge influence and diseases were seen as a punishment by god during that time. However, we're talking about wound treatment here. Which was commonly practiced and definitely nothing that would make an heretic. They even had surgeons on the battlefield during the crusades, that would stich and bandage people and apply some basic antiseptics to prevent infections.

Sure medical procedures weren't as advanced as today, but depending on your injures you still had a pretty decent chance to survive. A single stab from a knife was easily treatable.

#18 Re: Main Forum » The Three Queen System » 2018-03-22 04:37:31

I've seen mothers raise children secretly in villages with such rules. They will just waste your food instead of working and then either float the village with overpopulation or run away with the children.

Even done that myself once, when I wasn't allowed to have my boy in a big village. Raised him until he was old enough eat, then we took a cart full of food before we escaped. They hunted us with bows for a long time - but they didn't get us.

You really don't want stuff like that to happen in an efficenty organized village. However another more friendly way to solve this would be to raise them until they're old enough to care for themselfes before they have to leave. You'd at least give them a chance to live that way

#20 Re: Main Forum » Adding a wounded backstab & medicine will halt murders substantially. » 2018-03-22 03:01:21

MrFineGentleman wrote:

Also, you most likely would die from a single stab wound in the middle age

Wouldn't it be weird if there was no medical and surgical treatment of war wounds in a time period, when due to constant war with primitive weapons more stab- and cut injuries happened than in any other time of human history? No, you wouldn't just die from a single stab back then either.

If you don't believe me then you should take a look at "Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton". It covers injuries and methods that were used to care for them within that time period. There seems to have been a fair system in place that indicates many did in fact survive injuries far worse than just "a singe stab".

Some people even got barbed arrows removed from their heads and survived.

#21 Re: Main Forum » The Three Queen System » 2018-03-22 02:30:47

Sounds like a solid concept.

That's exactly the kind system of I expect to establish itself in the future. One or a bunch of queens and their organize the whole thing as leaders while also giving birth and raising their "workers". Kinda like ants or bees.

I also want to add that you probably want to kill all not needed female babies, since you don't want to give anyone else than a queen the ability to make new babies. You want mostly male workers that can fulfil their purpose without any interuptions.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Adding a wounded backstab & medicine will halt murders substantially. » 2018-03-21 08:16:38

Joriom wrote:

You're dead.

You'll be surprised: The survival rate of knife attacks is actually quite high. At least in my country.

Of course any expert would give to the advice to just run away. You ARE risking your life fighting someone with a knife - there's no doubt about it. But that still doesn't mean that you're definitely going to die if you do.

It takes some fast stabs to the chest for example to stun and kill someone quickly, which is not that easy to pull off as an untrained person against someone who's either panicing and arm flailing or tries to punch you. In fact, he's more like to bleed out several minutes later, after you already had to run away because help came or got hurt yourself. There are no easy quick kills with a knife unless you catch someone completely off guard (from behind for example)

Reality just isn't that simple. So why not give the game some more realistic depth by replacing "click and kill" with a more fun and balanced combat mechanic?

#23 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-20 21:40:44

Aname wrote:

in real life i dont see a random kids of 10 years old kill his parents or some bunch of 21 year olds with a fucking knife.

Ummm youll be surprised but that shit actually happens alot even irl lol

#24 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-20 20:11:42

Joriom wrote:

Yeah, it can't be slow TO KILL someone

Has he ever watched someone bleed out after beeing attacked by a knife? Its slow as fuck. Especially after just one stab. Most people even survive that (After recieving medical help)

Joriom wrote:

Well, when massacres happen in real life, people are often caught by surprise and a lot of people die.
It's not like the little kids in the classroom "get wounded" and then have a chance to fight back against the maniac.

Little kids in the class room maybe. But any adult with any sense of survival instinct will at least try to defend himself against you, which makes it really hard to hit anyhing vital with the knife. You will end up giving him some cuts in his arm or shoulder, but definitely wont just one-hit him. To do that you actually have to catch someone off guard to cut his throat from behind or something. Or use an automatic weapon, not a knife.

Jason has a really weird view on this topic. In his mind people probably die instantly even when you just poke them with a stick big_smile

#25 Re: Main Forum » So let's talk about the official trailer of 1H1L » 2018-03-20 19:54:43

Uncle Gus wrote:

I think if you watched the trailer and didn't come away with the understanding that Jason is adding technology week to week, leading up to the eventual possible presence of robots, and that the robots (end game tech) were not in the game from launch, then you weren't paying attention.

If he clearly stated that some of the stuff he's showing right now isn't in the game yet, then I wouldn't have payed attention. But that's not the case. He just told us that he's live inside the game and then he showed us a bunch of cool stuff. The "I will add more to the game" really seemed more like that he's going to add that on top of what's already shown there.

There's a reason why so many people got confused by this trailer.

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