One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » New record 32 Generations » 2018-04-10 20:50:13

So they gamed the system for a "high score" instead of actually playing the game how it was intended. Just like the first record, it's actually kind of sad people go to such great lengths for something that is incredibly easy to do when you organize, which was never intended to be how the game was played.

#2 Re: Main Forum » The New Update did not do Enough to Stop Griefers » 2018-03-16 05:58:52

I agree it does need to be harder to kill people. I haven't been the victim of an attack nor have I been a mass murderer; I've only killed one person because they were a troll in probably over 100 hours played.

The problem is there's no defense. You have no way to assume someone with a knife/bow is going to kill you until they've killed you.

Also as someone who pretty much only plays hardcore style games, I see no current benefit in it. Heck I even stole some water bags from a settlement to save my own and brought them back when I was an elder because I felt bad. Maybe I'm just going soft in my old age. tongue

#3 Re: Main Forum » Stop overdeveloping the land! » 2018-03-16 05:27:48

Goldra wrote:

Pies aren't worth it because of use of water--you can make them in moderation, at best, though you should be ensuring that nobody's screwing over the farms before you try to pursue baking. Carrots, meanwhile, are more efficient with water, and so are DEFINITELY more useful.

Also, of course they're going to take your stuff. You're just leaving it out in the open, and not to mention with nakeds; a new player is going to think "more storage=easier access to stored resources," or something along those lines, and so they're going to spam baskets because it's easy. And, even if you had been doing something else (like getting rabbits to make waterskins, etc.) people are still going to take whatever furs you bring in, assuming the rare situation where there's more milkweed than fur, and use them for whatever they want--it's in the collective colony stockpile, and nobody seems like they're doing anything with that resource, so why not? With a situation like trying to make compost, though, there's an easy solution: just make the recipe-specific item first. When a berry/carrot bowl has been mashed, there's nothing to do with it but make compost, unless whoever happens to find it goes off and puts it somewhere random outside of the colony. Then you can go and gather a reed, and not have to worry if it's going to be used by someone else, because you're already using it.

Though, if you had told them that you were going to make compost and they still made baskets, all I can say is that village deserved to die out from that lack of soil. Still, the solution above still applies.

You're wrong about pies, and I'm going to approximate here as I don't have the exact stats but from playing a ton I can tell you this much.

1 unit of water on a carrot field fills around 2 1/2 adults.

1 unit of water in pies (with only rabbit) fills a good chunk of an adult's bar, I'd take the average there and probably call it 8 adults fed for 1 unit of water.

Therefore 2 units of water (1 field, 1 dough) fills 12 adults with rabbit/carrot pie and the 2 leftover carrots fill 1 adult for 13.

2 units on only a carrot field fills around 5 adults.

So rabbit/carrot pie is probably not as efficient as just using leftover rabbits alone. Just as carrot pie isn't nearly as efficient as only rabbit pie as you're using a good amount of water and time, but I can't speak to the exact value of only carrot pie..I think it's about 1/2 of an adult bar. If you have an abundance of carrot it's more efficient (water wise) to make rabbit/carrot pie.

TL: DR - Rabbit pie fills around 3x the amount of people for the same amount of water used by a single carrot field.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Singleplayer? » 2018-03-12 16:41:27

kngsnghun wrote:

Is single player possible by compiling the game yourself or buying the game?

Lots of people says this game is fun with multiplayer, but I lost my faith in 'early access / multiplayer / survival' genre long time ago

So have I, but all you need to do is look at the past creations from this developer and you will see he is dedicated to providing a great experience. This is by far one of the best games I've played in what you could call "early access". The game is entirely functional it just needs some quality of life improvements. He will ofc keep providing tech-tree updates so we can continue to push forward.

The community is also AMAZING. I've seen 99.9% good and fun people. Can't even really say I've seen a real "troll" yet. Almost everyone is willing to help or willing to learn.

Best 20 bucks you'll spend in a long time, I promise. It's like "Don't Starve" except on a much deeper level both emotionally and gameplay wise.

#5 Re: Main Forum » [Discussion] Highly developed civilisations still feel like garbages. » 2018-03-12 14:46:43

Almost everything needs to be stackable to some degree, even empty baskets. That would be the biggest quality of life change the game could have. I completely agree about feeling like you live in a trash heap, it bothers me to no end. When I reach old age I spend a lot of time carting off bones and moving items away from farms.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Name system-hide,tell,show. » 2018-03-12 02:00:45

A family name would be cool too so if in the event your civ actually survived a long time you could see how well they did. Add a board as well that maybe shows the top 10 longest surviving families.

The only thing missing in this game for me is knowing how well my civ did. I feel empty starting over and over again at a new civ and never really accomplishing more than I had in previous times.

#7 Re: Main Forum » [Bug] Items invisible / moved and not showing correctly » 2018-03-11 18:25:16

I took a video and fired it off to Jason yesterday. Also having an issue very rarely where a person is invisible.

#8 Re: Main Forum » (suggestion) a change to respawns » 2018-03-11 06:31:49

The tech tree is so limited currently that if you were able to respawn close to where you died the game would almost have no purpose. You'd respawn, reach the end of the tech tree and all that would matter is farm upkeep. This was already proven with the 22 generation people where I'm pretty sure I read they just constantly respawned to try to get back to their civ. The only thing I wish is if I could find out how long my family lasted after I was gone. Feels empty starting all over again never knowing what they managed to accomplish.

You could always make a private server if you just wanted to play with a 'clan' and have fun.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Female/Male Imbalance » 2018-03-11 02:02:53

Completely agree with you on all the points Baron. I've played an Eve, or a girl, quite a bit in the game. Even when I spawn as a male I already have less fun knowing that I can do very little to help a society continue on through the generations.

By the same token, when I have male babies I almost always let them die because if a girl or two spawn I will need the resources to care for them.

They need to be less of a burden on a society for them to have any real place. The comment made about a male being able to go out and do more is completely false. As soon as your village reaches capacity the women just let babies die and do the same job the males do except they have the option of bringing more life into the soc.

They need to, at the minimum, have a hardier constitution than females.

#10 Re: Main Forum » BAD Update » 2018-03-10 18:18:06

ADScotland wrote:
Tanelorn wrote:

Playing solo, I managed to live off bunnies and berries.  Also, farming bunnies means you can make clothes, which gives you time to invest in other things (like farming).

Please can someone help me out with making a snare to get bunnies? I've not managed to find anyone willing to tell me in game. Can you get bunnies without a snare or is it fairly easy to make one?


It's very easy. You make a rope, then break down a straight branch to its lowest form (stakes) with a sharp rock and attach rope to that.

#11 Re: Main Forum » How often does your wild eve mother nurse you to adulthood? » 2018-03-10 07:18:01

I have a fair grasp of the game but I still abandon the first baby as an Eve. You really need those first few years to get a small plot going to guarantee the success of the future generation. Taking time away nursing a baby can be a huge time sink unless you have an absolutely perfect starting location.

The food consumption of having to pick up a baby after doing even the most minor task will drain you too fast to be worth it.

Honestly, it would be better if he changed it so you didn't get a baby until a few years after you spawn as an Eve.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Item stacking » 2018-03-10 07:15:14

Stacking of the generic items would be wonderful, and I'm glad he started doing it with things like long shafts and stone. Some settlements that are further along are absolutely dreadful to be at because of the single item on almost every tile.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 21:22:28

Laura wrote:

It was SO amazing.
People help and talk to each other!
Mom help and teach Kids, old People give advices ... there where other Gamers
who protect of bears and others who craft and we all learn and have fun.

And now we all starve.
I try to make a bow and starve.
I try to get water and starve.
I try to make a home marker and starve.

This is a starving Simulator now sad((

I am self employed and sit all day home alone and it was SO amazing to Play this game.
I work really hard and this game give me the Feeling to an open new world and now i´m stuck
and go back to work =_=
I wish i have never found and buy this game sad
And i really hope that all of you have fun and like Play the game but ... i think i quit here.

Quitting over a single update in a game that is constantly being updated is a little silly.

I've also played quite a bit of the new update. While certainly, it is more challenging, it's not impossible. The biggest problem I find is with new or inexperienced players who can be the downfall of an entire society. Whether they are being wasteful with resources or wasting time doing tasks that don't actually help a village to survive. A little tweak to the food / temperature system wouldn't hurt either as even fully clothed in furs you are nowhere near optimal.

Personally I think they need to adjust the roles of males in the game. Maybe they can have a bigger hunger bar, drain hunger slower, or perform some task better than a woman. The reason I say this is because I let 99% of males born to me die. They have no advantage, and is in fact a burden on your village if you are thinking about future generations. I've had several times now where my one girl logs off or dies in some way and I pretty much just feel like starting over because I know the village has no future with only a son remaining. I try to tough it out and prepare a nice settlement for someone to stumble across but it feels fruitless.

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