One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » 111.1 hours » 2019-10-04 15:16:32

jasonrohrer wrote:

I'm pretty sure it was the name, alone, that caused the arc to last that long.


Wife oven is pretty epic.

#2 Re: Main Forum » 111.1 hours » 2019-10-03 23:22:39

The next arc doesn't seem to have legs as much as the last arc did... which leaves the question... how much of a difference did the existing infrastructure left over at reset make on how stable the "wife oven" families were?

#3 Re: Main Forum » Can Horses run away slower? The 7 second juggle is really annoying » 2019-10-03 00:58:42

Completely agree, even an extra five seconds before they run would make them a lot more usable.    I hate when I realize I just doubled the time to do a task because I ended up running after the horse too often.  And the "Is the baby going to stay?" moment when I am out in the wild on my horse is a bit crazy intense when the horse is going to run in a few seconds.

#4 Re: Main Forum » 115 "Speech Box Phrases" you didn't know about! » 2019-10-01 13:02:24

Also... I tell people to just never use the "curse you".  I've seen it go wrong faaaar more than I've seen it go right.  You never know when your loving daughter is going to run up next to you.

Jason increased the time limit for cursing a dead player, so you should always be able to say the full name later.

#5 Re: Main Forum » 115 "Speech Box Phrases" you didn't know about! » 2019-10-01 12:59:29

st, yes.  If you use more than twenty, you are put on a minute long cooldown.

I miss my flutter hearts... /love, /happy back and forth.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Naming your kids » 2019-10-01 12:56:18


Come on yourself, it's not that bad to have a slightly weird name.  It's also part of the game... pick names you like that no one else will have used recently.  Lady may not be that common in real life, but it's pretty common in OHOL.  Just be more creative than naming all your girls Princess.

The naming system in place works for 95% of players.  Jason is a one-man dev team.  He has a lot of other things to work on.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Posse implementation » 2019-09-30 22:14:12

DestinyCall wrote:

You could link movement speed with yum bonus.  Lol.

Hmm, I yum a fair bit now, but if there was a speed bonus for how much yum you have??? OMG, I would be obsessed with yumming.

I like carting things around town to get them to places they are useful.  Movement speed is life!

#8 Re: Main Forum » Changes to dtown are working. » 2019-09-30 17:39:30

maybe they have cursed enough other people they didn't have someplace to spawn?

#9 Re: Main Forum » Life Letters » 2019-09-30 03:15:53

To my son, Enver Freedman,

I'm sorry I left so abruptly after your father's funeral.  I just couldn't stay in town after he was gone.  So many bittersweet memories.

But also, I had a vendetta to pursue back home.  Our life in the Oil Town was so good, I never told you about the home I came from. 

My mother was such a hard worker.  As a baby I followed her as she zoomed about finished the sheep pen for our home.  "We are settlers" she said.  My grandma bequeathed me her clothes and I felt so lucky.  I got the black dress, the backpack and a warsword, when most of my cousins were in single loincloths eeking out a living by the berry bushes.  My mother warned me to stay near food, because we were dangerously low.  It was a hard life. 

But then it got harder.  My Aunt Sandy went crazy and killed my mother for no reason at all.  Said something silly about killing sheep.  My mother was NO SHEEP, I can tell you that.  I tried to hover near her as she passed, so I could grab her knife, but Sandy got it first.  Actually, I'd never held a knife, so I'm not entirely sure I could have handled it anyway.  I grabbed the wolfskin hat from my dead mothers head, and ran.  I had already cursed Sandy, and she knew I would kill her if I could.  I would have ended up dead if I stayed. So I ran.  I'm not proud of that, but it's what I did to survive.

I'd heard the rumors about Oil Town - this big place where many families mixed, that didn't have enough people.  I felt like... maybe I'd lived there in a previous life?  It called to me.  So I went.  I picked up a few plates and some firewood along the way.  Ran away from an Ethington town that wanted me to come join them, but chased me around endlessly while carrying a bow. 

Almost as soon as I found Oil town, I ran into your father, Enver.  He was so kind!  When I gave birth to you, he showered you with gifts.  The look on his face when I named you for him!  It was priceless.  He gave all of your siblings clothes, too.

The only time I doubted his loyalty was when he showed up with his own girl baby, Jules.  I never understood him well, but I could tell he was saying she was his daughter.  I was so ashamed!  He'd slept with another woman!  But then he said he loved me... and what could I do but forgive him?  I loved him too.  We raised her together.  But she died to the dreaded DC/AFK disease.

But really, your father Enver Uno, was the best husband I could imagine having, even if I lived a hundred lives or more.  I was proud to be with him.  Did you realize he brought in three or four stacks of firewwod while you were growing up?  That's a real great provider, I tell you.

Anyway, I got too old for babies, and I knew your sister had decided to leave town to raise her children.  You and your brothers seemed happy, and then your father died... Thank you so much for translating for us at the end.  I could understand some of his words by then, but it was always so much easier for you.  I know you didn't want to know all those details about your parent's love life, especially the bit about the underpants, but I really appreciated you being there with us through the end.  It meant the world to me.

But then he was gone, and my thoughts went straight to home.  I suddenly realized that there was a chance that evil woman Sandy was still alive lording it over the dead remains of my mother.  So right away, I grabbed a bow, fixed an old arrow, got a pie from the baker and headed back home.

When I got there, I was greeted by a cousin named Savior.  She recognized me, because... she had been my mother in a past life!  She knew all sorts of details.  I guess we really are reincarnations!  Anyway, she had already gotten rid of Sandy, and they badly needed an arrow to get the sheep to finish off the pen my mother had started years ago.  I happily handed mine over for a much better cause than simple revenge.

So that's how my life is ending. Your sweet kind mother never had to kill a soul, and I'm spending the rest of my days getting soil to the withering berry patch of my old home.

If you want to come and visit my grave, the town is directly southwest of Oil town.  You have to pass by an Ethington village.  Your cousins could really use some iron, so if you could be a dear and run the diesel mine for them, I'd really appreciate it.  There's no chance they'll find any in the picked over mountains.

My only regret is that I won't get to see you and your brothers off at the end.  But you were all so much like your dad, I'm sure you had good lives. Share this with them, if they are still around.

Love always,
Jenna Freedman

#10 Re: Main Forum » Posse implementation » 2019-09-29 21:21:45

My last pair of twins needed to be taught how to tend berries.  And I know they weren't pulling my leg, cause once they learned the basics they worked hard.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Hand Pump » 2019-09-29 21:15:19

My first instinct is...Oooo, I like this...

But actually we kinda already have it.  You go build a shallow well at the neighboring well site, and moving water back and forth takes up more time, or you go find the closest ponds and same story.
Small batches of water available for lots of extra labor to bridge between the charcoal pump and the diesel pump (why do we never build the kero pump anymore?). 

The real problem is that a lot of the newish players haven't gotten into the habit of looking outside of town for the things they need.  It's either there at the central well and cisterns or PANIC!  I've seen towns abandoned prematurely that had plenty of water available in cisterns and a road built already to the neighboring well.  It's just that the central well was waiting on its diesel pump.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Posse implementation » 2019-09-29 12:48:36

jasonrohrer wrote:

Well, I got chased by an organized posse.  They couldn't catch me.

Nerfing twins is interesting.... maybe I should make it so that twins just cannot kill, ever?

Or at least so they don't speed up along with the posse (but they still contribute to the posse numbers... they just always run slow as part of whatever posse).  I'll do that.  It's a quick fix.

Thank you, thank you!

#14 Re: Main Forum » Can someone fill me in on the status of the game » 2019-09-29 02:27:05

You can eat:  raw tomato, raw onion, bowls of carnitas, bowls of cooked beans. 
You can remove rabbits from bowls.

Latest update to the "you go to donkey town" rules seems to be doing a lot of good for family stability and peacefulness.

It will be interesting to see how long this arc lasts.

#15 Re: Main Forum » OneLife++ - Milkweed's modded client » 2019-09-29 01:59:36

milkweed wrote:
distillerz wrote:
milkweed wrote:

What is “it”?

The mod...
i mean... it can search a bowl of pads?
It the current most hided item in the game.

Yes, you can.
It searches items whose names include a string you typed.
If you typed ":Sterile Pad", it searches "Sterile Pad", "Bowl of Sterile Pads" and "Red Cross Apron with Sterile Pads".
If you typed ":Bowl of Sterile Pads", it searches only "Bowl of Sterile Pads"

Wow!  I'm really attached to the coordinate system in hetuw and the nearby player counts, but.... being able to search for any form of sterile pad!?  Yeah... I'll be checking this out when I play tomorrow.

Thanks milkweed!

#16 Re: Main Forum » Is 63 hours long enough for you? » 2019-09-28 00:07:26

Just had an interesting idea... open the eve window back up every morning, as the population starts increasing.  That's when adding in new family names would have the least impact on the survivability of existing families.  Or just anytime server population is growing faster than the average rate.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Posse implementation » 2019-09-27 23:59:50

I failed to run away from a lone griefer who was one age range older than me yesterday, (Oh, I'm pretty sure Ziv has a second account, BTW) so I like the idea of generally slowing down running to kill.

I have seen spontaneous posses form a couple of times... but I'm not sure if all the member knew about shift clicking, and whatnot.  Does each person have to have the KILL command triggered to get the speed bonus?

But can you do something to make the speed bonus not work if the group is made up of twins or quads?   There was at least one arc that fell to a pair of murdering twins systematically spawning in each family.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Is 63 hours long enough for you? » 2019-09-27 23:44:00

Ummm. No.  I have not.

But I don't claim to read everything in the forums, and wasn't online much the month or two before the rift.

I do know that I like places, and that I see a lot of reporting about places in discord and on the forums.

It's not that I absolutely hate maintaining families... it's just that I'm generally more attached to places than my family name. So I don't like how much of 2) we've traded off for 1) in the comparison between the rift and the resetting Eve Spiral.

To put it in numbers... getting to the point where a couple families live 2-4 days on a regular basis is not nearly as cool as having a couple of towns lasting 2-4 months.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Is 63 hours long enough for you? » 2019-09-27 22:40:41

jasonrohrer wrote:

1.  Permanence of families.
2.  Permanent reachability of player-built areas.
3.  Lots of variability in terms of which "tech era" you are born into in each life.
4.  Towns close enough together to allow interaction.

The game has never had (1), but maybe that's possible if I keep working on BB distribution.

The game launched in Feb 2018 with (2) and (4), but not (3).

Then we had an Eve Walk to get (3) and (4), but we sacrificed (2).

Then we switched to an Eve Spiral, which made (2) better, kept (3), and sacrificed (4).

Then we switched to a resetting Eve Spriral with center cull, which sacrificed (2), kept (3), and allowed (4).

All along, players have MOSTLY complained about lack of (2).

The rift solves (2) and (4) handily, and recent BB distribution changes have brought us closes to (1) for the first time, but (3) is sacrificed.

I strongly disagree with the idea that the rift is doing a better job at 2) permanence of player built areas, than the resetting eve spiral.  San-Cal existed during the resetting Eve spiral.  It made exploring the wilderness interesting... maybe you'll be the first to find old San-Cal?  Or maybe you are wasting your time and it got wiped?  Who knows?

I wish you would go back to tweaking the resetting Eve Sprial to maximize 4) rather than tweaking the rift model.

The resetting Eve Spiral maximized variable tech level for the town you are born to much more than the rift does.

Also... we don't care about permanence of families.  Hope Tree didn't care about her family's permanence.  She wanted to go back to a PLACE she liked - so she got on a horse and went there.  You are only getting us to act like we care about family continuity because you've tied it to the continuity of player built areas.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Reports of the Arc » 2019-09-22 19:47:50

Thanks for dropping the "century", Tea. 

Now where's my arc update?  And why was one of the recent eves able to take pictures?  What does this mean?

#21 Re: Main Forum » Reports of the Arc » 2019-09-20 21:48:41

I love this reporting but.... it really bugs me that you are calling the length of an arc a "century".

A century is one hundred years, no less and no more.  Saying "This century lasted 1700 years." makes my head explode!

But you even named your website ACE for the century... so I'm probably not gonna get you to change it.

Can't we just call it an Arc?  As in, "This Arc lasted 1700 years"

#22 Re: Main Forum » Arc population graph » 2019-09-20 21:36:03

jasonrohrer wrote:

Also, would it help if you got warnings when some family was near extinction?

You get notices when families die out....

But what about:  JONES FAMILY IN DECLINE when they cross some threshold?

Yes, this would be good.  You already set a trigger in the code for when there are fewer than three potentially fertile females outside the eve window... what if we got a message when that happened? 

It would be an invite for greifers, but also for players.

#23 Re: Main Forum » The curse system needs attention ASAP » 2019-09-17 16:23:58

Just popping in to say I completely agree.

1) the glitches in the curse system need to get fixed ASAP
2) the length of a curse's impact needs to get longer.  Lots of people only play one day a week, so let's make curses last at least a week.
3) people need to be able to stun others and lock em up.  Even if this happens to some people unfairly... its an interesting story, right?

I'm not big on the tarring and feathering, just because I can see our griefer twins using that against innocent people.

But MORE tools for players with good intentions would be great. I like the idea of a stunning weapon that only impacts people with a bloody knife.  How about just a Long Shaft?  We already use it as a club on seals....  And there is usually one hanging around the smithy/nursery/bakery zones anyway.  It would expand the amount of time for people to pass judgement on someone who has killed, instead of rushing to kill them while they are still in cooldown.

#24 Re: Main Forum » The arc ended again. » 2019-09-13 20:45:25

DestinyCall wrote:
Anhigen wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:


*wraps an emergency blanket around them* It'll be ok. We'll get you a new town. A better town. One with all your favorites--no more tears.

Thanks .. it was a really nice town.  I worked so hard on it last night.   I was looking forward to making a really long road this morning .... sigh.

Sorry Destiny,
I fought the reset as hard as I could today, both as a Disney and a Beedy, but the twin griefers who were determined to cause the reset came in with horsecarts, healing supplies, and weapons into a struggling low-tech Beedy town that didn't have a fence up, and we were toast.

#25 Re: Main Forum » hetuw mode » 2019-09-12 18:27:06

DestinyCall wrote:

Are you asking if you can look behind treez using the mod?

If yes, the keyboard shortcut is X ... for x-ray vision.

Thanks Destiny!

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