One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Notice about account details shared publicly (account pools, twitter) » 2020-08-03 14:15:18

I think the hilarious meme solution is just put all such accounts in perma donkey town. Then they keep their access to the server but not access to the rest of the playerbase.

#2 Re: Main Forum » My quick tutorial about basics » 2020-07-29 10:04:11

Gogo wrote:
prier wrote:

Another good video could be how to help in an eve camp.

prier wrote:

Also, I'd recommend posting this on the subreddit, we get a lot of newbies on there and it's lacking good content like this.

Done. Second vid:

nice, preferred it to the first vid tbh. music especially didn't turn me off in first 10 secs big_smile
I noted you tilled the big soil piles which i do as well, the little soil piles burn through a skewer every one or two uses but people get all uppity that you are 'wasting soil' and don't get how much iron (skewers in early camp) you save doing the (3 little piles) big pile of soil as one till.

Overall easily a 8/10 if not a 9. Nice work!

#3 Re: Main Forum » Concept Analysis: Rivers, Streams, Boats and more! » 2020-07-27 23:51:33

just do a forum search and you will see from back in march '18 it was being asked for and jason replied to it explaining why not.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Dead towns, dead towns, more dead towns » 2020-07-19 21:16:16

Clamman wrote:

I was exploring the highway system today and I saw a depressing number of dead towns. Do people routinely repopulate these towns, or do they just let them disappear?

Some get repopulated. Some are just left to be buried under the sands and some are built from scratch as that is by far the most fun version. Fighting the odds to get a town running as eve is hard and lots of fun. unfortunately being eve means a lot of family die as it isn't easy mode any more and that means gene score takes a dive which some people are obsessed with due to the whole leadership system.

Another factor i have seen a lot this weekend has been the roads which mean it is easy to find soe tasty abandoned towns once you get on the road. Be interesting to see if this carries on.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Jason, pls redeem me » 2020-07-19 11:59:27

Gogo installing hetuw could not be easier.

Go to the page containing the latest release:

from hetuw pages: In order to install, you already need to have the normal version of the game.
Then download the binary "OneLifeApp_H_windows" and place it inside your One Hour One Life folder.
For steam users this folder is at C:\Program Files (86x)\Steam\steamapps\common\One Hour One Life

Then execute the downloaded binary

#6 Re: Main Forum » So many noobs, afk bitches. How about...? » 2020-07-04 18:25:26

OneOfMany wrote:

How about a "Bless You" to both raise their gene score and make it more likely to play with them (bizarro curse)

been asked for before yes. i think it's a great idea, the reverse curse.

#7 Re: Main Forum » So many noobs, afk bitches. How about...? » 2020-07-04 00:49:56

how about 'how do i feed a sheep?' 'fill a bowl with berries and add a carrot to it' *comes back 15 minutes later and sees them asking someone else the same thing*, walk over and they have basket with 2 berries and a carrot in... explain a basket is not a bowl..

#8 Re: Main Forum » So many noobs, afk bitches. How about...? » 2020-07-03 12:26:13

I encourage exiling of afks, they sure as hell dont get fed lol!

#9 Re: Main Forum » They named me Hero because they needed one » 2020-07-02 11:26:36

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

I spent 2 hours getting the entire server oil so the families have a chance of lasting through the night. I guarantee I'll have to do it again tomorrow too. It sucks that everyone can stand around and do nothing all life because myself and a handful of other good players carry the game on our backs. Jason doesn't see this part. He doesn't see that it's always the same players getting oil and making engines. He doesn't see the hardcore teamwork across multiple lives with the same few people. He just sees towns running smoothly because of our work and claims himself a master game dev.

Anyways. Fuck new player waves.

it doesn't matter how much you offer to teach either, they'll be back to making youtube videos about their pet goose and hoovering up berries the moment your back is turned.

#10 Re: Main Forum » So many noobs, afk bitches. How about...? » 2020-06-30 09:33:58

Jojigirl wrote:

I don't care about gene score, and I'm sure not going to waste resources on an AFK person.. A lot of them do it so they get their own score up without having to actually play.

can confirm a number do it to farm gene score. have one cursed and in the last 24hrs saw them doing it in 3 towns.. they even had a friend feeding them once by arrangement as they went afk without a word but within seconds of starving emote their friend was there feeding them.

not to mention most people try and clothe + tell their babies about town, afk mothers are the worst. i never feed them and will ask they are exiled to remove them.

#11 Re: Main Forum » User Story: The Tale of Daugn Lava and Her Twin Sister » 2020-06-25 10:09:11

I have never to date seen or had twins that were any benefit to the tribe i'm in. i've heard very rare stories where they were, this was not one obviously.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Sometimes leader is not in the town. » 2020-06-25 00:58:19

merryllamax wrote:

I echo the /reelect idea. Had a leader recently that exiled (and tried to kill) someone for "cluttering the kitchen", ffs.

I'd also welcome a way to give up leadership so that it goes automatically goes to the next best qualified person. I just really don't enjoy being a leader - my gene score recently tanked so I thought it would not longer be a problem, but my last game the leader followed me before dying just after a brief interaction and I got stuck with leadership again.


/abdicate makes sense

i've had lives where i've inherited but just wanted to go do my own thing or travel to other towns and being lead you should be at home really to stop the emo crowd causing internal strife as well as keep an eye on fuel supplies or see that trade between tribes is sorted.

we have reelect now via unfollow and follow but i'd have no objections to that either.

#13 Re: Main Forum » First wisps of new content... » 2020-06-23 20:33:06

did you not notice the extra child hidden in your house whilst homeschooling yours Jason? big_smile

#14 Re: Main Forum » Should the rift return? » 2020-06-23 20:30:56

Coconut Fruit wrote:

I'm worried we would have an apocalypse every 15 hours.

How did it work before? Eves were spawning only first 10 hours after an apocalypse, and then apocalypse happened when only one fam left. But we didn't need all races to survive back then.

it is already one of the easiest games to grief. if solo killing isn't brought back properly it would be griefer heaven

#15 Re: Main Forum » Should the rift return? » 2020-06-23 12:03:11

Dodge wrote:

The rift?


A map similar to the real world with oceans, biomes etc and not infinite like currently?

Definitly yes

there was a thread back in 2018 where he explained why this wasn't doable (oceans/rivers)

#16 Re: Main Forum » Summer and Mia the two town kingdome » 2020-06-23 12:01:24

they probably got desperate as we stopped multiple griefer attempts last night and peaced up at least one war. i mean they spend all night trying to grief and then have to wait until the small hours to seek the emo attention they need.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Sometimes leader is not in the town. » 2020-06-22 08:50:37

picado wrote:

And currently we agreed we should not follow somebody who ask to follow themselves.

the main reason to forbid a player leadership should be that he wants it, yes.

griefer 1 has high gene score and auto inherits leadership in a tribe.
griefer 2 travels from his tribe to griefer 1's where g1 follows him and thus he becomes leader of a separate tribe with all g1's followers auto following g2.
g2 can now exile+kill whoever they want without gene score loss and it takes far more people to understand what is going and how to fix it to deal with it.

as i said above the game is setup to encourage griefing or at least so badly thought through it makes it easy.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Sometimes leader is not in the town. » 2020-06-22 08:43:43

it is a griefer mechanism commonly used at weekends to get leadership over two tribes and exile/kill everyone in the second tribe. if your leader is a long distance or especially from another tribe your best move is /unfollow then find someone who is working well for the tribe and say i follow you. it is messy and very hard to achieve especially when the griefer only needs his friend with high gene score in a seperate tribe to inherit leadership then say he follows you to achieve it but the game is setup to be easier to grief and harder to play to achieve longer bloodlines.

#19 Re: Main Forum » The Gingers and Browns | A Lovely Relationship | » 2020-06-22 00:41:36

Arcurus wrote:
Catfive wrote:

there are so many sources of yum now it's a wonder anyone dies of starvation outside of eve camps unless of course they're all sat around waiting for someone else to provide food which is often the case.

yesterday they not even had fire....

unsurprising. We get so many noobs who understand nothing whatsoever except eat berries off bush.
i mean absolutely nada.
and these clueless beginners are supposed to form posses and vote for best leaders when someone starts emo attention seeking by killing the noobs, lol.

#20 Re: Main Forum » The Gingers and Browns | A Lovely Relationship | » 2020-06-21 08:43:46

wondible wrote:

I was there a few times. The gingers are now dead, and both towns seemed to be going through frequent starvation threats event with both around. I mean, they can make pickles, what more do you need?

there are so many sources of yum now it's a wonder anyone dies of starvation outside of eve camps unless of course they're all sat around waiting for someone else to provide food which is often the case.

#21 Re: Main Forum » I miss wars » 2020-06-19 22:39:43

if you want wars back and killings, just go back to solo killing. it was actually easier to deal with shitheads when we had solo killing and yet we still managed some great community towns. i really enjoyed that time in the game. yes there were still those who needed and caused emo drama due to their need for attention but we also enjoyed killing them when they did shitty stuff too.

#22 Re: Main Forum » So getting rubber is now a multigenerational migration...seems legit. » 2020-06-15 09:29:55

DestinyCall wrote:
Catfive wrote:

The waystones are bugged and have been reading ridiculously long distances all week when the truth is usually 1k give or take. i don't know if the directions are correct but the distances are completely inaccurate

I don't think the markers are bugged.    New Eves are spawning extremely far west.

I discovered gingers and blacks close to the brown camp i was in yet waystones stated they were 20k away. checked the day after from ginger camp after finding brown and same story. how is that not a bug?

#23 Re: Main Forum » So getting rubber is now a multigenerational migration...seems legit. » 2020-06-14 22:06:45

The waystones are bugged and have been reading ridiculously long distances all week when the truth is usually 1k give or take. i don't know if the directions are correct but the distances are completely inaccurate

#24 Re: Main Forum » Bear Parade new grief meta » 2020-06-12 14:07:58

mrbah wrote:

being immortal while riding a horse is pretty stupid tbh.

i definitely shot a guy off a horse in the past in game, is it currently not doable or is my memory misleading me? it would have been over a year ago

#25 Re: Main Forum » The Mother-Child Relationship Etiquette » 2020-06-12 11:02:14

Arcurus wrote:
pein wrote:

the main reason is warmth, not the style, so don't give fancy clothes, it helps with recognizing newbies too

its so sad that everything is now only looked at through efficiency... no beautiful cloths anymore since all are cut down for efficient cloths, so sad, beauty is also very important....

when i see someone in all rabbit furs or even better a sealskin coat i think 'there is a smart player and they will hardly ever have to eat', when i see players in full dyed top hat and tailored clothing i think 'there's someone playing grown up let's pretend' perceptions differ.

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