One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Good job Jason » 2018-07-21 05:21:26

Yus positivity! I have to say the recent row have updates have massively improved the game 10x. I feel like Jason is doing a really good job ironing out the kinks of what has got to be an incredibly hard game to balance smile

#2 Re: Main Forum » order for eveing » 2018-07-21 05:19:51

Also if you a new player who is first child to an eve, PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY. I once had a first child who was "totally an experienced player" Too bad he kept insisting we needed to light a fire  instead of gathering resources for me- despite not having any rabbits or a kiln. Pretty much single handedly destroyed a promising eve run because he used up all our resources keeping a useless fire going before i could get the base built sad

#3 Re: Main Forum » What was your first kill like? » 2018-07-21 05:15:22

My first and only kill so far was when I was a young hunter woman- I birthed my first child mid wolf hunt. Unfortunately I shot him and not the wolf. My bad lol.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-07-21 05:13:15

To Eve Stupid/My Son Eagle (I think?)

Thank you for joining in the nomad life with me- you were a lot of fun! Also you are not stupid- you were doing very well! It is too bad my brother was a trolled who killed me before we could properly adventure together- I do not think he ever had any intention to travel with us but oh well, sometimes that happens. I hope you made your seal skin coat. When I respawned I finally got to live the nomad life I always dreamed of- my one regret was I never got to run into you again.

-The Nomad

#5 Re: Main Forum » Favorite Job? » 2018-07-20 11:30:55

Trapping and hunting are always my go to favourites, especially in new towns where i like to make bags for everyone. Ironically I only ever seem to end up being a wolf hunter when I'm a women, which isn't ideal- but its fun rping at being a terrible mum sometimes haha.

In bigger towns I'm a big fan of being shepherd or cook, because they feel helpful and not overly repetitive- plus raising kids when your head chef is very easy!

#6 Re: Main Forum » Give birth to the killer of your people » 2018-06-26 10:22:26

Tbh I've been thinking that in the extreme cases like the one OP described, no amount of in game mechanics is going to solve the problem.

I think things like medicine were a much needed addition to the game as they are a counter again low level griefing (the odd bored killer etc). Unfortunately for the people who genuinely have something *wrong* with them in real life- the ones whose only joy comes from exerting power over other people- any new mechanic is probably just a challenge for them. Even if you took away killing completely these types of people would still likely get joy (or as much as they can understand of that emotion) from trying to disturb others over the chat (aka rp'ing as a pedo Etc). In these extreme cases literally the only good solution is banning them completely from the game. With the family tree system, psycho players should be easy to identify so I think a post game reporting system could be possible- although unfortunately since this game is only made by one guy, it might just be too much for Jason to handle right now hmm

#7 Re: Main Forum » Give birth to the killer of your people » 2018-06-26 03:24:49

TrustyWay wrote:

Boys, this game is the only place where you can be abusive.

There SHOULDN'T BE a place where you can be abusive. If you have that need (and in this case keep in mind *that need* refers to a player who rp'd as a child rapist/murderer) than I would suggest counseling rather than video games.

lostlandofcarrots wrote:

I know internet communities tend to be rather toxic, it's in their nature, but this forum is one of the worse ones I've seen. All in the name of free speech absolutism, which I've seen kill communities before. The idea that an unmoderated community will become a bastion of rational discussion and exchange of ideas is a rather naive one; it's more likely that trolls and spammers will take over, and in the end, will be the only ones left.

+1 to this. The problem with this kind of toxic behavior is that it comes at the expense of literally every other normal functioning human playing the game. "Free speech" doesn't mean you can say whatever you want without consequence- it just means you can criticize the government without being arrested. We should be perfectly within our rights to request bans for players showing anti-social behavior.

Superfun2 wrote:

This was me!!!

Are you saying you were the child-rapist? If so get some bloody counseling, you pathetic human.

#8 Re: Main Forum » A Storm is a coming! » 2018-06-22 10:57:39

I was a Storm too- what a great town, the baking station was A+!

As a girl I was lucky enough to stumble upon the old chiefs clothes as he died- from that day on I was Lucky the Baker. I dedicated my life to baking pies (and cooking various other foods) for the town, with my son Vegeta as my assistant. It was a very good life- my only regret was that I accidentally starved my only non-suiciding daughter.... and also that I never figured out how to make tortillas!

Town was still going strong when I died smile … &id=377584

#9 Re: Main Forum » The girl(s) who played with pigs. » 2018-06-22 10:42:27

Haha great story! Didn't realize catching pigs was so hard- now I'm really going to have to learn how to make tortillas!

YAHG wrote:

Yeah pigs are good, but I don't think they belong in pens as they don't seem to steal our food like sheep do.

Geese are nice too, OMG so many eggs though

Hmm I would still recommend keeping them in a pen- I just played a game as a chef where a pig was my greatest nemesis until I finally got the knife. It kept walking all over my cooking area when I was trying to organize things- and leaving dead pignets everywhere, which was a pain hmm

#10 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-06-22 10:20:31

To the Space Family:

Sorry my nameless daughter and son; your names were meant to be Venus and Earth. Somehow I messed up when naming you- I must have forgotten to utter the words aloud. My bad.

Also sorry I had to die so young- It was a good spot we spawned into, I hope future generations get to enjoy it! … _id=377604

#11 Re: Main Forum » pein, STOP TURNING MY GRAVEYARDS INTO SHEEP PENS » 2018-06-08 04:40:42

pein wrote:

deserved, players are bad

yeah vibes, thats a professional description, as  a kid i run for a backpack no matter what, as all other pro players who been on the situation, and honestly i use it better so i deserve it, too many times noobs get it at birth and use it as a basket and never go 30 tile away and still die, so i got no problem hiding fur or threads for the sake of it, everybody does it when its overpopulation
i never start a life like 'i gonna murder this noobs'

i react the second my hair changes, kill me at birth if you cant feed me, i just hate old ladies asking stupid questions and pickign me up while im starving and trying to run away

im the reason you even seen sheep domestication in towns, as i came up with the pen pits and made the first ones, and made it popular
no i never hide shears, i just keeping it safe from people who arent able to feed sheep but make a full clothing out of it

i dont say i play every game on 100%, sometimes is just running around a while, then i do whatever, or i got terrible lag and can do like two ingots with a fire, then just go around and do simple tasks, at least im considerate about producing more than using

the problem is they all act like amateurs, they dont get a branch or a clay, or water anything, at the moment you got something valuable, they just steal it and bitch about it, like a cart, they never got a single milkweed, but they steal it in 5 seconds when you make it, same for sheep, i can make it faster and i dont mind doing it but let me make the first clothing for myself before others if i did the hard part

1) I wasn't aware this was a professional forum lmao

2) Mate do you even realize how hypocritical you are? You must be so bad at self reflection I wouldn't even be surprised if you said you couldn't see your own face in the mirror tongue

3) Chill out! No one cares if you are the best at everything or if you invented the sheep pen; its just a game- sometimes people feel like mucking around and having fun. Just relax and stop worrying about other players all the time- make some friends or something instead. Life's short, so enjoy yourself while you can!

#12 Re: Main Forum » pein, STOP TURNING MY GRAVEYARDS INTO SHEEP PENS » 2018-06-07 22:20:13

pein wrote:
Spockulon wrote:
pein wrote:

step 1: stop complaining and trying to say how others should play

. . .

pein, you are ALWAYS and FOREVER complaining about the way other people game...


you know...


i do, but cause they spend most time doing stupid shit what advances society nowhere, like eating all berry then making a stone room while you go 4 biomes away to get iron just to see that your 4th chisel is missing

you wouldnt be happy either about people stealing your stuff when you got a plan with it
nobody does nothing, once i got sheep, they start shearing every each and get clothes, thats why i keep shears at me

i adapt and make everything grief proof, noob proof and simple, so let me complain about bad intended lazy people

i dont have any issue about someone making a room somewhere as long as he dont fuck up the green trees, tools by doing so, i dont have issue that someone makes letters with soils i make

its just common sense you produce as much as you use or at least ask it

morti considers a whole city his, played the same shit with alleria, cause obviously he is best in this game cause has more hours

Although I do genuinely think that you make some good points and the grave sheep pen thing is a pretty creative cool idea, but I agree with Spockulon here- you spend ALL your time on the forums bitching about other players. And honestly? The one life I know I've been in the same town as you, you weren't that helpful. In fact in that life you gave me huge griefer vibes even when you were still a baby lol. Also you bitched on the forums about me not being able to feed you, despite the fact I was obviously a menopausal woman so maybe its not that every other player being bad, but you just being unobservant?

P.S. Are you the reason I keep finding these towns with sheep but no shears!? Honestly sheep can grow back their fleece so having them all shorn is no big deal. I would rather have the shears available for everyone to use otherwise it means we just end up wasting resources making a new pair.

#13 Re: Main Forum » What do you do as a male? » 2018-06-07 21:56:30

xxx90x wrote:
Aurora Aurora wrote:
xxx90x wrote:

You are anger control disorder.
Very poor.
Let me know if you need help.
love your self...

Leave my boys alone or I’m calling the police!

How to control anger
1. Deep breathing
2. Know that nobody is interested in me. (Self-conscious excess prevention)
3. Smile smile

This is a REALLY weird question but.... xx90x, did you ever go by the username banbi on tumblr? Your peculiar way of "speaking" (well typing) puts me in the mind of a troll I encountered there a few years ago.

I'm just really curious as to whether by some insane coincidence I've met the same troll twice on completely different sites or whether there's some other reason you guys "speak" like that (like is there a country out there that teaches people English in short sentences with no linking words?)

#14 Re: Main Forum » pein, STOP TURNING MY GRAVEYARDS INTO SHEEP PENS » 2018-06-07 11:09:20

lol so that's what they were ranting about in the other post.....

#15 Re: Main Forum » Dark secret: the murder rate is 16% » 2018-06-06 09:31:51

YAHG wrote:

When there is nothing useful to do people are gonna make interesting things happen.

Watering bushes over and over and over and over with zero effort involved makes raising
babies effortless and thus pointless. At that point we are just in a bad chat room with weird
message limits.

Murdering and gladiatoring etc make things interesting making it out like we are psychopathic
for stirring up a little fun is a BIT MUCH..

On a side note you can move the headstones around in those giant graveyards all the syrup
dispensers who bury everyone who was ever fucking alive ever...

Makes nice battle arenas.

Not saying all killers are actual psychos- I can understand people who decide they want to rp mad kings or bandits for a life and I'm 100% for gladiator combats and crazy sacrificial cults big_smile

But you can't tell me the people whose only game play style is "kill and destroy entire village" don't have a few screws loose (or are just very young I guess). I mean where is the fun in it anyway? Broken game mechanics mean there's not even a challenge to it- just go and play a fps if you feel like shooting someone!

And I don't think it comes from straight up boredom anyway- I've been in my fair share of boring villages and have always found something interesting to do without resorting to ruining everyone else's day. As far as I can tell alot of these killers just seem to get a thrill from exerting power over other players.

Edit: Your graveyard gladiator arena sounds awesome!

#16 Re: Main Forum » Dark secret: the murder rate is 16% » 2018-06-06 08:46:42

I think what we all have to remember is that 5% of the human population are clinical psychopaths who are literally incapable of feeling empathy.

Since they can't actually relate to other people I would imagine that a large part of the game would hold no interest for them- after all if you can't connect with other players you are not going to get any real joy out of the social experiences like raising your kids, making friends, or passing on skills to new players. Consequently the game gets boring for these people the moment the top of the tech tree is reached. When this happens they turn to the only social interaction they really understand- exerting power over other people.

Unfortunately the way the game is currently built, psychopaths get a disproportionate amount of power. Weapons are impossible to build quickly and use up valuable resources so a smart village of empathetic players will be inclined to build as little of these items as possible. But if a psychopath comes along and gets their hands on the knife, then its pretty much all over for the entire village- there could be 50 really good, hardworking, cooperative players there but the game mechanics render them useless the moment a psycho starts killing.

As many people have mentioned in previous threads, there needs to be more in game ways to counteract murderers. There have been plenty of good suggestions made already(medicine for victims, lassos can capture murderers etc etc). Tbh I don't think it matters exactly what solution is picked, but I do think that whatever counter strategy is made available should have one requirement- it needs to require empathy, good teamwork and cooperation.

Let the greater number of nice players be an actual advantage (also it would make better stories if uncle joe was able to throw himself on the knife to disarm the killer and save the village,as opposed to "everyone ran away and hid when the murders started" type stories).

#17 Re: Main Forum » What do you do as a male? » 2018-06-06 08:17:08

Agreed that the anti male bias of the game is completely over the top! (And I say that as someone who is in fact a woman in real life, so no butt hurt there lol).

I really love rabbit trapping but as a woman it can be almost impossible to be a decent trapper, so I always use my male lives to be worlds best rabbit hunter. Also love doing long expeditions and living the hermit life- particularly when you come from a village big enough to have a spare cart.

Generally male lives are also the best ones for figuring out a new skill as you don't have the distraction of babies popping out of you every 5 seconds.

Ironically the only 2 times I've been a wolf/mouflon hunter have been when I was a women.... but also the worlds shittiest mother. Definitely a job more suited to the male games aha *flashbacks to accidentally shooting my own newborn son*

#18 Re: Main Forum » Dying of starvation a few steps away from food » 2018-06-06 08:03:29

I like the idea of adjusting the hunger chime to the time left until you starve, rather than a set amount of squares-makes much more sense to me.

Additionally having an extra 15secs grace or making the last 2 boxes be worth more sound good to me BUT with one addition- if a player lets their hunger level drop this low, food is worth LESS. So for example if a carrot usually has a food value of 8 while eaten on a semi full stomach, on an empty stomach it would only be worth 6. That way you punish bad play while also being a little less frustrating for new players.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-06-04 08:54:15

To my nameless son I killed- I'm soo sorry my boy! You were born mid hunt-I shot you by accident sad

Also Old Man Will- thanks for giving me your stuff. I placed your bones n the graveyard but couldn't find a shovel. When I came back a new gravedigger had come along and buried you. I was sad I never got to hold you a proper funeral but atleast you did get your final wish anyway. Thanks for telling me where the mouflon were, we have sheep once again. … &id=246846

P.S I didn't get to pass on the hiding spot of the bow. I hope some future hunter finds it and uses it well. Preferably not accidentally shoot their own son in the process.

#20 Re: Main Forum » So many bad players » 2018-06-04 04:50:05

IronBear wrote:

I always leave my kids by the farm.  I look them up the family tree and they died 2 minutes later.  That means they have not even figured out eating. How do you die on a farm?  I have been abondoned as a baby several times and still make it to adulthood.

YAHG wrote:

If they are too dumb to eat they are too dumb to live.. Sad but true

I don't think its stupidity that kills them, I think its impatience. There's so many players out there bitching about carrot sponges that the moment you can feed yourself I feel there's alot of unspoken pressure to help out immediately. You may have dropped the kid by the farm, but what state is the farm in? Is the water source nearby or are they going to die getting lost on the way to the well? Is there flint nearby for them to shuck corn with? Seeds? A working hoe? A player with just enough experience to notice something missing might kill themselves in their attempt to help out too young.

I've personally found that the kids I take time to reassure ("stay by farm until grown", "do this job when older", "don't die" etc etc) have a much higher survival rate. I myself have certainly made more effort to survive in lives where I've had a family member tell me my job is to stay alive. I think it actually serves a duel purpose of 1) telling the other player its ok to relax a little, and 2) it makes people actually want to stick around  (I know I'm way less likely to get bored and take dumb risks when I'm playing with a nice family).

That's not to say that you will still keep every kid- there's still a chance you will get a very new (or just plain bad) player, but good communication can definitely up your kids chances of survival smile

#21 Re: Main Forum » So many bad players » 2018-06-04 00:40:16

IronBear wrote:

I am so frustrated by all the bad players.

Look at any family tree, and you will see that like only 1 out 8 players don't starve to death in childhood.

You work so hard to master this game and there is an 80% chance your kid will be a moron.  And if you luck out and get a good player for a kid, she has a 50% of being a boy.  And of those that are girl and good, 50% will probably die from an honest mistake.

Just had to rant about these players who can't last more than 3 minutes after being weened.

To be fair  as a toddler (or elder) a relatively small mistake or issue can cost you your life. Mum forget to tell you where the food is kept? Dead! Exploring around the outskirts of town and realize you don't have a homemarker? Dead! Someone took your sharp stone when gathering? Dead! Someone picked your emergency berry bush clean? Dead! Snake in farm? Dead! AND MOST COMMON OF ALL- Game lag? Dead!

Sure some of these are dumb mistakes, but the game is pretty unforgiving so even experienced players can make them easily.

Also as Dacen said, its up to you to teach other players! That is literally what this game is all about. I have definitely found that the amount of time I have put into instructing kids is directly proportional to how many survive. Like there has been several times when I've had new players live to old age while my experienced children died young, simply because I've let experienced players do what they like from a young age and as a result they haven't known important info (bear North, food here, we're running out of girls so no hunting etc).

#22 Re: Main Forum » Confessions of a carrot plebe » 2018-06-04 00:14:29

Yes to what all these guys have said, but also to go along with it some other jobs are:

Village Janitor: Doesn't sound glamorous but can literally be lifesaving! Often people working in time intensive jobs don't have time to clean up around the site. Take on the role of removing broken tools, stacking items in boxes/baskets and setting out a consistent storage area for unused furs/clothes/whatever. This makes for a cleaner base which means less travel time for everyone and less chance of people dying in dumb situations like accidentally dying from picking up the broken hoe instead of the lifesaving carrot. In particular don't be afraid to splurge out on basket/box/cart making for storage around the farm as the faster farmers can harvest and replant crops, the less likely a village is to starve.

Tailor: Ironically in many of my more productive lives have been spent completely naked because I haven't had time to find/craft clothing. Start making and delivering clothes and backpacks to hardworking villages to make their lives easier.

Clothes dyeing: If the town is doing really well and there's wool clothes around than make some dye! I did this once and found myself absolutely swamped by excited people hoping to pimp out their woolly hats. It may not be a very practical job but its fun and people enjoy it!

Build Hunters Camps: This is actually a new one I've come across that I think will be a great addition to the meta. Essentially find an area a good distance away from town that is near rabbits and a water source. Set up a small berry farm and leave a clay bowl beside it for watering. Leave a snare nearby for the rabbits. If you're doing really well, also add a milkweed farm and bone needle so hunters can craft on site. Finished that? Add a bow and arrow! This is not only great for keeping people doing long range hunting trips alive, but as I found in a previous game, it is a great anti griefer defense as it provides a safe place to hideout and wait for things to calm down. If we built small hunters camps in each direction it becomes much harder to destroy a town as more people could escape into the wilderness and get the chance to arm themselves.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Dear Ash- FU I LIVED AHAHAHAAHA » 2018-06-03 10:19:23

Hstrike wrote:

Hi Mom!

I distinctly remembered that your first words were about murder. I distinctly remember that you named me Victory, because you had triumphed over the killer. I carried that name proudly until I finally collapsed.

As a young boy, I had the freedom to explore, and when I asked where to hunt rabbits, you simply said "w". And you were right. It was West that the rabbits prospered. Sadly, and I didn't know it at the time, these would be the last words that we would exchange. I always wondered what had happened to you.

The far West was a resourceful, plentiful world. Another rabbit Hunter had lived there, and had even planted two berry bushes which he watered from the nearby bonds with a bowl. I stumbled upon his body and resumed the task. During my last trip to Berryheaven, I had produced a total of three backpacks for the village, a true legacy for the future.

I died West as I ventured out to seek more fur for the village, close to the berry farm. I am certain that someone must have found my backpack and my rabbits, and I am proud to have served you and the village.

You were greatly missed, and more than a few wondered where you were when I asked about your whereabouts. I am glad my small contribution helped to revive the village.

Victory. … _id=230361

Hi Victory- glad you found the rabbits! If I'd had time to talk, I would have told you I was sending you to my secret hideout. Did you see the bow and pile of rabbit furs? They were mine- I never got to use them but I hope you did! I was very happy when you asked me about hunting as it is a job too often neglected and backpacks are the most useful things a town can have! Sorry I could not say goodbye to you and your siblings, but perhaps we will meet in another life smile

breezeknight wrote:


no idea why you gloat
Ash died from old age, so he was able to live a successful life as a murderer to the fullest
your life on the other hand was determined by that very killer as well,
even if he didn't kill you directly you praise his doings by singing a song of his "bravery", to stand up alone against a village & murder at least 3 persons
he has even a proud place in your lineage, next to your place
he doesn't even suffer any disgrace & an actual lineage ban !

would it be that detrimental to your gameplay if there were options to prevent murder, options to protect against murder & options to cure a victim after an attack ?
what if the attacks of Ash were not always successful but some of them would misclick & he wouldn't be able to kill his prey ?
what if he needed two clicks to murder & his prey would had a chance of running away because not even injured ?
what if there was a cure after Ash would have injured someone & that person would have recovered instead of dying ?
what if one of his attacks backfired & he would be injured or even killed by it, just like that ?

I gloat because Ash only thought he lived a successful life-but his final boast proved useless. The town did not rust-it thrived. At the end of the day he lived a miserable lonely life with his only accomplishment being that he failed to destroy something that should have been easy to break. I ran passed him several times when getting the pies and even took the time to stop and look at his name- but he never got me.

I gloat because I came back to the town nearly 20 generations later and it was still thriving- I even became the town guard and carried the knife once more. At this point noone remembered the murderer. His work meant nothing, but mine still lived on in my surviving descendants and thriving berry farm.

But mostly I gloat because its just plain fun big_smile At the end of the day it was an entertaining story I could tell the kids when they were at the boring baby stage. I honestly quite enjoyed standing over his corpse and telling the kids how much he completely failed his mission to wipe out the town. Griefers are insecure folks in my opinion, so I hope it gets on his nerves that he failed at doing the easiest thing in the game-  there were no other weapons available when he killed the town so it really wasn't a challenge he should have failed.

Also I totally agree with you that there should be more in game ways to counteract murderers- it would make for some more interesting stories if we could cure victims or band together to throw rocks at griefers.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-06-03 03:57:09

To my family in Berryhaven (or Berryheaven? I may have renamed it lol)

Mum and Uncle Mike- I survived the murders and continued on the town. I hope I made you proud- the berry bushes were still growing well when I died.

To my children- there was so many of you I'm not gonna list you all by name, but you were all great fun! I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye or finishing my corn farming lesson, unfortunately I lagged out and couldn't eat sad I didn't get to pass on my knife but it seems there were no murders after me so I guess someone responsible found it. It was a great life and I'm glad I got a chance to help out some new players in a safe environment.

-Lola … _id=231881

(i know I wrote about part of my story elsewhere on the forums but thought it would be nice to leave a message here as well).

#25 Re: Main Forum » Dear Ash- FU I LIVED AHAHAHAAHA » 2018-06-03 03:32:00

Baker wrote:

You're a legend, I was Mike I spent most of the life I had in that berry farm. Alot of the children never watered so I tried to teach them, A lot of them didn't realize they needed the bucket to use the well. I saw them trying to fill a bowl from the well and when I told them to use a bucket they tried watering with the bucket.

Anyway, when he started killing everyone I ran off but I quickly realized I couldn't do much if he killed all the women. So I ran back into town and saw a young girl, I tried to tell her to run but he stabbed me. Were you by any chance that girl I saw, I'm glad you got away and repopulated the town.

Yes I was the girl! I was hanging around because I'd seen a body, but hadn't seen what happened and wasn't sure if the murderer was still around. When you showed up and told me to run I knew it was serious and took off-it really saved my bacon as I think he appeared right after that.

Thanks for teaching me about the deepwells- I wasn't sure how the deepwells/bucket thing worked after the new update so it was a great help. When arrived back I spent most of my time tending to the berry farm in your honor and it was the first lesson I taught some of the new players in my school (although unfortunately some of the deep wells had dried up then, but atleast they should know to always water the berrys now smile)

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