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[Code Changes]One Hour One Life - Content Update Log


Version 191 (Fri Jan 11, 2019)

+ Daniell Cell
+ Hot Thin Rod in Wooden Tongs
+ Thin Steel Rod in Wooden Tongs
+ Hot Thin Steel Rod
+ Thin Steel Rod
+ Drill Bit
+ Drill Mechanism
+ Drill Mechanism# just grabbed
+ Firing Newcomen Drill
+ Drill Working
+ Newcomen Drill
+ Newcomen Drill with Charcoal
+ Newcomen Drill with Full Boiler
+ Draw Plate
+ Malachite
+ Crucible with Malachite and Charcoal
+ Unforged Sealed Copper Crucible
+ Hot Forged Copper Crucible
+ Forged Copper Crucible
+ Cool Copper Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Unforged Copper Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Hot Copper Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Crucible with Copper
+ Crucible with Malachite
+ Copper Ingot
+ Calamine
+ Crucible with Calamine
+ Crucible with Calamine and Charcoal
+ Zinc Ingot
+ Cool Zinc Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Unforged Zinc Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Hot Zinc Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Unforged Sealed Zinc Crucible
+ Forged Zinc Crucible
+ Hot Forged Zinc Crucible
+ Crucible with Zinc
+ Cool Zinc Ingot in Wooden Tongs
+ Warm Zinc Ingot in Wooden Tongs
+ Zinc Rod in Wooden Tongs
+ Zinc Rod
+ Copper Rod
+ Copper Wire
+ Copper Foil
+ Foil and Paper Sandwich
+ Capacitor
+ Copper Coil
+ Short Antenna
+ Medium Antenna
+ Long Antenna
+ Niter
+ Bowl of Niter Solution
+ Bowl of Dissolved Niter with Ashes
+ Ash Niter Solution with Filter Paper
+ Bowl of Saltpeter Solution
+ Bowl with Dirty Filter Paper
+ Dirty filter Paper
+ Bowl of Saltpeter
+ Copper Pot
+ Bowl of Saltpeter and Sulfur
+ Sulfur Trioxide Reaction
+ Sulfuric Acid on Ashes
+ Bowl of Sulfuric Acid
+ Bowl of Copper Sulfate
+ Pot of Copper Sulfate
+ Daniell Cell Anode
+ Light Bulb
+ Glasswort
+ Cut Glasswort
+ Dry Glasswort
+ Burning Glasswort
+ Glasswort Ashes
+ Bowl of Glasswort Ashes
+ Bowl of Soaking Glasswort Ashes
+ Bowl of Glasswort Ashes with Filter Paper
+ Bowl of Soda Ash Solution
+ Bowl of Soda Ash
+ Sand Deposit
+ Sand Pit
+ Empty Sand Pit
+ Bowl of Sand
+ Small Sand Pile
+ Bowl of Soda Lime Mixture
+ Soda Lime Glass Batch
+ Molten Glass
+ Blowpipe
+ Molten Glass in Wooden Tongs
+ Soda Lime Batch in Wooden Tongs
+ Cool Glass
+ Cool Glass in Wooden Tongs
+ Blowpipe With Hot Glass Bulb
+ Blowpipe With Cool Glass Bulb
+ Cool Glass# just added
+ Thread in Clay Bowl
+ Thread in Sealed Crucible
+ Thread Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Filament Crucible in Wooden Tongs
+ Filament in Sealed Crucible
+ Carbon Filament in Clay Bowl
+ Carbon Filament
+ Carbon Filament with Wire Leads
+ Wrought Iron with Filings
+ Iron Filings
+ Clay Bowl with Coherer Parts
+ Bowl of Iron Filings
+ Coherer
+ Bowl with Coherer
+ Iron Rod in Wooden Tongs
+ Iron Rod
+ Electromagnet
+ Spark Terminal
+ Two Spark Terminals
+ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 1
+ Two Capacitors
+ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 2
+ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 3
+ High Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global1
+ Medium Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global2
+ Low Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global3
+ Operating High Frequency Transmitter# *global1
+ Operating Medium Frequency Transmitter# *global2
+ Operating Low Frequency Transmitter# *global3
+ Partial Marconi Receiver# 1
+ Two Copper Coils
+ Partial Marconi Receiver# 2
+ Partial Marconi Receiver# 3
+ Partial Marconi Receiver# 4
+ Two Daniell Cells
+ Partial Marconi Receiver# 5
+ High Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global1
+ Medium Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global2
+ Low Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global3
+ High Frequency Marconi Receiver# on
+ Medium Frequency Marconi Receiver# on
+ Low Frequency Marconi Receiver# on
+ >global1
+ >global2
+ >global3
+ Hot Rod in Wooden Tongs# reheated
+ Hot Rod in Wooden Tongs# grabbed
+ Cool Glass in Wooden Tongs# grabbed
~ Hot Rod in Wooden Tongs
~ Steel Rod in Wooden Tongs
~ Steel Pipe
~ Unforged Sealed Steel Crucible
~ Unforged Steel Crucible in Wooden Tongs
~ Hot Forged Steel Crucible
~ Forged Steel Crucible
~ Hot Steel Crucible in Wooden Tongs
~ Cool Steel Crucible in Wooden Tongs
~ Wooden Tongs#cool steel ingot
(150 object updates) (raw changes)

+[ - ] +
[ Hot Thin Rod in Wooden Tongs ]
+[ - ] +
[ Hot Thin Steel Rod ]
+[ - ] +
[ Drill Mechanism# just grabbed ]
+[ - ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Drill ]
+[ - ] +
[ Warm Zinc Ingot in Wooden Tongs ]
+[ - ] +
[ Bowl of Saltpeter Solution ]
+[ - ] +
[ Dirty filter Paper ]
+[ - ] +
[ Sulfur Trioxide Reaction ]
+[ - ] +
[ Cut Glasswort ]
+[ - ] +
[ Burning Glasswort ]
+[ - ] +
[ Bowl of Soda Ash Solution ]
+[ - ] +
[ Molten Glass ]
+[ - ] +
[ Molten Glass in Wooden Tongs ]
+[ - ] +
[ Blowpipe With Hot Glass Bulb ]
+[ - ] +
[ Cool Glass# just added ]
+[ - ] +
[ Hot Rod in Wooden Tongs# reheated ]
+[ - ] +
[ Hot Rod in Wooden Tongs# grabbed ]
+[ - ] +
[ Cool Glass in Wooden Tongs# grabbed ]
+[ - ] +
[ Drill Mechanism ]
+[ - ] +
[ Newcomen Drill ]
+[ - ] +
[ Crucible with Copper ]
+[ - ] +
[ Crucible with Zinc ]
+[ - ] +
[ Bowl with Dirty Filter Paper ]
+[ - ] +
[ Sulfuric Acid on Ashes ]
+[ - ] +
[ Thread in Clay Bowl ]
+[ - ] +
[ Filament in Sealed Crucible ]
+[ - ] +
[ Carbon Filament in Clay Bowl ]
+[ - ] +
[ Wrought Iron with Filings ]
+[ - ] +
[ Bowl with Coherer ]
+[ - ] +
[ Two Spark Terminals ]
+[ - ] +
[ Two Capacitors ]
+[ - ] +
[ High Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global1 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Medium Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global2 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Low Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global3 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Operating High Frequency Transmitter# *global1 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Operating Medium Frequency Transmitter# *global2 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Operating Low Frequency Transmitter# *global3 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Two Daniell Cells ]
+[ - ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 5 ]
+[ - ] +
[ High Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global1 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Medium Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global2 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Low Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global3 ]
+[ - ] +
[ High Frequency Marconi Receiver# on ]
+[ - ] +
[ Medium Frequency Marconi Receiver# on ]
+[ - ] +
[ Low Frequency Marconi Receiver# on ]
+[ Blank Paper ] +
[ Copper Foil ]
+[ Blank Paper ] +
[ Bowl of Dissolved Niter with Ashes ]
+[ Blank Paper ] +
[ Bowl of Soaking Glasswort Ashes ]
+[ Bowl of Sulfur ] +
[ Bowl of Saltpeter ]
+[ Hot Wrought Iron in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Roller ]
+[ Hot Rod in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Roller ]
+[ Steel Rod in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Firing Forge ]
+[ Steel Pipe ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Roller ]
+[ Clay Bowl ] +
[ Glasswort Ashes ]
+[ Clay Bowl ] +
[ Sand Deposit ]
+[ Clay Bowl ] +
[ Sand Pit ]
+[ Clay Bowl ] +
[ Sand Pit ]
+[ Clay Bowl ] +
[ Small Sand Pile ]
+[ Clay Bowl ] +
[ Iron Filings ]
+[ Clay Plate ] +
[ Thread in Clay Bowl ]
+[ Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Hot Steel Rod ]
+[ Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Steel Rod ]
+[ Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Zinc Ingot ]
+[ Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Soda Lime Glass Batch ]
+[ Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Molten Glass ]
+[ Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Cool Glass ]
+[ Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Thread in Sealed Crucible ]
+[ Firebrand ] +
[ Dry Glasswort ]
+[ Daniell Cell ] +
[ Daniell Cell ]
+[ Daniell Cell ] +
[ High Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global1 ]
+[ Daniell Cell ] +
[ Medium Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global2 ]
+[ Daniell Cell ] +
[ Low Frequency Spark Gap Transmitter# !global3 ]
+[ Hot Thin Rod in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Thin Steel Rod ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ Drill Bit ] +
[ Pulley Drive Mechanism ]
+[ Drill Mechanism ] +
[ Multipurpose Newcomen Engine ]
+[ Malachite ] +
[ Clay Bowl ]
+[ Malachite ] +
[ Crucible with Charcoal ]
+[ Copper Ingot ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Hammer ]
+[ Copper Ingot ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Roller ]
+[ Copper Ingot ] +
[ Copper Rod ]
+[ Calamine ] +
[ Clay Bowl ]
+[ Calamine ] +
[ Crucible with Charcoal ]
+[ Cool Zinc Ingot in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Cool Zinc Ingot in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Hot Coals ]
+[ Warm Zinc Ingot in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Roller ]
+[ Zinc Rod in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Zinc Rod ] +
[ Bowl of Sulfuric Acid ]
+[ Copper Rod ] +
[ Draw Plate ]
+[ Copper Wire ] +
[ Copper Wire ]
+[ Copper Wire ] +
[ Short Antenna ]
+[ Copper Wire ] +
[ Medium Antenna ]
+[ Copper Wire ] +
[ Carbon Filament ]
+[ Copper Wire ] +
[ Bowl of Iron Filings ]
+[ Copper Wire ] +
[ Iron Rod ]
+[ Copper Wire ] +
[ Short Shaft ]
+[ Copper Foil ] +
[ Blank Paper ]
+[ Copper Foil ] +
[ Bowl of Sulfuric Acid ]
+[ Foil and Paper Sandwich ] +
[ Foil and Paper Sandwich ]
+[ Capacitor ] +
[ Capacitor ]
+[ Copper Coil ] +
[ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 2 ]
+[ Short Antenna ] +
[ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 3 ]
+[ Short Antenna ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 5 ]
+[ Medium Antenna ] +
[ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 3 ]
+[ Medium Antenna ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 5 ]
+[ Long Antenna ] +
[ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 3 ]
+[ Long Antenna ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 5 ]
+[ Niter ] +
[ Bowl of Water ]
+[ Bowl of Niter Solution ] +
[ Ashes ]
+[ Ash Niter Solution with Filter Paper ] +
[ Clay Bowl ]
+[ Bowl of Saltpeter ] +
[ Bowl of Sulfur ]
+[ Bowl of Saltpeter and Sulfur ] +
[ Hot Coals ]
+[ Bowl of Copper Sulfate ] +
[ Copper Pot ]
+[ Daniell Cell Anode ] +
[ Pot of Copper Sulfate ]
+[ Light Bulb ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 3 ]
+[ Bowl of Glasswort Ashes with Filter Paper ] +
[ Clay Bowl ]
+[ Bowl of Soda Ash ] +
[ Bowl of Quicklime ]
+[ Bowl of Sand ] +
[ - ]
+[ Bowl of Sand ] +
[ Sand Pit ]
+[ Bowl of Sand ] +
[ Sand Pit ]
+[ Bowl of Sand ] +
[ Empty Sand Pit ]
+[ Bowl of Sand ] +
[ Bowl of Soda Lime Mixture ]
+[ Bowl of Soda Lime Mixture ] +
[ Bowl of Sand ]
+[ Blowpipe ] +
[ Molten Glass ]
+[ Molten Glass in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Soda Lime Batch in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Soda Lime Batch in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Firing Forge ]
+[ Cool Glass in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Cool Glass in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Firing Forge ]
+[ Blowpipe With Hot Glass Bulb ] +
[ Carbon Filament with Wire Leads ]
+[ Blowpipe With Hot Glass Bulb ] +
[ Clay Bowl with Coherer Parts ]
+[ Blowpipe With Cool Glass Bulb ] +
[ Clay Bowl ]
+[ Blowpipe With Cool Glass Bulb ] +
[ Firing Forge ]
+[ Thread Crucible in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Thread Crucible in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ Firing Adobe Kiln ]
+[ Filament Crucible in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Coherer ] +
[ Boards ]
+[ Iron Rod in Wooden Tongs ] +
[ - ]
+[ Electromagnet ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 2 ]
+[ Spark Terminal ] +
[ Spark Terminal ]
+[ Two Spark Terminals ] +
[ Boards ]
+[ Two Capacitors ] +
[ Partial Spark Gap Transmitter# 1 ]
+[ Two Copper Coils ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 1 ]
+[ Two Daniell Cells ] +
[ Partial Marconi Receiver# 4 ]
+[ >global1 ] +
[ High Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global1 ]
+[ >global2 ] +
[ Medium Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global2 ]
+[ >global3 ] +
[ Low Frequency Marconi Receiver# >global3 ]
+[ Cool Glass in Wooden Tongs# grabbed ] +
[ Firing Forge ]
+[ Charcoal#1 ] +
[ Crucible with Malachite ]
+[ Charcoal#1 ] +
[ Crucible with Calamine ]
+[ Bowl of Water ] +
[ Sulfur Trioxide Reaction ]
+[ Bowl of Water ] +
[ Bowl of Glasswort Ashes ]
+[ Smithing Hammer ] +
[ Copper Ingot ]
+[ Steel File ] +
[ Wrought Iron ]
+[ Steel Blade Blank ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Drill ]
+[ Thread ] +
[ Clay Bowl ]
+[ Bowl of Quicklime ] +
[ Bowl of Soda Ash ]
+[ @ Rough Cutter ] +
[ Glasswort ]
(158 transition updates)

Version 189 (Fri Jan 4, 2019)

+ Shot Domestic Boar with Piglet# arrow
~ Bowl of Slaked Lime
~ Attacking Boar# domestic
~ Attacking Boar with Piglet# domestic
~ Cut Stones#just removed
~ Split Big Rock with Chisel
~ Cut Stones
~ Cut Stones with Chisel
(8 object updates) (raw changes)

+[ - ] +
[ Burnt Goose ]
+[ - ] +
[ Wheat Sheaf ]
+[ - ] +
[ Shot Domestic Boar with Piglet# arrow ]
+[ Bow and Arrow ] +
[ Domestic Boar with Piglet ]
+[ Bowl of Wheat ] +
[ Deep Tilled Row# groundOnly ]
~[ - ] +
[ Attacking Boar# domestic ]
~[ - ] +
[ Attacking Boar with Piglet# domestic ]
~[ Steel Mining Pick ] +
[ @ Young Stone Wall ]
(8 transition updates)

Version 186 (Thu Dec 27, 2018)

+ Dark Nosaj
+ Endstone
+ Empty Endblock
+ Endblock
+ Live Nosaj with Endstone#appear
+ Live Nosaj with Endstone
+ Live Nosaj# endstone gone
+ Endtower Base
+ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall
+ Seeping Endtower# monumentCall
+ The Apocalypse# monumentCall
+ Endtower Base
+ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall
+ Endtower Base
+ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall
+ Endtower Base
+ Endblock with Chisel
~ Male015 F
~ Female016 A
~ Female018 A
~ Oddity
~ Stone Block
~ Stone Block with Chisel
~ Stone Block#justDug
(24 object updates) (raw changes)

+[ - ] +
[ Live Nosaj with Endstone#appear ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endblock ]
+[ - ] +
[ Live Nosaj with Endstone ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall ]
+[ - ] +
[ Seeping Endtower# monumentCall ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endtower Base ]
+[ - ] +
[ Endblock with Chisel ]
+[ Endstone ] +
[ Empty Endblock ]
+[ Endblock ] +
[ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall ]
+[ Endblock ] +
[ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall ]
+[ Endblock ] +
[ Seeping Endtower Base# monumentCall ]
+[ Endblock ] +
[ Stone Block ]
+[ Steel Chisel ] +
[ Stone Block ]
+[ Mallet ] +
[ Stone Block with Chisel ]
+[ Bloody Knife ] +
[ Dark Nosaj ]
+[ Bloody Knife ] +
[ Seeping Endtower# monumentCall ]
(25 transition updates)

Version 184 (Fri Dec 21, 2018)

+ Male015 F
+ Female016 A
+ Snowball Splat# sick emot_8_10
+ Snowball Splat Face
+ Snowball
+ Big Snowball
+ Melting Snowman
+ Huge Snowball
+ Medium Snowball
+ Melting Snowball
+ Snowman Foundation
+ Blank Snowman
+ Blank Snowman with Arms
+ Blank Snowman with Charcoal
+ Snowman
+ Two Curved Branches
+ Snowman Remnants
+ Snowman Remnants# 2
+ Snowman Remnants# 3
+ Snowman Remnants# 4
+ Garland
+ Partial Garland# 6
+ Partial Garland# 5
+ Partial Garland# 4
+ Partial Garland# 3
+ Partial Garland# 2
+ Partial Garland# 1
+ Pine Tree with One Garland
+ Pine Tree with Two Garlands
+ Pine Tree with Three Garlands
+ Pine Tree with Four Garlands
+ Fractionated Palm Oil
+ Bowl of Palm Wax
+ Bowl of Palm Olein
+ Molten Palm Wax
+ Thin Partial Dipped Candle
+ Hot Partial Dipped Candle
+ Hot Partial Dipped Candle# 2
+ Thick Partial Dipped Candle
+ Hot Candle
+ Candle
+ Candle Set
+ Pine Tree with Candles
+ Yule Tree
+ Spent Yule Tree
+ Yule Tree with Half Candles
+ Santa Hat
+ Pine Tree with Male Cardinal
+ Pine Tree with Cardinals
+ Female017 F
+ Female018 A
+ Snowball# just thrown
(52 object updates)

+[ - ] +
[ Snowball Splat# sick emot_8_10 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snowball ]
+[ - ] +
[ Big Snowball ]
+[ - ] +
[ Melting Snowman ]
+[ - ] +
[ Huge Snowball ]
+[ - ] +
[ Medium Snowball ]
+[ - ] +
[ Melting Snowball ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snowman ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snowman Remnants# 4 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Hot Partial Dipped Candle ]
+[ - ] +
[ Hot Partial Dipped Candle# 2 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Hot Candle ]
+[ - ] +
[ Yule Tree ]
+[ - ] +
[ Spent Yule Tree ]
+[ - ] +
[ Yule Tree with Half Candles ]
+[ - ] +
[ Pine Tree with Male Cardinal ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snowball# just thrown ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snow Bank ]
+[ - ] +
[ Two Curved Branches ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snowman Remnants ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snowman Remnants# 3 ]
+[ - ] +
[ Bowl of Gooseberries ]
+[ - ] +
[ Bowl of Gooseberries ]
+[ Needle and Thread ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Needle and Thread ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Bowl of Palm Oil ] +
[ Snow Bank ]
+[ Clay Bowl ] +
[ Fractionated Palm Oil ]
+[ Snowball ] +
[ - ]
+[ Snowball ] +
[ - ]
+[ Snowball ] +
[ Snow Bank ]
+[ Big Snowball ] +
[ Snow Bank ]
+[ Big Snowball ] +
[ Huge Snowball ]
+[ Medium Snowball ] +
[ Snow Bank ]
+[ Medium Snowball ] +
[ Snowman Foundation ]
+[ Two Curved Branches ] +
[ Blank Snowman ]
+[ Garland ] +
[ Pine Tree with One Garland ]
+[ Garland ] +
[ Pine Tree with Two Garlands ]
+[ Garland ] +
[ Pine Tree with Three Garlands ]
+[ Garland ] +
[ White Pine Tree ]
+[ Partial Garland# 6 ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Partial Garland# 6 ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Partial Garland# 4 ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Partial Garland# 4 ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Partial Garland# 2 ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Partial Garland# 2 ] +
[ Popcorn ]
+[ Bowl of Palm Wax ] +
[ Hot Coals ]
+[ Bowl of Palm Olein ] +
[ Bucket of Sulfured Latex ]
+[ Thin Partial Dipped Candle ] +
[ Molten Palm Wax ]
+[ Hot Partial Dipped Candle ] +
[ Molten Palm Wax ]
+[ Hot Partial Dipped Candle# 2 ] +
[ Molten Palm Wax ]
+[ Thick Partial Dipped Candle ] +
[ Molten Palm Wax ]
+[ Hot Candle ] +
[ Molten Palm Wax ]
+[ Candle Set ] +
[ Pine Tree with Four Garlands ]
+[ Firebrand ] +
[ Pine Tree with Candles ]
+[ Basket ] +
[ Snowman Remnants# 2 ]
+[ Basket of Charcoal ] +
[ Blank Snowman with Arms ]
+[ Gooseberry ] +
[ Partial Garland# 5 ]
+[ Gooseberry ] +
[ Partial Garland# 3 ]
+[ Gooseberry ] +
[ Partial Garland# 1 ]
+[ Steel Axe ] +
[ Spent Yule Tree ]
+[ Steel Axe ] +
[ Pine Tree with Male Cardinal ]
+[ Steel Axe ] +
[ Pine Tree with Cardinals ]
+[ Carrot ] +
[ Blank Snowman with Charcoal ]
+[ Fleece ] +
[ Red Wool Hat ]
+[ Thread ] +
[ Molten Palm Wax ]
+[ Small Curved Branch ] +
[ Small Curved Branch ]
(66 transition updates)

Version 182 (Fri Dec 14, 2018)

+ Lathe Head
+ Lathe Mechanism
+ Firing Newcomen Lathe
+ Newcomen Lathe
+ Newcomen Lathe with Charcoal
+ Newcomen Lathe with Full Boiler
+ Timing Belt Working
+ Timing Belt
+ Diesel Engine
+ Test Engine Running
+ Cam Shaft
+ Crank Shaft
+ Engine Fuel System
+ Precision Cylinder
+ Precision Piston
+ Steel Valve
+ Fuel Nozzle Body
+ Fuel Injection Nozzel
+ Diesel Piston Head
+ Diesel Cylinder Head
+ Diesel Cylinder Head with Valves
+ Diesel Cylinder Head with One Valve
+ Diesel Piston Block
+ Diesel Crank Assembly
+ Cam Timing Assembly
+ Diesel Drive Assembly
+ Pulley Timing Mechanism
+ Unpowered Pump Head
+ Dry Diesel Water Pump
+ Running Water Pump
+ Wet Diesel Water Pump
+ Wooden Wheel with Tire
+ Two Wheels with Tires
+ Four Wheels with Tires
+ Unpowered Crude Car
+ Crude Car with Empty Tank
+ Running Crude Car
+ Crude Car with Empty Tank#driven
+ Snake Roadkill
~ Three Sisters Stew
~ Roller Mechanism
~ Bore Mechanism
~ Pulley Drive Mechanism# detached
~ Steel Piston Blank
~ Steel Cylinder Blank
~ Pump Valve
~ Wet Kerosene Newcomen Pump
~ Tied Short Shaft
(48 object updates) (raw changes)

+[ - ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ - ] +
[ Running Water Pump ]
+[ - ] +
[ Running Crude Car ]
+[ - ] +
[ Crude Car with Empty Tank#driven ]
+[ - ] +
[ Snake Roadkill ]
+[ - ] +
[ Lathe Mechanism ]
+[ - ] +
[ Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ - ] +
[ Two Wheels with Tires ]
+[ - ] +
[ Four Wheels with Tires ]
+[ Vulcanized Rubber Tire ] +
[ Wooden Wheel ]
+[ Steel Piston Blank ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ Steel Cylinder Blank ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ Steel Rod ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ Steel Pipe ] +
[ Empty Fuel Tank ]
+[ Steel Pipe ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ Pump Valve ] +
[ Dry Shallow Well ]
+[ Tank of Kerosene ] +
[ Dry Diesel Water Pump ]
+[ Tank of Kerosene ] +
[ Dry Diesel Water Pump ]
+[ Tank of Kerosene ] +
[ Crude Car with Empty Tank ]
+[ Tank of Kerosene ] +
[ Crude Car with Empty Tank ]
+[ Lathe Head ] +
[ Pulley Drive Mechanism ]
+[ Lathe Mechanism ] +
[ Multipurpose Newcomen Engine ]
+[ Timing Belt ] +
[ Disconnected Pulley Drive Mechanism ]
+[ Diesel Engine ] +
[ Unpowered Pump Head ]
+[ Diesel Engine ] +
[ Unpowered Crude Car ]
+[ Cam Shaft ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ Cam Shaft ] +
[ Pulley Timing Mechanism ]
+[ Crank Shaft ] +
[ Diesel Piston Block ]
+[ Engine Fuel System ] +
[ Diesel Drive Assembly ]
+[ Precision Piston ] +
[ Firing Newcomen Lathe ]
+[ Precision Piston ] +
[ Diesel Cylinder Head ]
+[ Steel Valve ] +
[ Precision Cylinder ]
+[ Steel Valve ] +
[ Fuel Nozzle Body ]
+[ Steel Valve ] +
[ Diesel Cylinder Head with One Valve ]
+[ Fuel Injection Nozzel ] +
[ Diesel Cylinder Head with Valves ]
+[ Diesel Piston Head ] +
[ Diesel Piston Head ]
+[ Cam Timing Assembly ] +
[ Diesel Crank Assembly ]
+[ Wooden Wheel with Tire ] +
[ Wooden Wheel with Tire ]
+[ Two Wheels with Tires ] +
[ Two Wheels with Tires ]
+[ Four Wheels with Tires ] +
[ Wooden Box ]
+[ Running Crude Car ] +
[ Rattle Snake ]
+[ Steel Blade ] +
[ Tied Short Shaft ]
+[ Knife ] +
[ Vulcanized Rubber Belt ]
+[ Empty Bucket ] +
[ Wet Diesel Water Pump ]
+[ Empty Bucket ] +
[ Wet Diesel Water Pump ]
~[ - ] +
[ Firing Kerosene Newcomen Pump ]
(46 transition updates)

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