Update: Personal Blacklist January 13, 2025
 People have been asking for some kind of censorship around bad words in speech for a long time. I don't want to censor things globally, and even if I did, it would be a never-ending arms race as people figured out cl evv er ways to bbbb y pass my f il ter s. Since everyone would be seeing the same filters, it would be easy for trolls to test them repeatedly to see what tricks can allow words to slip through.
For those people who are tired of seeing bad words in-game, I'm instead putting the power into your hands. You each have your own personal word filter now, which you can populate as you please. And since no one can see the results of your word filter but you, trolls won't be able to figure out tricks to bypass your personal list.
You can add the word DOG to your list by typing /BLACKLIST DOG into the speech box.
If you do this, SHAGGY DOG will become SHAGGY XXX.
However, HOTDOG will still look like HOTDOG, and DDOGG will still look like DDOGG.
If you want to censor DOG in all its forms, use /BLACKLIST !DOG, with an exclamation mark in front of DOG. Then HOTDOG becomes HOTXXX and DDOGG becomes XXXXX. Also, D O G will become X X X.
If you ever need to clear things out of your list, you'll have to roll up your sleeves and dig into the settings folder. wordBlacklist.ini is the file you will need to edit.
Have a good XXXXXXX evening, folks!