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Update: Romeo Charlie
January 18, 2019


I will let this week's GIF speak for itself.

This is Jason Rohrer, signing off for now.
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Update: Radio Telegraphy
January 12, 2019


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Update: Population Stabilization
January 4, 2019


This week's update focuses on a bunch of bug fixes and other little improvements. I took some time off for the holidays this week, and will be back with a substantial content update next week.

The biggest change is an improvement to the way that players are automatically distributed among the available servers. The original goal was to keep as many players as possible together on the same server, and only expand to additional servers when necessary during a population boom. During a population decline, we still want as many players as possible playing together, so the remaining players should be brought together onto one server, instead of being left spread out on the overflow servers.

This system was working as intended, but had some unfortunate side-effects on village fertility. Essentially, if you were on one of the overflow servers during a population downswing, your village was doomed, because no new players would be sent there. As player population changes throughout the day, this means that various villages die out again and again. And even worse, other logic in the player distribution code tries to make sure a given player always plays on the same server, whenever possible. So, depending on the time of the day that you play, and the luck of the draw, you might get stuck always being born on an overflow server right before a population downturn---always playing in a doomed village.

Take a look at the red line (server 4) in this graph, which was generated by Thundersen:


You can see that as the population rises, server 4 is brought into the mix to handle it, and then the population reaches a noisy plateau, which soon after results in server 4 being removed from the mix, only to be brought back into the mix a few hours later, only to be removed again shortly after. Villages on server4 were dying out over and over. Pity the players who were stuck playing on server 4 that evening.

Also, that system was designed a long time ago, when Eve distribution wasn't really in place, and I imagined players mostly all playing in the same area on the map. Now that players are playing in separate villages anyway, keeping them clumped on the same server together isn't as high of a priority.

CrazyEddie suggested that we try a different method, picking an appropriate number of servers for the load, and then just letting populations rise and fall on the servers together, as long as we're still above some lower threshold. Thus, once a server is brought into the mix, it generally stays in the mix. As population falls, it falls simultaneously on all servers, but no server is singled out to be childless. This means that a village being doomed by outside circumstances will happen way less often---almost never (except in very rare cases where the overall population falls to very low levels and a server really does need to be taken out of circulation).

Keep in mind that villages are still competing for babies, due to variable mother fertility factors (warmth and diet variety). So, that's still happening on each server. If your village is dying out, perhaps another village is stealing incoming players by taking better care of their fertile mothers. There is no explicit trans-server competition, though there's a kind of meta competition, based on how many of the players that are assigned to your server are motivated to keep playing across multiple lives.

I have something special in store for next week. Not magical, but still magic. Well, I guess it's only called "not magical" because of how jaded we are. If I told you that a few coils of copper wire and a galena crystal could be used to pull invisible voices from the sky, you'd probably think I was crazy. But to the untrained eye, a schematic can easily be mistaken for a sigil.
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Update: Apocalypse 2.0
December 28, 2018


First, a few important fixes that you all should be aware of.

There was a bug in temperature weighting on mothers. It was supposed to make ideal-temp mothers more likely to have a baby, but it was broken and not working. That has been fixed now. Furthermore, a Yum multiplier factor has been added to this weighting. If you have a large Yum multiplier (from eating a chain of unique foods), you will also be more likely to have a baby. If you're warm in addition to being on a yummy diet, you will be even more likely to have a baby.

And the way that Eve spawn locations were remembered---when Eve died of old age---was buggy. Thus, the surprise appearance of Eves near villages. This has been fixed. But even when it's working correctly, it's meant to only function on low-pop servers, and not as a way-of-life for reviving collapsed villages, so that has been fixed as well (your last-Eve-death location will only be used for your next Eve spawn if there are fewer than four fertile females on the server currently). This fix is even more important in light of this week's update, which I will describe in detail below.

In last week's update, I talked about how there will be no magic in the game. What I meant to say is that there will be no non-inherent magic.

Some things about the game are inescapably magic. Reincarnation---a reality for any commercially viable game---is the prime example of this.

But the map itself, and the servers, and how they get set up, and how they get updated, and how they get cleared, is another example. I'm doing all this stuff behind the scenes to keep things updated and working. I'm making choices. I'm adding things. I'm in control of the parameters that control when and how certain parts of the map go back to their natural state.

And the map is huge---unnaturally huge. 36,000x larger than the surface area of the earth. Walking from one edge to the other in the game would take you 34 years of real-life time. Walking around to visually see the entire map would take you 14 billion years.

It's a big map. Mind-mindbogglingly so. Yet I can change the entire thing with the push of a button, like when I add a new biome, or wipe it back to its natural state in the blink of an eye. How can something so big be changed so fast? Through procedural generation and the properties of computer file systems (where deleting data of length N is a constant time operation on N). It's not magic, really.

But when we try to square these possibilities with a simulation of the real world, the end results are nothing short of miraculous.

And what does that make me, the guy pushing the buttons behind the scenes?

There's an amazing idea lurking in this game, and credit for the idea goes to Edmund McMillen. When I visited him a few years ago, in between petting his hairless cat and having him kick my ass in a Magic draft, I told him about the game I was working on. In a game that starts back at zero as a premise, a question arises: how did we get to zero in the first place? And what if, Edmund suggested, players were in control of taking everything back to zero? What if, at the top of the tech tree, the most difficult-to-craft item was The Button?

It seems that, after all is said and done in this game, after all my updates are out, and the game stops evolving due to developer input, this just has to be the way that it will work. Otherwise the game will stagnate. Edmund was right.

But what about along the way? In the arms race of player progress in the face of my weekly updates, players always win.

So, the idea of an along-the-way apocalypse arose. What if The Button was a moving target? Some item at the top of the current tech tree that represented the current endgame?

The problem here is that players can get to the top of the tech tree ridiculously fast.

This means that the apocalyptic item can't be technological. It needs to be magic in some way.

Long ago, shortly after the game's release in early 2018, I tried something like this. A monolith in the desert that you could use to conduct a kind of absurd ritual using a bit of material that was high-level tech at the time. This experiment was an utter failure, as the first apocalypse was triggered four hours after the update, and subsequent apocalypses were triggered hourly after that until I gave up and disabled the whole system.

I left that failed experiment behind, without thinking about it any further. Players can get through the tech tree---and craft any imaginable thing---way too fast. This even planted seeds of doubt in my mind about Edmund's Button, even at the end of the update process, once the tech tree was gigantic.

Still, I really liked the shared collective event that had occurred. People who were playing that fateful day will never forget that flash of white...

In the mean time, other ideas surfaced, like the bell tower, which involved slowing down player progress toward a goal and ensuring trans-generational cooperation. A bell tower takes 18 hours to build. In order to build it, your village has to survive that long.

This takes a page from the Clock of the Long Now.

The insight this week was that these two ideas can be combined. An apocalypse, for the time being, is a magical, not technological event. So there's a ritual. What if it was a very slow ritual? What if people had plenty of opportunity---and warning---to interrupt the ritual before completion?

That was always the idea with Edmund's Button anyway---that people would be fighting to stop it along the way.

So, I give you a new and improved apocalypse. It has:

--Rare, unsustainable ingredients that you cannot procure while working completely alone.

--A map-wiping wave that is limited to one server only (no more chance of an Easy Apocalypse on a vacant server causing wipes on the populated servers).

--A map-wiping wave that you can live through and come out the other side.

--World-wide warnings as the ritual gets closer and closer to completion.

--The ritual itself is very fragile and easy to set back along the way.

--The entire ritual, if uninterrupted, takes 24 hours to complete.

And, for the time being at least, it's magic.
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Update: Yuletide Together
December 21, 2018


This update is on time for sure this week, and lemme tell you why. Tomorrow is the solstice, the shortest and darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The sun will die as it passes through the constellation of the Southern Cross, remain dead for three days, and the be born again as it rises on December 25 through the constellation of Virgo, the virgin. But enough of that astrological claptrap! What's that got to do with the update?

What we do, in my family, on the solstice is take a step back in time for a day. We use no lights except for sunlight and candles. That also means no computer screens. This is actually a pretty amazing thing to do every once in a while, because everything---and everyone---looks absolutely gorgeous when you've got candles all over the place in your house.

So, no sneaking the update in after the bell tomorrow. Today or bust.

We also have salsa, on the solstice, because my oldest kid thought that sounded funny when he was little. Salsa on the solstice. Tradition!

And yes, you can now celebrate this season in various ways in One Hour One Life. But be forewarned: do NOT expect some magical Santa NPC to be running around in-game handing out presents. That will never happen in this game (as hilarious as it sounds), for a good reason. This is a game that draws as many of its aesthetics as possible from real life. It's about human technology, and human society. It is not about magic or other supernatural things. No gremlins, no dragons, no ghosts, no Santa.

The only place the game breaks with this aesthetic is via reincarnation, for sheer playability reasons (as much as I was tempted to make a game where you only live once). And the curse system follows as a necessity from that (because criminals can reincarnate just like everyone else, and keep bugging you for all of eternity---unlike in real life).

So, holiday stuff, but actual human holiday stuff.

There are also two new chat "commands" that you can use to help you in diagnosing lag. /FPS will toggle a count of the current frames per second (are you experiencing GPU slowdown in dense areas?), and /PING will ping the server and display the round-trip time in milliseconds (is your connection to the server getting flaky?).

Have a great holiday season, everyone!
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