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#1 2019-09-23 23:13:29

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

How is it okay?

To have nearly three times as many curses as we have active players online at any given moment?


As a reminder these only tick down per hour of play OR once the 7 day curse ban expires.

And to put this in perspective there are two different people right now with 100+ curses at this very moment.

Most people are around the single digits
Some people are in the lower to middle double digits (10-30ish)

But 100+? Isn't that a tad bit ridiculous even by """interesting""" mechanics standards? Both of these people are earning upwards of 20+ curses DAILY for this to occur in the first place.

Probably should move away from an area ban based system and use a threshold system again with preference being the much stricter style of every curse over X being a straight hour instead of the maximum five hour slap.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#2 2019-09-23 23:23:21

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: How is it okay?

fug wrote:

there are two different people right now with 100+ curses at this very moment.

Does it mean they still could play and grieff with that many curses? Didn't they go to donkey town?
Not going to donkey town with more than 20 curses means that the system is either broken or useless IMO.

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
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website with all recipies


#3 2019-09-23 23:26:14

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: How is it okay?

Coconut Fruit wrote:
fug wrote:

there are two different people right now with 100+ curses at this very moment.

Does it mean they still could play and grieff with that many curses? Didn't they go to donkey town?
Not going to donkey town with more than 20 curses means that the system is either broken or useless IMO.

Both players were spawning during the open Eve windows during Saturday/Sunday and attacking people so clearly the system is either very undertuned even with a 7 day ban period or doesn't work and I obviously can't test something like this on the main server without asking everyone everywhere to curse me.

So who knows it's either useless, broken, or both. Pick your choice.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#4 2019-09-23 23:38:29

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: How is it okay?

Turns out cursing system isn't working at all during eve window.

Another thing that came to my mind is when I curse someone I can't give him birth and he may end up in other family and grieff there. Eventually I will die and possibly respawn in that family that could been heavily grieffed by that person. That sux too.

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
Zoom mod
Mini guide for beginners
website with all recipies


#5 2019-09-23 23:46:40

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: How is it okay?

Coconut Fruit wrote:

Turns out cursing system isn't working at all during eve window.

Another thing that came to my mind is when I curse someone I can't give him birth and he may end up in other family and grieff there. Eventually I will die and possibly respawn in that family that could been heavily grieffed by that person. That sux too.

Yeah I seen that in the changes but that should have been patched. Looking at Sunday the player with 180~ or so curses had 0 trips to DT out of 22 lives which seems absolutely goofy.

I did however find the other player in the 100+ category with some trips to DT....

But what this person is doing from logs it looks like is living for a few minutes then suiciding in an attempt to be born back into the rift due people moving out of area ban radius which does work.

So yeah, shits useless lmao.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#6 2019-09-24 00:04:55

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: How is it okay?

I think it is safe to say this approach isn't working ...

If cursing can't consistantly lock out the worst of the worst, there is no hope of turning things around.   Griefing is out of control right now.   The penalty for getting caught needs to actually hurt a little or else nothing will change.


#7 2019-09-24 00:17:09

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: How is it okay?

DestinyCall wrote:

I think it is safe to say this approach isn't working ...

If cursing can't consistantly lock out the worst of the worst, there is no hope of turning things around.   Griefing is out of control right now.   The penalty for getting caught needs to actually hurt a little or else nothing will change.

Yeah it's very clearly not working at all. If they do happen to get stuck in DT they just suicide until an available mother in the rift pops up so they can avoid the punishment all together. Needless to say the curse system needs reworked again as its once more in a state of uselessness.

For proof search the hash which shows their abuse of suicide to get out of DT, and the curse log shows 120 curses. This of course isn't the highest amount of curses but clear abuse can be shown.

2260ec3961330cf12ed97ad87a93d52fa1f335fa … turday.txt … turday.txt

Last edited by fug (2019-09-24 00:45:56)

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#8 2019-09-24 00:43:21

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

Re: How is it okay?

Can people with high curse counts have higher cool downs on their lives?

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#9 2019-09-24 01:59:30

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: How is it okay?

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

Can people with high curse counts have higher cool downs on their lives?

No, because that would be against TOS or rather lack there off. Some players can't really have different access level to the game because they purchased the same thing and Jason didn't leave himself an opening in Terms of Service to deal with cases like that.


#10 2019-09-24 03:22:29

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: How is it okay?

If the game has no TOS, couldn't one be created?   

In my experience, terms of service are subject to change and when that happens, the service provider notifies new and existing users and asks them to agree to the terms to continue the service agreement.    But I'm not up-to-date on all the legalities regarding establishing and maintaining TOS.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-09-24 03:25:54)


#11 2019-09-24 03:51:35

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: How is it okay?

This all seems like a lot of hand wringing.  If you get more than x curses, you should just be sent to a private rift area for 7 days to go play eve by yourself with 0% birthrate.  Put them far enough away from the main rift so that there is no accidental plane flights back.  If you are going to be anti-social, then go get sent to where there is nobody to be social with. 



#12 2019-09-24 04:04:59

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: How is it okay?

Never been a big fan of the curse system as a solution to a problem.
But I do love the game Banished, and the idea that some of the rejects of one area, can be the founders of new ones.
It's probably been one of the major drivers for the evolution of hominids over the last ten million years.

It's very difficult, finding the fulcrum between wanting everyone to be happy, living together, and not wanting those near you who do not want the same.

I still stand firm behind the idea that it's better to love everyone, regardless of who or what they may have been in a past life.
The seed of love must be planted in everyone, if it's to grow.
And if there is not ground to purchase the seed, than more seeds; more leaves, limbs and trees, need to give themselves to that ground, to create the conditions, in the soil, where a tree can begin it's life.

It's hard to remind an exiled person that they are loved. How can I hold a person in my arms, if they are not born near me?
Maybe just holding some people isn't enough, but it helps.
Maybe telling them you love them, isn't enough, but it helps too.

For some it helps to impress them with how hard you can work, while also keeping them alive.
That tells them you don't just love them, while you take from others, but that you love everyone so much, that you can give enough to us all, all the time.

It will be entirely impossible to capture the reality of this sort of thing in game form, but what we can do, is take a little piece of our lives, and give it away to everyone, and if enough of that sort of behavior catches on, a forest may spring up, long after we've fallen.

If the curses are to be the way of things, than they should work correctly.
But I suspect they don't work correctly because everyone knows that's not the best, long term, solution, Jason included.

WE need to change, before we can change others.
You can't just love yourself and expect sustainability.
You have to love someone else too.
You can love more than just one person, too, I mean, you have to.
Anything less than everyone, is a failure of your imagination to envision your ultimate potential.
It is in that direction we need to move, at least one step, every day.


#13 2019-09-24 04:41:25

Registered: 2019-09-03
Posts: 92

Re: How is it okay?

Morti wrote:

Never been a big fan of the curse system as a solution to a problem.
But I do love the game Banished, and the idea that some of the rejects of one area, can be the founders of new ones.
It's probably been one of the major drivers for the evolution of hominids over the last ten million years.

It's very difficult, finding the fulcrum between wanting everyone to be happy, living together, and not wanting those near you who do not want the same.

I still stand firm behind the idea that it's better to love everyone, regardless of who or what they may have been in a past life.
The seed of love must be planted in everyone, if it's to grow.
And if there is not ground to purchase the seed, than more seeds; more leaves, limbs and trees, need to give themselves to that ground, to create the conditions, in the soil, where a tree can begin it's life.

It's hard to remind an exiled person that they are loved. How can I hold a person in my arms, if they are not born near me?
Maybe just holding some people isn't enough, but it helps.
Maybe telling them you love them, isn't enough, but it helps too.

For some it helps to impress them with how hard you can work, while also keeping them alive.
That tells them you don't just love them, while you take from others, but that you love everyone so much, that you can give enough to us all, all the time.

It will be entirely impossible to capture the reality of this sort of thing in game form, but what we can do, is take a little piece of our lives, and give it away to everyone, and if enough of that sort of behavior catches on, a forest may spring up, long after we've fallen.

If the curses are to be the way of things, than they should work correctly.
But I suspect they don't work correctly because everyone knows that's not the best, long term, solution, Jason included.

WE need to change, before we can change others.
You can't just love yourself and expect sustainability.
You have to love someone else too.
You can love more than just one person, too, I mean, you have to.
Anything less than everyone, is a failure of your imagination to envision your ultimate potential.
It is in that direction we need to move, at least one step, every day.

Eye roll.

Dude called me a fag then stabbed me.

They don't have to have access to the game for a while if they're doing this a hundred plus times a week. If they get banished twice then they can play in any one of many spin off games but not this one. I didn't pay money to read hate speech and be the murder wish fulfillment for some piece of shit bigot.

Your sentiments on this forum of building a better place in the rift are wonderful--elsewhere--but it wouldn't hurt for you to also stand up for players who want to do those things with you instead of telling them they have fault in this. Like, c'mon.

Last edited by Anhigen (2019-09-24 05:36:14)

Everyone talks about how great milk is, no one talks about how many bb cows you must let die...


#14 2019-09-24 04:53:27

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: How is it okay?

I appreciate the sentiment behind your words, Morti.   But I think the curse system doesn't work correctly because it isn't actually doing anything.    I am very much okay with banishing people from society for a while if their behavior makes living with them impossible.   

Some players are toxic toward other players.  If you let them "play" with other people, they will make everyone around them suffer.     Kindness is a powerful thing.   In time, it can change a person's heart for the better.    But not everyone is willing to change.    It is important to allow for the possibility of redemption, but I think it is equally important to provide real consequences for anti-social behavior.     Total lifetime curse score (divided by hours played in game) could be used as a reliable metric for identifying the worst offenders.   Some players have astronomically higher scores than the majority of the community.     To get that many curses, they are causing real problems for other players almost every time they play.   These players should not be playing on the same server as our newest and most vulnerable players.     

We have sixteen servers and most of them are minimally populated.    If a player manages to accumulate a large number of curses, he could be redirected to a different server, instead of the main server.    Other heavily cursed players could also be sent to this server ... and other players could still join the server normally, if they want to play together with banished friends.    Playing for long enough without gathering more curses would eventually lower a heavily cursed player's "curse quotient" below the banishment threshold, and then he could be allowed to come back to BigServer2 and play with the rest of the community.     But additional curses would quickly send him back to the other server, so he would not be able to stir up that much trouble or get reborn over and over to cause havoc every life.   

The important thing is that the WORST griefers are removed from the Rift, so the level of intense and persistent griefing can be significantly reduced.    This would not remove all problems or controversy from OHOL.    Players would still fight/kill/destroy.  Griefers would still grief.   People would still give and receive curses.  But players who do nothing but cause problems would not be allowed to continue indefinitely without any lasting consequences.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-09-24 04:55:47)


#15 2019-09-24 07:41:18

Registered: 2019-09-16
Posts: 44

Re: How is it okay?

How bout just if curses are over 15, Your sent to donkey town indefinatley until after x hours they drop down to Less than 10

Max curses 20 so after 10 hours of play you'll get back to normal life


#16 2019-09-24 08:20:04

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: How is it okay?

What i would like to see:

- Curse time only disappears when playing.

Currently if you get cursed your curses will disappear after 7 days no matter if you play or not, if a griefer has multiple accounts, they can just switch between them.

- Every time you curse the same person the curse time doubles.

For example you curse someone for the first time, than this person gets a curse time of 6 hours, meaning in the next 6 hours he plays he cannot get born near you. If you than meet that person again in another life and curse him again he gets 12 more hours added to his curse time, the next time 24 hours more.

- Your children and grandchildren cannot give birth to people you cursed

So even if one of your kids runs away it cannot give birth to a person your cursed and this applies even after you arr dead. But does not carry on to your grand grand children.


#17 2019-09-24 09:03:53

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: How is it okay?

Curse system can be bypassed by waiting for a female to be out of town (collecting iron, sulfur, branches etc) to be born.

Basically just /die until you spawn in the rift.

Or team with someone that has a clean account and ask them to go out of town to spawn you.

It just doesn't work and probably never will unless you spend x ammount of time trying to fix it.

The old system was slightly too punitive but at least it worked and could be balanced to avoid regular players going to D-town.


#18 2019-09-24 10:41:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: How is it okay?

Probably they are the butthurt players who think they can be a jury of everyone else, as you curse someone you get cursed as well.

Had a person who ruined my chosen place by watering up my pillars and planting trees which would covered it up anyway.
And he didn't see how selfish it is to ruin others work, while he was using the compost i made to plant trees i na random location (plus they even covered each other so wasn't optimal at all)
If you don't think that's a problem too, then im sorry for you. Just because you angry, doesn't mean you are right. And just because you don't make a festival of shit talking and complaining to others, doesn't mean you can't be pissed. As they healed him i choosed to grief his work just as he ruined mine and planted all wheat on the rest of the tiles he tilled.

So saying that it does nothing, it's not true, it groups people. It doesn't mean that having a few curses is bad, i think that the big peace makers are quite hypocritical and annoying, they save griefers and preach bullshit. And quite a lot of the best players got a good sense of play and a strict rule set which you shouldn't cross, but if you don't, they are awesome to play with. The other side is also bad, players who curse everyone for anything instead of talking it out or see where they made a mistake. I don't see why i shouldn't kill someone who i would curse. If it refuses communication and cant control herself, then deserves to die. If you can talk it out, then not. Maybe the ones you can't reach cause they run around on horses annoyig others.

Yeah, the odd eggs are bad, you don't get randomly 120 curses. But mid level is ok, they still grouped based on preferences, and if they are grey area, like sometimes right sometimes wrong then they might meet similar player syle people. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#19 2019-09-24 19:37:49

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: How is it okay?

There's some confusion here...

The centralized curse server isn't being used currently.

So those curse scores are stale, because the game servers aren't reporting new curses there, nor are they reporting life times lived, which would make those scores go down.

The current curse system, which is still being tested, is local to a server and per-person.  You can say, "I don't want to play with you" by cursing someone, and it blocks them from being born near you for 7 days.  If this new curse system works out, it may be moved to a centralized server.  However, it's a non-trivial thing to implement, because when you're born, we need ask about each possible mother for you in turn to find one that doesn't have you blocked.  It's hard to do that with a centralized server.


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