One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » to pie or not to pie ? the soil situation after update » 2018-04-11 11:05:37

I post a suggestion to fix the pie problem , vote up if you want to see it in game … mechanics/

It brings pies back and it solves wheat griefers problem

#2 Re: Main Forum » New rule: Stay together! » 2018-04-11 11:01:20

Actually i think branching out is only good idea for long time survival.Its the only way to create settlements around the main one.At some point females should be sent in four main directions. This way if main family dies or is overpopulating then they can send people to other villages or revive old ones.

#3 Re: Main Forum » New game mechanic for wheat » 2018-04-07 14:31:09

I was thinking how to improve the current system to include wheat in it and here is my suggestion … mechanics/

#4 Re: Main Forum » New game mechanic for wheat » 2018-04-07 08:38:16

i was wondering the same thing. I was hoping for something like flat bread from flower and water rather then pie.

#5 Main Forum » New game mechanic for wheat » 2018-04-07 07:54:22

Replies: 3

With the last update growing wheat becomes to expensive to maintain, i think Jason should give us some new wheat farming mechanic in next update. Its just weird that from all food sources wheat should be the primary one, but its always been berry of carrots.Give wheat some love Jason.

#6 Main Forum » Horse improvements » 2018-04-04 18:34:42

Replies: 0

1.Horse with cart got the same speed as one without ,a bit strange in my option.
2.Slow the speed of the horses a bit and add horseshoe so if you want faster horses you add horseshoes
3.Make raiders immune to wolfs and snakes

#7 Re: Main Forum » the Urie family (to Elisabeth Urie) » 2018-04-03 12:31:23

I grab a basket of berries and moved south to the village with two buildings and one horse i build in past.Was hoping i revive the village,it was strange you where born as my child. While i played my niece visited me, her name is Julia that's why i choose it.
Was feeling bit guilty since i knew you need a hand to start your own place.

                                                                                                                                                                   Elisabeth Urie

#8 Re: News » Update: A Horse with No Name » 2018-04-02 19:30:03

I love desert  texture. It actually look so good that the rest of biomes seems pretty dull in comparison. I hope Jason will work to change rest of the biomes to look just as appealing.

#9 Re: Main Forum » The birth of art and carpentry » 2018-04-02 00:59:31

In-game life is short but I'm sure in your 60 min like you can spend 10 minutes on something else then work(just like in real life)  without the risk of annihilation.Just look at the number of topics where people talk about their family stories and all the drama.It would be nice to see work specific rooms like baker with tables,tailor with wardrobes or smith with tool racks. Right now its just big rooms full of carts with stuff. Stationary storage should have advantage over the mobile one, first one store more items but cant be moved the other one just the opposite.As i mention before nails would be great way to revive blacksmiths job (ones you got full set of tools there isn't really much to do)

#10 Re: Main Forum » The birth of art and carpentry » 2018-04-01 22:42:48

Beer would be great too. We need dining halls where we can sit eat,drink and communicate

#11 Main Forum » The birth of art and carpentry » 2018-04-01 22:29:48

Replies: 7

The civilization moved a bit, now we got horses,carts and wells yet we eat pies of the ground. I think its time to add some less practical items that make our cities beautiful. Maybe for the next update we could get nails (nails would make great use of iron at this stage) build things like tables,chairs,shelves,chests,wall torches etc . I think art should be born so we can start making statues,clay vases with flowers and things like that.

#12 Main Forum » Randomly generated names » 2018-03-27 12:26:21

Replies: 2

We could use a bit of individuality by getting randomly generated first name and passing our family name on to children ( eve would get randomly generated family name  also  ). Game feels more like ant farm simulator then building civilization without bit of human touch. There are few benefits of this idea:

-easier to identify who is who in all the hectic work (sometimes you ask someone to do something and its difficult to see if that person is following the task)
-spotting and targeting griefers and strangers would be much easier
-family legacy

The relationship status would be put in brackets after the name for example Lucy Basketweaver (mother). Family names could be based on game items and lore like .. Flintcatcher, Welldigger, Redfence etc.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Seeds and berries » 2018-03-17 17:04:24

Making pile of berries wouldn't be efficient way to do it but i think we should have the option if we got the time.If you start your village on top of 6 wild berry bushes you should have benefit of having extra free compost every 10 min ( it wont always work like that since people will pick them up but you eventually get 6 )

#14 Re: Main Forum » Home Markers » 2018-03-17 10:22:50

I think we should have some kind of village center structure in form of monument or statue.
1. It could work as a mass home maker just by clicking on it
2. Great gathering point also good place to put fire close by and old people to hang out before they die
3. It should require high tech tools and a bit of work
4. On placement it would ask for village name so on mouse over it would show name of the village/city

( optional )

You cold use it to chose ocuppation from list and see how many people already doing this job (it would show your occupation on mousover) for example:
Farmer 3
Cook    1
Trapper 0
Hunter 0
Blacksmith 1


i think this kind of structure would make work in villages little bit less chaotic and you would know what kind of jobs need to be done. Obviously the list of jobs would need to be updated

#15 Main Forum » Seeds and berries » 2018-03-16 18:40:28

Replies: 4

Two quick suggestions:

-pile of berries (stack to 6) ; pile of berries+bowl=bowl of berries

-all seeds stack in piles of 10 OR 1 rabbit fur and 2 pieces of cut rabbit + needle and thread = grain sack ( 10 slot seed container )

#16 Re: Main Forum » Shallow Wells and Deep Wells The Truth. EDIT » 2018-03-16 18:02:53

Another problem with wells is that even if we make them work properly there will be no difference shallow or deep.
Sure at start one will have 14 other one 7 uses but in long run they will be 1-2 uses away from drying out. Solution to that would be dropping deep well from 14 to 10 but increasing its water regeneration so its faster then ponds/shallow.

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