One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Translations » Russian - Русский » 2018-12-10 14:47:13

Updated for v180

Download link

Installation is the same.

Made by Atributz and GiRMir

#2 Re: Main Forum » Japanese OHOL » 2018-11-22 15:57:14

I would prefer discord, since we can upload files and communicate in a chat format. And as I said, the Japanese translation is done, we just need a way to implement it, but I would appreciate if you could look through it, maybe change a few words to make them sound better.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Japanese OHOL » 2018-11-22 05:42:09

As I said, I manage the translations for the game. We have translated the game into German, Hungarian, Spanish, Russian, French, Catalan, Chinese, Polish and a few others. I know Jason's mindset about the translations, so I won't be able to make him rewrite his game to support translations.

As for Floffy, while I don't agree with their ways of making money, they hired an agency to translate (our work is purely fan-based), and they are willing to share their translations if I can prove that the game can actually use them.

And this thread shows that noone reads the translation forum, so noone knows about the translations.

The Chinese still haven't replied, so help is still welcome on the Translators' Server.

#4 Main Forum » Japanese OHOL » 2018-11-21 10:18:47

Replies: 7

I'm Thexus, and I manage the translations for the game.

Recently, the mobile version came out, and it has Japanese translations. They are willing to work together and send me the Japanese translation files if I can prove that I can hack the client and host a hacked server that can work with unicode.

The problem is that I only made the game display fonts through injection, and not actually with unicode, so with my translations, you can't type special letters. To fix this, I need to make the game recognize unicode, and then host a server that can work with unicode. Fortunately, the Chinese translators have already made a hacked client (, but I will have to ask them about the server.

If you can help us, please contact us on Discord:

If everything goes well, we will also be able to translate the game into Hindi, Hebrew, Korean, Greek, and other languages that don't use a Latin alphabet.

#5 Re: Translations » French - Français » 2018-11-15 18:01:29

The French translation has been updated to v167 support the steam version.

Download link: … _11_15.rar

1, Download it
2, Unpack it
3, Copy it into the game's folder (steam->library->right click on OHOL->properties->local files->browse local files)
4, Thank to CedricS#4320 for updating the translation

Report bugs here:

PS: I still hate the mobile version, but my offer as a free Hungarian translator and removing all of the "I hate the mobile version" is still available if they are willing to cooperate.

#6 Re: Translations » German - Deutsch » 2018-07-25 09:48:37

-added content up to v124

Made by Labradorit#0076

#7 Re: Translations » German - Deutsch » 2018-07-24 10:42:52

Sadly, im no longer a mod, because Jason can't understand that moderators are there to moderate, and not there to "The mod should be invisible". However, i don't really mind that i no longer have to deal with leftards.

But we shouldn't spam this topic with this, so if you wanna ask questions, you can do it on discord.

#8 Re: Translations » German - Deutsch » 2018-07-24 06:45:33

I am not willing to use google translate.

If you want to contribute to the german translations, you can find the details you need on the discord server.

Have a nice day!

#9 Re: Translations » German - Deutsch » 2018-07-21 20:10:37

Ich spreche Deutch nicht so gud.
But i am the man who made the german language pack, unfortunately, i will not continue this project. Jason updated the game a lot, so it's expected for the translations to get outdated. Please join the discord server if you want to update the German translation:

I'm really sorry that you are not able to play in your native language, but here is the link for the most recent version:
It might work, but i can't guarantee it.

#10 Translations » The things that happened to the translations, guide on how to do them » 2018-05-26 14:01:00

Replies: 0

Due to Jason's 1-update-per-week policy, it is really hard to organise the translations, I tried to do it for some time, but it just became heavy burden to do it alone. Also, noone used the translation packs.
Because of these, I will not spend my freetime with translations; however, i will not take the chance from you to translate the game, so here is a guide on how to do it:

1, Join the Translator's Server:
2, Update your game
3, Download Catfood's translation tools:
4, Copy them into the game's directory
5, Run collect.js, using node js with this command: node collect.js > strings.txt
6, Open strings.txt
7, Copy the contents into an excel sheet, and post it in #objects
8, Go into the "languages" sub-folder
9, Open English.txt
10, Copy the contents into an axcel sheet, and post it in #menu
11, Once you have the updated sheets, you can contact other translators (#translators) to help you
11a, We have a few sheets on google drive (french, polish, german, spanish, swedish and dutch), i would recommend you to use them, but you have to ask other translators for their links
12, Start translating the sheets
13, Once you are done, download the actual tools to make an installer ( … Urwh--wJqp)
14, Edit the translate.bat with Notepad++ to change "Hungarian" to your language
15, Copy the contents of the excel sheet into a .txt file, and make it look like the example hungarian files
16, Start the .bat file, and wait for it to replace the files
17, Start the game to see if everything works
18, If everything works, go into languages again and rename the file to "English"
19, ZIP or RAR the objects and languages folder, and post it into #released-packs
20, Repeat steps 5-19 once a week

If you want to have fancy, translated GUI, then you have to do it by yourself. (you can use my pictures from other languages to copy a few letters)

Bonus #2:
If you want the game to display your language's special letters, then you should check #font_32_64 #font_handwriting #font_pencil #font_pencil_erased; i explained there the encoding method we use. You could also check out the chinese Unicode method, that might be easier.

PS: Just send me an e-mail (or DM on discord) if any of the above links are dead.
PS #2: I just copy-pasted this from the Discord Server

#11 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 19:20:40

Jason is trying to fix bad game design without redesigning the game.


Why not just remove the whole murder system? Or better, make semi-realistic status-based combat system. But the game is not trying to be realistic, so a basic HP system would be more than sufficent. It could be either a hit-based system, like in Binding of Isaac, or a more complicated system with 2500+ hp, like in every MMO.

And I don't even understand the problem with killing people. Why is it bad? Why should we punish people for doing something that the dev added as a feature? If the game trying to be realistic, then why would we remove it/make it harder? If the game isn't trying to be realistic, then why do we have this unenjoyable system in the first place? Why can't a 5 years old pick up a knife and hurt other people, when the youngest serial killer is 4 years old irl?

Joriom is not "busily trying to break the game", he is just using the game's features.

This whole conversation is unnecessary, stupid and even retarded, considering the game's development. Is Jason trying to balance? Why did he ignore it for 5 patches? What is this "police" thing? Jason is really ignoring all of the conversations about city guards? Why is he trying to balance the game around the 111 gens, and Joriom? The playerbase is bigger than the 10 people on discord who had some fun with pushing the boundries. Why does Jason thinks every family lasts for 111 gens? Why can't he see that 90% of families are dead by the fourth gen? Actually, with the increased server capacity, a family can last for FIVE generations now, wonderful.

And why does he trying to remove the late-game completely? I thought the soil in real life doesnt disappear into nothingness, and you can farm in the same place for thousands of years. Nomad lifestyle is not supported by the game's engine, please don't push it.

I'm really confused, Jason should play his own game and then balance it by his own experience, or just ask some random people about their opinions.

And to answer your question, karma is not a bad thing to add, if you created your game around reborning.

#12 Re: Main Forum » How is it for Asia players? » 2018-04-15 11:16:12

Okay, i was a fucking asshole and i hate my life.

So, we have a translator discord server if you want to contribute to the translation packs:

You might find other Asian (it's an adjective) players there.

I was trying to point out the mistake in your title, it's not Asia players, it's Asian players.

#16 Main Forum » The Killer of Dragons. » 2018-04-14 15:26:07

Replies: 2

Peasants, I, Thexus declare myself as the killer of Dragons now.

#17 Re: Main Forum » My Laggy stories » 2018-04-14 12:57:41

Well, you can join the translators' server if you want to contribute to the Dutch language pack:

You could give admin permissions to the game and dont visit popular towns.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Killer is Dead: or How it felt to become literally Hitler » 2018-04-14 12:55:19

Aname wrote:

K so do you want some music in the background when you die? so it makes it more dramatic.

I want bells ringing

#21 Re: Main Forum » Dont build wells! build cisterns » 2018-04-14 12:21:49

Wells generate the same ammount of water as a pond, you can store 16 units of water in a tile with a cart, backpacks, and pouches; but you can only store 10 units with a cistern.

Just make more pouches, instead of cisterns. What a retarded conversation.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Killer is Dead: or How it felt to become literally Hitler » 2018-04-13 16:16:31

"""literally Hitler"""
Great, i really like people who can save a whole nation from starving, and end an era that was called "The Great Depression".

You are a hero, just like Hitler himself, kind sir.

#23 Re: Main Forum » How to migrate? » 2018-04-13 14:01:41

Berrislamist migrants? The carrot church will kill you all.

#25 Re: Main Forum » The path to progress is through education » 2018-04-10 16:54:22

Stig, you infidel, stop establishing communism!

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