One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Question on the Direction of the Game » 2018-08-11 17:12:27

Replies: 4

Hi guys,

It's been awhile since I've been around.

I pretty much stopped playing and participating here after some changes around early May regarding respawning.  I believe it was made basically impossible to return to a settlement upon death.  I can't remember the details, but it became clear that Jason's vision for people to never return to their old work was to dominate.

I'm just wondering how respawning in this regard now stands three months later.  I'm interested in trying out the new content, but am one of the apparent majority who don't like the above mentioned attitude (see this old poll I made at the time:; relevant post here: … p?id=1423).

So, is it still basically impossible to respawn nearby where you last died?  Maybe there's some in-game achievement like reaching old age that allows you to come back??

To be clear, it's okay if the game isn't for me!  I'm not trying to harass Jason and the community for a feature that has been advertised since day one.  Just hoping that the vision might have become more moderate over time.

#2 Main Forum » Poll: A lineage respawn mechanic » 2018-05-01 17:37:51

Replies: 0

Players already "game" the system, for example by suiciding until they reach a village they like, perhaps that of their previous life.  And obviously players have memories between their in game lives regardless.

So instead of trying to support the impossible extreme of isolating every player life, we should embrace the possibilities that improve the game.  Some kind of lineage respawn mechanic would not just be more fun, we'd also get to better see the results of our actions and learn more from the experiences.

But you might disagree.

Here's a poll about adding an option to respawn to someone in your lineage upon death:

YAHG started a thread describing such a system but with some additional interesting mechanics (to help counter grief respawning, for example): .

To elaborate on any of your responses, please reply here, including the numbers of your choices in the poll.


The poll prompt and choices are reproduced here:

How would you feel about a new option upon death to allow a player to be reborn directly to a fertile female in their lineage (if such a person exists)?

1. A player should always be able to respawn to such a person in their lineage upon death.
2. The option should require some in game achievement, like reaching old age.
3. There should be other restrictions or caveats, e.g. to help prevent grief respawning (for example, YAHG's idea).
4. This option should not be added.
5. Other (please reply to the forum post).

Edit: removed extra "your"

#3 Re: Main Forum » Get Reborn to Lineage Button (Griefer/Law/Ruler/Punishment Mechanic) » 2018-05-01 03:40:45

Wow I'm really surprised Jason likes this idea.  Not because it's bad though, but I just thought he really wanted to keep all of a player's lives as separate as possible, simulating the extremely limited impact of individual people in the real world.

Nice work, YAHG.

With some ability to come back to your old family line, the game would really shine.  Doesn't have to be easy, could require you to reach an old enough age or something.

The game would be more fun and offer more insight into people and society with a little more moderation away from the extreme of "every human is tiny" and closer towards a fuller experience of the world you contribute to.

#4 Re: Main Forum » The role of males in the game » 2018-05-01 01:53:38

kubassa wrote:

I just run away. I do not die. Maybe I'm not an idiot like those that stand at the carrot field no one was tending expecting to find food.

Well that's a good point, that we shouldn't be spending too much time at the farm.  I for one usually use a town more as a hub then a place to live, preferring cacti and far away bushes.

But this is totally a major point of my post: we can't ignore the average player.  In the case you're bringing up, the typical new player isn't experienced enough to roam around and survive.  Well, regardless of why, new players survive with carrot farms (and other town-made resources).

If we want our towns to grow, let alone the game, we have to support the new player.

Edit: regarding new players

#5 Re: Main Forum » The role of males in the game » 2018-05-01 01:44:43

kubassa wrote:
powa wrote:

Famines are one of the biggest issues that all towns face.  When a population gets too many people, food will dry up and only the most experienced will survive.  Often no fertile female will remain, leading to the most obvious problem with famines: extinction.

Famine does NOT lead to extinction. Africa would have 0 population if that was true. People die and it equalizes.

neutral I'm talking about the game

#6 Re: Main Forum » The role of males in the game » 2018-05-01 01:37:47

The primary reason males are important in this game is for growing the population without setting up a famine in the coming generations.

Famines are one of the biggest issues that all towns face.  When a population gets too many people, food will dry up and only the most experienced will survive.  Often no fertile female will remain, leading to the most obvious problem with famines: extinction.

The fact is, there are still overwhelming numbers of relatively new players that don't know quite how many babies to keep.  It was already mentioned that there is a natural impetus to try to raise as many babies as one can.  But even once one realizes that it is possible to have too many babies, it still takes experience to estimate just how many people can fit into your village's future.

But by birthing males you can ensure that your baby won't grow into an oversexed, famine inducing machine.  Note that it is not relevant that an optimal player can choose to ignore their femininity.  Actual players, the ones you will be giving birth to, are not generally wise enough to live without trying to raise excess children.

It is very often that you have a few baby girls running around, but the village could really use half a dozen or more workers next generation.  One should be birthing boys in this situation!  You really only need one or two girls to survive to adulthood for such a village to keep birthing at an appropriate rate in the future.  But by raising half a dozen girls, some probably inexperienced and ignorant to wiser peers, the village is at serious risk of famine in the next generation.

Depending on the capacity of your village, the total number of villagers you want may be different but the same idea holds.

Birthing males allows one to enact control on your grandchildren's generation without sacrificing the productivity of your children's.

Edit: "half a dozen girls"

#7 Re: Main Forum » Police investigation 666 » 2018-04-27 20:28:47

Santan isn't dead, only wounded.

Santan lives still.  You may see his acolytes if you are observant.

#8 Re: Main Forum » For those who say you can no longer leave a legacy » 2018-04-27 20:03:24

Stop persecuting the man.

He only referred to everyone directly as customers to counter the ridiculous and hateful post that he was replying to.  We are customers, that's not false.  But in contexts where he's not being harassed, he doesn't point that out.

Treating someone like they have no right to object to such bullshit simply because they are a developer shows how little experience you have in a position of authority.  Of course it's not a good strategy to fight fire with fire at that level of disrespect.  If you would like to remind someone of this fact, do it without stooping even further.  But acting like a developer has no right to defend his name, that's a peculiar kind of ignorance.

We should be supporting and congratulating the developer for his hard work and great game.  If you disagree with the direction he's taking it, you can state your opinions where appropriate and succinctly.

Just like for anyone else, there's no excuse for verbally bashing him or continuously bringing up the same critiques that he has consistently addressed over and over again.

The perseverance to continue working overtime on this after all the crap thrown his way is admirable.  One should be ashamed for making snarky and disrespectful posts and stop nitpicking his minor mistakes.

Edit: "prosecuting" works okay, but "persecuting" is better.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Police investigation 666 » 2018-04-26 18:25:39

I'm pretty sure the TODO: failcraftsCounterBroken = true is referring to this page: .  It's accessible from the main page at the top

#10 Re: Main Forum » Anyone know any good private servers? » 2018-04-26 16:35:36

yea i believe most are down.

but sammoh's is definitely up.  you do have to join the discord though and ask an admin for the password.

you just send message like "@admin can i get the password?".  the @admin pings an admin.  you probably have plenty of experience to pass the test to get the password, if they still do it.

#12 Re: Main Forum » On a related note to people typing "666" » 2018-04-26 16:01:36

The vast majority of the 666, aka Satant, lives are undoubtedly bots.

They clearly exist on all low pop servers seemingly non-stop.  You will most likely spawn as baby to them (unless they are on child phase of their life).

The vast majority behave the same way, moving a lil bit in regular intervals and doing nothing else besides spewing 666 when old enough (and 6 or 66 till then).

To counter, simply respawn in a server until you spawn as Eve or to a non Satant.

Maybe hacking the client to allow faster respawning (without having to exit the game and reload everything) would be nice.

Btw you can logon to multiple servers with one key.  I just tested it by copying my game folder and running two instances.  On Linux, you don't even have to have multiple game copies to do it.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Deciding who has a baby » 2018-04-18 01:33:51

How about this.

Every of-age girl gets a Fertility number.

At reaching age 15 (or whenever puberty):  Fertility starts at F0, some low number, maybe 1.
Or if Eve: Fertility starts at FE, some higher number like 10.

Every 5 seconds:
Fertility = log(e^Fertility + # males in same map chunk or within some distance)

The point is that fertility rises with number of nearby men, but each man is less significant with more "competition".

Could add other influences to Fertility, perhaps some decreasing it.

With each new joining player, females are chosen according to the highest Fertility.

Or, they are chosen with probability proportional to their Fertility.  Or... etc.

If a baby is born to the girl: Fertility reset to F0.

I let Eves start at a higher fertility to simulate possible pregnancy whenever they left wherever they came from.  And it should help these lonely girls start a family.

Maybe males can finally have a more interesting role in this game.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Much more drastic long speech for the adult peeps? » 2018-04-17 15:01:48

YAHG wrote:

What do you guys think about letting adult players type long sentences?
Not just the elderly, like when I am 16 etc why can't I tell someone.

"You have to water the domestic berries after you pick the last one or they will die"

I get the kids not being able to type long words, it is kinda cool but why
not ease up on it more for the Adults?
It is a BITCH to tell people almost ANYTHING in this game, why is
it so fucking hard?

Totally right.

This feature is really old, unchanged at least since release.

Now that we know how big an issue communication is, this should be eased up.

Babies and kids could still have a tough time, but by puberty you should be able to give instructions to your kids unhampered.


Start a suggestion on the subreddit:

#15 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 21:13:49

Potjeh wrote:

Karma system, each kill you lose a point. *Zero* passive karma regeneration. To get a karma point another player has to use an item on you, something like a medal. It should be an item that requires moderate effort to make, but is accessible to low tech so Eve can reward her kids. The point is that it shouldn't be easily spammable, so not only is regaining it hard for griefers, but it also makes it possible to meaningfully thank someone who has been of great help. Maybe also a negative karma item, to punish bad kids without resorting to murder. Karma would be visible to anyone, so if you get low karma by being an ass you'll be doomed to play as Eve forever because nobody will raise you. Conversely, good karma will get you prioritized over other babies, because everyone wants a helpful player in town.

If a player can give karma without losing it, a pair of people can artificially restore and raise their karma scores in a "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" situation, even if neither really deserve it.  So there should be no net gain in karma when giving karma.

So you should lose a point of karma whenever incrementing someone else's.

There would always be advanced players who will game the system to maximize their ability to raise their own karma scores, even if they must do it jointly.  We shouldn't be encouraging people to maximize their ability to give karma via crafting or anything like that anyways.

But there also has to be a downside to decrement karma.  Otherwise you could grief someone even easier.  So decreasing someone's karma should decrease your own.

So then karma on the whole should be lost through peer interaction.  This also encourages people to use their influence wisely.

An easy solution to the peer-to-peer karma vacuum is to have slow karma regeneration (like one point a day, or every few lives).  I think this is also most fair, so that people get multiple chances to come back to decent standing but only with time.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 20:57:44

jasonrohrer wrote:

Also, hit points don't change anything.

They make it harder to murder, but also harder to kill griefers.

Same with armor or whatever.  And how would more weapons help?  Or making every tool deadly?

All those things would help murderers as much as town guards.

The basic natural advantage a town should have over an outsider is numbers.  But an organized group should be capable of overrunning a town.  So the solution should focus on the power of numbers.

I think a vulnerability system, not a wounds system, could solve the current problem.  It would keep the ability to one-shot people if they are not prepared, but disable one person from unrealistically rampaging a town.  Crucially, a fight between multiple prepared people favors the group with the larger number.  See my post from a month ago:

A more drastic measure would be some kind of karma system.  Since you've admitted that there is an intrinsic lack of realism in people having memory between lives, why not fight fire with fire?

#17 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 20:37:49

jasonrohrer wrote:

Some stats:

Number of people killed by others so far:  17,456

That's almost 2% of the lives lived.

Number of people killed by Joriom:  100

Thank you.  Valuable information.

Is any timing information readily available?

#18 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 20:27:32

Thexus wrote:

And I don't even understand the problem with killing people. Why is it bad? Why should we punish people for doing something that the dev added as a feature? If the game trying to be realistic, then why would we remove it/make it harder? If the game isn't trying to be realistic, then why do we have this unenjoyable system in the first place? Why can't a 5 years old pick up a knife and hurt other people, when the youngest serial killer is 4 years old irl?

Because this game is complex.

This is a super important concept to the whole project.

In complex systems, like multiplayer games, you can't prevent everything you don't like and guarantee everything that you do.  You usually don't even want to.  Most of the wonder of the game is experiencing things not explicitly programmed.

So when Jason is trying his best to keep destruction and murder in the game, he is hoping we can have enough collective maturity to not abuse these features.

Ultimately, if enough people can't control themselves so that the environment is sufficiently toxic, those features will probably be removed.

And that would be to the detriment of the game and us all.

Thexus wrote:

Is Jason trying to balance? Why did he ignore it for 5 patches?

He's obviously been working very hard but can't have the exact same order of priorities that everyone else does.  Fixing the server data saving and retrieving issues, for example, was extremely important.

Thexus wrote:

What is this "police" thing? Jason is really ignoring all of the conversations about city guards? Why is he trying to balance the game around the 111 gens, and Joriom? The playerbase is bigger than the 10 people on discord who had some fun with pushing the boundries. Why does Jason thinks every family lasts for 111 gens? Why can't he see that 90% of families are dead by the fourth gen? Actually, with the increased server capacity, a family can last for FIVE generations now, wonderful.

Well, I was personally disappointed with the glorification of the 111 gen in the update notes, since their actions seemed to be very much against the spirit of the game.  Though it was still an impressive accomplishment so I sympathize with choosing to acknowledge it.

But he has been actively trying to make the game easier for the early gens.  Hopefully he's thinking about improving the situation for the fourth or so gen, but we have to have some patience.  He's just one person.

Thexus wrote:

And to answer your question, karma is not a bad thing to add, if you created your game around reborning.

Yeah, I also like the idea of karma attached to player accounts.

#19 Re: Main Forum » On grief terrorism, and to new players recently murdered/griefed » 2018-04-15 03:16:07


I have respawned to many of your points specifically.  You have repeated some of your assertions without elaborating on them in any way I have questioned, and yet also contributed more derogatory remarks.

Best of luck to you

#20 Re: Main Forum » On grief terrorism, and to new players recently murdered/griefed » 2018-04-14 22:23:52

KucheKlizma wrote:

Majority of players don't read the forums. Doesn't matter what bullshit you type, it's only going to be read by a select amount of people.

I think it's reasonable that a few new players might see this post, even if the majority do not.

And it is the forum users who are more likely to join in on the behavior I'm speaking about.  And forum users can help continue the conversation, come up with ideas, etc.

KucheKlizma wrote:

Majority of killers are new players that just see a bow/knife on the ground and want to try it out.
People grief resources simply because they don't know better or if they do, because they got angry by something else.
A lot of masacres I see are just one guy trying to drop a knife, accidentally murdering another person, then escalating in a chain reaction of justice killings.

Yes, the thrust of my argument has nothing to do with these griefs.

KucheKlizma wrote:

What you're saying is communist propaganda because it's authoritarian - the developer is always right because he has authority and the playerbase is wrong and has to change. This is rotten logic that won't get you anywhere.
And you saying that this feature is ok is just plain stupid and wrong.

Oh okay, you think it's authoritarian to believe that the developer should have the final say.  The developer has been very active in the community and takes a surprising amount of advice from people he's never met irl into consideration, so his mind is not even close to the only influence on the game design.

Note that I said in my OP that I also believe that griefing is a big problem.  I think we should keep bringing up issues like this and work with the developer to help improve the game.  And making mods or other games, even by literally forking the github repo, is a great way to contribute to the community.

I think it is wrong to massively grief to the point of forcing the developer to cave to your vision of the game.  As I stated in the OP, it seems very clear that the developer is aware of any issues such griefing may supposedly be revealing, so this is really tantamount to objecting to the developer's ability to get the final say.

But if you think that the basic idea of a developer getting the final say over their project is wrong, please elaborate.  I think that is an interesting idea and is certainly unusual.

KucheKlizma wrote:

This is a product -if it end up failing, it's because it was a bad production, you can't blame this on players. Enough said.

For one, there's simply too much to do for this single developer.  If we can help the atmosphere by preventing as much griefing as possible (like this type of griefing), the developer does not need to spend as much effort on preventing it.  Basically, if it isn't broke, it doesn't need fixing.  Adding to the problem makes the strain even bigger on the developer.

And generally, believing that the player base has nothing to do with the success of a game is crazy.  All of our actions make the game environment what it is.  Yes, there will always be negativity, but we can change our ways and speak up against the wrongs.  If everyone decided to be assholes, the game would suck.  If we all worked on ourselves, the game would improve.  The meta of the game is in the balance between good and bad intentions and you get to decide on how you will contribute.

#21 Re: Main Forum » On grief terrorism, and to new players recently murdered/griefed » 2018-04-14 20:04:11

KucheKlizma wrote:

Lmao political grief terrorism. You're full of shit.

It's griefing but to try and change the way that things work in the system -- to be contrasted with something like troll griefing, which is griefing to get a quick thrill.  Obviously not as bad as real life terrorism or as significant as real life politics.  Lots of phrases like "murder" and "raising babies" are just game speak for the version of the concept in game, this is another.

KucheKlizma wrote:

Maybe there's 1-2 delusional people thinking they're doing that, out of 100 that just did it for no particular reason.

There's already postings of around ten towns being decimated due to this.  If this continues at even a fraction of the rate, we're talking about potential of a thousand in game mature lives being ended due to this activity.  This is actually totally possible from the types of people doing this (they play a LOT and are very experienced, not bored newbs).

KucheKlizma wrote:

People grief because they can. I've griefed, you've griefed, everyone does it at one point or another.
It's easy, why not?

As long as the game provides methods to ruin others game experience, it will continue.

Jason seems to be aware of the current level of griefing and is working on it, but is mostly okay with it.  That is assuming no politically motivated griefing.  As mentioned above, the activity under discussion can be much bigger.  I'd advocate people to not do this, for fear of ruining the game and ruining many peoples' times in the meantime (of course for these reasons you should avoid griefing in general but I don't think such a forum post would discourage troll griefing).

KucheKlizma wrote:

If the developer doesn't change it, it will never EVER stop and no amount of communist propaganda will prevent people from doing it.

It begs the question - why isn't it fixed? Why not simply disable griefing of resources and pking and make this game into a cooperative experience?
While it's allowed, it's a feature.

Not sure how this is communist.  I'm just making a forum post.  I'm not even a mod, just a regular user.  Hopefully it will help keep newbies from leaving and spread the word on this activity.  That would be up to them, the players (not decided by some small group).

And we can choose not to take part in these activities.  And to fight against it.  That's what I'm advocating for.  Hopefully people can see that such tactics probably can't work, don't make sense much sense, and are wrong.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Update 75: The Monument Update » 2018-04-14 18:32:01

ryanb wrote:

Also we’ve updated this crafting reference with the latest changes:

Wow, I always thought that site automatically pulled from the most recent release.  You guys are on it.

Btw thanks for your work on that great app.

And also thanks InSpace, your posts are always great.

#23 Main Forum » On grief terrorism, and to new players recently murdered/griefed » 2018-04-14 18:23:59

Replies: 37

Hopefully this can serve as some kind of public service announcement for new players who have been murdered and griefed in an otherwise successful village:

Currently there are a few experienced players spending a lot of time just griefing as many people as possible.  This is political and is temporary.

Don't let this put you off of the game for good.  It's actually been awesome and that activity is not normal.

It is my understanding that they are doing this to show that griefing is actually too easy and disrupts the main flow of the game.  They're even probably trying to help the long term situation for new players.

Well, many people, including the developer (see, are already worried that the game is losing its appeal to many people.  It's been very hard for new players to be successful getting started with a settlement and family (hopefully helped by the recent temporary food sources of the last update. see … 1118#p8464 , and … p?id=1121).

Some of us worry that the recent wave of politically motivated griefing is ultimately contributing to the problem.  That the short term disruption on the player base is too significant.

I actually agree with their stance that griefing is currently too easy.

However, even ignoring the possibility of turning off new players from the game, I think it's extremely unfair to take out one's dissatisfaction with the design choices of a developer on a hundred or so people (maybe more eventually?).

But I hope that good comes out of this recent griefer terrorism.  Perhaps enough attention will be brought to the issue.

On the other hand, the developer has made it clear that he is aware of everyone's displeasure with the ease of murdering and griefing (there are over a dozen forum posts here on the subject).  So, accounting for some recent adjustments over recent updates, he doesn't seem nearly as concerned with the normal level of griefing and has already taken into account the displeasure of the community.

So it seems farfetched that the current terrorism, which is then only raising the griefing activity temporarily, would convince the developer that the normal amount is too much.

It seems to me that the only way for the terrorists to make progress would be to continue their rampage until they are somehow banned or the developer caves somewhat to their demands.

In either of these cases, which would probably require a whole lot more killings, the damage to the new player experience may become huge.

Stick with us, newbies!  It's worth it, the game is a unique and amazing experience.  If any issue gets too bad, it will be dealt with; the developer is very active and in tune to the opinions of the community.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Adams and men having children? - Bring on the Dads! » 2018-04-09 17:16:52

superBlast wrote:

Somewhat similar idea I had, a man have to be in the vicinity of a woman before the women can start popping out babies. And Eves either are special (don't need men around to have) or Eves are spawned spawned with a paired Adam.

This could help create organized population control without wanton infanticide if communities set up men and women sections of town. When they want kids they can mingle a little until one pops out of the mom. Of course in practice that'd be hard to maintain XD

And now I'm imagined a guy walking into the women's section of town and all of a sudden there is an explosion of babies XD

Edit: I get the feeling this is probably already mentioned somewhere and not a new idea. Just saying I have thought of it.

Yeah I think the problem is that currently Jason feels there are too many Eves spawning.  Higher requirements on birth would increase the Eve spawns.

Also, this puts more baby care strain on villages, where babies are often abandoned anyways.  I think this is better than wild Eve babies but whatever.

But if those issues ever get resolved, I think every Eve should only be able to spawn one child to simulate possible pregnancy from before the Eve left wherever they were born.  After that, she, like all other fertile females, should require some kind of contact with a man before the possibility to birth.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Milkweed farming » 2018-04-09 07:54:56

Alleria wrote:

Yay! I was half-tempted to necro the post about pie efficiency, but that would probably be inappropriate given the pie/wheat nerf.

Ah, the good old days!  It was all about the water.  Funny how those details quickly became irrelevant?  But focusing on the details helped build an understanding of overall strategies, which still matter.

Hopefully some new technology or strategies push us beyond this current soil obsession...

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