One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#2 Re: Main Forum » How do you handle your new player bbs? » 2021-02-20 11:03:47

Either if im in a good mood or not i teach them how to make a pie from scratch.
Or i dump them in the nursery and continue my work like every mommy should.
Or i tell them "Hi baby, could you do mommy a favour and slash die?"

#3 Re: Main Forum » Another status update » 2021-01-23 22:44:52

Question from the discord:
"How was your months long lunchbreak?"
"Were you stuck in a propperty fence irl?"

sorry for the corny jokes, glad you are back jason sempai.

#4 Main Forum » make meme score more memey! » 2021-01-16 10:39:21

Berry High Priest
Replies: 13

So genescore is kinda useless rn with leadership and eve mechanics.
I mean its good but it can be better.
Now people have been complaining that there should be more player sprites so why dont we combine those two.
This gives people the a bility to assume and vissualy guess someones gene score based on visual traits.
But how do we visualise it while not making it too in your face and still make it something that is kinda related to the real world.
Well easy, cock size and boob size.
The bigger the gene score the bigger the pp or boob.
Makes for funny interactions and could be an interesting mechanic for players who need help.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Mating Mechanics Would Mean Less Incest Not More » 2021-01-13 08:22:17

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

I declare this thread over.

No more pls.

Amen to that!

#7 Re: Main Forum » And now a poem as you will, courtesy of the discord. » 2021-01-01 22:27:26

My excuses fellow forum posters. It seems that the forums dont allow full artistic expression as it removed the mojis.
I pardon for the inconvenience

#8 Main Forum » And now a poem as you will, courtesy of the discord. » 2021-01-01 22:25:19

Berry High Priest
Replies: 4

To the onhouronelife population ?, I ? was recently ? denied ? being able ??? to own a small ? portion ?? of land ?? (property ? fence ?) they claimed ? i ? was going ?? to troll ?, and i ? did not, my favorite ? job ? in game ? is wandering ?, and looting ? dead ? people ? in far ? off ??? lands ?, but ? instead ? i ? got ? exiled and killed ??, at this moment ?, my 2 ✌ friends ? are arguing ? with the people ? that were not trolls ??, so im ? giving ? a warning ‼ to everyone ?, because of the leadership ? in these towns ??, I ? will be trolling ? as hard ??? as i ?? possibly ? can in every ? town ? i ?? spawn ? into, maybe ? this way ↕, people ? will understand ??? not to mess ??☠ with how people ? like ? to play ? the game ?‼?, enjoy ?!

#9 Main Forum » Happy new year, now that is out of the way. Lets talk about sheep. » 2021-01-01 10:58:41

Berry High Priest
Replies: 8

The sheep killing mechanics in the game are way to simplified,
this in a sense that people are able to kill sheep way to easaly and this allows behaviour like griefing the entire sheep pen.
Now i dont know if anyone has some kind of homestead experience but doing a slaughter is quite tiresome.
Maybe more tiresome as cutting down a tree.

So this is my first complaint for the new year,
stop sheep slaughter by giving it a hunger penalty like chopping wood!

#10 Re: Main Forum » Dear Jason, we need to talk about bear griefing. » 2020-12-31 09:09:15

SirCaio wrote:

That's it, Jason! We need the GUN!

We got sulfur coal and saltpeter. We can make gunpowder

#11 Re: Main Forum » Lack of Teamwork and Mothers "Doing It All Their Selves" » 2020-12-31 09:08:00

Thats why whenever I get leader, I force mothers to abandon their children in the nursery with one designated nurse. This way the lazy MOMMERS can get back to the hard work they take pride and joy in. We have to abolish the conservative system of child upbringing with the communal solution. Also whenever i catch a mommy doing lovey dovey stuff in the nursery she gets exiled and executed. Even did it to my own mom once.
Communal is the solution and we need to force everyone to do it!

#12 Main Forum » Dear Jason, we need to talk about bear griefing. » 2020-12-30 20:41:51

Berry High Priest
Replies: 12

Dear Jason,
I read your message and that you only want to hear problems and less solutions.
Yet, i am going to ignore this for a second and talk about the problem and some possible solutions.
I also know you are in a difficult spot now, but if you want to keep your sales boost this might need some polishing.

So bears, since knife and sword griefing got nerfed because people abused it, people now lure a single or multiple bears in to town to grief it.
I saw multiple towns go extinct because of this and only a few times a smart fertile female runs away.
Now since you care a lot of about making the game grief proof (proven by the time you invested in knife mechanics) I want to give you a few solutions to "improve bear mechanics".
There is already a mechanic that if the bear eats dropped mutton it gets fed (for litterally a microsecond). Now what if as soon as a bear eats someone or a piece of mutton it gets fed for a minute or 5 when it can't attack anyone.
Or maybe just like in real life make bears be replelled by a large population density.
Maybe a bear should be able to attack someone on a horse (would be more unpopular because its used a lot to kill bears).

But please PLEASE for the love of god take this in to consideration while you have time to code again.
I think this is a great and wonderfull game and I am filled with joy whenever there is a player boom but i see it time and time again that experienced griefers drive people away by ruining their playtime by luring bears in to towns and disabeling them.
This either kills the new player or puts him in to an uncomfortable position where he has too few experience to help the town get back up.

Anyway to conclude my little rant,
I hope the best future for you, this game and its playerbase.

*sloppy kiss*

#13 Re: Main Forum » Bears are more sociable than gingers » 2020-12-30 18:10:48

So you spended four hours luring bears in a game to destroy some peoples work.

To do some small damadge in a game.
Let me put this in to perspective for you what you could have done with those 4 hours of your life.
Here are 101 ideas for activities to creatively spend your free hour.

1. Take a much-needed, well-deserved nap.
2. Discover your om: Catch a yoga class.
3. Take a hot bubble bath.
4. Enjoy one hour of uninterrupted time with your spouse or significant other.
5. Grocery shop without kids begging you to buy every sugary snack.
6. Catch up on all the adult shows that fill your DVR.
7. Watch your favorite sports team on TV.
8. Sit in the park and enjoy the quiet.
9. Call your parents or family.
10. Call a friend to catch up.
11. Write a friend a handwritten letter (or at least an email).
12. Go out to eat with a friend and have an uninterrupted adult conversation.
13. Enjoy your favorite ice cream or frozen yogurt without having to share.
14. Practice meditation. Use a site/app like Calm to help.
15. Walk on a treadmill.
16. Tackle at least one thing (if not more) on your to-do list.
17. Get a manicure, pedicure or go crazy and get both.
18. Make an appointment at your hair salon and treat yourself to a blowout.
19. Enjoy a nice cup of coffee and read a good book.
20. Organize your shoe collection.
21. Try a new recipe.
22. Create a family recipe book.
23. Sign up for something new like Zumba or a painting class.
24. Dust off your helmet and go for a bike ride.
25. Balance your checkbook.
26. Organize your office.
27. Get a massage.
28. Or ask your partner to give you a half-hour massage, then switch.
29. Create fun new Pandora stations to listen to.
30. Clean out the refrigerator.
31. Straighten up your pantry.
32. Catch up on the dishes overflowing in the sink.
33. Take one look at the dishes and post a job for a housekeeper.
34. Make a scrapbook.
35. Take a walk and enjoy the scenery.
36. Watch the sunset with your spouse.
37. Unplug your computer, hide your cell phone, turn off the TV and just enjoy the silence.
38. Take a drive with the windows down.
39. Enjoy a nice glass of wine and some fancy cheese that you don't have to share.
40. Pull out your makeup and give yourself a makeover.
41. Tend to your garden.
42. Cook in advance. Prepare some quick and easy meals you can freeze and thaw out during a busy work week.
43. Write in a journal.
44. Go through your closet, cleaning out the clothes you no longer wear.
45. Now that you have room in the closet, go shopping and treat yourself to something new.
46. If you can't get out, do a little online shopping.
47. Go on Amazon and create a wish list.
48. Bake your favorite dessert.
49. Take a cooking class.
50. Start a new knitting project.
51. Create a game plan for getting a promotion at work.
52. Hit a few balls at the driving range.
53. Take broken jewelry to the store to get fixed.
54. Go bowling with a friend.
55. Indulge in a guilt-free episode of reality TV.
56. Do a little feng shui and rearrange the furniture in a room.
57. Read a magazine article about how to get organized — then promptly forget everything.
58. Clean out your kids' toys while they're not around to argue about which ones they “still play with.”
59. Play your favorite music as loud as you want and dance and sing around the house.
60. Read the newspaper and catch up on current events.
61. Play your child's favorite video game — and beat their high score.
62. Go to the library and visit the adult section for once, instead of the kids' corner.
63. Roller skate.
64. Slice up a cucumber, lay back and see if placing them on your eyes really helps puffiness.
65. Visit a local museum.
66. Snuggle up on the couch with your pet or partner.
67. Daydream and plan out your perfect vacation.
68. Take your car to get the oil changed.
69. Play a board game with a friend or your significant other.
70. Go outside and take pictures of nature.
71. Organize the family photos on your computer and get them developed.
72. Create a collage of your favorite pictures.
73. Take a bike ride by yourself or with a friend.
74. Update your resume.
75. Clean out and organize your email inbox.
76. Reply to old emails.
77. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen.
78. Look up funny videos on YouTube.
79. Visit a local pottery shop and create a masterpiece.
80. Take a “wine and canvas” class with a friend.
81. Research something you've always wanted to learn more about.
82. Play around on (previously StumbleUpon) and see what sites pop up.
83. Catch up on work or finish blog posts you’ve started but never finished.
84. Read your favorite blog.
85. Are you a single parent? Try a local speed-dating event or browse an online dating site.
86. Browse Pinterest for recipe and craft inspiration.
87. Have an indoor picnic with your significant other.
88. Take a trip down memory lane by watching old videos or looking through old albums.
89. Indulge in a guilty pleasure, like reading celebrity news magazines.
90. Do a jigsaw puzzle.
91. Challenge yourself and your brain by trying to complete a New York Times crossword puzzle.
92. Roll up your extra change and come up with a creative way to spend it, no matter how small.
93. Clean out your gift bag collection, throwing out the ones that have seen better days.
94. Write a short story or poem.
95. Write a love note to your spouse or significant other.
96. Create a list of all the things you like about yourself.
97. Research inspirational quotes online, write each one on a Post-It note and place them around the house for when you need them most.
98. Learn a new language.
99. Or just go out to a Mexican restaurant and practice saying "margarita!"
100. Catch up on any sewing projects (like those loose buttons on your coat) you've been putting off for so long.
101. Create a bucket list … then scratch something off!

But from all possible things the one thing that gives you your dopamine rush is bullieng some kids online.

And yes, i got this list from some nock off buzzfeed if you were wondering.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Post From Reddit » 2020-12-27 19:04:38

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

Why would you post such a shitty Reddit post here?

he gets paid for it

#15 Main Forum » It is time to unkill the airplane » 2020-12-25 11:24:25

Berry High Priest
Replies: 4

Due to the updates that happened since the implomentation of the airplane it is usefull again to make them.
We stopped building airplanes due to them being easaly stolen unless you builded a permanent locked storage.
Now since we have propperty fences it will be easy to create small airports which are secure and safe to use for trade.
Yet people still refuse to build planes and prefer storage trucks.
Planes prevent inexperienced storage truck drivers from getting lost of running out of fuel.
The trucks last one hour with fuel yet when you dont know when it was fueled you can end up in a desert with a full truck that isnt fueled and there is no way to refuel it except going 2k to the blacks and asking them.
Therefore planes if used correctly are way better and efficient then a storage truck.
An airlift life in berlin can in the long run bring over more cargo from other towns and therefore keeping both towns alive.
It will be more like two towns living next to eachother if you ofcourse use the surperiour plane technic.

#16 Re: Main Forum » You have been building towns the wrong for a long time! » 2020-12-25 11:11:36

StrongForce wrote:
QuirkySmirkyIan wrote:

pubic hair flooring was the worst update to come out of this game worse than biome restrictions, meme score, tool slots, and the rift combined.

Sure pine floors could use a reskin
But imo pine houses are the best.
Super easy to build, dont decay, absolutly renewable.

Wooden planks have too many good uses to waste them on floors!

The pine needles always get stuck in my puspus and it itches

#17 Re: Main Forum » You have been building towns the wrong for a long time! » 2020-12-23 16:36:50

Morti wrote:
Berry High Priest wrote:

4x4 plots rather then 3x3


I just added this to trigger people lol, 3x3 is the correct way because baskets hold 3 dirt and buckets hold 9 water.
Or maybe long plots would also be nice to see

#18 Main Forum » You have been building towns the wrong for a long time! » 2020-12-23 15:14:16

Berry High Priest
Replies: 7

So recently i was in a bear griefer attack wish shook me to the core.
It was in a well established medium tech town with plenty of bows to defend it.
Yet the town died in the bear attack due to mismanadgement maybe?
Now the town layout was a top row made out of a nursery a bakery and an outside smith.
The pens for the animals were left and right and it had plenty of roads leading in and out of the town.
The central farm layout was also just the regular stuff with plenty of full cisterns.
Now yet the town succombed to a bear attack and no one went in to the pens for safety.

Now the bear attacks were possible because there was plenty of open space to enter and leave the town.
In a good town the central farmland would be surrounded by buildings creating some kind of safety wall.
Ofcourse it will be a hasstle to get it and you cant create the housing before the farm is fully loaded out.
The farm layout should also be made out of 4x4 plots rather then 3x3 to optimise food consumption.
Now the housing wall should be made out of big spaces for essential stuff and smaller spaces for more non essential stuff.
Buildings im thinking about it are a winery, a carpenter a grainery. Those places should be sufficient with a 3 with space. The doors leading to the out and inside should be spring doors but the doors between the buildings should be non spring door. Just to make sure in case of a bear attack that they can be closed.

Buildings outside of town should be a woodfarm and a charcoal factory. I have seen a good design with railroads a while back where 8 ovens are placed in a star shape. This would optimise the charcoal production since this has to be placed next to a wood farm and the smith inside the town configuration.
Also avoid linear structuring. So dont place doors in a line formation but more zigzag. If they have springs you shouldnt be worried about them and if they are inside they can remain open.

I already hear the complaints that this method is overcomplicated for some simple grief that happens once a week but like this grief destroys towns and puts the server back a week of work. This could make a change between getting oil or draining swamps 500 tiles away because ur town of 30 people is dry.

#19 Re: Main Forum » How Did The Baby Float? » 2020-12-23 14:56:59

By the holy power of a well fed berry mucher ofcourse.
The berries hold the key to power and ethneral bliss.
Perhaps if you munch on berries your entire life you might reach the ripe age of 61.
My experiments need to continue on babies tho, maybe one day the world will embrace the magical mystical powers of a good berry bowl.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Problem: Not Enough Uses for Garlic » 2020-12-21 18:50:49

I think a crusade on garlic would be fitting.
Remove all its plants and stop its production
Occupy its plots with more useful crops like for example berries.
This way the devils testicles can’t be replanted.
Once you rid your towns of this hellish fruit you shall take a horse and help other towns to get rid of their sins

#21 Re: News » Update: Legacy Chain » 2020-12-10 18:18:38

Booklat1 wrote:

fucking finally

won't make up for the fact that the game is racism simulator but getting over genetic scores and adding a lineage system is A MUCH better reward for survivability

yeah its hard to play when the entire town exiles you for enjoying some nice fresh purple berry balls.
It is a shame to see how a town can exile you as if you are a jew during the holocaust for simply enjoying the good things in life aka. berries. This game and humanity as a whole has a long way to go to defeat such practices as to discriminate against berry munchers. Today it maybe berry munchers but who will it be tomorrow. Also we need to stop the yummers planting bean farms (yuck!) they waste precious lebensraum for berries wich can create a blitzkrieg of productivity and the innovation needed to construct the wunderwaffen of this game.

To conclude, some people say it is hard to be yourself without getting discriminated in Trumps america(this goes for both ways of the political spectrum) well try to be a berry muncher for a day and see how you live!

#22 Re: Main Forum » Leaderboard Advice: Don't Play Much Once You Have Decent Score » 2020-12-10 10:04:59

In my opinion there isn’t much use in the leaderboard except getting town leader.
So I have a neat little idea in me noggin. This can also solve the lack of player sprites with neat ned and interesting mechanics that definitely will improve and introduce new player interactions. So my idea is attaching the gene score to penis and boob sprites. The higher it is the bigger they get. So when a new leader baby is born everyone can already see it by the massive size of his penis. Everyone can also compliment the leader for it. The players can also hide theirs by wearing clothes. Same goes for females but they will only show it once they mature. They also can get complimented by people who say “nice rack mam!”

#23 Main Forum » Rip loveley town » 2020-12-09 18:31:02

Berry High Priest
Replies: 0

Loveley town got griefed by three individuals.
The leader herself exiled everyone and two people started killing, i cursed one and his name is party peach.
It was a nice town with lots of plub precious berries.
Ow by god how good where the berries down in loveley town.

May you rest in peace sweet sweet town.

I locked myself in the winery and got a griefer stabbed but he got healed.
I was the last female alive i think.


#24 Main Forum » Rip loveley town » 2020-12-09 18:28:07

Berry High Priest
Replies: 2

Loveley town got griefed by three individuals.
The leader herself exiled everyone and two people started killing, i cursed one and his name is party peach.
It was a nice town with lots of plub precious berries.
Ow by god how good where the berries down in loveley town.

May you rest in peace sweet sweet town.

I locked myself in the winery and got a griefer stabbed but he got healed.
I was the last female alive i think.


#25 Re: Main Forum » How To Properly Grief a Village (THE GUIDE) » 2020-12-09 16:23:21

virgin grief vs chad berry cult.

step 1: Teach new players only to farm berries.
step 2: watch as other plants vanish and get replaced by the goodness of the purple orbs
step 3: watch as the community grows around the gooness of berries
ow god bless those berries
the only food people need is berries yummy!

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