One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Game is dying » 2018-04-26 16:49:21

If only the lives were 2 hours. You could accomplish so much more within your life.
Kind of ruins the 1 Hour 1 Life name, but man that 1 hour is severely limited

Also the decay is far too quick.

I remember when Rust first came out, and the decay on the buildings took along time to get right, like years to get right. Eventually they settled on giving everything a visible health bar, and over time, slowly, this health bar would decrease if not interacted with, and if it wasnt interacted with within a few days, it would despawn. This decaying health bar also doubled as its durability bar for taking on damage. More advanced buildings would last longer, but ultimately would suffer the same decay over time.

If jason wrote this into the game he could fix alot of the problem with having to call on so many values to items that have a certain number of uses, and can essentially halt the problem with everyones settlements, tools, and baskets decaying after just one lifetime, causing the next generation to have to constantly remake everything.

Take a note from Rust, give everything a decaying health bar that will ultimately time out after lets say 1-3 full day depending on what it is, and add in some craftable repair kits for smaller, and larger items.
Allow someone to be able to craft this, and virtually run around and right click on everything to restore everything's decay bars.
Now the server isnt calling on so many variables, as long as there's a player, your items can be maintained, and at the same time, empty settlements eventually despawn after inactivity.

#2 Re: Main Forum » BAD Update » 2018-03-09 23:46:06

I can survive fine and get fully clothed with forged tools before old age if I'm on my own. Soon as I have to raise other people it becomes more difficult.
I think primarily this is because I can move around my area from berry bush to berry bush while gathering supplies. With those berry bushes exhausted, you starve before you can get carrots going.

Also, I can stress this enough, get yourself clothed asap, even if its just the one loincloth. You lose hunger so much faster when naked.
Normally I'd get a basket going and fill it up while I run off to scavenge/trap, bringing 1-2 berries with me, and replenishing it as I go. I'll even leave food behind at the rabbit holes for my next trip. You gotta plan things out, map your area and know where theres food, leave things lying around to come back to.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Advancing Civilization == Starting from Fresh » 2018-03-09 04:39:15

I thought Geese were renewable so long as the pool was not fully depleted and is full?
I was reading somewhere that if you emptied a pool and refilled it manually, the geese dont come back to it.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 03:30:19

Waiting for the SJWs to discover a game where males work harder/more because they're not stuck raising children, and women have to stay near their homes/firepits to feed and raise their kids.

Adult Women in this game cant seem to do the long distance scavenging and hunting since they might suddenly pop one out in the woods and have to either ditch the resources or abandon the baby. Men just stroll in an out of the camp with wolf pelts like "Woo yeah boys look what I got, *chestbump*"
I feel sorry for the women of 1H1L.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Compiled list of suggestions: » 2018-03-09 03:07:06

Its interesting how simple the game engine works. It seems like every combination of something is an individual item of its own, like a Skewer is an individual item and when you "action" on a meat, it transforms into "Skewered Meat".
To allow you to skewer from a basket, Jason will have to write in a buttload more item combinations to work. Its possible, but I can see why its not been done yet, just lots of work.

The way the game seems to work is an empty basket is an individual item, and a basket with 1 meat is a separate individual item as well. Its not 2 items. You get a glimpse of this on the bottom right corner when it gives you the item combinations.
Skewering from a basket would result in there needing more combinations. You'd need a combo if the basket has 1 meat, 2 meat, 3 meat, 1 meat and 1 rock, 1 meat and 1 berry, 1 meat and 1 flower, 1 meat and 1 flint............... etc........ 2 meat and 1 rock, 2 meat and 1 berry......... etc.
Millions of combinations.

Either write em all by hand, or he needs to develop a new inventory system.

Perhaps write the game to allow for 4 tiles on ever single square tile. A firepit would take up the big tile, but a small item like meat would take up one of the subtiles.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Priorities » 2018-03-09 02:55:54

I seem to spend most of my lives trapping and making clothing. I always found most villages are lacking tailors, while there are many farmers, and many people just running around (because they're new to the game and not sure what to do), and alot of people spending too much time at the forge trying to figure it out. If the tools have already been forged... YOU DONT NEED TO FORGE ANYMORE.

Heres how it should be played:
You are born.
If theres a fire nearby, sit on the fire and dont move.
The more you move and the colder you are, the faster you go hungry.

Spend your early childhood picking baskets and replanting fields, dont just run around doing your own thing. Someone took the time to raise you and feed you, you contribute you little shit.
Spend your later childhood on water runs and rabbit trapping runs, WHEN YOU ARE ABLE TO RUN. Dont know how many toddlers that walk that I see wandering around the woods wasting precious resources

Once you are an adult, you should have an idea of where your camp needs more filling.
Maybe you should till some farms, gather more soils
Maybe forge some items if needed
If you're naked, and your fellow villagers are naked, craft some clothing.

Dont run off into the wilds to die if you're fully geared. Leave your stuff to the next generation.

Also some other things:
-Dont drain the pools
-If you drained them, refill them with water
-designate some carrots and "unpickables" so they fruit into flowers
-Pick the milkweek when its FRUITING so it grows back
-Dont kill the Bunny unless it has a baby... No baby... NO FUTURE GENERATIONS

#7 Re: Main Forum » [suggestion] User-experience improvements » 2018-03-09 00:53:15

Yeah a HUD would be great, even just a floating menu when you are carrying an item that has a capacity to carry other items.

I've 2 more suggestions

Being able to craft a toolbelt to carry your tool (knife/sharp stone/hatchet/etc), so you can bring it with you and not have to drop it all the time and fumble around on the ground with other items.

Being able to carry your bow like an equip-able item. I've done a few lives as a wolf/bear hunter, and it sucks when you gotta leave your bow in the woods just to bring your kill back home.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Does the map ever reset? » 2018-03-09 00:44:48

After reading some of Jason's posts I dont think he intends to wipe servers. He seems pretty adamant on the idea of the "evolve or die" theme and caring for your world lest it become barren, and if it does, "move onto greener pastures".

I like this idea, that some players will have to step up and start reseeding and replanting the areas, and filling the empty ponds back up with water to restart life in the area, or, move on and recolonize somewhere else.

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