One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » So, what do you guys think of the walled town in the NW? » 2019-09-09 01:19:52

Morti wrote:

Two hours a week, yeah, and all you do is parrot the word griefer

Dude. You told us you did it. Moreover, you told us about the griefing you did even though literally nobody asked you about it.  If you don't like being called a griefer, then don't grief. 

Morti wrote:

like a little millennial snowflake

Now that is some mighty fine parroting.  Completely misapplied.  But mighty fine.  Have a cracker, Polly.

Morti wrote:

Sorry, but you are not worth the time of a thorough reply.

It's okay.  You gave as thorough a reply as I would expect from someone who doesn't recognize their own hypocrisy goes into full retreat the moment his hypocrisy is called out.  You did something shitty.  You told us about it.  And then you went on a rant and talked about how good and caring of a person you are.  A person who really meant all that stuff you said would have replied very differently to me than the reply you actually posted.  I'm sincerely disappointed that you aren't the good, caring person that you tried to make yourself out to be.  This game needs more decent people.

Morti wrote:


( ^_^)/


#2 Re: Main Forum » So, what do you guys think of the walled town in the NW? » 2019-09-08 22:52:12

Morti wrote:

Were you one of them?

No, I wasn't one of the victims of your griefing murder-spree.   I play OHOL two lives a week at most, and my last few lives have been blessedly peaceful and fun.

#3 Re: Main Forum » So, what do you guys think of the walled town in the NW? » 2019-09-08 17:13:29


I agree with substance of your rant, but it's head-shakey seeing it come from you.  You just pulled a pein this last week: 

Morti wrote:

I went tyrant public service last life and killed a family in a little fence along the path for the road.

You literally just murdered a village because you wanted your road to go through where it sat, instead of you just building your stupid road around it.  I mean, seriously dude.  That's pretty petty pein of you.

#4 Re: Main Forum » miskas' brilliant replacement for Donkeytown » 2019-08-22 16:42:39

jasonrohrer wrote:

The latest idea is this:

If you curse someone, they cannot be born in some radius (say w/in 50 tiles of you), and you can't be born w/in 50 tiles of them.

I'm also going to leave the token system in place for now.  So you get to curse one person per hour, max.

I'll have some sort of expiration date on it as well.  I'll make it pretty short for now, to avoid disaster.  Maybe 48 hours?  And cursing the same person again renews it.

I'll make it so you don't need to speak the same language to curse anymore.

what happens if you are "cursed out"?  That means that every available mother for you in the game is within the radius of someone who has blocked you.  That means no one wants to play with you currently.  So in that case, you go to d-town as usual (you do NOT get to be a rift Eve).

I like this.   It should solve almost every problem that's kept me away from the game the past few months.   With these rules, even the rift might be an okay game.  (Rift should still be much bigger regardless.)

#5 Re: Main Forum » Here's the temporary fix so I can get back to vacating » 2019-08-15 20:42:35

Villas wrote:
Taz wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

So, remotely, I will affect the following changes:
--Disable the rift
--Infinitely growing Eve spiral
--No long-term no-look culling in the center.
--No time limit or end condition of any kind
We haven't had exactly this setup for quite a long time.  There was a time in the past when the game worked this way.

Thank you.  I just logged in and played for the first time in months because of this rollback.


First time in months? But the rift was added about 20 days ago, if you stopped playing months ago (at least 2), the game was exactly how it is now.

So you stopped playing months ago, he added new content 20 days ago that you haven’t seen, he rolled it back, now you come back because the game is exactly how it was when you stopped playing?

Doesn’t make sense at all.

Much like a person doesn't have to play in the NFL to be aware of NFL gameplay changes, a person doesn't have to log in and play OHOL in order to be aware of game content changes.  We live in an age where video games can be a spectator sport.  Youtube and Twitch exist, my friend.   I stopped playing, but that doesn't mean I stopped enjoying my favorite streamers, some of whom are OHOL players.  Twisted, in particular, posts OHOL gameplay every day or two, with excellent commentary.

If you're feeling the need to try to pick apart my post again, looking for "Aha! Gotcha!" moments, please don't.  I promise you, you have better things to do with your life than to waste time looking for nitpicks in some guy's post on the internet who doesn't have any interest in fighting with you.  I understand that these forums have devolved into a place of people treating each other like enemies trolling each other.  And that's sad.   But that's not what's going on here.   I'm just a dude who used to like playing OHOL, then stopped playing when I realized that content-changes were starting it down the path toward becoming a griefer shitshow.  This rollback announcement was a surprise.  And a welcome one.  I'm glad it happened.  I've gotten to log in and play a fun version of OHOL again.  I know it's temporary.  That's unfortunate.  But I'll enjoy playing again while it lasts.


#6 Re: Main Forum » Reflections of the Rift - What did you like? » 2019-08-15 00:02:00

jasonrohrer wrote:

Don't worry...

It will be back soon!


#7 Re: Main Forum » Here's the temporary fix so I can get back to vacating » 2019-08-14 20:31:35

jasonrohrer wrote:

So, remotely, I will affect the following changes:
--Disable the rift
--Infinitely growing Eve spiral
--No long-term no-look culling in the center.
--No time limit or end condition of any kind
We haven't had exactly this setup for quite a long time.  There was a time in the past when the game worked this way.

Thank you.  I just logged in and played for the first time in months because of this rollback.


#8 Re: Main Forum » Pine Walls Too Expensive » 2019-06-23 18:53:10



Thatch/Pine buildings should be Tier 1.  They should be easy to make, from like pine straw combined with yew shafts or such.

Those pine walls should be upgradable by sticking adobe onto them, without having to tear them down first.  Thus making adobe structures Tier 2.

Tier 3 could be plastering the adobe.

Tier 4 would be adding the stone facade onto the existing plastered adobe walls to make them into stone structures.

Optional addition:  BRICKS!  Create a new rectangle cooking item.  We stick clay into it, fire it in the kiln, and get a stack of bricks from it.  This would be an alternative Tier 4 wall item.   It would give us the option of upgrading the walls to Tier 4 stone or Tier 4 bricks, depending on what visual look we want.  Yay variety!

#9 Re: Main Forum » Signs That You Might Play OHOL » 2019-06-22 18:51:31


OHOL has changed my eating behavior.  My brain has been YUM trained.  When I go to the kitchen to get food now, I almost never eat the same thing more than once in a day.  OHOL has inspired variety in my real diet.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Can mods stop banning people for no valid reason? » 2019-04-12 17:59:47


Something something about burning bridges something something.

#11 Re: Main Forum » To all to the sweetpeas out there. » 2019-04-04 22:30:07

PeaGirl wrote:

I hope this family will flourish for long, and stay vigil for those griefers when it gets bigger. I saw people doing lot of work killing griefers though, so it looked really promising in my eyes. … id=3993255

I saw you as Eve Pea II on Twitch this morning.  Korean twitcher Mippu was streaming it.  She was your gen 2 daughter Maria II.

Starts just after 4 minute time mark.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Dirt roads » 2019-04-04 00:22:08


Yes!  A resounding yes!

Should be the first, easiest road to make.  Just a plain, rugged dirt path.   Made with a new simple "Dirt Rake" tool, or something like it.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Deep roots added to family tree browser » 2019-04-03 23:11:45

happynova wrote:

This is so great!  Mine is here.  Only 37 generations, but I'll take it.  It's nice to see my family managed to survive that grizzy bear that killed me. smile

Oh no way!  I was your mother!  That was my deepest root too.

Leon Man, 43 years old, Generation: 8, Lineage Depth: 38, Died 51 days ago, Final words: "My job is done".

#14 Re: Main Forum » Why there are no wars » 2019-04-02 15:56:50


Also Jason, you keep mentioning Rust.

What happens when you die in Rust?   You respawn to the same life.  Sure, your recently deceased body is out there, probably being looted of whatever was on it.  But you're still basically in the same life, respawning at your "base", where you've stored resources that you can immediately re-equip yourself with if nobody has raided and stolen them.

If you want OHOL gameplay to be more like Rust, then you'll have to change the reincarnation system to be more like Rust.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Why there are no wars » 2019-04-02 15:43:03

jasonrohrer wrote:

So I need to get to the bottom of WHY the Smiths and the Joneses are just sharing everything without a care in the world.  I need to figure out why it doesn't matter, currently.

You already know.   

Being a Smith in OHOL is a temporary state.  I might be a Jones in my next life.  So of course I'm going to share the fruits of my labor with the Joneses.  Their prosperity is potentially my future inheritance.

#16 Re: Main Forum » the perfect baby » 2019-03-28 18:15:17

futurebird wrote:

What is the perfect OHOL baby?

Doesn't suicide.
Parks on a good temp spot.
Types F for food when 2 bars left.
Steps out 1-2 spaces for F if other babies are standing on same spot.
Isn't pein.

#17 Re: Main Forum » The perfect mom » 2019-03-28 17:56:50

futurebird wrote:

What are some things that makes a perfect OHOL mom? What makes you want to stay and feel welcome

Keeps herself fed.
Keeps me fed.
Isn't pein.

That's all I ask for in a OHOL mom.  Everything else I can do for myself at 3.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Why no rivers in the game? » 2019-03-25 14:22:37


A few rivers would be awesome.    Meandering stretches of water tiles that are like 3-5 tiles wide.  Then let us turn a crate into a rowboat!  Would be fun to see towns developing along the river and using rowboats to travel between them.

#20 Re: Main Forum » (Suggestion) Little features that I hope will make it into the game » 2019-03-06 14:44:50

Oblong wrote:

If you’re talking ‘bout the small differences... Why not make pies differentiable? … image0.png

Yes please.   Color-coded pies would be nice.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Why can't we say "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" ? » 2019-03-05 16:37:34

jasonrohrer wrote:

I'm trying to maintain a comic book look-and-feel.

And it looks great.  Thank you, Jason!

#23 Re: Main Forum » Why can't we say "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" ? » 2019-03-05 16:35:59

CrazyEddie wrote:

Jason has said, clearly, that he likes the aesthetics of having to "say" words rather than being able to "say" numerals.

It can be annoying, but I agree with him.

I apostrophe m glad he doesn apostrophe t like the aesthetics of having to quotation mark say quotation mark every other written symbol comma too period

That would also be annoying. 

I'd rather be able to type numerals within OHOL, just like I can type punctuation within OHOL.   
But I still like this game either way.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Why can't we say "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" ? » 2019-03-05 16:26:21

Chard wrote:

Well if you say a number you say the number, not the numeral.

When I say a number, I say the number, not the alphabet. 

"How many rabbits north?"

"Ef eye vee ee"

All written language is symbols, no matter what symbols we use.


#25 Re: Main Forum » The instant-suicide mod » 2019-02-21 19:17:12

jasonrohrer wrote:

Can you confirm that if you quit the game and reload, the map load is faster the second time (b/c of a warm disk cache).  Can you confirm that, in order to make the map load slow again, you need to reboot your machine?

First load into a server always takes me between 15 seconds to upwards of 1 minute.  All subsequent spawns to the same server happen relatively instantaneously (0-3 seconds).

If I exit the client program and restart it, I have to wait through the first long load again.

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