a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Unfortunately it doesn't take much to spoil the broth.
It has happened in a few games that were originally supposed to be of much broader scope but people decided to fall back to the same old and simplistic "kill shit lulz" mentality.
Things like DayZ could have been great but quickly became some kind of psychopathy sandbox instead.
I wouldn't be surprised if people start white-listed servers somehow where you have to apply to get in, or disable murder completely.
Either way would kind of sabotage the whole idea of the game, but so does mindless griefing and killing for some cheap laughs.
Maybe a repopulation system for trees and bunnies would be helpful.
IE. being able to catch bunnies alive and set them out near abandoned holes, or something along those lines.
I wouldn't be surprised if people started to create white-listed servers, possibly via source mods, if this ends up plagueing the game too much.
Especially if no good counter-strategies are found.
Also i think the "this is realistic" argument falls somewhat flat, simply because of the whole "one hour is one life" system.
It implies time is actually compressed, and people can essentially do "bad stuff" instantly that would otherwise take them hours or days to do, ie taking down structures or destroying wood floors.
In reality, people would not just stand idly by and watch some guy make a hole in the sidewalk for a few hours.
Just enclose something as a binary code inside adobe wall next to the town entrance.
+---+ |.++| +---+
Here is city 011 (3)
I guess by enclosing different objects we could even bet a pictorial language. Well-wall or Sheep-basket for instance.
Yeah something like that, anything that can be some kind of "city name site", the basic idea is the same.
Anything that can be built relatively cheaply and quickly, doesn't despawn and isn't easily destroyed should be fine.
How about marking settlements with "code name buildings", made up for 3 or 4 Wall elements next to each other.
Since a wall segment can be Corner/Up/Down it offers 3 states per element.Maybe such "name site" buildings could be made in a certain way to show that they are supposed to be the "name site" of a settlement, possibly with a short wall segment above them.
Examples : ( o is the corner element )
o----o o|-- o----o -|o| o----o oooo
Maybe this could be extended to be "area codes" made up of just 3 elements. Or the other way around, be "city codes" 3 elements and "area codes" 4 elements.
Granted, it would take effort not to get name collisions with other places, hmm.
Something along those lines.
I hope this makes sense
Settlements possibly changing their "face" over time due to rearrangement of buildings etc is one of the reasons i made this post a while ago.
Maybe it would be worth doing at least something similar in each larger settlement, even if it does not follow a special system of some kind.
Maybe an enclosed 3x3, 2x3, 4x4 or whatever area with a certian kind of "monument" inside would be enough for identification purposes.
And it would probably have to be enclosed so people don't destroy the monument for LULz easily, since they have to dismantle the surrounding wall first and hopefully someone notices and builds that back up.
Example :
| o |
| | |
The griefing aspect is largely why DayZ degraded into into a murder-on-sight game, which it was not supposed to be at the beginning.
But people can't help themselves, because LUL KILLING LUL.
If anything these games show that psychopathic idiocy will invade and mess up anything.
IIRC, DayZ actually had some interesting systems in place in the early versions, or at least planned, where serial killers would be marked in some way with crows or masks or flies following them around.
That's silly and unrealistic of course, but maybe there could be some kind of "Karma" system in the background which affects different things.
Maybe the game could detect a death on farmland and place clothes on the nearest empty tile, similar to what happens when you pick up grave bones with a basket that have items on them.
This could of course lead to farmland deaths "spamming" tiles in the area.
Maybe it would help in that case if clothes could be gathered in a single tile in some kind of cloth pile, similar to graves.
Then a farmland death would only spread a single "pile of cloth" to the nearest free tile.
Agreed, it's a problem.
It's bad enough that people like to run off into the wild with clothes and die, in a way "diffusing" out important goods which should be focused and inherited instead, but this bug just makes it worse.
Confirmation, maybe :
I just changed the files back to not use a custom server, and the game updated itself after starting.
Apparently a large patch dropped today, but whenever i start up the game, no update happens.
Also, when i join the server ( which i can ), berry bushes look like stationary mouflons, until someone picks a berry from them.
New items and plant types that i saw on twitch streams are also nowhere to be found.
Does changing files to join specific servers somehow interfere with updates ?
How about marking settlements with "code name buildings", made up for 3 or 4 Wall elements next to each other.
Since a wall segment can be Corner/Up/Down it offers 3 states per element.
Maybe such "name site" buildings could be made in a certain way to show that they are supposed to be the "name site" of a settlement, possibly with a short wall segment above them.
Examples : ( o is the corner element )
Maybe this could be extended to be "area codes" made up of just 3 elements. Or the other way around, be "city codes" 3 elements and "area codes" 4 elements.
Granted, it would take effort not to get name collisions with other places, hmm.
Something along those lines.
I hope this makes sense
Naming is a nice idea, but imo it would have to be done in a way that prevents troll naming.
Maybe have names be chosen using some kind of dictionary-based auto-complete - if that makes any sense.
I actually wonder if the game/server keeps track of "lineage" in any way internally.
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