One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Blocking bear cave question » 2019-01-27 06:22:28

Replies: 2

Do I just need to block the tile below a bear cave to seal it, or the tile above too?

#2 Re: Main Forum » New Players Bad for Villages? » 2019-01-17 01:52:06

Good in short term of the hours the civ lives and the effective man-hours spent working on it.

Bad in long term of the extra days it'll take to make that player productive as opposed to just spending one hour teaching them a job.

In a bizarre twist, this philosophy reflects the US prison system versus the Nordic prison system. One is to punish and lock away, the other is to educate and integrate.

#3 Re: Main Forum » New Players Bad for Villages? » 2019-01-17 00:14:28

A village is the least stressful setting for tutoring new players though. There's less downtime and higher stakes in early gen camps.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-13 20:46:41

I don't think you understand the difference between the exploit and the /die command. Someone explained it pretty well on the previous page of this thread.

This exploit together with the people who advocate it like it isn't breaking the game is seriously rubbing me the wrong way. I have half a mind to murder any player who seems to be using the zoom out mod out of spite now. If only it wasn't so counter-productive, I'd be all for it. It seems to be the only way to get it through the thick skulls of certain people. It's one thing when they cheat and it only affects them, but this is affecting everyone.

The more I think about it right now, the more I find myself wanting to take a zero tolerance on anyone I find with the mod. Sure, it'd ruin civs to kill the exploiters off, but it's a meta-game circle where their style messes with everyone else anyway, so one might as well return the favour to them and make the mod undesirable.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-13 19:44:11

Okay, that seems like a reasonable way to solve this without involving Jason.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-13 19:05:37

Yeah, I suppose you're right that they aren't intentionally griefing. They just don't care if they mess things up for others.

I'm hot in from another life where the first three babies also used the exploit to instant kill themselves. I didn't get actual useful babies before a pair of twins well into my adulthood, and it took ages to set up the camp because of the lack of people. Twins died, sadly, but fortunately the final kid knew what she was doing. The penultimate one was a runner that tried to come back for food last second when she'd scouted the camp, but at that point I was too jaded to want to feed her. … id=2848719

Anyway, it just feels like sabotage no matter how you look at it.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-13 17:55:04

That argument goes both ways; You are underreacting.

I see no reason why the kill exploit should be allowed to exist. There's already plenty of ways to kill yourself if you spawn as an Eve, and it takes like two seconds to enter /die if you spawn as someone's baby.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-13 17:27:46

Just had another game with 3 exploiters. Two of them even had the nerve to use it in my hands instead of just /die. You can tell by the skeleton dropping to the ground instead of being held. It also doesn't say sudden infant death on the lineage tree. At this point I'm pretty sure they're just doing it to grief. … id=2846940

There really should be a way to report them or have them face some sort of consequence for messing with birth rates. This specific civ will be fine, but that was 3 minutes we could have had babies that weren't selfish pieces of shit.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-13 15:08:16

3 used the suicide exploit. 1 AFKed and starved. 1 AFKed and then ran off to die when she kept getting fed. And only 1 used /die as all the rest of them should have to reset birth cd. That doesn't make a good title though.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-12 01:06:47

Booklat1 wrote:

i really wish people to stop asking Jason to fix what isn't broken. Some people don't wanna play eve camps, you'll have to wait for those that do.

No, this isn't something I'll let slide. The suicide exploit is messing up births cooldown and in turn the survival chances for all civs, not just Eve camps.

I thought /die did the same, and I'm relieved to hear that it resets birth cooldown, but the suicide exploit in that mod people keep using is absolutely having a large negative impact.

AFKers and people just running off to die is also bad, but it isn't as systematic or widespread as that damned exploit.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-11 16:44:44

Okay, well, I don't know if they did /die or abused the exploit, but either way, this is an unsustainable way to play.

1. Players suicide until they find the civ they want, or they suicide until they get to be an Eve.
2a. The sorts of civs people are looking for are less likely to appear because there aren't enough viable off-spring to make a community bloom.
2b. They finally get to be an Eve, but their babies are suiciding.

What the guy earlier said about letting people play with a spawn preference to Eve/boy/girl/etc is probably the least intrusive compromise.

#12 Main Forum » Two out of eight kids were leavers, unplayable trend » 2019-01-11 13:56:34

Replies: 58

I am upset with leavers. This has been happening for days.

Yet again, I found a decent spot. I did all the "normal" things you have to do these days to avoid having the min-maxing shitlords instant-suiciding themselves; I named myself, I stayed around a town where the forge or farm was visible on screen. Still... I had 8 kids as an Eve, and 6 were fucking leavers. The two last I had were a boy and a girl who actually tried their best, but died to animals. That can happen, but the six leavers are unforgivable. They ruin the game and I find this increasingly frustrating. … id=2804579

From the bloodline it looks like I had 4 active kids, but Major was just an AFK waste of space that never spoke and never moved, and I have no idea what was up with "Girl" cause they just left.

This game is being dragged down by attention deficit people who can't wait for a couple of minutes to grow up without bouncing all over the screen or killing themselves off in a never ending chase of greener grass.

Last time I brought it up, I didn't suggest fixes, but I will now.

*Bloodline ban and server ban to people who use /die.
*Account cooldown on /die so they can do it a few times, but not for dozens of times in a row.
*Dying as a kid multiple times in a row before you have hair should force you to Eve spawn so you can't keep shitting up the baby spawns for mothers. This would affect runners too.
*Mothers need some sort of birth system that recognizes when they lost a kid, and skips the cooldown before they can have another, otherwise they'll get to 40 year and have all their births occupied by leavers.
*"Curse my baby" command for mothers that affects the last player they birthed, forcing that player to Eve spawn and skipping the cooldown timer on having babies.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Eve should kill herself at forty » 2019-01-07 14:40:15

All you min-maxers who don't want boy children and don't want Eve's past 40 miss a big thing. There are wild foods that regenerate like cactus and berries. As long as the boys are hunter-gatherers, and old Eve's go foraging, they are not a burden on the town.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Killed for being a "cheater"? » 2019-01-06 18:55:09

Depending on how it's used, it can be cheating.

I've been killed while hiding behind a tree sprite. I had been taunting the townies so I knew I should stay low for a while. I would not have been found inside the bush, except on the furthest zoom levels, the mod only renders players and people can see where you are before the terrain loads. A person walked right up to the tree with a bow and shot me.

I consider that 100% cheating.

But if you're just using it to navigate or locate biomes, I don't really care because it doesn't affect me.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Leavers are making Eve starts harder than they need to be » 2019-01-06 11:39:38

Hm, yeah. I name myself early, and I'll walk for ages until I find a spot that has everything before I settle. It feels like the effort I'm putting into finding a spot and living there to 60 isn't really worth it though.

#16 Main Forum » Leavers are making Eve starts harder than they need to be » 2019-01-06 10:33:17

Replies: 16

I don't have a solution, I'm just here to state the obvious, because I've been playing for three hours, three Eve lives, and it's annoying that each of those civs never got going because the people who play this game don't really want to play this game. They just up and leave the second they don't see a massive town.

Thinking about it, I suppose the opposite probably happens with certain people instant killing themselves in towns too. You could probably get rid of the problem by making a preference option to spawn as Eve, to an Eve or into an older bloodline. Sure, it's outside of the philosophy Jason has described for the game, but there's only so many dead-end starts I can handle before I have had enough. At some point, you have to compromise a little for quality of life things. After all, we're people, not machines.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Griefing Guide » 2018-11-29 22:32:47

Huh, well, it's comforting to see that the actually disruptive things aren't commonly known.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Meta about town security » 2018-11-29 21:17:30

I've been toying with the idea of appointing a sheriff. Give him a backpack with a knife and an arrow, and tell him to go hog wild on PKs and griefers, and explain to berry locusts how to eat adult food, and also tell them to groom a replacement to keep the system going. It should actually be a pretty busy life at a well developed base.

I wouldn't have the patience or interest to do that for an hour, but you could probably find someone who's willing.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Cultures and Trade » 2018-11-27 14:23:10

You can already do the nomad thing, and I tend to do that if bored with the regular route.

The obstacle is just that your kids freak out and demand a berry farm when they spawn into a temporary savanna camp without a forge. So it's hard to get your kids to focus on getting clothed and packing things in their backpacks. I usually end up having to go solo, so I just bring the firebow, hatchet, a snare and a needle.

Ironically, being nomadic is far more sustainable because you can always move to a new place and eat all the bunnies. Meanwhile, there's the constant risk a permanent camp will collapse because no one planned for the well running dry or the soil giving out. The nomad style doesn't run into milkweed issues either.

#20 Re: Main Forum » New animal suggestion: Rats » 2018-11-27 07:03:57

I wasn't aware of this before, but apparently sheep eat carrots they find in the environment. Rats seem feasible then since that means they can do the same thing with foods. Just depends if they're a desired addition. wink

#21 Re: Main Forum » Respawn position of eve. » 2018-11-26 18:23:41

Yes, you get the Eve spawn into a random settlement reliably if you live as Eve to 60, and then suicide on every baby birth until it spawns you as Eve.

That might seem like a very cynical way to reroll your spawns, just cycling through baby lives, but it feels like a bonus you've earned by hitting 60 as an Eve.

#22 Re: Main Forum » [DISCUSS] Zoomed Out FOV mod - discontinuation? » 2018-11-25 14:00:53

That's kinda the point though. If it isn't difficult to survive, what are you even achieving by staying alive?

I've watched streamers using the zoomout. It's cheating in my opinion. Though, I don't have a problem with others doing it. It doesn't matter for my own experience if other people are making it easier on themselves.

#23 Re: Main Forum » New animal suggestion: Rats » 2018-11-24 08:59:28

Yeah, I suppose they could be an intentional omission because there's a future biome they'd be well suited for. In that case, maybe we could just achieve the same thing with some sort of food spoilage.

#24 Main Forum » New animal suggestion: Rats » 2018-11-24 05:03:17

Replies: 11

There's one animal that has followed human civilization, which is not represented in the game, and that's the rat.

Rats have a purpose to serve in One Hour One Life. Big bases often have a trash problem. Every tile has an item on it. Food components litter the forge, kitchen and farm area. If food items had a tiny chance to attract or spawn rats, big bases would inevitably end up getting rats from the sheer amount of food lying around.

Exactly what threat rats would represent isn't something I have a strong opinion about. Maybe they eat or steal discarded food, maybe they bite people to inconvenience them, maybe they have a chance to spread disease.

This would give people incentive to organize better and pack away food in containers like baskets, and boxes. Though rats shouldn't just be there to force people to clean. Bases could decide to chase away the rats instead. Maybe players could deal with the rats directly with weapons, though I think this is actually would be an excuse to have dogs do something.

Cartoons have taught us that cats eat rats, but historically, dogs were employed to get rid of vermin. We kept dogs on our ships and farms, and they in turn kept rats and other scavengers away. Dogs currently serve no function in the game, yet they too have been a staple in many civilizations. What if their mere presence kept rats from spawning, or maybe they could have an interaction where they chase and kill rats.

Rats would make bigger bases harder to manage, which I completely understand if you guys are not on board with, but it would also let new players feel useful just through an easy new job like making baskets and storing food, and it would give experienced players an excuse to risk their lives to get dogs.

I understand that technically this would be tricky since animals and items on the same tile don't work well. So adding an animal that only shows up when every tile is occupied would pose problems. Maybe a food item could simply be replaced by a rat, and they remove food if they end their movement on a tile with food on it? I don't know... I don't want to pretend I know how to make a game. I'm just trying to make rats seem viable.

#25 Re: Main Forum » What is lineage ban? » 2018-11-22 18:50:47

A lost family name can be recovered again if there are surviving family members with the lastname. Any daughters birthed by the nameless mom most be named by an adult who still has the lastname.

You can also convert a bloodline from one lastname to another with this method if there's two different families at once location. It's basically adoption.

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