One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » awbz mode has been updated again! » 2018-12-15 22:27:08

If it wasn't for Lost Scholar streaming this on twitch and Awbz mod, I'd have never come back to this game.

And so Jason adds mosquitoes to punish zoom modders. They serve no purpose. You cannot get rid of them.

They are ubermosquitoes because they can survive desert and winter biomes and still will not die.

Jason seems bound and determined to ruin his game, it is his creation, so he has the right.

But if he does so I will never buy another game made by him since it means I was right.

Does he have asperger's syndrome? Maybe something worse?

Did the CIA pay him to use us as a social experiment?

I have quit this game again because his direction makes no sense, this game no longer makes any sense.

Thousand of years of human civilization skipped because, either he is tired and wrapping the game up, or he want's us to quit, or he does not have basic understanding of human history.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Pssst. Next Update. SPOILER WARNING! » 2018-12-15 21:59:55

The problem is he has ponds rivers or lakes, upon which all ancient cities were founded, no seas for fishing and ships.

If we had rivers we would have windmills. The first basic machine. But he just skips reality and makes magical babies spawning from virgins, and skips many thousands of years of human civilization, too much like work I guess. This game is going nowhere at warp speed, "Beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life in OHOL."

#3 Re: Main Forum » okay, so why do we have cars? » 2018-12-15 21:45:47

So we skipped what a thousand years of human history and bang, cars.

Ancient civs (astone age) hunted animals for meat often with spears, Jason skipped that.

Copper and bronze ages came before iron and iron before steel, Jason skipped that.

He added mosquitoes to punish zoom mod users, and they serve no purpose beyond him griefing the payer base with them.

He skipped medieval times with knights and organized wars. Skipped gunpowder, skipped the entire old west.

I used to be excited about this game and all the things about human civ that would have to be introduced and built before moving to the next things, I see now my excitement is unfounded.

It looks like Jason does not read books or know anything about the history of how man evolved.

This game is just his curtailed version of things, adding useless tech.

Id rather have seen adding babies to wagons, spears and hunting/skinning all animals for meat and leather.

Maybe tie horses to trees like they did since forever. But it seems this game is going nowhere fast.

I agree with the OP, why did he add cars? My guess he is tired of making this game, and seems incapable of reproducing even a partially accurate portrayal of civilization.

What once was promising has become a sad waste of time.

#4 Re: Main Forum » [DISCUSS] Zoomed Out FOV mod - discontinuation? » 2018-10-09 04:15:24

I had quit OHOL after what I felt was an unfair and childish implementation of the griefer rewarding apocalypse update. I used to watch a lot of twitch streamers who streamed OHOL. After apocalypse most quit playing and streaming the game. A few came back for awhile, then quit.

I recently saw Lost Scholar streaming it and he had zoomed out view. I got excited and asked if jason finally fixed this major oversight, no game uses 640, and nor should any game ever use this myopic and annoying resolution. He explained to me "no, it is a mod", I replied "you are allowed to play the game with mods, or is this a private server like 2OHOL?". He said it was the official servers.

So I came back to try this and it has renewed my enjoyment of this game. But then an update occured and Jorion did not update his zoom mod. I tried to play ...I really did. I could not even finish one life, I was ruined for zooming. If this mod leaves then I also must do so. The game is no longer playable without it for me personally. So the streamers friend Awbz spent hours using Jorioms links on how to make the mod, and updated it again. 

BANG, I was back playing and enjoying. Awbz keeps it updated, and Lost Scholar on twitch keeps streaming, and I am still having fun. I could not go back to 640, I always felt it was stupid. You lose items at your worksite all the time because you cannot see very far, you run around like an idiot in circles trying to find things. This in a game where literally every second counts down to the end of your life. You run into wolves, boars and snakes constantly that a second ago were off screen.

I cannot even see my entire work area at a forge or farm. Bow griefers run in, kill and run away. Where did he go? Several people waste years (minutes) searching but your field of view is a bad joke from another bad woody allen movie. How can we curse someone whose name we do not know, nor whom we can even find? I found several griefers using this mod, they do not even know I can see them afar off, littering the ground with hundreds of corn seeds, or stabbing/shooting another victim. Although seeing the seed is problematic but it is obvious they are up to no good. Once the griefers can see farther they will know I can see them, but will this curb their extra curricular activities? Those who are trying to do so secretly I am betting yes in many instances, unless they are unseen in zoomed out mode. They will kill less entire towns as everyone is too close to secretly assassinate and run away. Donkey town gains another citizen and the rest of the servers have some quiet time.

Thank you Jorion for making the zoom to begin with, and thank you Awbz for continuing his work. And also improving on it imho.

A defector of myopic apocalyptic OHOL who has returned with renewed vigor and enjoyment and Awbz vision, beware griefers I can see you doing your dastardly deeds and I will be watching!

#5 Re: Main Forum » [Survey] Do you play more or less since the update(s)? » 2018-04-24 00:19:44

Playing a game called Avorion right now. The future is uncertain as we all know, but I still read the forums and wait to see what evolves.

#6 Re: Main Forum » A move to ranching? » 2018-04-21 20:53:30

YAHG wrote:

If we can make soil with things we can make again... Then we are finally free of the yolk of the evil worm.
Fuck I hated worms, composting is cool and fun. Now I can do it again as my job.

Water was a better limiting factor than worms, finally glory shall be ours again.

I haven't composted since the worm update, it destroyed my will to compost, and I used to make a dozen or more stacks of compost before that, almost every life.

But to be fair I have played very little since the apocalypse and a change from your life is about building up things for future generations, to now I want everyone to quit farming and be nomads ....I will destroy your cities so you must roam and destroy your soil so you must ...what? Run free and eat wild berries?

The true history of civilization is one of hunter/gatherers to start. Then we adopted husbandry and agrarian pursuits that made life easier and less nomadic, not more nomadic. I though with horses would come plows and easier farming, I guess the joke is on me, not to mention on civilizations being impelled forward through technology, not backwards.

#7 Re: Main Forum » » 2018-04-21 07:39:27

Most griefers prefer 5th column tactics. Getting them to engage in the standard four columns may prove impossible.

It would show they are able to actually play the game as opposed to just play against the game. But that would require them to build a foundation, they seem to only enjoy destroying not building.

They will cry that building is no fun, but in truth they lack the patience to build, as this requires boring repetition and killing (picking) carrots is not exciting enough a venture.

Such a thing might be possible with two teams on a private server.

But I wish you the best in your endeavours.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Simple suggestion to implement for murder griefing » 2018-04-19 00:42:08

Except they can work in pairs as well. One kills, one feeds. Unless the same person cannot feed you a second time. Or if you commit another killing after the first "feeding" you will need to be fed by two separate players, and so on.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour » 2018-04-18 23:23:40

Roolstar wrote:

Forcing a baby to stay with mom?? What would that accomplish??

I don't get that at all.

I mean to punish one possible griefer who's trying to spawn in a specific camp by suiciding over and over, we're making every player stuck wherever they're born if their mother wants them to stay??

If a player does not want to stay in this camp for whatever reason, forcing them to stay will at best make them suicide as soon as they can or at worst do their best to make their "capturer's" life miserable (Best recipe to create a griefer)

And with all the proposed curses and judges and prison systems and tools for capture suggested in this thread, I'm worried that this game is more and more revolving around griefers. I thought OHOL was about building a thriving colony for the next generation.

<< Keep it simple: A player kills another player, he has to be fed before he can feed himself again. >> EZ, problem solved

Of course he can wait about 16-20 more minutes to be raised, then forge a weapon then be able to hold it and then kill ONE other person then die. But seriously who would? And even if they did, this would have almost no effect on the colony.

And the best part about this solution is that it can be implemented with probably less than 2 mn of coding. And without adding a whole new chapter for new players to learn in order to deal with griefers. Someone's killing people? Just do the natural thing and avoid them for a while and then they die. GG

It is still easy to starve to death as soon as you are old enough, unlikely mom will follow you around forever, or click on a bear cave, find a nice wolf to play with, or the all time favorite baby "rattle" from a nice snake ends things quickly.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Weird meta-idea: stuck in a life for an hour » 2018-04-18 23:20:56

Actually a pretty good idea, after all you still need the food to feed a prisoner and a warden to force them to eat.

Food is a very limited resource and not starving can be a challenge at times. So having a lot of prisoner's is not easily viable.

The prisoner will need to be on a good hunger timer, prison a cozy place? Or dependent on who built it, nice bearskin rug and a fire nearby? Build the prison in the desert?

You will of course need to add "Ye Oldde" stomach rumbling sounds so we know when feeding time if for poor old Jo in his dungeon cell for one, with a view, of course.

#11 Re: Main Forum » everyone attention,here will have some new players join the game. » 2018-04-18 22:38:28

MidgetMaker wrote:
Lily wrote:

I occasionally have children who don't respond when I try talking to them. Wonder if it is because they don't understand English.

I usually don't reply because i can only type one letter at a time.

Same. I find typing one letter at a time to be interminable.

If I do I will type, y for yes, k for ok, n for no, and of course f for food.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-18 07:44:53

TrustyWay wrote:

Killers are easy to counter while griefers aren't.

People here don't understand that people can kill for any reason, no only griefing, most of the time there is a context behind. While griefing is ... just griefing.

Easy to counter if you are one of those who are not squeamish about carrying a knife or hiding a bow or two. I have run into to many people who just assume a knife is useless except for killing people.

They are fine with you giving them a new pair of snakeskin boots, never wondering how you got them.

Or taking that beautiful new horse for a ride, sometimes without asking, never wondering how you were able to "saddle" it.

They happily eat some mutton when they are starving never imagining how you killed the sheep that just fed their entire family.

If Jason want's us to have a more nomadic existence I think hunting need's to be more able to sustain an entire tribe like it did for ancient nomadic peoples with concomitant animal resources, perhaps the bison of north america?

#13 Re: Main Forum » Deciding who has a baby » 2018-04-18 07:35:11

I believe in a game of "parenting" it is integral to increase fertility by the proximity of males. Even if it was a minimal amount. Although I am more inclined to want it to be key factor.

Also please put a timer restriction on just spawned Eve's, new Eve's try and keep you alive when they don't even have a base. This merely leads to increased infant mortality rates.

In many countries there are numerous wives tales on how to increase fertility in both men and women.

People will eat almost anything like ground dried deer penis to increase fertility rates. Mandrake root was often said to do such a thing.

Perhaps a midwife might also increase fertility, she might have potions or herbs on the tech tree.

Make a cauldron from iron (perhaps several pieces?) and start brewing those concoctions. Alchemy is born!

Might lead into healing salves for the dying, and poison for arrows/knifes, antidote of course if you have poisons.

Snakes could give venom and are used to make antivenom.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Deciding who has a baby » 2018-04-18 07:24:05

Nuzalea wrote:

Having babies could also be determined by how warm the mother is. Like a naked mum is less likely to have one.

I guess you never watched Quest For Fire.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Deciding who has a baby » 2018-04-18 07:22:24

Lily wrote:

You know, I just realized that giving more babies to those well feed actually gives more babies to people suffering and less babies to those who can support them. Think about it. Better food sources give far more hunger boxes, so you allow yourself to grow more hungry between each meal. If you have a pie in your backpack, you can let yourself go down to almost starving before you have to eat. In fact, you want to let yourself go down at least half way before eating, otherwise you are wasting your pie.

Mean while, if you are surviving bush to bush eating berries that only give you a few boxes of hunger, you are going to top yourself off as often as possible, because your not sure when your next meal will be. So an Eve in the wilderness will tend to be full more often than someone with a spare pie in their backpack.

Right you are, good call.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Is it a crime to kill males ? » 2018-04-16 16:31:01

pein wrote:
fragilityh14 wrote:

biome and bring back 16 carrot seeds

12 you mean? yeah with backpack 16 max, but i dont risk coming with no food, also 5 soil? that cant be in backpack, cart holds 4 not 5

a backpack can hold one soil unless it has been changed

#17 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-16 01:11:27

ryantm wrote:

I like Lily's idea in … 8845#p8845 but instead of burning off bad karma over time, it could be tied to another issue: there's currently no real incentive to get to age 60. Getting to age 60 could remove one death from your account.

I feel like getting to age 60 would be something really rare for a murderer, but it's pretty common for an experienced player playing nicely.

Yeah that does sound like a good idea.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 23:50:17

In foxhole as a player you gain commendation points for mining scrap and making materials which also get you levels. You as a player can give a "commend" to other players who help out. These commends will give you rank, corporal, sergeant. lieutenant and so on. You used to be able to use commends to take away points as well.

Maybe something like that. A player earns karma for growing carrots (planting, watering, picking) making tools and other positive things, maybe also points for raising a child to mature (eating) age. Then you can spend these karma points to give positive or negative karma to other players.

Have a look at the foxhole commend system. It might be a viable system that only adds a title or "rank". The ranks in foxhole are just used to determine how many commends a player has received and does nothing else in game.

Negative karma could get you ranks like bully, trickster, conman, thief, criminal, killer, murderer and the like while good karma could give you things like man at arms, guardsman, knight, and maybe noble titles eventually such as they have in guild3.

#19 Re: Main Forum » The problem with numerals. » 2018-04-15 08:06:32

But you can type ! ? and . not sure if anything else non alphabetic

so type .V. for five .X. for ten and so on

I believe if you have XL it is 40? But LX is sixty

#20 Re: Main Forum » Was being Eve stressful before? » 2018-04-15 03:36:55

If nothing else the new food might make it easier for an experienced player, but is mostly helpful for balancing out new players. As a naked kid spawned to an eve I found the extra food helpful while we tried to establish a base.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Mushroom. » 2018-04-15 03:28:12

Go! Bwah! wrote:

Can you feed one to a baby?


#22 Re: Main Forum » On grief terrorism, and to new players recently murdered/griefed » 2018-04-15 00:54:21

KucheKlizma wrote:

My point still stands - you're confusing a pastime to the real world. Your inability to distinguish between the two and your fallacious correlations don't really make me want to elaborate any further.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand reality. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation.

By your logic you're schizophrenic and need to be hospitalized.

Yes of course because real life people who play games are fantasy persona's? A person who plays games leaves their personality disorders at the log in screen?

Who said this or any other game is reality? But the people who play games are indeed real live people with corresponding social or mental persona's, both good and bad.

You are the one putting forth skewed logic and attacking other peoples character when your failed logic isn't put up the flag pole and saluted.

Are you a doctor of psychology with the corresponding degree and authority to make such a diagnosis?

This is a forum and the OP has every right to put forth his concern's and opinion's. Nobody has to respond. No one has to read them. Not a single person has to care.
But if you respond and are not a "troll" then try to do so with some semblance of decorum and respect. You are addressing real live people, not fantasy or fictitious persons or non persona gratae. We have as much right to make posts and respond to them as anyone. Your lack of courtesy and respect does not truly deserve a response, if there was a moderator of these forums, I would hope that person would deal with such personal attacks and disregard for societal norms and convention appropriately.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Story: Women Only » 2018-04-14 23:20:10

I was born a man in a village once, my mother ignored me and left me to starve. But a kind old man and a nice young boy both fed me berries so that I might live. I left the village as soon as I was able, being an experienced "soul" I lived well as a hermit.

One day an Eve came by with a young boy child, unlike my town she died feeding the young boy. His mother dead and too young to feed himself, I gave him a carrot from my pack, picked him up and took him back to my small hermit farm. I called him boy as his mother had not named him. Later I called him "Caleb, it means dog in the term of faithfulness", as it is a name that I have always admired (movie quote, do you know which movie mountain men?).

I grew old, Caleb was a good worker and lived up to his name in being faithful. We tended my small farm and did not go back to the town of men hater's although it was close.

One day an eve came by with a child. Caleb gave her his clothes and made some for her young boy. I was to die soon but I was proud of my adopted "son", he called me "father" as I had no name either, although I told him it was Jeremiah. Caleb raised his new family, and as I was to die soon I gave him my clothes and said "carry on my son." And I bet he did.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Story: Women Only » 2018-04-14 23:12:52

The man hate is strong in this one. A man hating man is the worst and should be first to die.

#25 Re: Main Forum » The Anti-Spider God revolution is here! » 2018-04-14 23:04:10

There is but one true OHOL god, the creator. He is a fickle god who hates his people but loves? his creation. He makes your berry bush weak and easy to be destroyed, he is the one who makes no spider, so he is the true antispider god.

He makes your cactus fruit, and tomorrow he may make the so called cactus god destroyable with shovels and fire. He makes your bear weak and unable to hurt those standing on a needle or discarded refuse on the ground.

He creates the horse and the apocalypse, he ignores your plea's of respite from the evil griefer, and gives the griefer even more tools to destroy all that you have built and do worship. He made the penguin to be uncaring and squirrely.

It is he who has made your blood to water his ground, your cries to die in the forums of despair. If you worship him he will laugh at you like Crom on his mountain. He is the creator, and you call him Jason Christ, the one true and only GOD of OHOL

P.S. just a little OHOL religion fun, please take it as such

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