One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Give birth to the killer of your people » 2018-06-26 16:39:21

I hope we can someday get to a point where we can deal with people in game in ways other than killing them.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Drawing the line » 2018-06-11 05:01:11

kubassa wrote:
stickyflypaper wrote:
kubassa wrote:

LOL OP is 10 year old baby. Grow up idiots and stop playing games online if everything is going to trigger your baby asses.

Well it makes sense to me why some people would be upset by jokes made about horrible, things.
Also because you can't always tell when it s a "joke" and when it's not.

Who gives a fuck retard.....? Grow the fuck up and walk away till that person is not in your screen. You don't have to read or even converse with them. How dumb are you idiots? You idiots trigger yourself thinking you're the boss of peoples SPEECH......


Ok, dude. Seems like you were pretty triggered there.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Drawing the line » 2018-06-11 04:30:16

kubassa wrote:

LOL OP is 10 year old baby. Grow up idiots and stop playing games online if everything is going to trigger your baby asses.

Well it makes sense to me why some people would be upset by jokes made about horrible, things.
Also because you can't always tell when it s a "joke" and when it's not.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Drawing the line » 2018-06-11 04:04:06

I think people should be able to say anything they want in the game, but also have to deal with the consequences of what they say. They can say racist and hateful stuff, but then don't be surprised if someone attacks you for it.

Stripes251 wrote:

My advice is just ignore them, by paying attention to them you are encouraging them.

Its not worth getting upset over, seriously why let someone cause stress in your life because they are the fool.

This is probably good advise, for in the game.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for a new murder system » 2018-05-08 04:37:04

Interesting idea.

It could be good to add more risk to murdering, such as a chance of infection, or losing your mind.
There could also be a chance of not actually killing the victim. It should be possible to survive a knife attack. Maybe the potential murderer missed any vital organs.
Adding healing medicines to the game would be good too.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Comparing this game to real life » 2018-05-07 20:29:55

YAHG wrote:
stickyflypaper wrote:

I think maybe the game being so difficult brings out the worst in people? Everyone constantly struggling to survive creates vicious competitiveness.
Communication being very limited on top of that doesn't help any.

Maybe. It always seems to me that the murders start once your camp is a lil richer and people aren't so busy surviving.

Maybe because struggling to survive is all they knew, and once they don't have that as much, they get bored, and then they have the means to vent their frustration.

Or maybe people are just jerks.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Comparing this game to real life » 2018-05-07 04:39:48

I think maybe the game being so difficult brings out the worst in people? Everyone constantly struggling to survive creates vicious competitiveness.
Communication being very limited on top of that doesn't help any.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Guide: Eye training, against fatigue » 2018-05-06 21:25:35

I thought it said Eve Training. Heh.
This is good advice too.

#9 Re: Main Forum » A leson to the "No Boys" civs. » 2018-05-06 21:23:03

Go! Bwah! wrote:
Morti wrote:
Go! Bwah! wrote:

Well, yes.  And maybe some people have no better place to give their love than to random strangers in a game.  But to build a game on the expenditure of a precious resource that can probably be put to better use seems kinda... wrong.  Games already suck up time and effort; now we're to throw in emotional energy, too?

I mean, I found helping people in OHOL mildly satisfying, but it still felt like I was wasting my life.

Luckily, I've deleted the game already.  Wonder if I can do that for this account?

We're closer to the other side. People on bonding via the internet rather than going to bars in their local areas, rather than hook up with people at work, we are finding people on the other side of the planet who truly share more in common with us because of interests and values have aligned through art, media and education.

Don't be afraid of it. People dreamed this sort of thing would be possible before the internet, that they could just travel thousands of miles from home and happen upon someone who they could love for a lifetime, but rolling the dice by just relocating from Russia to Brazil, or Canada to Malaysia, and hoping that wherever you arrive you will find someone you can meld with, it doesn't work as well as bonding remotely.

Now thats RL stuff.

Well... maybe you and I are closer to the other side, but the woman who really is farming carrots to survive, or even just the homeless dude on the corner, is still pretty far from it.  Why not stay on this side and help them out?

Why not both?

#11 Re: Main Forum » A leson to the "No Boys" civs. » 2018-05-06 08:24:32

Such awesome commentary, dang.

I know there's good, idealistic reasons to care for every child I have, but when I'm in the moment, as an Eve or Eve's daughter, struggling to survive, I still can't bring myself to risk giving my energy away to yet another boy.

Does that make sense? I'm having trouble explaining myself.
I feel like I should feel bad about abandoning a child, but my selfish survival instinct overrides my empathy, or something.

Well, also I know the player (the child's soul) doesn't actually die and they will get another chance. I wouldn't actually abandon any child in real life in a survival situation. (Or maybe I would if it were prehistoric times... I don't really know).

#12 Re: Main Forum » Townspeople are too aggressive » 2018-05-06 07:56:23

Morti wrote:

New people, avoid these qualms.
Spend your lives providing for your family and don't squabble over small stuff.
60 years in 60 minutes, if you're good and lucky, never waste a second of it on an argument.

Learn to take care of yourself and give all your excess willingly to your kin.

If there is any question that the food situation in your town is not stable, run for the hills, sustain yourself on foragables and bring back food and carrot seed if you can.

Always provide for your family, never argue in game, time is too precious.

Spend as much of it as possible being productive and you will be rewarded with satisfaction.

Wonderfully put, thank you.

#13 Re: Main Forum » It was beautiful... » 2018-05-06 07:52:22

Of course you're suppose to care about other people. That's human nature. That's what's needed for civilization to thrive.

Thank you for sharing your story.

#14 Re: Main Forum » A leson to the "No Boys" civs. » 2018-05-04 19:07:18

FeignedSanity wrote:
stickyflypaper wrote:
FeignedSanity wrote:

So what's the message again? If I'm not mistaken, it's "not to have an all girl civ or some dick is gonna come by and try to destroy you?". I feel like people try to destroy civs for a plethora of different reasons, what makes this one so special?

Exactly. So there is no real lesson here for anyone.

Maybe the lesson he's trying to teach is that if he catches you doing it he's basically threatening you with the same fate? In which case, okay guy.

So villages should raise every single child and overpopulate in case one of them decides to come back for revenge.
Of course, then someone is likely to decide "This place is stupid for raising too many children! So I will take matters into my own hands and kill everyone!"

#15 Re: Main Forum » Sad Tale as Old as Time » 2018-05-04 19:03:52

FeignedSanity wrote:
stickyflypaper wrote:

and feed only boys.

Did you, perhaps, mean girls?

God dang it!


#16 Re: News » Update: A Message for the Future » 2018-05-04 18:39:01

Of course you had to make sign-making as complicated and griefable as possible :^P

#17 Main Forum » Sad Tale as Old as Time » 2018-05-04 18:36:20

Replies: 2

I was the daughter of an Eve in a pretty good location. Lots of rabbits. She was old. She told me to find a good place with water, and feed only girls.
So I did. I had a little camp going. But all my girls died, through no fault of my own, just bad luck. Except for my last daughter. By then I was too old to breast feed her and she came into the world at a time when there wasn't enough food nearby to feed her and myself (carrots were still growing).
So, of course, she died, and soon after, so did I. The end of our short lineage.

Looking back on my life, I wish I had raised some boys. At least then I wouldn't have been alone.

#18 Re: Main Forum » A leson to the "No Boys" civs. » 2018-05-04 18:30:58

FeignedSanity wrote:

So what's the message again? If I'm not mistaken, it's "not to have an all girl civ or some dick is gonna come by and try to destroy you?". I feel like people try to destroy civs for a plethora of different reasons, what makes this one so special?

Exactly. So there is no real lesson here for anyone.

#19 Re: Main Forum » A leson to the "No Boys" civs. » 2018-05-04 16:38:36

So it wasn't actually keeping only girls that killed them, but you.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Get Reborn to Lineage Button (Griefer/Law/Ruler/Punishment Mechanic) » 2018-05-01 01:47:15

Well I did read it and I think you make a good case for this feature!

#23 Re: Main Forum » The role of males in the game » 2018-05-01 01:41:55

ryanb wrote:

Perhaps bring back the hunger penalty when having a baby, but make Eve the exception. This way keeping a female will become a bigger strain on food which will make males more valuable.

Update: if there is a penalty related to having a baby (or losing one), I think a 45 sec pregnancy period makes sense. It prepares the mother and gives the baby a chance to quit without the mother being punished. It could also not clear the pregnancy timer if they quit.

This sounds like a good idea. Though in practice it could make things much more difficult. A good balance would have to be found (like with decay).

Adding some kind of penalty to giving birth makes sense from a realism perspective. Childbirth has always been very dangerous for women and their infant. I agree this would add extra advantage to being male. Though it would also make being female even more stressful and difficult. Hmm... It's a tricky issue, isn't it?

On a related note: there would be much less risk of overpopulation and unwanted babies if there was a form of birth control in the game, like an herb or something like that. I know this has been suggested elsewhere.

Interesting (to me) personal observation: As the game is now I feel conflicted about what gender I play as. As a female, I sometimes feel burdened with responsibility. But as a male, I feel like I'm not really part of the family, I don't even care if I don't have a name while male, but at least I don't have to worry about having kids.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Good times. » 2018-04-30 19:13:28

If you're bored in the game, why not play another game? Get a hobby?

Murdering for resources at least makes sense. It's what what humans have been doing in real life since forever.
Killing for ideological reasons is terrible, but also makes sense.
Becoming a mass murderer because your bored? Or because of a personal sense of entitlement? That's some sociopath, psychopathic behavior.

But I guess that's also realistic, sadly.
I just wish it wasn't so easy for someone to kill an entire village.
It's really such a boring, and noobish thing to do.

But enjoy your lonely life and all the material possession you got from killing everyone, I guess.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Good times. » 2018-04-30 16:13:41

Dishehs wrote:
pein wrote:

a true killer never hides shit

also kill the noobs, not the contributing members, even if your bro had gear he made a work to contribute, you are just a lazy idiot who cant even make his own knife from scratch, if people piss me ooff i kill them but by hiding stuff you destroy even the next eves life, and thats crappy, take items in carts and take it far, but do not hide it behind tree, maybe no one finds it, killing a generation is a thing, killing a part of the map proves you are an asshole

if you really wanna hide stuff, at least choose swamp trees and pine, thars need to be cut eventually

Lol idgaf, I do it because its fun. Better then wasting time farming for some retarded village.

Besides it's obvious the dev dose not give a shit about people building civs. He said it himself, it's a survivel game. Best way to survive is to kill everyone else.

It's a civilization building survival game. Not just an individual survival game.
Surviving at the expense of others just seems pointless. Much more challenging and rewarding to help raise a family and build a thriving village.

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