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#26 2019-03-25 22:32:18

Registered: 2019-03-14
Posts: 202

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Making a guide how to grief = helping to catch griefers?


#27 2019-03-25 23:51:38

Registered: 2019-01-03
Posts: 98

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Making a guide on how to grief will just create more griefers. Most people don’t pay attention to what everyone else is doing in town...

I don’t talk in-game unless it’s dire.


#28 2019-03-26 00:13:36

Registered: 2018-12-29
Posts: 579

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

griefer + noob= griefer * 2  I final understand! why griefers are so bad!

"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death


#29 2019-03-26 01:28:53

Registered: 2019-03-17
Posts: 149

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

To get dogs in general requires a level of tech that a town must have, not eves, so in case this would only affect big towns

>Me: *writes detailed post on pit bull griefing and details how to prevent it*
>Community: GRIEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#30 2019-03-26 03:46:08

Registered: 2019-03-25
Posts: 3

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

DaTrüf! wrote:

To get dogs in general requires a level of tech that a town must have, not eves, so in case this would only affect big towns

You killed a few eves and potential eves (little girls) with your stupid gimmicks, though.


#31 2019-03-26 13:05:25

Registered: 2018-11-04
Posts: 262

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

wow, so dedicated smile

I love the work and the spirit there smile

"I go"


#32 2019-03-26 17:10:49

Registered: 2018-09-08
Posts: 381

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

These two kinds of people are the same:

- Entitled parents who blocks window seats on trains while trying to put their feet on the seats across the walkway so he/she can lie down and throwing their BB's diaper on other people's faces.
- Griefers who "help" (This is like hitler bragging about how he saved the world by killing 6 million jews so the world will no longer be ran by jews.)


#33 2019-03-26 17:34:22

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 142

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

DaTrüf! wrote:

Jesus Christ the dump of hate you guys have given me for this post! You have to realize that sharing this helps you find pit-bull griefers

Who goes on the internet and not only admits to being an asshole, but teaches others how to be one and somehow expects people not to be mad? If you dont want the hate: 1) Dont post your fuckery, 2)Don't do the fuckery, 3) Dont teach the fuckery. Its pretty simple.

If you want to help eves /die and go live in an eve camp. Since cities have the most players, the first time someone logs in in a day they will almost certainly be born to big cities; noobs dont /die and are more likely to end up in a city for the few lives they play in a session. If they're really new, they wont get area banned for a while, because they keep dying, and will likely not end up in an eve camp. You are helping to kill eves by sending bad players their way. Lots of people dont want to play in eve camp so you are actually possibly pushing people who will grief eve camps towards them.  The (almost) weekly server restarts even further help the eves.

Last edited by Anandamide (2019-03-26 17:35:30)


#34 2019-03-26 18:12:24

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 57

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

You people are aware that having a guide that teaches people the techniques that were used, helps you, the non-griefer, recognize and develop techniques to counter this sort of thing, right? Stop being mad and learn. "Being mad" changes absolutely nothing and makes you look dumber than the OP.


#35 2019-03-26 18:18:52

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

DaTrüf!, the hero we need, but dont deserve.
Thank you for your sacrifices, not everyone is brave enough to do the right thing.
Especially when there is so much hate, maybe in the future people will understand you better and be thankful you for what you are doing.
Dont let them stop you, we need you, even if we dont want to accept that.


#36 2019-03-26 18:26:56

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 142

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Spiegel wrote:

You people are aware that having a guide that teaches people the techniques that were used, helps you, the non-griefer, recognize and develop techniques to counter this sort of thing, right? Stop being mad and learn. "Being mad" changes absolutely nothing and makes you look dumber than the OP.

Pfft, We don't need to develop a new technique, we already have bows and knives. This guide contains no new information that we didn't have already. I don't play this game to babysit and make sure people aren't being stupid, i'm just gonna kill them if I see it happening. I would personally be a lot less irritated with these posts if they didn't try to pretend they were doing it for some higher good. I gave them a better strategy for achieving their supposed goal of helping eve camps. If griefing towns actually helped eves, then they should just get better at pvp and kill all the girls. Its a lot of wasted time making pit bulls that probably wont kill off the whole lineage. A developed town that looses a lot of people can be back to its original pop in about 10 minutes if you just focus on raising babies.

***Youre basically saying, "Don't be mad about someone destroying what the hundred other people worked on or else you're an idiot", which is also adding nothing to the conversation and clearly was just said to be contrarian. Being mad doesn't do anything, but its still a valid feeling when wronged and you aren't stupid for feeling it. ***

Last edited by Anandamide (2019-03-26 18:32:41)


#37 2019-03-26 18:35:00

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Every town will die eventually, thats what jason wants. The server will be reset regularly.
For me it feels very unfair if suddenly everything dies and you cannot do anything about it.
So this is why we need griefers. They try to destroy everything but we can prevent it if we are better than them.
Jason added the apocalypse feature only because there werent enough griefers, so he thought it would be necessary.
If we grief enough so that people have no chance of creating a village, we can show jason that we dont need resets or apocalypses.
Griefing is good, everything dies anyways so why is everyone so upset of it. Just start griefing and help the game.
There is not nearly enough griefers, make threads about it and encourage people to kill / grief.


#38 2019-03-26 18:43:45

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 142

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

We get resets because the game gets updated, not because Jason wants to kill villages. Hence no reset this week. The game already does kill every town. "Everything runs out". You can do something about the apocalypse, and its very hard to do, so its a good game mechanic. If you want to "help" the eves by sending more players their way, which isn't inherently helping, then you should try to do the apocalypse. Griefing doesn't help the game, If everyone only griefed, nothing would get done and there would be no game and nothing for you to grief. By definition, griefing is unhelpful.

*** Jason doesn't wanna kill villages, he wants to put challenges and choices in your way that you have to correctly navigate or die. He isnt like, "hehehe, they all die, they all die"***

Last edited by Anandamide (2019-03-26 18:45:50)


#39 2019-03-26 19:00:50

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Anandamide you are misinterpreting what i said.
I said "Every town will die eventually, thats what jason wants", this is true, he doesnt want that towns last forever.
Now every game is a challenge. A challenge that is impossible to beat is not fun.
If griefers destroy towns, than we as the "good" players have a challenge. To prevent them from destroying towns.
But if everyone works together, the game will become boring soon. There is not much to do if you have everything.
And in the end the server resets anyways. (which is impossible to stop)
So this is why we need more griefers and why they are doing something good for the game.


#40 2019-03-26 19:33:36

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

No, we don't need more griefers.   We need more new players.   They provide enough chaos and inefficiency to the village WITHOUT being toxic and intentionally destructive.   I'd much rather have a bunch of noobs in a village than even a single griefer.

That being said, griefing will always happen, because there will always be some people who refuse to cooperate and work within the rules of society, virtual or otherwise.  The only way to eliminate it would be by making OHOL single-player which would defeat the point of the game.  But trying to spin griefing into a net positive is riduculous.  It is like arguing that bear attacks are a good for the village because they might kill off all the berry-eaters.


#41 2019-03-26 23:34:10

Registered: 2019-03-17
Posts: 149

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

NOOOOO you guys sent me to Donkey Town! I was just trying to help......

>Me: *writes detailed post on pit bull griefing and details how to prevent it*
>Community: GRIEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#42 2019-03-26 23:49:46

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

DaTrüf! wrote:

NOOOOO you guys sent me to Donkey Town! I was just trying to help......

Drama queen.


#43 2019-03-27 01:53:26

Registered: 2018-12-29
Posts: 579

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

DaTrüf! wrote:

NOOOOO you guys sent me to Donkey Town! I was just trying to help......

you know this resembles real life right? if you posted how to plan out a mass homoside then you would have went to jail or donkey town

"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death


#44 2019-03-27 02:09:08

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls


.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#45 2019-03-27 06:03:05

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Found his lineage link: … id=3891143

Here are some stats about DaTrüf!:
Date 2018_06_01 - 2019_03_27

firstEntry: Sat, 24 Nov 2018 21:12:17 GMT
lastEntry: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 23:15:22 GMT
births: 3641
deaths: 3639
timeAlive: 11d 23h 19m
males: 1260
females: 2381
males/females: 0.53
avg. death age: 28.57
Death by hunger: 317 -> 44.21%
Death by killer: 37 -> 5.16%
Death by oldAge: 140 -> 19.53%
Death by disconnect: 223 -> 31.10%
ignoredDeaths: 2922 -> 80.30%
timeAliveIgnored: 16h 50m
ignoredUnderAgeDeaths: 2119
ignoredEveDeaths: 803
born as eve: 1107 -> 30.40%
avg. generation born into: 6.68
longest generation born into: 90
kids: 1682
kids per female life: 3.07
avg. kid lifespan: 10.17
grandkids: 1104
grandkids per female life: 2.02
kills: 40 -> 5.58%
avg. victim age: 26.14
victim female probability: 70.00%

If you want to know how to do this:

Last edited by Whatever (2019-03-27 06:04:13)


#46 2019-03-27 06:40:00

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

I'm not a fan of our pitbull-smacking pal here, but posting someone's stats without being asked feels kinda wrong to me.  >.>

With great power ...


#47 2019-03-27 06:55:18

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

So in my first post about stats i posted stats about 10 people i dident ask before, and no one complained, but now i post them about one griefer and this is wrong.
Interesting how this works smile


#48 2019-03-27 15:17:31

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls



#49 2019-03-27 17:16:15

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 205

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Whatever wrote:

So in my first post about stats i posted stats about 10 people i dident ask before, and no one complained, but now i post them about one griefer and this is wrong.
Interesting how this works smile

I did actually say here that sharing a single lineage link shouldn't mean the totality of your lives could be found.
Besides, it's not like it's going to show anything relevant here as killing with pitbulls doesn't exactly show up on your kill count.

Last edited by Léonard (2019-03-27 17:18:46)


#50 2019-03-27 21:55:35

Registered: 2019-03-17
Posts: 149

Re: A Griefer's Guide to Pitbulls

Whatever wrote:

Found his lineage link: … id=3891143

Here are some stats about DaTrüf!:
Date 2018_06_01 - 2019_03_27

firstEntry: Sat, 24 Nov 2018 21:12:17 GMT
lastEntry: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 23:15:22 GMT
births: 3641
deaths: 3639
timeAlive: 11d 23h 19m
males: 1260
females: 2381
males/females: 0.53
avg. death age: 28.57
Death by hunger: 317 -> 44.21%
Death by killer: 37 -> 5.16%
Death by oldAge: 140 -> 19.53%
Death by disconnect: 223 -> 31.10%
ignoredDeaths: 2922 -> 80.30%
timeAliveIgnored: 16h 50m
ignoredUnderAgeDeaths: 2119
ignoredEveDeaths: 803
born as eve: 1107 -> 30.40%
avg. generation born into: 6.68
longest generation born into: 90
kids: 1682
kids per female life: 3.07
avg. kid lifespan: 10.17
grandkids: 1104
grandkids per female life: 2.02
kills: 40 -> 5.58%
avg. victim age: 26.14
victim female probability: 70.00%

If you want to know how to do this:

dude what the fuck why? Not even myself knew this fucking info

Last edited by DaTrüf! (2019-03-27 21:58:15)

>Me: *writes detailed post on pit bull griefing and details how to prevent it*
>Community: GRIEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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