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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-02-21 06:49:14

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Pork. Is. Hell.

In multiple villages people have put pork in baskets and "helpfully" brought it to the bakery. I mean, it makes sense, that's what you do with mutton. It looks like mutton. One town was over-run with pork. It was all over the bakery, not in baskets, just a pork on every single tile, like a nightmare. I took it out to the grave yard and this lady brought it back in a cart! She was so happy and proud. Big smile. "Look what I found!"
12 porks!
I knew she was trying to help but it was hard to be nice, so I asked.

So, I ask
"making carnitas?"
"What that?"
"pork is useless"
"make pie"

Of course, I explained but it was hard since the pork looks so much like the mutton. Now I kill pigs on sight and haul the pork away, unless I see someone making tortillas.

Ideas (one or all would help):

-make pork look very different from mutton
-make pork function like mutton, in pork pies
-make pork able to be cooked directly like mutton
-make pork something that can go in stew, for more bars
-make pork smoke in to bacon, when cooked in oven, bacon could be cut with a knife and added to omelets for more bars.

Anyway, I got called a griefer for moving pork out of town.  I couldn't get mad. Totally looks like a griefer move if you think it works like mutton.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-02-21 06:57:23

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Funny note, mutton and pork used to look exactly the same for the longest time and neither would fit into a basket. This meant you had to move mutton (but mostly pork) four at a time and jump dump it off to the side. Children and new bakers would try to jam the pork into pie crust.

i wish he would just do something as simple as make pigs poop when they grew so you had the option of either a cheap compost option that produces massive amounts of waste (pigs) or picking something that produced thread, and meat (sheep). Pigs have pretty much needed a buff since they were added and pork by itself could use different recipes to make it an actual useful item.

fug it’s Tarr.


#3 2019-02-21 07:00:18

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

had the same in clayton family, we had like 27 females at times and overall 92 people when i was born, seen it on lifelog, 92 population!
people kept bringing back the pork meat and i was hiding it behind trees and still it found its way back

there is a bone in it but color and shape is same
for newbees makes sense that all animals might be useful
and they see sheep often bu not others
yet is very annoying to me that people hunt boars and put in my sheep pen, or just lose the bow or prevent me from using it
same goes for bison and multiple cows in pen livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2019-02-21 07:41:41

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

My favorite pork related anecdote was having a strange conversation with a new player.   He kept saying something about  needing a knife to remove the bone while we were making meat pies.   I told him that you don't need a knife to make pies, but he kept insisting he needed one.  At first, I thought he might be a griefer, trying to get his hands on a knife.   It took me the longest time to figure out that he thought you needed to remove the bone from pork before it could be put into the pie.  He must have assumed that mutton was "deboned" meat.

I laughed so hard, but honestly, I can understand how someone might think that based on the way crafting works in this game.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-02-21 07:44:06)


#5 2019-02-21 08:05:15

Registered: 2019-02-18
Posts: 85

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Pork should absolutely be buffed to also make bacon, who doesn't love bacon yikes I think it should be cooked like omelets on a flat rock and then, as suggested above, able to be cut and added to omelets to increase food count.

Last edited by wondaland (2019-02-21 08:06:17)


#6 2019-02-21 08:25:31

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Yeah roasted pork in the oven or bacon stripes would make them not a borderline griefing animal to have also pork burrito to get rid of carnitas


#7 2019-02-21 10:08:40

Registered: 2019-02-13
Posts: 47

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.



#8 2019-02-21 10:17:55

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 47

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Just let us eat the bowl of carnitas by itself! I don't see why we can't.


#9 2019-02-21 11:52:41

Registered: 2018-12-04
Posts: 164

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Pork bao! Made in steamer baskets.
Maybe domesticate onions and we can steam those and carrots too.


#10 2019-02-21 12:06:22

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 466

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.



#11 2019-02-21 12:21:39

Registered: 2019-02-14
Posts: 199

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Averest wrote:

Pork bao! Made in steamer baskets.
Maybe domesticate onions and we can steam those and carrots too.

I love that stuff!
Honestly there are so many ways pork could be used but I suppose Jason thought that would be too easy. One more reason for a noob to get confused, one more way to grief in a way that people can't even tell you are being evil.


#12 2019-02-21 20:21:15

Registered: 2018-07-17
Posts: 82

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Im pig farmer for taco and puppies. And im afraid Noob will go through it,
so I'm always trying to make it a separate place from the sheep's ranch, but I'm sorry to hear that.
Bacon! Sausage! Hamburger! I hope so.
I think the color of pork and mutton should be different. Pink or red...

Last edited by golmock (2019-02-21 20:21:45)

!eve painter! You will have a color name.
I can teach you if i'm not busy. just talk to me.


#13 2019-02-21 20:37:31

Registered: 2019-02-18
Posts: 85

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

golmock wrote:

Im pig farmer for taco and puppies. And im afraid Noob will go through it,
so I'm always trying to make it a separate place from the sheep's ranch, but I'm sorry to hear that.
Bacon! Sausage! Hamburger! I hope so.
I think the color of pork and mutton should be different. Pink or red...

Could give it an orange or white streak to indicate the fat layer, or just make it a different shape.


#14 2019-02-21 22:41:10

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

of course the other problem is the domestic boar kills people and people bring them back without a bow to shoot the damn thing.

Which is especially frustrating as pigs are mostly useless. The most obvious fix here is just to let you put it in pie, oven bake it, and just cook carnitas. But for the time being, seriously, just let us put it in the damn oven, that can't possibly be difficult to include.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#15 2019-02-22 04:03:31

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Tarr wrote:

Funny note, mutton and pork used to look exactly the same for the longest time and neither would fit into a basket. This meant you had to move mutton (but mostly pork) four at a time and jump dump it off to the side. Children and new bakers would try to jam the pork into pie crust.

i wish he would just do something as simple as make pigs poop when they grew so you had the option of either a cheap compost option that produces massive amounts of waste (pigs) or picking something that produced thread, and meat (sheep). Pigs have pretty much needed a buff since they were added and pork by itself could use different recipes to make it an actual useful item.

yes, please. pigs pooping + compost nerf fixes even how good mutton pies are since we wont feed sheep all that much. we also need ways to transport adult animals like a wagon.


#16 2019-02-22 04:20:57

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Booklat1 wrote:

we also need ways to transport adult animals like a wagon.

The obvious play here is to make pigs loadable into airplanes.


#17 2019-02-22 04:22:57

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

CrazyEddie wrote:
Booklat1 wrote:

we also need ways to transport adult animals like a wagon.

The obvious play here is to make pigs loadable into airplanes.

I mean at least then people won't bring the pork back to the bakery right? RIGHT???

fug it’s Tarr.


#18 2019-02-22 05:06:58

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

CrazyEddie wrote:
Booklat1 wrote:

we also need ways to transport adult animals like a wagon.

The obvious play here is to make pigs loadable into airplanes.

Suddenly motivated to build a plane.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#19 2019-02-22 17:07:25

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Consider taming wolves and fill the puppies with carnitas. Easy way to get rid of it with instantaneous results. Yell at people to return the pork to the farm site because of the 'breeding project'.

Hey I mean, consider making a wolf farm, it'll be a slow process to get rid of all the pork, but at least you'll have something to chug the pork at, since it'll be found one way or another if it still exists. And I think people might be happy at the super rare dogs popping up occasionally.

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

PIES 2.0 <- Pie diversification mod


#20 2019-02-22 20:42:13

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 117

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Hm...  Deadly hat farms.


#21 2019-02-26 20:09:00

Registered: 2019-02-10
Posts: 52

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

I wanted to contribute a pork tacos story. I like making pork tacos. Eating plaster appeals to me. Anyway, anytime you have a flat rock nearby coals, somebody is going to come by and throw that bitch on there. Well, please, let me either make the carnitas or the dough ingredients on it first.

Today, the adobe builders were enjoying plaster too and had some huge operation in progress. So I  just wanted to take two limestone and bowls and make some quicklime because I had found two limestone earlier but we had a tinder shortage so I had spent most of my life getting straight shaft and forging an axe head. Praise the person who must have crafted a stone hatchet.

Ok, so I'm getting older, but I still have this pork I slayed as soon as I could handle a knife in my life.

My first clue that something was wrong in this town was I spawned in the nursery with cooked pies around an oven with a fire in the room with us. You know, the nursery is usually near the kitchen. Nursery in the kitchen is a recipe for any town to have a famine. The baker will just leave when the choas is high enough. I've done it. I will take the last pie as baker. Put it in my bp, and then stand on the best temperature tile or fire. I will even just light a damn small fire and waste kindling on the coal piles. But I will outlast almost everyone with this strategy. Surprisingly few people ask for food when they are dying in a famine. It is fucking funny though, seeing the whole town moving in a buzz at once in circles. You can  tell it's happening because usually people are doing work in areas, and with less probability of moving around. I can usually predict famine. I start making soups until I need to stop moving around because the food is low enough.

Another recipe for disaster in a town is that the nursery is with the smith.

Ok, so while I'm waiting to cook up the bowl of limed corn, someone turns the small fast fire into a large slow fire. Ok, I'll make another. The plaster guys are firing the forge quite a lot with their limestone operation.

So I'm sitting, waiting to use the coals. And, oh, the bowls disappeared. It was the plaster guys hauling quicklime away. Ok, it just takes a second to find a one. So I come back, and see my son placing a flat rock onto the freshly hot coals. I am unable to cook my carnitas. I am unable to make the masa dough. There are two bowls of limed corn and everything else I need to make a nice big stack of pork tacos. But, I am one pip away from the last year of my life. So, as I was struggling to make these delicious tacos, my son was following me around, asking for a knife to I don't care what. But, he is the cause of the situation where I do not have time to have a discussion with him. He is complaining that I never took care of him.

So, I turned around, and stabbed him with the knife he wanted. I had just moments before I was going to die of old age. Instead of standing by to receive his education on why he deserved to die, he ran away. I started an explanation but it was fruitless. I fell over and died pork taco ingredients spilling out of my backpack and knife dropping out of my hands.

Was this griefing? It's a serious question. I had no time to teach him in any other way. I think it was the only option really.

Point is kids, if there is one sparkly thing sitting there, somebody is probably using it in a specific way. Don't fuck with it. Probability of not fucking shit goes up with the number of same objects sitting there.


#22 2019-02-26 20:13:53

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

lol good luck getting anything like that done close to town

a lot of specialty work has to be done on the outskirts where people don't go, so that nobody messes with your stuff


#23 2019-02-26 21:21:32

Registered: 2018-07-15
Posts: 355

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Wolf farms. It's a good mutton/pork sink, and also you get hats from it. I've experimented with it before on the OneCityServer, and you could pull in about 10 hats in one life, depending on the size of your pen.

Favourite Lives: MrDryer/ChirpChapley (Eva II) Town Nurse (Beth Storm) Ma's Best Li'l Helper (Law Autry), The Latex Lord (Kevin Youree), 60 Years a Blacksmith (Victoire Mom) The Egglord's Apprentice (Thomas II), Big Blood Brother (Dante), Horse racer on doomsday (Lilly Tana)
Profile Picture by MultiLife


#24 2019-02-26 21:22:35

Registered: 2018-07-15
Posts: 355

Re: The village almost starved because it was overrun with pork.

Otherwise, we definitely need pork to be used in other foodstuffs

Favourite Lives: MrDryer/ChirpChapley (Eva II) Town Nurse (Beth Storm) Ma's Best Li'l Helper (Law Autry), The Latex Lord (Kevin Youree), 60 Years a Blacksmith (Victoire Mom) The Egglord's Apprentice (Thomas II), Big Blood Brother (Dante), Horse racer on doomsday (Lilly Tana)
Profile Picture by MultiLife


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