One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-19 20:26:19


I am sorry, but for now I shutdown the server.  I didn't have time the last two weeks to test the server upgrades, since those do bring a lot new content and a new database format I need to test those carefully.

So since this server is outdated it is pretty useless so I shut it down.

#2 Re: Main Forum » OHOL Launcher » 2018-04-19 20:22:14

Verinon1 wrote:

Love this launcher so far! Only problem is that not all the custom servers are listed. Such as this one: … 9063#p9063

I am not sure how helpful that would be because you actually need to launch a different game client to join that server.

So you have the game twice anyway, once for that server once for non-modded servers, right?

#3 Re: Main Forum » Addon: Server Selector » 2018-04-19 19:25:36


Great to see another take on the server selector!

I just wanted to clarify that my "ohol-launcher" is not "for linux" but cross-platform so it does work on Windows and Linux just the same. I have not yet tried on Mac but it should be possible to get it working there as well.

It is build with electron and open source.

#4 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-10 04:39:36

Smackum wrote:

Server down right now? It killed me lost connection.

Yes it was down yesterday indeed. (Starting at 1:13 CET) Sorry about that.

There was an automatic software update and my configuration wasn't reboot safe.  Fixed that.

#5 Re: Main Forum » OHOL Launcher » 2018-04-09 20:49:07

llap wrote:

nice idea! looks good, thanks for it!

player 13/200 ... are these real counters?

not sure where you got those numbers from so ..... maybe! wink

The redesign screenshot is not real numbers. If you download the launcher it does display real numbers! For the official servers you can compare the numbers with … ion=report and see, those are the same smile

#6 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-09 20:18:08

voyager156 wrote:

Maybe can you do the following:

----> Well, nothing changed...

Okay, I thought there should be an error message displayed in the terminal window sad

Since we are quite off topic here, i created a separate post for the launcher here: … 7735#p7735

I will make it easier to get more debug info and post a short "how to bug report" there!
thank you for your patients! smile

#7 Re: Main Forum » OHOL Launcher » 2018-04-09 20:14:58


(Reserved post)

(TODO: explain here what to do if something does not work)

#8 Main Forum » OHOL Launcher » 2018-04-09 20:13:17

Replies: 14

Hi there,

I am working on a small launcher / server selector.

This makes it a lot easier if you regularly play on different servers!

Source code and download are over at github.

It works on Windows and Linux.  Mac support might be added later - if there is demand for it - so let me know.

Here is what it currently looks like


If you click on one of the servers, one-hour-one-life is started and the server is configured.

I am currently working on a redesign


Let me know if it works for you and if it's useful for you too!

PS for the coders and designers, pull requests are welcome wink

#9 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-09 17:30:48

Helperguy wrote:

the main reason for me joining was, that i did not like griefing. but i think the apocalypse is the biggest greafing of them all. its jasons personal griefing and way of playing god. i personally think the apocalypse is a very stupid feature.

the worst thing about it is, that jason once said: he thinks about about world where everything runs out. and he did not want everything to regrow/reset.
but the apocalypse is the opposite of that, because it resets all resources.

i feel betrayed, because he shifted the direction of the game and now its no game with a "unique" idea because we have tons of games with resetting environment

Thanks for your feedback!

While I do not reject the idea of the apocalypse in general like you do, right now it is WAY to easy to trigger. Also on a low pop server like this one it would be really bad because someone could join when its night here and nobody is on the server and reset the server while nobody of the regulars is online to hinder the griefer.

Long story short: I won't allow the apocalypse on this server. If there is more interest in EU-based servers I might open a second one with apocalypse enabled but I don't see that happning any time soon.

#10 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-09 17:28:02

voyager156 wrote:

How to use the launcher?

When I click "ohol-launcher.exe" only white window appears:


well, that looks strange indeed.

Maybe can you do the following:

1. open the command line (cmd.exe), a black window with text appears
2. press the following THREE keys:  [c] [d] and then [space], so that there is "cd" followed by a space written in the terminal.
3. open the exlorer and navigate to the folder where your ohol-launcher folder is located. NOT inside the folder but the folder containing the ohol-launcher-folder
4. drag and drop the ohol-launcher folder into the black terminal window
5. press enter
6. type: "ohol-launcher.exe" (without the qoutes) and press enter.
7. the launcher should open
8. send me a screenshot of the terminal window.


#11 Re: Main Forum » [Linux]How to setup custom server?! » 2018-04-08 17:05:12


If don't want to compile it yourself and are interested in running the server inside docker, you can use my docker image.


1. install docker (on ubuntu: apt install
2. start a server:

docker run --name ohol -dp 8005:8005 -v `pwd`/db/:/opt/OneLife/server/db/ -v `pwd`/settings:/opt/OneLife/server/settings/ ludwigf/ohol-server:72-72-73

this will create two folders inside the directory you are currently in: "db" (where all game data is stored in) and "settings" (well, settings...).

The server is running in the background. You can use docker commands to control it (for example "docker ps", "docker stop ohol", ...)

#12 Re: Main Forum » Server Too Laggy To Play » 2018-04-08 16:44:23

Aname wrote:

im still having this problem

which continent do you reside on?

#13 Re: Main Forum » ADD-ON: OnePirateOneNavigator - Inofficial statistic and compass AddOn » 2018-04-08 16:42:56

Helperguy wrote:

The private servers are the reason why i still think about implementing a graphical map system.
E.g. the coordinates that i inserted for the private server "" are still valid.
this tool is very helpful especially for private servers, where cities wont be destroyed.

Hey helperguy,

nice tool you are working on, congrates!

If you want to make a graphical map of, please get in touch with me on discord. Maybe I can help wink

#14 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-06 19:56:59


To Apocalypse or not. That's the question.

I would like to see some feedback if the server should enable the new apocalypse feature.  For now I feel like not activating it.  The server is rather low on population and the little we have has been worked on quite hard.

#15 Re: Main Forum » [MOD] Select game server when game is starting » 2018-04-05 18:15:08


Hi Awix,

actually I was working on the same thing! Maybe we can combine our efforts?

You can find my work here:

#16 Re: Main Forum » VirtualBox image with Ubuntu and OHOL test server pre-installed » 2018-04-02 21:22:36


you can disable map culling with

mapCellForgottenSeconds.ini = 0

#17 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-02 19:35:09


I sadly have not figured out what corrupted the database. The backup that does not show any signs of trouble is several days old and is missing a lot of work on the "Fort of Carrotville" as well as "Magarets Home" so I decide to not roll back all of that.

There are two problems now:

1. Wells and bushes in containers. There are a few wells as well as at least one berry bush that are in containers (back pack or baskets)


How to place a well you are carrying - you can pickup a well or berry bush but it is impossible to put it down. The only way to put them down is if you are child, old enough to pick it up. Then move where you want to put it down and then have some adult pick you up. So reparing the mess is what the game is about anyway: teamwork wink


2. We have friendly bears.  We ended up with at least three bears that are not moving. Maybe we could just keep them.... Hmm...

If you encouter ANY OTHER PROBLEMS, please let me know here or on discord

#18 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-02 11:22:47


Okay, there is even more "funny business"... I think something fucked up the database. Not sure what or how but for now I put the server offiline. Sorry.

#19 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-02 10:50:45


Okay, something went wrong indeed. First of all I did saw a horse with a cart! Which is kinda awesome but on the other hand shouldn't be possible because the update was just a minute life on the server when I saw it.

Secondly, I have  wild goosebarry bush in basket. … -44-37.png

#20 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-04-02 10:30:04

chikenvoice wrote:

I had a couple of lovely very quiet lives with my son at fort Carrotville. I tended to the sheep and together we managed to color our new wool clothes. I was new to fort Carrotville and I instantly fell in love with the city.

Is the server updated to the Horse with no name update though? I tried loggin in today and I am having berry bushes turn into rattlesnakes.

I was already working on the update. So there are horses now on!

But... you shouldn't have seen rattlesnakes before. That is strange indeed. I will look into it.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Map culling too extreme? » 2018-04-01 09:36:29


It is not done because of the size of the map but of the amount of stuff laying around.

Everything that no player has seen for more than 24 hours is reset on server restart. Since it only happens on server restart it does not actually happen every 24 hours.

And seen by a player is not necessarily visible within your screen but you were roughly in the area.

Short explanation of the bug:
Does not really affect the official server.

Long explanation about the bug:
If you migrate from a server without the map culling feature to one with map culling everything is treated as unseen. For official servers this is not much of a problem because once the server runs for 24 hours after the upgrade there is no problem. If the server restarts within the first 24 hours there is unintended culling. For my private server I wanted to change the limit from 24 hours to 30 days because it's low population so the performance is not much of a problem. But to be sure it works exactly as intended the server would have to run 30 days without restart. That risk is kinda high.

The bug has been fixed in git: … 5721c3f3f1

If you want to change map culling on your private server set:

To 0 to disable map culling or the amount of seconds it should take for map tiles to disappear

#22 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-03-31 13:11:19


I lived in a village, born as a male and at some point it was just me and one woman left. She got a daughter and I helped dress her, brought her mother food. Nobody spoke, we just worked. it was just two of us after all.  Well when the girl grew up and started to speak, she called me dad. Never happend before to me. Being a mother, well the game decides that for you. I was chosen. It felt special.

The three of us had a good time, worked together, complimented each other choice of clothing. 

Then I had to leave, for real life reasons, damn! I sad goodbye, she said "but dad!" - the last words I heard her say. i had to leave and died at 50. I wish we could have spend another 10 years together and seeing her grow up a woman and maybe me being grandpa.

Makes me still sad.

#23 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-03-31 11:58:03


Update is online, let me know if everything works for you all.

#24 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-03-31 00:54:29


After testing the new server code for some time I believe the map culling code is not "safe" and before risking data loss I will disable the map culling feature completley.

Btw, we now are 438 lifes into this server and got some really dedicated members, building a great place to life.  Thank you all.

#25 Re: Main Forum » EU Server » 2018-03-30 07:32:57


Server announcement

The server will be upgraded to the newest changes  on Saturday, sometime around 14:00 CET. So expect disconnects around that time.

The update does include a change that makes map tiles go back to their original natural state when they were not visited by a player for 24 hours. This means everything someone did and nobody saw for 24 hours would vanish. This is an optimization for the server. Since this server is still young and low pop I feel it would hurt the gameplay. Therefor the time limit will be set to 30days. As long as server performance is okay I do not intend to lower this limit.

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