a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Nah I like the idea of apocalypse, but it shouldn't happen every hour obviously.
And I like the idea of respawning far from cities, a lot. It will bring a lot more weight on family, because with it, if your family die, your whole village will be forgotten/ever found ever again, meaning you can't let your city die. It will ramp up a lot more the difficulty, which is fun because right now it is too easy. Die? Just respawn nearby and find it easily... or just walk for 2 min and you will find it if you have coord or visual ig indicators (wooden floor..)
That's true I'm still surprised that the berries/milk farm are always destroyed in the end.
That's the sad part of this game, you can make a nice city running (lot of food... nice farm and so on) but it doesn't matter because in the end, it will be always destroyed... That's the thing that made me not attached to any city anymore, at the beginning I will do what is best for the city, now, not as much.
At the beginning I was always doing the same job, but I enjoyed it (farm hype), but I was also doing other small things (like in a life, I will learn how to make a fire, another life how to make compost and so on), then realized farm is not that important, clothes are too so I will do clothes... And after a while you will start doing other jobs, and repeat them, then you will master them, do other things..and so on until you have discovered everything and then rip.
Yeah, raise them all, so that only the strongest survive !
Like this update, great things added !
Even if the horse is so fast that the view is a really bad mix with it.
Yes you just need to start the script, nothing else. And it shows you where you are at.
I tried this idea, was becoming a knife lover and made 3+ knives in cities and put them on floor, so anyone can take it. I was simply thinking that the griefer won't be the only one having weapons. It seemed that the number of griefers will increase a lot more when it happens and murders become much more common (maybe coincidences, maybe not..? I did it like 4/5 times).
So I stopped doing it.
Ahah, it is kinda the same issue I got with a village recently, decent size. People using "old memories". But good luck having a NLR in an official server, that will never happen.
We were sacrificing children (especially boys) to bring wealth and happiness to our family, so sometimes we tell them they have been chosen, they answer that yes they are happy, we tell them that they will bring us wealth and happyness...and so on. Then we sacrifice it with a knife. The other children were like wtf or wow or lol. That was a good time, and a good way to do in reality birth control (not too many children)
But then, after a while, children started to recognize me "oh you kill me", so okay these ones I let them live (obviously a bad choice but I was wondering if they will kill me for revenge).
And then I finally got killed by a bow, that was fun, this village was nice. I think it became a murder feast after my death and he started killing everyone in the village (I rebirthed for ten seconds over there). I don't know the end of the story though, if the village survived, if they killed him, if the tradition stayed or not.
So... there IS (or should be) a scream when someone near you is killed.
Also, the murderer currently slows down and cannot drop the murder weapon for 10 seconds (or use it to kill anyone else during that time).
I could amp this up some more. The murderer could be slowed down for 30 seconds or more, and become REALLY slow. Or maybe so slow that they require someone to feed them?
I don't hear any scream, or it has a very small range. need to be big, so at least people know something is going on.
I don't think you need to be slowed down for 30 seconds, that would be horrible, and he's already quite slow (maybe a bit slower but not that much). The action could use some food, sure why not.
Just make the killing a bit more complicated, for example have blood clothes or blood on you (could be head? since no clothes hides it) until you wash it or something with water. Or make armor possible to craft so there is a way to at least resist griefers (they could use armor too but 2 guys with armor would be horrible to deal with as a griefer, even if you have armor as griefer).
I don't mind the griefing killing (that's another surprise mechanic, and can bring stories). Because of that sometimes I become guard but most of the time nothing happens.. It was rare when I killed a griefer. First you need to know about it, which is hard because you have a very small view, the bloody tomb doesn't last at all, there is no scream..
EDIT : And oh please, make it so bow can't kill someone offscreen.
I don't know powershell at all and I did it dirty, but I think it is working. Feel free to improve it. I was wondering if I could get the previous server and current server info as you did for the x and y. And you can. So here is the script (used your script and updated it for current/previous server) :
# Settings
# Set File Location
$LogLocation = "stdout.txt"
# Set Loop Delay
$loopDelayMilliseconds = 500
#Print with Timestamp
$timestamp = $true
$previouserver = ""
$currentserver = ""
$coordinates = ""
$oldres =""
$firstime = 1
#fetch the last line in the game log which matches the string "curX,Y = "
#we will be parsing the lines which are similar to: "clickDestX,Y = 65, -148, mapX,Y = 32, 34, curX,Y = 65, -148"
$lastLine = Get-Content -Path $LogLocation | Where-Object {$_ -match "curX,Y = "} | Select-Object -Last 1
$lastLine2 = Get-Content -Path $LogLocation | Where-Object {$_ -match "server address: "} | Select-Object -Last 1
#if the last line has not been processed
if ($lastLine -ne $lastLineNew -And $lastLine){
#get the third coordinate of the string, seperated by "="
$pos = $lastLine.IndexOf("=")
$coordinates = $lastLine.Substring($pos+1)
$pos = $coordinates.IndexOf("=")
$coordinates = $coordinates.Substring($pos+1)
$pos = $coordinates.IndexOf("=")
$coordinates = $coordinates.Substring($pos+2)
$pos = $coordinates.IndexOf(",")
$x = $coordinates.Substring(0, $pos)
$y = $coordinates.Substring($pos+1)
$coordinates = "X: $x`t Y: $y"
#check if settings have timestamp enabled
if ($timestamp = $true){
#get the time
$time= Get-Date -Format g
#Got server address: server1.onehouronelife.com:8005
#Using custom server address: server3.onehouronelife.com:8005
#clickDestX,Y = -333, -49, mapX,Y = 33, 32, curX,Y = -334, -49
if ($lastLine2 -ne $lastLineNew -And $lastLine2){
#get the third coordinate of the string, seperated by "="
$pos = $lastLine2.IndexOf(":")
$name = $lastLine2.Substring($pos+1)
$pos = $name.IndexOf(":")
$tempServer = $name.Substring(0, $pos)
if($firstime -eq 1){
$firstime = 0
$previouserver = $tempServer
if ($previouserver -ne $currentserver -And $currentserver -ne $tempServer){
$previouserver = $currentserver
$currentserver = $tempServer
#print out the coordinate line to the console
$res = "$coordinates | Current server : $currentserver | previous server : $previouserver"
if ($oldres -ne $res){
Write-Host $res
$oldres = $res
#update lastline in memory
$lastLineNew = $lastLine
$lastLineNew = $lastLine2
#loop through log file
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $loopDelayMilliseconds
That's sad, kill a griefer, become a villain. Kill the guy that saved the city, become an hero.
There is also another case of clothes vanishing, I'm pretty sure if someone has an internet cut/which went down, he will disappear with all the stuff he got.
I guess all these reasons are why we always have clothes shortage... I hope it will be fixed.
I just realized but in the end it may be quite frustrating to be a killer griefer after a while, because when you grief, ok you wiped a village. But later, in a few hours or days, another population will come back to the village and revive it. You can never stop it.
Mmh weird, now I tried again and it worked. That was weird. And nice city, it growed nicely.
Is the server working or not ? Tried the new one "onehour.world", not working. I get a login failed. (can play official servers though so...)
Yes confirm it too, sometimes I see invisible people, and that's even more scary when you see it picking a weapon.
Yeah if you want less chance to have griefers, play on low populated official servers, or even on the privates ones.
But be aware that it become way too easy when you join these servers because over there, everyone knows what they are doing, there is no threat at all (you will bathe in food and clothes and everything... and there is no griefer so no slightest worry about thief or anything...) and so on. And they know what they are doing because the content has been the same for a "long" time so nothing new to learn, lot of people already know everything they need...and so on
440 -320 seems to be the biggest city location for the time being. So if you ever want to come/come back to the "biggest"/active city. At least the info is here.
Amazing, good job, I was wondering where the coordinates were, it was simply in stdout.file... And now it will make finding cities back very easily. Since you get the coordinates and can come back easily with it.
You disable murder, but then the griefer can't be killed, which could be arguably even worse.
He could close a city without anyone be able to stop him since he can't be killed. Or he could do whatever he wants and no one could stop him.
Not sure disabling murder is the solution. And it is a fun mechanic. Good feeling when you succeed in defending the village bad one when the griefer wipes it.
Same for me, new home. And also died of unknown at 60, so I couldn't respawn at the village I was working on, which was sad..
Really love reactive input, no delay is such a great feeling on this eu serv.
That's the worst thing about big cities, people just respawn same location and it never ends well. One died of murder and want revenge so he kills again, then another one wants revenge to so he kills too.. in the end the city is rip. Vicious murder cycle
Or then the farmer dies of old age and the whole storage you worked on die too at a high speed because no one else is farming.
That's one thing I love when I do the nurse, I tell kids what to do and usually it goes well. For example you will farm.. will hunt..and so on. And you can check where it is needed by seeing what is needed in the camp. Sometimes they won't listen but that's fine, you can see they are not doing what you said and just have the next kid do it. Hoping this time he will listen;
Yeah it is not easy to spot and then kill a griefer, especially if they kill outside of city (that's the worst killer to face, the outside killer).
The easiest way I think when you want to kill someone who only runs is just to wait for him to eat, I think there is a small windows where you can kill him at this moment.
The cart stealer... I don't know, in a city there was a "vault room" where there were a loot of carts with a door, so you just have to watch the door (it is nice when it is nearby a work area, so you can farm and watch the vault for example) and spot any thief/griefer. I guess later you will have just one entrance for a city and have a guard watching it, so no one is leaving with goods.
But I really hope we have a higher vision, more obvious to spot killer (not a bloody grave which doesn't last long at all, maybe blood on his clothes until he cleans it or the knife has blood until he cleans it, without slowling him obv), and have an armor. So the guards can really protect.
Woh I tested it and it is amazing how responsive/reactive the game is on the server since I'm from EU. I feel like I can play without any input lag anymore, which was a great feeling.
What I do is that either I spam "this top right is seeds for example" everywhere in the camp to everyone, and anyone coming nearby the farm.
But I think that something important (if you are not full of food carts) is to have backup seeds, at least baskets or a cart or two or more depending on the size farm, so that even if someone ruins the seeds for one rotation, you can survive through it.
Then i guess the best would be to have a fenced seeds tiles nearby the farm...
In any cases, you have to be prepared for at least once that someone ruins the seeds. That's expected. And when you see it happen, tell the guy what he did wrong so it doesn't happen again with him.