a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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At least there are SOME people that don't pretend they only kill on accident..
YAHG I will take that as a compliment. lol
You are right. And I personally will no longer be taking care of twins and will kill at least one if i can.
First post here:
Thanks I came back up after that update and missed this.
I used it twice but I have no idea what it does.
It has no noticeable effect that I've seen so therefore it does nothing.
annjust wrote:Born in a tiny villiage, kidnapped three times by Lynn Pharo for she think too many boys there, Esteban Pharo jumped down and escaped, he siad ty to mom, and go out for his work.
Milkweed farm first, more than twelve rope
Then, wooddisk and boards
Next, four bucket
And, four handcarft
With caft, he brings Tons of soil, and tons of iron ore."Who are you Esteban?"
"I am only who played much times...."
He is an aritist, perfect productivity, and perfect organized.
He died for old age.I bet it was pien, I played with him once... I died as Eve moments away from hammer and first tools <3
He is a beast.
He is also like a ghost, you almost never see him but every time you come back home there is more shit in camp..
Pien is a legend. We are not even worthy enough to read the speech in his text boxes.
Stripes251 wrote:I was wronged. I was promised a bag by an elder after he died. Then someone wearing a bag already took it. I asked for it but they said "no" and gave it to someone else. So I waited patiently until aged meanwhile crafting a bow. Then I saw my opportunity. The farmers had just harvested the carrots they were quickly eaten leaving just the seeding rows. I ate all them leaving none for seeds. After most of the town starved off I finished off the survivors. After I found the corpse of the jerk who wronged me and took what was rightfully mine and a little extra.
This was back before many of the anti troll updates btw.
The days of instant murder most have been fun, I'd imagine that was when griefing was at its peak.
Silently sniping off people must have been way easier.
Yeah it was great in a way and a pain in others
I was wronged. I was promised a bag by an elder after he died. Then someone wearing a bag already took it. I asked for it but they said "no" and gave it to someone else. So I waited patiently until aged meanwhile crafting a bow. Then I saw my opportunity. The farmers had just harvested the carrots they were quickly eaten leaving just the seeding rows. I ate all them leaving none for seeds. After most of the town starved off I finished off the survivors. After I found the corpse of the jerk who wronged me and took what was rightfully mine and a little extra.
This was back before many of the anti troll updates btw.
third.eye wrote:Randomname wrote:As a boy I like to hunt and gather iron and as a girl I like to raise babies hopefully whilst making pies/tending sheep.
Okay wow, you're into stereotypic roles with this game, huh? XD
As a girl I tried gathering but babies run often or just starve if born in the wilds, so I tend to stay home and keep near the good food to increase my chance of my line continuing. I love checking the lineage page a day later to see how many grand-babies my kids had or if my sons lived long life and see what the last words were.
I would agree with you. I've lost many babies foraging as an eve. So I try to stay near camp.
As an eve it is better to stay in/near town. As the wilds can be dangerous at times and seeing as eves are needed to keep the town going they should avoid taking risks at least until they are past the child bearing age. Kids also have a better chance if born in an area that is set up with lots of food.
I think of the game kind of like an ant colony the queen doesn't go out an forage her sterile workers do that. Even still it's the oldest workers serve as the foragers and soldiers, younger ants tend to the nest until they are older.
Stripes251 wrote:Neo wrote:Probably smithing, can be frustrating when people crowd your workspace with there babies and use my fire for omelets or just mess with my stuff in general.
But it's great once you get going, You also get alot more respect doing this job then you would for something like farming. It's almost like your own business when people come to you requesting tools and the occasional payment of food.
Shepherding is probably second favorite, like smithing it's annoying when people mess with you. You also need a knife or someone else with a knife helping you, If your lucky someone will give you one but nost people won't trust you.
Proper spacing is important I've seen too many crammed towns then clutter builds up and everyone stands in your way as you do stuff. Also the knife problem if it's not in the hands of someone responsible it's killing someone but the shepherds suffer because of trolls and fear of trolls. Even the though the trolls are much less common these days.
Wow. First person admitting that curse system did its job right.
I mean if you want a guarantee buy a toaster, but It does help sometimes I guess.
I've noticed less murders lately. This is probably more so due to a combination of the movement nerf, red words after a kill, the weapon being locked in peoples hands after the attack. Also in large towns you likely can save the victim if someone made medical supplies. Recently I only encountered 3 murders over the course of maybe 10 hours of gameplay. Two of those times I put down the killer, the other time an old lady cursed the killer. Compared to the last time I played maybe a month ago it was much worse, any time there was a knife expect a murder if not more.
I grow the milkweed
You are the real hero.
Probably smithing, can be frustrating when people crowd your workspace with there babies and use my fire for omelets or just mess with my stuff in general.
But it's great once you get going, You also get alot more respect doing this job then you would for something like farming. It's almost like your own business when people come to you requesting tools and the occasional payment of food.
Shepherding is probably second favorite, like smithing it's annoying when people mess with you. You also need a knife or someone else with a knife helping you, If your lucky someone will give you one but nost people won't trust you.
Proper spacing is important I've seen too many crammed towns then clutter builds up and everyone stands in your way as you do stuff. Also the knife problem if it's not in the hands of someone responsible it's killing someone but the shepherds suffer because of trolls and fear of trolls. Even the though the trolls are much less common these days.
Though I tend to need a knife fight rattlesnakes in an epic fight to the death. See we have this mutual agreement, we hate each other and will kill each other on sight. Not in real life I had a pet rattlesnake for a while his name was Mr. Van Slithersss.
In the case of the wolf there was nothing around and there were blank tiles when my mother picked me up. There were empty around tiles when I picked up the grave but there was still a lot of clutter so in that case I can see it being the case.
I did search a decent radius in all cases though.
What is your favorite role to support the town?
I personally prefer hunting and trapping. Many rabbits have died to my snares and wolves to my arrows. I also like foraging basically anything out of town.
Stripes251 wrote:guys I don't know anything about being a shepard or making compost is there a guide of some kind
Thank you!
And now I feel bad because I unknowingly hindered the efforts of compost makers and shepherds
Sorry about that guys. I will make pies in a more responsible manner...
guys I don't know anything about being a shepard or making compost is there a guide of some kind
Do bone piles decay? I feel like that would improve the situation a lot. Regular bones before they are moved break down but bone piles seem to stick around.
So I have been playing and I think may have I found a bug I'm not sure. But it causes items to disappear.
This happened to me three times so far. The first time I encountered it was when an old lady died, she was wearing clothing and had a pick ax. I had a basket and tried to put it down but clicked on the skeleton instead, some of her items disappeared. The second time I encountered this was after I shot a wolf. I did not remove the arrow before skinning it. The arrow vanished when I skinned it. The third time I was a child. I had picked up an iron bar so I could make a crucible but my mother picked me up right after and the iron disappeared.
I searched around for the items but I could not find them. Has anyone else encountered this?
Yes I need map data as well so I can cause the apoca.....
I mean find things easier to help my village.
Take a drink every time:
1. You see a West under "recent elder deaths"
2. Your mom abandons you the moment you're born
3. 1 other person killed by griever = 1 drink
4. Your baby runs away the second they're born
5. Your mom forgets to name you
6. Your mom forgets to feed you and you die
7. A mom asks her newborn "are you new?" Take two if your mother asks you this.
8. Eat something when you're moments away from starving and you're 100% sure you're gonna die
9. You see your sibling/mother dieFinish your drink and/or take a shot if:
1. You're killed by a griever (this definitely makes me want to drink)
2. You die from starvation in a village with plenty of food (and you're old enough to feed yourself)
3. You forget to feed your baby and they die as a result
4. You murder someone. Finish a drink for every single person you murder!
5. You murder someone and someone else murders you in self-defenseFeel free to add your ideas!
You don't already do this? Lightweight
Yes, be careful, they are in the mustard family. Seeds are spicy!
Mustard family pft! Let's talk about the carrot family.
I took plant taxonomy carrots are evil!
First Aid for Cuts
The proper first aid for most cuts it to apply a bandage, elevate, and pressure. If it is in the chest and punctures into your thoracic cavity you may have a sucking chest wound where air is sucked through the chest wall instead of into the lungs through the airways. Which you seal the area to help breathing in this case. A last resort is to use a tourniquet.
Stripes251 wrote:We could also use a trash pit to get rid of extra stuff we don’t need.
But... but....
https://onehouronelife.gamepedia.com/g0 … i10c.dv=14
AWSOME! you made my day
Here is a list of ideas to reduce clutter. Numbers can be adjusted.
Seeds - it has been suggested many times already that we need a way to store seeds. I’m sure there are better ideas already but here is mine.
We could use clay pots? Back in ancient times that’s what they often used. To craft it you would need a wet bowl and wet plate. Then forge it. After it could store seeds of one type of plant but maybe up to ten seeds. Could also be painted because why not.
Tools – while tools are not a problem everything in this game takes up a tile and so clutter adds up.
I recommend a tool rack that could store four big tools (shovel, ax, hoe, and pick) and four small tools on the bottom (smiting hammer, hatchet, rocks, and flint).
Could be made of boards and steel making it a late game item.
Like the one here
https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/medieva … 532633.jpg
Firewood – Firewood is great to have on hand near fires. Also in real life, it’s stackable. I wouldn’t mind seeing firewood become stackable in game.
Bones - Another cluttery thing. I recommend cremation with a funeral pyre or burial mounds. Burial mounds could hold a lot of people I like the number ten. Perhaps when you click on it a list could pop up showing who is buried there, how they died and what they did.
I wish there were more animals we could hunt and eat, maybe like deer?
I want tigers.
Perhaps we need new challenges to compensate