One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Disatisfied with the direction the game is goi. » 2018-04-09 22:06:55

Come try the Two Hour One Life server, cities last but you can also branch out to make a new one if you so desire. It's more about building towns that last there.

Here is the discord, check the information section to see what's different there

#2 Re: Main Forum » What now? » 2018-04-08 07:56:18

Lily wrote:

He hasn't made an update to spread the Eve's out from one another yet, that might happen next update but who knows.

Yeah eve's spawn is spread out now.

jasons post about it

#3 Re: Main Forum » What is the point of an Apocalypse? » 2018-04-07 01:56:11

Rebel wrote:
vilka wrote:
Rebel wrote:

and FYI I went from playing 4-5 hours a day down to 1 due to there being nothing to do, after the update i have been on so much more due to the resets. every life feels more like an achievement rather than the repetitive stuff we had before.

The Apocalypse caused you to have to start over but you could have done that any time you wanted if you were bored with repetitive stuff. Nothing was stopping you from venturing out to make a new town.

yeah playing on a world that has been destroyed by noobs picking all the milkweed killing all the rabbits and geese, the world was screwed even if you walked for half your life.

That doesn't fly. The map is beyond huge, areas not visited revert after 24 hours, there are multiple servers. I played on server 12 for a few days last week with a number of people and  it was all start from scratch, so yeah the option was already there.

And isn't restarting over and over just the same as teching to the end over and over, in the sense that it's repetitive as well.

#4 Re: Main Forum » What is the point of an Apocalypse? » 2018-04-06 18:26:50

Rebel wrote:

and FYI I went from playing 4-5 hours a day down to 1 due to there being nothing to do, after the update i have been on so much more due to the resets. every life feels more like an achievement rather than the repetitive stuff we had before.

The Apocalypse caused you to have to start over but you could have done that any time you wanted if you were bored with repetitive stuff. Nothing was stopping you from venturing out to make a new town.

#5 Re: Main Forum » APOCALUPSE TURNED OFF » 2018-04-06 18:15:39

Truthseeker wrote:

Grrr, how dare a designer do what they believe is best with their art, don't they know I paid them money? That means they owe it to me to consult me on any changes made! how DARE Jason do something he was planning from the start in a way I don't approve of to solve a problem that doesn't bother me specifically, how totally rude and inconsiderate to all the people who built those civs that the rest of the servers then spent the next several weeks picking up instead of building for themselves!

Not one person has come even close to saying any of that but nice way to shut down any concerns people have with that hyperbole.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Refund? » 2018-03-16 15:05:49

fuhrer wrote:

How exactly may I get a refund on this.

Wanted to try it out, not my schtick.

Very interesting idea, though!

Email Jason, he said in discord to do that for refunds.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-16 14:36:01

Norgg wrote:

Server is now up-to-date with v67.

Something is a bit odd, things changing to other things. Like ponds changing to dead wolfs etc. I got the update but ill try again and see if it's still being weird.

Yeah, still happening after double checking that I got the update. Also seems like the random spawn got turned off, I've spawned in same place a few times now.

And also, thank you so much for the work your putting into this server. You have made so many people happy, I see people saying all the time how much they love it.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-14 20:23:12

Cryptodream wrote:
vilka wrote:

Getting the same thing, login failed.

I did the server switch to 0 and it downloaded the update but still no go for logging in.

In   customServerAddress   change   for   localhost

I tried that too, not sure what I'm missing.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-14 20:11:02

Getting the same thing, login failed.

I did the server switch to 0 and it downloaded the update but still no go for logging in.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-11 11:40:07

Hydromancerx wrote:

This server is great! I have been working on "The Fertile Road" which links a smaller camp someone made to the main farm. Just follow the path of fertile soil all the way up north. Thanks to my children who worked up in the northern camp.

So glad you posted this. I had no idea you did this and wow the effort you put into that road. great job!

North camp is great, can start over again but not be too far from friends. Few have come up to visit and couple born in north camp now. Great times.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-10 17:13:31

Tanelorn wrote:

I would like to try this, but how do I edit the settings you are talking about?

It's ini files, open them in notepad and just edit the text, save/close then start the game normally.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-10 17:12:11

Norgg wrote:
vilka wrote:

Oh please bring it back up soon, Im all alone but im teaching myself recipes while Im not starving to death lol. it's bliss.

Hey, been back up again for a bit now, that you back on it?

Not looked into moderation options much yet, but give me a poke on discord if people are back griefing again.

That was probably me. Bunch more just joined but I think the griefer is one. I need to head to sleep thought, your server kept me up all night lol, so much fun. I think the griefing could get better the more people there are. We were all at one camp, like 5 of us, so was easy pickens. But once camps are spread out more we can respawn to new camps and more work for them.

Or since it's kind of a peaceful server, if its possible, remove the items that can kill like arrows and knifes. Pretty sure the people that played last night would rather lose the arrows then be chain killed by that person lol.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-10 16:04:24

Norgg wrote:


Okay, going to shut this down for a bit to get it updated to the latest version too.

Oh please bring it back up soon, Im all alone but im teaching myself recipes while Im not starving to death lol. it's bliss.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-10 09:27:46

ameliewilde wrote:

Wow this is great. I can join now and then as a teacher smile

Yeah I've learned so much now, sure its easier but less stress is great lol

#15 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-10 05:57:08

Laura wrote:
Ants wrote:

Don't quit, Laura! Noo!

I have give it another Change and want to Count to 100.
I died everytime.
100 times in a row.
More then 80x starving with 0 years old.
More then 10x starving with 1 year old.
And the rest Born as a full grown up starving bc nothing is near.

the update is the biggest shit i have ever seen.
Absolutely waste of time.
This makes me unbelivable sad.

come check out the server Norgg made, it's everything you want in the game. We have a nice little area going now and I am able to actually learn from others.

from his post

To join, you'll want to edit:

settings/customServerAddress.ini to contain:
settings/useCustomServer.ini to contain: 1

#16 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-10 03:20:17

Zodzby wrote:

Nice, Norgg, sounds chill indeed. I just bought the game, tried going in mostly blind. Did awfully till one life, I was a male and made a skirt while subsisting on carrots. But then I died (age 26) on top of a carrot seed, so I think the skirt just disappeared... RIP my only real contribution. A slower pace to learn is definitely going to be helpful (or, y'know, just a couple hours on the wiki).

come join us, we are teaching each other recipes and having a blast. Nice chill place to learn.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Chill out server » 2018-03-10 00:55:53

trying this out and already loving it, I'm able to play again!

Thank you so much for this.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 20:55:14

Computer1633 wrote:

While I have not had a chance yet to try out the new update, from what I have read and with all the whining people are doing on the forums...I hope he does not decide to dumb it down for people. Let them whine and leave if they find the game too hard to survive in. It makes for a much better, less toxic community of players really trying to survive together.

Bit of a rude thing to say to people giving their thoughts on the update in a post called "Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update". It's not whining, just people having an opinion you don't agree with about the update you state you haven't even tried yet.

As for toxic, all the rest of your comment is a good example of toxic.

It's not dumbing the game down to make the game what it was just yesterday. People aren't surviving together because they can't, even two babies is enough to wipe you out so the game have become "sorry, no food" and watching baby after baby die, those babies being real players that are begging for a chance to not have to reroll yet again. All night "p.l.z.F" but I can't and it sucks. There is less togetherness now, you are better off alone in the game then with other players. 

and lastly, what makes for a better community is people not trying to shut down others opinions by calling them whiners and that they can leave if they don't like it.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 13:44:02

I give up, I tried all night to give this a chance but the game isn't fun anymore. My last game I was able to make 1-2 rabbits between tending to the fire and hunting rabbits while the other two people tried to survive from the farm while we let kid after kid die cause we were barely able to live. I made it to 35 before I died going too far to try to find another rabbit to stay alive, irony. And that's the longest Ive lasted since the update unless I never take on a kid or live while they die from lack of food which kind of defeats the point of having the next generation take over.

The game is now just trying to not starve, there is no time to explore, build, and enjoy the game and sure as heck no time to make food from wheat while on the edge of death every minute. I can't play any more or I will end quitting completely out of frustration so I'll have to wait and see if anything changes but if not this update was a game killer for me.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 12:28:01

ameliewilde wrote:

So its not a solution to try logging off and on until you are born to a wealthy family.

And the problem with that is even if you get lucky to get born into a good camp now, they most likely let you die because they are struggling with food.

I lasted longer on my own compared to a good camp now because of this and being on my own I last as long as the next berry bush most times while trying to get supplies.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 11:24:04

ameliewilde wrote:

About warmth: The backpack used to give warm bonus. Now it doesn't.

I expressed my opinion about the drop in eating bonus in another thread. But I am not a fan. Especially now that finding food is harder, I don't see the point on making it even faster to get hungry...

I mean, I liked this game for a slightly casual game play where you still have the time pressure. But now, it is just hardcore and stressfull. I hope he increases the eating bonus.

If he does, I am a fan of the changes to food system that encourages variety.

I'm with you on this. Was nice being able to explore all parts of the game but now it's just trying to go one more min before starving by finding the next berry tree. I was loving making things like wheel barrows and buildings but now its trying to scramble for your next meal before you and your kids starve. Agree, it's stressful. And frustrating, not really fun now.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Drop in eating bonus: What are your thoughts? » 2018-03-09 11:11:23

Well considering you start out naked, it's kind of hard to get clothed while starving. You go from berry bush to berry bush trying to get the part you need to start hunting and finding milkweed to even make clothes. You can either run around naked and try to build up a food supply so you offspring can live and use up all the food or try to get clothed and most likely die of starvation before you get pants on.

I have been trying all night to give this update a chance but I'm with ameliewilde, game has turned into how long you can go before starving and thats usually 5 mins. Taken the fun right out of the game for me.

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