One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Seasons! for farming. » 2019-03-06 05:35:05

It would make more since to have the seasons divided by 15 years/minutes intervals. As there are four seasons. Fifteen years would be quartering the actual playable time span..

sense, not since...

#2 Re: Main Forum » Stop spawn as Eve » 2019-03-06 05:27:55

Have you tried logging into a more populated server?

#3 Re: Main Forum » (Suggestion) Little features that I hope will make it into the game » 2019-03-06 05:14:45

Hm, what if the wet bowls/plates had a thirty seconds timer to become semi/dry, then are able to be stacked? Then fired in kiln to become just "plate" or "bowl"??

#4 Re: Main Forum » Eve Problems? » 2019-02-17 18:52:14

CrazyEddie, ok, that is more in depth than I originally took your post for. I concur that the game may be inclined towards a different play style than how I play OHOL. But it is doable.

After all, I do still raise children. I have raised Spoon, Lory (another frequent server player), Deg, Jack (whom made clear that was not IRL, twins (that were trying to get back to their base), a korean player, along with the other Eves. So I don't think my game play is too askew from the game maker's, Jason's, intent.
I also tell these players to branch out, but not too far from the base. The third Eve did just that! Originally, it was just myself and my friend. A road was built to connect us. I found out that we have another addition via that eve. So, we are growing. Just not at a stupidly uncontrollable rate.

You also make a point on setting up a private server. Also, doable. /if (set up a private server) .then/(strict limitation of player interaction), ..
I still want to be able to interact with new players... but not on the scale of a heavily populated server....
anyways, to even be able to get a private server going I would have to educate myself on "how to," which is probably very simple.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Jason: Update Releases Need Scheduled Support » 2019-02-17 15:59:25

I would LOOOOOOVE to have IN GAME announcements of impending server down time for maintenance. So that we would know to end our sessions on good terms, and not start projects.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Eve Problems? » 2019-02-17 14:07:09

Good news, everyone!

The "Kingdom" lives! Though all three Eves were sadly "lost". Again, How we usually keep our town is by Eve chaining, and then taking turns raising each other. This way we still get to experience lineage, and catch up with each other! (I think I will propose a game to see which of us can keep have the longest Linage Line; although, I don't know what the consultation prize will be, ideas??)

CrazyEddie, I agree that people should NOT get emotionally invested with the pixels they spend so much time with; however, I am glad that some people do. Otherwise, we would potentially not even have games to play..None the less, I appreciate you comforting me during my panic.

MultiLife, I am thankful that the update did not cause any loss. Have there been updates, previously, that wiped servers without prior warning?

Jojigirl, wow! It is so strange seeing Hearts' Kingdom through another's perspective. I did get the Kingdom to that point with assistance from the other Eves and random "pop ins" (/queue the baby arrival sound without the crying).There's going to be an exclusive event in the future held at the Kingdom. I will send you an invite when it is time. Hope to see you there.

Rage, ...has there ever been a better handle for you? LOL I can almost feel the anger; though, it could be mine own reacting to yours. Anyways, I too have put much time into this game, but I do not feel that it is not worth the money. I kind of view games like this, that cost a bit, as more of an investment.  I also think that focus is put on, let's say, "different" areas that are a little less concerning, if at all, than the areas where many people are voicing their views. Perhaps, these areas that are a more majority concern take more time to deal with? Maybe Jason wants to continue a flow of creativity while it is fresh in mind?
I hope you keep finding aspects of the game to amuse yourself... make the game fit you!

fragilityh14, the game is certainly playable. Though in larger civs I have seen that parents are naked while the children are clothed (I think I just quoted someone else's post in a different topic thread..). Do you think this is Jason's way to get people to make clothes, ergo play the game as intended? Perhaps, he is trying to teach us different ways to build up communities by forcing players to migrate and us what is available?

Spoonwood!! I was not sure if the person that graced the "kingdom" was the same as the one here on the forums. Glad to have confirmation. I do get the insta death to get back to projects in game. It does not bother me, due to constantly having objectives. Though it is always scary when a player joins that I have not previously raised...  Come see me again .hugs.

Peremptive, I agree that communication is a bit hard. That's why I tend to use out of game communications, and play with few people. I don't know how many times I used the perfect temp spots to keep my character alive while I was afk.. RIP, they will be missed. What if a shout command were implemented? like, "/shout[character'sname]: message?" so that messages would reach recipients no matter where they are, and if they were dead a bounce back message would occur?  idk.. that's probably asking too much..

gnach, nooooo! The Snowman Ranch is likely still out there.

I am fortunate enough to have a tight knit community on the server, with out of game communications, to allow for fail safes.

Thank you all for responding and venting.
May you all live to see "Cause Of Death: Old Age"

#7 Main Forum » Eve Problems? » 2019-02-16 17:24:25

Replies: 42

So, since the update. Ive had problems getting to my eve chain town on seven... Supposedly, there were loads of people in the town last night. It is called Hearts' Kingdom.. we have three eves, and so far two of us are not respawning in the town. Are any other Eve's having issues getting back to their towns???

Literally, stressed due to about a month's worth of my down time was used to get the "kingdom" to that point..

#8 Re: Main Forum » Something looms large in my mind... » 2019-02-09 09:22:03

Someone else mentioned ponchos.

Id like to make different rugs by means of dyed cloth bolts. Then using shears to get fabric strips and by adding them in certain orders would produce different colored patterns.

Although, I don'k know which previously mentioned idea would be best. Stenciling or cutting it like rabbit fur for different sizes.
But I'm inclined to agree with the latter.

#9 Re: Main Forum » A very silly stress test today » 2019-02-09 09:04:22

So, any streams or screen shots taken for those of us not involved?

#10 Re: Main Forum » Freaking Planes » 2019-02-08 11:59:43

Grim_Arbiter wrote:
elemental_slim wrote:
MultiLife wrote:

Wohooo looms! I want to see clothes!

I want to see rugs!

Wearable rugs! Aka ponchos

Desert apparel?

#11 Re: Main Forum » Do you enjoy killing people? » 2019-02-08 11:55:52

...I don't think it is a good idea to get your mind confused by getting happy endorphins released while actively griefing others through psychopathic game play. Just worried about your well being.

Also, ha, I would not count e-sports as a workout. Unless, every time you kill a players character you do, maybe, seven sit-ups. (used to do this when I played black-ops zombies.. except it was every time I was knocked down I would do a set.)

#12 Main Forum » To Deg » 2019-02-08 11:29:14

Replies: 0

Greetings from Hearts' Kingdom. I logged in and saw your efforts, much to my appreciation. The 'city' has been in works for some time (weeks), with the help of a few occasional helpers. There are also, two main Eve chains, myself and another; then, with the southern village being a third Eve chain.

Thanks for stopping in. Please join us again sometime.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Do you enjoy killing people? » 2019-02-07 09:58:06

Léonard wrote:
Bob 101 wrote:

I haven't regretted purchasing an alt account to get past lineage bans.

I think when you start paying for a game twice for the only purpose of griefing we should not be afraid to call this an obsession.
Reading the OP also really felt like reading the confession of a psychopath, that was surreal.

I mean, if the game isn't enough for you anymore, if you're bored, why not just quit it?
If you like combat that much, why not play a PVP game?
No, you just have this weird obsession with having fun at the expanse of others.

Lu wrote:

When I was born as an eve, I immediately made a bow, ate a varied diet, and stayed in a temperature agreeable area. Then I waited for my children to be born. As soon as they were born, I shot them and cried out "BLOOOOOOOD!" or "FOR THE BLOOD GOD!". Because they were babies, they were helpless and couldn't curse me, and I could watch them die in confusion or numb acceptance. I did this until I was too old to bear any more children. This was pretty fun after my old methods got boring.

Especially this.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of guy to be attached to pixels on my screen and roleplay saying I love my kids.
But this is purely pointless.
You do know babies will simply get reborn to another mother after that?
If it were me I wouldn't even bother trying to curse you, I'll just get reborn to someone who actually wants to play the game with me.
Are you sure you don't have just some sort of weird gore fetish?

Maybe you're just yet another toxic roleplayer trying to roleplay as a serial killer/psychopath.
Either way this does confirm that experienced players can simply start being griefers out of boredom and I'm hopping CrazyEddie's suggestion for the curse system is implemented so that we can get rid of griefers like you.

Yeeees! I felt the same way.

Lu, you need to go work out and get them happy endorphins pumping through ya!

#14 Re: Main Forum » Freaking Planes » 2019-02-07 08:36:45

MultiLife wrote:
Grim_Arbiter wrote:
GreatShawn wrote:


Looms were also added and people have been asking for those for awhile now. While we can only make wings from them as of now, I doubt that will be the only use in its future.

Wohooo looms! I want to see clothes!

I want to see rugs!

#15 Re: Main Forum » Design your ideal town (RPG maker used) » 2019-02-02 08:31:14

lol, I was doing the same thing in Paint. Then I realized that I could not control where water is located. I recommend your eve finds a suitable location; then, start making schematics.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Why do we Keep Getting Content That Makes Prior Content Obsolete? » 2019-02-02 08:19:16

...technically we are behind pace with the game Jason is playing, imo.
I fully intent on creating each of the crafts that has been put into the game, even apocalypse (when the right server is willing).

Maybe you, Crumpaloo, are trying to keep up with the updates when you should focus on enjoying the game as is. Then look at the tech updates as... a challenge to get to in the future? Like, there's no rush.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that more advanced cities will be prone to keeping up with the updates. But why does that mean the rest of the community isn't having fun with the older tech?

IRL look at our lives versus Amish. . . do you think their minds would be flabbergasted by some of the toys we used to play with? It is basically the same for people that have yet to discover these 'useless' techs

Anyways, I hope you relax and live to old age.

#17 Re: Main Forum » What do babies want from me? » 2019-02-02 07:51:17

dangergirl713 wrote:

Generally the large dynasties are just pros that /die when they don't spawn in their civs. They coordinate through discord. Players might be just slash dying because they think you're a noob because you haven't named yourself or have created a civ in a cold area (any area that is not desert or jungle or near water/soil).

Do people really coordinate on a mass scale though, through discord?

Anyways, it is just as everyone else seems to be saying. Perhaps, the baby players are just looking for immediate proof of what they want?

Plus, as babies it is incredibly difficult to communicate. They might be thinking they are saving you time and resources by just dying. . .

#18 Re: Main Forum » We did the Apocalypse! » 2019-01-20 08:41:10

Looking for willing sacrifices to refresh server seven. . .

#20 Main Forum » Ideas I Have Had That I Want Your Opinion On » 2019-01-20 01:03:02

Replies: 6

I am fairly new to this game; although, I have fallen in loooove with this game.

A few weeks ago I came across a YouTube video that had graphics that made me think of this game. (Mind you all, I was introduced to OHOL via a YouTuber's, HoneyBunnyGames, recorded gaming session with voice over.)

Anyways, the video made me hope that there was a way to store the excessive amount of Threshed Wheat instead of leaving it laying about. Alas, I was not satisfied when i found there was not.
Then it made me think that perhaps rodents should be introduced to the game to keep the supply in check with the demand for the wheat laying about. As in, kinda like how having X amount of raw meats can attract bears?

Then came the cats idea. The cats would be feral just like in MineCraft,until given an uncooked or cooked fish to become semi-tamed. Dangling another fish in their face to lead them from the jungle biome to the town so to take care of the rodents.

I know there are dogs in the game, so maybe a leash and stake aspect could be adapted for the dogs?

So, all in all, I have several ideas that would be awesome to see implemented.

-Storage for Threshed Wheat (Clay Crock with Plate?)
-Introduce Rodents (with sickness effect, similar to Mosquitos?)
-Introduce Cats (perhaps found in Jungle Biome)
-Leads for Dogs?

Here is the YouTube video that gave me these ideas...


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