One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » asking me if i want to "stay?" just makes me /die » 2019-07-23 14:04:49


So you're saying if I ask my baby to "stay" and it happens to be you then you'll just SID? Not that bad of a trade if you're this antagonistic in game as you are on the forums.

Regardless the question isn't far fetched to ask. Some folks don't like to be in underdeveloped towns or starting with an Eve. It really isn't that big of a deal.

#2 Re: Main Forum » so when do we ought to expect the end of clutter in OHOL ? » 2019-04-22 21:05:52


I don't think the point of the solution was "to use the zoom mod". They were just making the screen more zoomed out so you could see what having a storage area can do in regards to helping with clutter. A storage area works without the mod. I know as much because I have used it without the mod.

I'm honestly mystified about why you are so enraged over somebody using the mod to show you an example. Some folks say that they won't play if they didn't have the mod - that is their choice. And it is your choice to not use it, of course. I've never honestly seen much of an advantage or disadvantage for using it.

In regards to clutter, I feel like Jason will eventually need to make some other stuff stackable. Or at the very least some larger bins to place objects in! Could help a lot for sure. smile

#3 Re: Main Forum » So when am I getting unbanned from the discord? » 2019-03-09 18:22:00


I will be one of the first to admit that people are waaay too sensitive nowadays, but goodness gracious you really need to act more mature. It isn't flattering to proudly proclaim you're obnoxious and THEN complain about why you're getting in trouble. Trying to screech censorship won't get you anywhere when trying to defend your crude humor as "jokes".

Also I recall there are literal children in the chats sometimes. If you are that desperate to use crude humor there is the Street chat. It isn't rocket science. I mean, it is shame anybody has to be banned, but there isn't much of an excuse for such behavior. Why didn't you just go to the Street chat like other folks do?

#4 Re: Main Forum » Shift + Delete Does Not Seem to Cause Instant Death at Any Age » 2019-02-25 01:23:36


Literally exactly what I suggested applies to Eves too. Like Jk Howling said above, nothing stops you from doing any of that as an Eve. And if you ended up needing to leave then as I said just walk out of town! That is legit all you need to do.

Your reasoning for logging off is because you are going to quit playing for awhile, right? Then if you are so worried that you are going to come back to the computer in less than an hour and see that you are for some reason being fed in a village while afking then walk out of town. If you are that paranoid that somebody will find you and purposely walk all the over to where you are and back just to feed you then hide behind a tree.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Shift + Delete Does Not Seem to Cause Instant Death at Any Age » 2019-02-24 22:47:34


Well, yeah. It doesn't have to be age 60. Being up to age two gives you all the time you need to decide if you don't want to stay in a village. If you're an adult and don't want to play any longer just legit do what other people do - walk away from the village to starve or get an animal to kill you.

I can understand people playing how they want. That is why I didn't raise a big stink about the Apocalypse even though I wasn't too fond of the idea. But your just wanting a suicide button when we already have means to kill ourselves off - very easily might I add.

Certainly you may find it optimal for a suicide button, but alas as it stands it seems like the developer doesn't want such a thing. And there is nothing wrong with that. I have read through your reasons, but... Many are very extreme. You're not going to be in a village were people are chronic feeders every time. If you end up wanting to leave to do something else then just turn off the game and go! If you are that paranoid about people finding you them literally walk away for ten seconds into the wild. Nobody will bother you.

I am not trying to be rude, Spoonwood. I just don't get why you are being so aggressive about a feature that we can already do, especially when the developer made it clear he doesn't seem fond of the idea.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Please Jason, stop adding useless high-tech. Work on the basics. » 2019-01-20 19:59:08


I'll be honest - it WOULD be nice to see him work on the basics of lower tech. You would think by the point of having actual radios we could have already had better clothing and improve hunting. I mean, I bitch about this a lot but we can't even do anything with half the meat we can acquire. Why is pork only edible to dogs? Why can't we eat cows? So many other ways to make food will help and improve gameplay - at least in my opinion.

#7 Re: Main Forum » New Players Bad for Villages? » 2019-01-17 18:36:11


To each their own. I feel like with that sort of mindset to just let a new player starve because they are new is awful. If everyone did that then the player would never learn. Eventually they would just stop playing because they would assume the entire player base are assholes.

Whenever I first started I didn't really know anything. Most of what I learned was from other players who taught me. On the other hand, I also studied up in the wiki for learning smithing since I didn't want to get in the way of the smith. All in all, there is really nothing wrong with having a new person. I'm rather appalled that some folks may have the thought process to just try and kill a new character. It is only a game so let them have fun too.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Why do people think making the apocalypse is griefing? » 2019-01-12 19:26:49


I mean, the apocalypse will reset an entire server, and some folks do not want that work to be destroyed. So it is fair to assume they don't want you to trigger it. It isn't griefing to trigger the apocalypse or to dismantle it. The reason he made it so easy to take down is because of how poorly the first apocalypse went back in the day.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Just Why? » 2018-12-30 20:42:32


In regards to the first quote, MultiLife, my apologies there. I was generalizing from what I have heard other people tell me before in their anger over the update. Not the best place to vent it, I guess.

And my goodness. I AM letting people vent. But I am also allowed to vent my thoughts, yes? This is a two-way street.  I don't think it is wrong, silly, whatever have you. I was expressing my opinion too.

YES I think it would be better for the apocalypse to be added later, but never once since it has came out has it done a single thing to stir up my game play. I've raised my bundle of children, crafted, farmed, and whatever else came to mind. I'm not going to assume I'm that one person only interested in stopping the apocalypse. Most likely after the tech tree is highly advanced, he'll probably change this apocalypse to be a nuke. He stated pretty clearly the idea of "the button' was interesting to him.

And fine. Maybe I should have edited that bottom line. I was hoping somebody wasn't going to nit-pick, but I am very much aware that it "depends on the person". Truly. It is sad to me to think that somebody would be all "it is ruined" and stop playing the game for something they don't even have to participate in, is what it is.

Clearly you feel strongly about this subject. If you end up feeling like there is no point in playing the game then that is more power to you. There is just so much good about this game that it would be disappointing for so many to jump ship for something like this. And this is ALL I feel on the matter. It'd be disappointing, but I know it happens, obviously.

There is really not much else I can say on this. You've got your opinion and so do I. Not trying to be a pill or anything.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Meta thoughts - Sheep and Carrots » 2018-12-30 20:12:44


There is no convincing you if you simply choose to be stubborn. Lionon makes a great point up above too. Everyone here has.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Meta thoughts - Sheep and Carrots » 2018-12-30 18:22:02


I can tell you a big reason. The town is cluttered. I'm about to starve and I am working, so I put the object I'm holding down in a free space...only for the sheep to move into it. Now I have to run off and find another place to sit my object on - only to starve because of sheep being EVERYWHERE. It has actually happened to me before in many different towns that thought they were being cute to let the sheep free from their pens.

And you can try and say 'lol don't clutter then' but you can't stop what other players do. It is going to happen.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Just Why? » 2018-12-30 18:18:56


Good mercy... I don't tend to want to bring this up, but folks do realize that when they say this 'isn't part of the vision' of the game that they don't know exactly what is going on in Jason's head....right? If he wants it in there then it IS part of the vision of the game. Period.

Personally, I think the apocalypse is kinda a neat idea. I'd much rather have seen other additions, though, such as more food recipes and animals, but it is what it is.

In no way, however, does this make things 'bad for the parenting and crafting side of the game". It doesn't affect a thing. Nobody is putting a knife in your belly during EVERY life to make you unable to care for your children and craft. The apocalypse (which is also crafting) is just another layer some people are interested in.

To put it out there, you don't have to even kill anybody. You can use the medical assets that were added in the game.

Look - it is okay to not like every update added to the game. That's just fine and understandable. But this update didn't ruin the game or anything. sad

#13 Re: Main Forum » Encountering a would-be griefer in real life. » 2018-12-25 19:11:31


...what in the world is happening in this thread? Oh my goodness! A person is not a sociopath for wanting to kill another player in a game. People need to stop acting as if violence in video games automatically makes somebody a monster. I grew up playing horror games (and fighting games) along with watching slasher flicks on a regular basis, and never once have I had the desire to hurt somebody. hmm

Hell, I haven't tried to kill somebody on this game either. The guy mentioned in the first post probably mostly plays fighting games to begin with. Maybe he assumed it was competitive? The truth of the matter is that even if you don't LIKE the idea, Jason allowed it so we CAN kill other players. He doesn't want life in the game to be all sunshine and rainbows. Hell, there is a chance he will even add things like firearms too. Though it isn't my cup of tea to kill in these games, some people are going to want to stir the pot.

People need to cool off with playing 'psychologist' with video games. This is already why I've noticed some people get scared off from even wanting to play One Hour One Life. One person decides to roleplay a bit and BAM everybody mobs together acting like the person is a monster and freak for doing something added to the game.

I'm sorry if I am coming across rude here. Mikekchar just baffled me with their response (along with a few other responses). o-o

#14 Re: Main Forum » Candles, candles, candles » 2018-12-24 17:50:13


I am all for this idea! To be fair I am a sucker for candles in general though. Though I wish we could have gotten something like bees to also make the candles. Ho hum.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Getting Stabbed for Teaching New People » 2018-12-19 21:51:14

Fae That isn't 'you got roleplayed'. That is just somebody being a dick. I've gotten ignored by my mother's PLENTY of times - it doesn't make me be decide to kill them. Sometimes that person is just busy and it is clear.

That person may have very well been trying to stir the pot, as it was. Sorry that had to happen to you.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Dog names » 2018-12-13 16:56:05


Hn! Oh my goodness! I'd absolutely adore that idea. It would make them seem like part of the big ol' family.

#17 Re: Main Forum » /die problem » 2018-12-13 16:15:20


Wait a moment...there are really people upset over /die? Especially when it doesn't penalize the mother? As other people have said you CAN'T force a player to want to play in the town you have. Would you rather them just go and wake a bear or just run off, suicide, and you have to wait longer to bear a child?

I understand you can't please everybody, but I am a little baffled here. This appears to be the best option for somebody who doesn't want to be in the town (for whatever reason they have) and not in up messing with the mother's birth cooldown.

#18 Re: Main Forum » has anyone suggested bees yet? » 2018-12-12 21:39:17


I personally think bees would be a great idea! In truth I'd love to see more insects and wildlife in general though.

Though for bees you can get so much from them. Along with them helping your crops you can get honey and wax. Then with the honey you would be able to cook all sorts of goodies.

#19 Re: Main Forum » WHO WILL RULE US » 2018-12-12 20:50:59


I'd have to say "old" honestly. I prefer the whole elders are the ones in charge.

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