One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » Update: Internal Combustion » 2018-12-15 12:30:19

Hey Jason, when i was reading your post i remembered this book:
"What Technology Wants" from Kevin Kelly
Here a quote about the book:

"In this provocative book, one of today’s most respected thinkers turns the conversation about technology on its head by viewing technology as a natural system, an extension of biological evolution. By mapping the behavior of life, we paradoxically get a glimpse at where technology is headed-or “what it wants.” Kevin Kelly offers a dozen trajectories in the coming decades for this near-living system. And as we align ourselves with technology’s agenda, we can capture its colossal potential. This visionary and optimistic book explores how technology gives our lives greater meaning and is a must-read for anyone curious about the future."
— Summary from Viking catalog

In this book he has a theory about the question what would happen if we would repeat again from stoneage tech. He is talking about the future but also has a nice introduction where he talks about human history and how we progressed with technology like fire and farming.

Here is an interview with Kevin Kelly where he talks for 1 hour about the book.

Here is the PDF. Chapter 2
Inventing Ourselves on PDF page 30 is interesting.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Racist gang war ruins town » 2018-12-07 18:18:22

Hiker170 wrote:

You want to climb the tech tree as a society that overall is "your" goal

Yea this is how i understood the game. I believe that is also the vision Jason has. I just try to follow the guidelines he gives me and play the game in a productive way.

And climbing the techtree as a "whole" server is also a goal. We need to build infrastructure! Roads miles long that gives indicator for people where cities are.
Climbing it together with your famely in your one hour life can get repetitive for veterans but than you are just not creative enough for such a game... Or you dont have visions... Or maybe should take a break and wait patiently for new content.

But yea sorry for the argument... I dont talk directly to you in the sentense above.. its directed to everyone who is frustrated and just wants to kill the next player he sees big_smile.

I just wanted to clarify that Jason as the designer can influence people!

Offcourse there is always people who do the "bad" thing because they like it SOOO much. And there will also be Racist Gang Wars with Red against Blue... And thats fine... Stuff like this should be something special. A murder szene should happen once in a while. But not happen every live you life.

I guess the problem is that a lot of games are about killing. People are bored and tend to fall back to there habbits. Get creative guys! Be productive! I actally would be fine if he removes killing each other totally from his game.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Racist gang war ruins town » 2018-12-07 03:09:12

Yee i wonder what happens when Industrial revolution hits... i mean guns and cannons are part of it... this will be a massaker. So i hope Jason does not add more ways to kill each other... i enjoy the teamwork and management part of the game. And killing each other is just contra productive for a society. And is most of the time Game Over for both players involved... Who wants that in a game where you build things for the future generations. It does not fit in here...

Hiker170 wrote:

The one thing in this game you must remember is that you can't control the actions of other players in this game. If you sit there thinking you all have the same goal you are just more likely to get frustrated by others. After all this is a online multiplayer game and there is no real set long term goal, other then the ones you set for yourself.

Shure you can not control the actions of other players.. But Jason as the Designer and Developer of the game can design the game in a way to give guidelines/options and also can control the gameflow like that. And this forum is used to communicate with him.

If we want to experience a game where we are successfully climbing a technology tree as a soiciety together. Than we dont need guns or ways to kill each other. We need ways to organize and communicate in a better way than chat bubbles. So we can manage a bigger group of people to work together... Cheers

#4 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Babies shouldn't be able to wake bears. » 2018-12-07 02:54:14

Complaint? Its a Suggestion... It would make the game better in my oppinion. It seems like a bug.. Babies can not interact with objects or the environment. Cheeeers

#5 Re: Bug Discussion » Low specification gaming » 2018-11-30 20:10:25

Hey so just wanted to report that i have this problem with slow motion on a pretty good computer.
Just my GPU is a bit old (Radeon HD7870)
It detects that my monitor runs with 144fps but in big cities my gpu cant maintain 144 i think.. so i slow down...
Is there not a better way? Maybe force fps on 30 or 60 via ingame settings option? I will check the setting file and figure it out.
But yea just wanted to let you know that with this technique you bring bad performance feeling even to good computer users that actually shoot over the top with the fps.

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