One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » I avenged the Villas family » 2019-08-09 05:58:32

Replies: 1

To my "sister" Ra Villas, that bravely fought beside me.

I was born as Lola Villas in a western border town.  A kind man named Maahi Villas gave me a pack filled with knives and said: "You are destined for greatness, baby." I knew I would protect our family.  Soon after, while I was still so young, Eve Raider broke into the town and started slaughtering everyone.  I grabbed my second cousins, Vita, and an unnamed baby and told them to run into the grove of trees.  We hid in the trees and took turns dashing out to grab a berry to feed the baby.  When I was old enough I named the baby Ra.  We stayed in the trees until I was old enough to hold one of my knives.  Vita and I tried to search for a way out of town, but we never found an opening.  All this time we could hear the murder of our townspeople.  We bided our time, trying to get just a little bit older and grabbing any supplies we could.  I gave Vita a knife.  She tried to attack the Eve but failed.  Ra and I continued to look for an escape.

There was none.

I handed Ra another one of my knives.  She had just grown old enough to hold it.

"Do you know how to kill?"  I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"I love you, sister.  Are you ready?"

"Yes, I love you too."

We tried to flank the Eve in the center of town, thinking she was the only one with a weapon.  But Ra was caught by surprise when one of Eve's daughters, Killian Raider, gutted her with a knife.  I struck a fatal blow to Killian, but her Sister Killion stabbed me.  "Good job, Lola," Ra said to me before she died.  I shouted "Screw you!" to the Raiders before I too, perished.

My next three lives I tried to return to the Villas town.  It was only as Tinlee Rita that I made it.  I approached the town on a horse-drawn cart, only carrying a bow and a pie.  I was so old, I was afraid that I would die of old age before getting my revenge.  I lured a bear into town just in case.  Walking into town, it was just like my first life.  Constant death screams, the Raiders were still killing people!  Finally, I found one arrow as my death song began to play.

I walked to the center of town where Ra, Vita, myself and everyone else had died years ago.  There was a mother, holding her newborn, and carrying a war sword.  I hesitated.  What if she was innocent of our deaths?  But the chiming of my death song gave me resolve.  The Raider family gave us no chance, so I would do the same.

I shot Pia Raider in the heart. 

What I didn't know at the time, was that Pia was my murderer's granddaughter.

"I avenge my sister, Ra Villas!" I screamed.  There was confusion, then Pia's daughter, Lilly Black, killed me.

I hope the bear eats the rest of them.

Lola Villas: … id=5129439

Tinlee Rita … id=5129719

Ra Villas … id=5129437

#2 Main Forum » My heroic uncle, Jackson Nah » 2019-02-03 08:30:24

Replies: 1

I was born in a berry patch as Yerachmiel Nah.  My mother told me that everyone was dead except for her and one other woman.  Suddenly three bears started rampaging the town at once!  I saw someone dart past, it was the other woman, Esmerelda.  I yelled out to warn her of the bears.  She asked me where the bears were and grabbed a bow and arrow.

But then, I saw her turn and shoot my mother instead!  She said it was an accident, then when she set the bow down to eat a bear happened to grab her.  Right before she died she laughed and said she meant to murder us, among other obscene things.  Thankfully, I had just grown old enough to feed myself, and I was surrounded by full berry bushes.  But the three bears kept jumping over me, keeping me from going anywhere else. 

Slowly, I set a berry down on each empty tile, slowly pushing the bears away.  Their walking path is so far though!  I was worried that I would starve before managing to place enough berries, and I didn't know if the bears would ever leave on their own.

Suddenly, a man appeared!  It was my uncle, Jackson Nah, who happened to be out in the wild hunting rabbits this whole time.  I explained that I was trapped and the survivor of a murder plot.  As I placed more items, he courageously lured the bears further and further away.  The last time we spoke, he gave me his gear and said he was going to lure the last bear away.  I never saw him again.

Because of his sacrifice, I went on to have children and grandchildren.  We even had new packs and clothes from the rabbits he brought.

So thank you, Uncle Jackson.  And screw you, Esmerelda Nah, you tried to kill me but I lived! … id=3221792

#3 Re: Main Forum » WhEeLs Part 3!!!! » 2018-10-26 04:29:36

I lived there!  The cheerios saved us from a bear.  It was so confused by the beauty of the wheels that it dared not step foot in our town.  We were free to continue our lives.  I was teaching a child to farm further away, and when we came back to stock up on supplies, we discovered two corpses.  I presume it was you and your killer.  I'm sorry we couldn't save you.

#4 Main Forum » From Titus to Peri Ferone » 2018-09-27 04:12:30

Replies: 3

Hi Mom!  I tried to take a screenshot but it didn't work.  I wanted to let you know that I buried you and Aunt Peri II under a tree.  I placed pink roses and lambs on your graves.  I grew way too many carrots but I also made some compost.  By the time I grew old, it was just me and one young mom left.  She had a son and a daughter, so I hope they enjoy our lovely town.  Thank you both for a fun game!

#5 Re: Main Forum » To our dad, Patrick. » 2018-08-23 05:31:50

I was your grandson.  I was born right before you passed away.  I was reborn into the town as Ruby Willow and watered the flowers at your grave.  I always hope to find my way back in each life.

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