One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-10-25 04:57:39

From: Canada
Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 104

WhEeLs Part 3!!!!

SOOOO It's been a wheely long time since I made one of these, like many months, but today I wanted to wheel OHOl back on track. The only wheel way to create peace is through destruction, some people say, others, like myself, realize that the only true way to create a utopia, is the circular way.

Today I saw a wheel-less town! No file, no bowsaw, no flint-tipped bow! It was a wheelastrophe! I was dumbfounded, I didn't know what to do! Until then I thought....and I pondered.... and I got the wheels turning. I figured it out! So when I thought, I did! And when I believed, I achieved!

The next thing I know the whole town was covered in the things that the locals called, "cheerios", they wheely weren't....but whatever so long as I have a cause.

Along the way, I found a wheelpporter! A longtime fan from months ago, what a trooper!!!! Together, along with the help of another, we wheeled it up, and soon there was nothing but "cheerios" for miles.

Unfortunately, not everyone can be having a wheel of a time, and some grumpy lady decided no...she commanded, that we halt production.... I couldn't leave my fowheelers without a conclusion! SO! I created more wheels... little did I know she got to the bow first...

NO MATTER! The wheel legacy lives on.... and so do my hopes and dreams for the wheelture.

-Azrael aka ~~~~~~WHEELER~~~~~~~

Last edited by Azrael (2018-10-25 05:08:40)

Just a cool dude trying to play some OHOL and have some fun! smile

My longest most recent line: … id=1360606


#2 2018-10-25 10:23:26

Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 96

Re: WhEeLs Part 3!!!!

Fate – monstrous
and empty,
you whirling wheel,
you are malevolent,
well-being is vain
and always fades to nothing,
and veiled
you plague me too;
now through the game
I bring my bare back
to your villainy.

--from "O Fortuna," a medieval Latin Goliardic poem written early in the 13th century

The wheel is turning and you can't slow down
You can't let go and you can't hold on
You can't go back and you can't stand still
If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will

-- Jerry Garcia


#3 2018-10-26 04:29:36

Registered: 2018-08-23
Posts: 5

Re: WhEeLs Part 3!!!!

I lived there!  The cheerios saved us from a bear.  It was so confused by the beauty of the wheels that it dared not step foot in our town.  We were free to continue our lives.  I was teaching a child to farm further away, and when we came back to stock up on supplies, we discovered two corpses.  I presume it was you and your killer.  I'm sorry we couldn't save you.


#4 2018-10-26 14:34:18

From: Canada
Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 104

Re: WhEeLs Part 3!!!!

Allemande wrote:

I lived there!  The cheerios saved us from a bear.  It was so confused by the beauty of the wheels that it dared not step foot in our town.  We were free to continue our lives.  I was teaching a child to farm further away, and when we came back to stock up on supplies, we discovered two corpses.  I presume it was you and your killer.  I'm sorry we couldn't save you.

It's okay there are always going to be more lifes that we can meet up in and wheel it up.

Just a cool dude trying to play some OHOL and have some fun! smile

My longest most recent line: … id=1360606


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