One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » End of the apocalypse, and lag fixes today » 2018-04-12 11:29:01

I'm also an inactive player with about 100 hours of playtime. The game did get much easier (really it's been always a matter of finding enough Milkweed to make clothes and waterskins, you just need a farm and then it's ez mode). BUT still it was fun for me to try and build roads, create new settlements and do some role playing. I think in fact the most boring part of the game is starting from scratch. Wandering around the map until you either starve to death or be lucky and find a suitable spot.

Nonetheless I'm 100% sure if I boot the game righ now I'll have tons of fun either way and probably spend the day playing but I doubt something significant/exciting/new will happen. And that's why I stopped playing! I'm just waiting until more interesting content is added and you bet I'll be there living another hundred lives.

I have trust on Jason, love all his games (Sleep is Death might be the most incredible game experience I ever had, and OHOL has provided me with a few of experiences alike), and I definitely know gamedev takes its time. It's just a matter of waiting until the game is appealing to me again.

#2 Re: Main Forum » The Queen's Garden » 2018-03-13 05:02:56

DAMN! Was a pretty cool story big_smile Fun fact, I stumbled with the murderous woman in my new settlement. I asked her name and suspiciosly answered "why?", I told her "just curious". She then accused me of trying to kill her, grabbed a basket full of thread (?) and ran away!

Hope to see you again, still owe you a wolf hat smile

#3 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on new March 8th, 2018 update » 2018-03-09 22:14:22

asterlea wrote:

Please voice your concerns, but there's no need to panic!

Honestly to me the patch sounded a bit knee-jerky to the clearly dominant strategy of carrot farms. Haven't played since it's been announced as to me it was obvious it would need more rebalancing. If you aren't happy with the state of the balance right now don't worry, just wait for new patches.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Progression Speculation » 2018-03-06 01:06:11

Love the poison berries idea!

I would like to have customizable signs, like four letters and really expensive to make.

Also locked chests or doors, you either need the key or craft a very expensive lockpick to open.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Doh! » 2018-03-05 19:54:50

I see that happening far too many often. Childs dying in settlements full of food. You got to remember as a child your food bar is really small, you can't travel too far without some berries. Kids carrying bowls and searching for water = certain death.
Whenever I explain the laws to a baby I'm now adding a last one: "DON'T STARVE".

#6 Re: Main Forum » Resolution / Zoom » 2018-03-05 19:50:05

Would love to see this change but I'm afraid it would render some of the smallest stuff completely unclickable (seeds, arrowhead). Maybe mousewheel zooming could be implemented.

#7 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-05 11:46:13

jord1990 wrote:

You told me the name of the villages we created with the guys! When I was born in MilkyWay it was a prosperous fur trading place. It is now a ruin waiting to be rebuild though. and someone destroyed ALL the milkweed.....

Somebody told me the Utopia name but was surprised to see the Midgard I came up with stick too lol! The villages come and go, Utopia is either full of carts with carrots or with graves everywhere, same with Midgar and the bear attacks. Sad to hear about the milkweed, if that keeps happening we'll run out of soil fast.

#8 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-05 07:40:14

Damn that's awesome!
I started the Milkyway. The road continues more to the south until the desert biome. There's a lot of bunnies there and I'm hoping someday will be a settlement there, tried to make a clothing industry in the Milkyway but was always running low on furs.
Also the road on Midgar goes to the west into the badlands last time I checked.

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