One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#2 Re: Main Forum » Why eves are all at 20k east? » 2021-08-18 11:59:21

Eve spawn's been messed up like that?

Well to be clear, player count was around 20~30 as always and I'm sure there were several ppl with high gene score.
Only x axis is shifted. So donkey town is still +-20k up and down.

I wonder when it'd be normal again..
To be honest it's rather good foraging and living in ghost town only if we can supply kerosene.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Why eves are all at 20k east? » 2021-08-18 06:28:32

forman wrote:

I joined the road to the main road and some idiot drove a car probably, all the way to the end.

Doing that shifts the eve spawn.

Driving a car all the way to the end of the paved road?
That must've happened several times. Why did it shift eve spawn this time?
Though winter highway is really long, starting from -34000.

#4 Main Forum » Why eves are all at 20k east? » 2021-08-17 22:11:52

Replies: 12

Either eves are born there, or ran on the paved road (meaning they all happened to have a car/truck!)
I haven't been born eve so I don't know

Now new family is even further east than yesterday..

#5 Re: Main Forum » Aren't you little too used to living in chaotic city? +video included » 2021-01-28 13:50:16

(seriously.. do you have to elaborately explain all the details..)

I see you have quite different way of maintaining a farm... It seems you're running a very small farm where you harvest everything and plant entirely different crops and harvest everything and so on. ...Ah!! Now it all makes sense! (That's gonna make sprinkler farm a secondary farm forever!)

...One picture is better than thousand words.
I'll wait for others ideas on another topic

#6 Re: Main Forum » Aren't you little too used to living in chaotic city? +video included » 2021-01-28 12:52:33

I'm embarrassed you remember me..X)  I've been playing just for this winter

Those are really fine cities! It’s a good thing you recorded them
I knew it wasn't in bigserver... Too beautiful to exist there!

#7 Re: Main Forum » Aren't you little too used to living in chaotic city? +video included » 2021-01-28 07:36:14

darkdemon23 wrote:

No matter how hard you try things will always tend towards the state of highest entropy

Well said! I totally agree with you
...but there's level of untidiness. Well-designed city doesn't fall down to "...just fuck this city" level of chaos. I know, I've been cleaning towns.

I'm so glad you like the grape fences!
and the box between corn and pig would be great!
I agree with you about hot coal tables. It was aesthetic vs convenience dilemma.
But I gotta point out... You can pass through track cart..!
Also, I calculated the right amount of beans we need to make stew+bean burrito+bean taco. And this is the result. I know it's alot, but I planted beans the farthest with a slot for picked bean pod.

I'm sorry I don't really get your point. But I've tried hard to get your opinions together since you seem to have researched on sprinkler.

First I want to point out...
1. Operational expenses of sprinkler are 1 bowl of water and 1/24 charge of kerosene.
2. Wheat does NOT take longer than most crops to cycle. Wheat stumps disappears in 30 sec.
3. Wheat seed head disappears in 2 min. Corn kernel disappears in 5 min.
I've NEVER seen they make a mess. Believe me, I've been a cleaner.

I don't understand...
Why would you move pipes at all? That's insanely painful task!!! not practical at all!

Lastly... I think you're little too obsessed with expenses of sprinkler. Just one bowl of water and puny amount of kerosene is revolutionarily cheap!

I think the farm you want is something like this.

...Well, I've thought of this layout too but aborted it because,
1. Not enough empty space for compost or anything.
2. There's no way eve camp would plant berry in a row for future sprinkler.
3. There's no need to harvest all the cucumber, tomato, onion, pepper etc... These aren't suitable for plow. Only carrot and cabbage MUST be harvested, hence suitable for plow. (As for wheat, people just love cutting wheat anyway.)

DON'T say you want a one long plot!
That stupidly long plot - it's so long you'd grow a year older by the end of the plot - and nobody even know it exists there - is why I started this project.

By the way, Cogito and MrsDuckGirl both talked about the farm...
Anyone wanna talk about forge, maze or anything else?

Plz show me a pic when you tell me an idea. It's hard to picture in my head without a pic x(

#8 Re: Main Forum » Aren't you little too used to living in chaotic city? +video included » 2021-01-27 11:48:16

1. Color: Colored plaster should be used for distinguishing the building. (nursery with red/pine wall .. forge with black wall) I wish it becomes a new rule so that player without mod will find it easier to figure out the city.

2. Layout: Position is everything when making the most efficient city. Above all, I placed nursery fire so it can be reached in straight line from oven or forge. In fact, whatever you do, everything you need will be near you. e.g. Corn right next to pig right below hot coal zone..! Isn't it wonderful? (I hope taco masters like my L-shape countertop)
I've built very carefully so that wall and box won't get in your path, but still and all, building looks finished and aesthetically neat. Door? What for? You're not gonna insulate 10x10 size room... Hey, rather make two tile gate. No, make a diagonal gate! Now, that looks cool

3. Tile: I don't like tiles. Either too slippery or too much detail which makes it hard to find small item. Natural green/yellow ground is the best tile for workplace! Preserve the grasslands for christ sake! Tile is only needed for nursery and gloomy ground. (...And I mean it, pine floor around farm is the worst meta! Of all place, farm with seeds and beans?)

4. Forge: Ever seen a forge like this? No more waste of space and effort to make charcoals for newcomen. I present you the best forge for speedy blacksmith.
*If you need to floor forge, please make little pattern with 1~2 stone floor so it doesn't make eye dizzy. e.g.

5. Sprinkler: Hell amount of steel and time is put into making one and its best chance to be used is for secondary farm on the outskirt? What a shame… In fact, this is what made me start this project. I wanted to find out the possibility of sprinkler in practice.
If you want to utilize plow as well, every single tile needs to be harvested. ...And crops suitable for that are... carrot, wheat, cabbage, milkweed. *Make sure you plant the right amount of crops we need or we'll end up harvesting unwanted piles of them*

6. Hot coal & 2nd oven: This isn't something you can choose to build or not. This MUST be built. I'll say 50% of chaos is caused by not having this.

7. Bottle: I prefer placing them on table without rubber stopper (sick of them). FYI, quicklime bottle can be placed on black lab table only. But you can't place dish with food or bowl of soaking thing on lab table.

8. Nursery: If you build a room without a missing wall or floor, the room gets insulated (warm). * the maximum size is 8x8 (including walls) * FYI, if you build a room 9x9, ONLY the center 5x5 tiles will be warm.
…And a shocking news, bear rug barely adds any insulation! (tested and confirmed )  Now, can we get rid of this dirty furry thing?

9. Track: Please don't extend track to the inside of building (especially kitchen)! For all those tiles we can't use... BTW, who first thought of using track cart inside nursery for the clothes? Full respect for you. It's little ugly but holds 8 clothes and can be passed through? It's phenomenal!

10. Stew crops: Sick of these! Beans make a big mess and corns hide the tile above it. Please be careful about where to plant these. (Plant beans the farthest with a slot for picked bean pods) Look at my farm, all stew crops planted right below crock! Isn't it so satisfying just to look at it..?

11. Wheat: Don't plant too much of it! There're often too many piles of wheat, more than town can consume, it starts blocking your pathway. ...Same for pumpkin and garlic. In this town, I planted just right amount of crops you'll need to make various foods. (by calculation, you have to plant beans 3x more than squash/corn!) You might plant more but keep this ratio. *Plant ONLY as much as town can use up, since plow needs every tile to be a hardened row!

12. Stone road: Diagonal road to another race. This road is on the basis of the well, you'll encounter springs on your way. Plus if you make paved road between white / brown homeland, that'd be perfect.

13. Airplane: FYI, if you read a map before taking off, no matter which direction you run, you'll land at the closest landing strip to the map. (to the last map you read within 30 sec) *You can't land on landing strip where another plain is parked, so build least 2 landing strips to be sure.

14. Property: Please leave some kerosene inside follower gate, so people can freely use it. (Dream of all, locked vault: Here, leader can ensure security by checking if self-claimed owner opens the lock at one go.

15. Grape: ( the way, how come nobody thought of planting grape instead of fence?) Grape doesn't need soil but needs shear! and it makes a beautiful pen! ...Well, this idea only came to my mind when I was decorating doggy house.

16. Cathedral: Wouldn't you want to have wedding or coronation if you see something like this? Everyone wants a beautiful place. It's just that we can't spare our time for it.

17. Maze: You know what? It was a casino I wanted to build. But in second thought, nobody would enjoy it cuz it's annoyingly difficult to play a card! Instead, this maze will be enjoyable. (I wonder if anyone succeeded in running a fun casino? If you've seen one, please tell me about it!)

Rules of Deathly Maze
1. Roll a dice to decide which gate you'll enter
2. Eat a mushroom
3. 45 seconds later, enter the maze
4. Find a crown / a key hidden behind pillar (junk is hidden behind every single pillar)

For hardcore challenger,
1. Breed more boars
2. Eat popcorn and mushroom beforehand
3. Take off all your clothes and wait until you starve
(Eat popcorn while waiting for others. If everyone is ready, )
4. Eat one more mushroom
5. 45 seconds later, enter the maze

(Is knife fight possible? There's delay but you might try.)
Of course, you shouldn't use mod to be fair, but still, it'll be fun just dodging the boars
*This maze is not a good one. Make more pillars and don't make one-way corridor.

* Customization for each race
Ginger: Make a fishing ground and build road to 2nd oven. Make property space bigger.
Brown: Plant mango and sugar cane near kitchen or 2nd oven. Place tattoo stuff on the cathedral table.
Black: Prepare antivenom along with pad. Plant glasswort near 2nd oven (if needed)

* Tip for auto-orienting wall
Plastered wall and ancient wall don't change its shape. Build the highlighted walls first and make them plastered or ancient. Build the next wall only after that.

* Picture of fishing ground, airport, deathly maze:

#9 Main Forum » Aren't you little too used to living in chaotic city? +video included » 2021-01-27 11:47:07

Replies: 14

I want to remind you how much easier our life can be in a well-designed city.
Here’s one satisfying town for you!

I've always found satisfaction in tidying up a town (If you saw someone cramming a cart with junk, that is me) Though, there is limit on what I can do to a developed city ... as often they got shitty layout. People put floors and walls here and there so the city gets huge and fancy. But if you do that, it also becomes chaotic, hard to walk across anywhere. A city where people can't find a tool they need, and end up making new one...
I wouldn't call that a ‘developed' city. Rather, that's a huge, fancy shithole. (Think of a big room where every single wall got shelf but every single shelf is a mess)

I'll show you an ideal city. This is the optimum layout and this is the right place for every item. ...And this town also got contents we don't normally have time to enjoy. Hope it gives you new ideas on what else we can do.

Town tour:
Picture of the entire town:

*This town is built in my localhost server using VoG (voice of god - by tweaking server setting)
It's not a revolutionary design but it got little ideas every corner. I hope you find some of them useful. I really want to see 20~30 people living in this town. (I know I shouldn't expect that happening..) If you liked my design, would you build early towns like this?
When you make your personal town, arrange your workplace like this. I assure you, you'll find it so much easier to work there.

Something not satisfying? Any changes you wanna make? I'm looking for different ideas (in terms of efficiency, aesthetic, entertainment or whatever) Show me another great city you know!

#10 Re: Main Forum » make meme score more memey! » 2021-01-27 10:16:13 informational comment middle of nudity talk

gene score 50 gives you 15 pips at age 60
gene score 45 gives you 13 pips at age 60
gene score 40 gives you 11 pips at age 60
gene score 35 gives you 10 pips at age 60
gene score 30 gives you 8 pips at age 60
gene score 25 gives you 6 pips at age 60

score is rounded off and naturally it's not super accurate

#11 Re: Main Forum » Building huge roads after the last update » 2019-03-22 14:38:57

seriously stone road around farm is pain in the ass. I'll much prefer wooden floor there.

only main road should be made of stone,
short branch roads should be wooden.
and plz make cross section with wooden floor!

I wouldn't call it neat, the weirdly twisted stone road where three rooms are right next to each other.
there's just no point for a stone road..
I always slip and get frustrated walking there

to sum up,  minimum stone road inside a village plz..
I believe stone road is for >>road to oil and road to rabbit<<
have you made them before making those aimless long road?

#12 Re: Main Forum » Hard Mode: Challenge for top players only » 2019-03-18 20:21:33

futurebird wrote:

I once saw an ancient stone building in the center of a town with mosquitos inside, it was 1x1 and had no door. I tip my hat to whoever pulled that off probably saved a ton of lives.

thats amazing is that even possible?
1x1.... i tried with adobe and stone but mosquito moves damn frequently.


well then I'm the master you're talking about smile
I succeed it several times. up to 7 berrybushes in one row. (actually its my job. organising a city)

you got to carry stakes in your backpack all the time. start from the edge. you dont need other ppls hand.
but only attempt 2~3 bushes at a
you got to keep on eye on them and asap it languish, quickly stake them.
then you take your time to remove the bushes and axe them rightaway!!
I never got complain from others

#13 Re: Main Forum » Making a private server on windows. » 2019-03-17 16:45:23

fatbunny wrote:

So I dont think I can edit the code on this server. How could I do that without a VM?

you can go to folder server > setting and change some number there
or try using editonelife. it seems working
I deleted milkweed transition and saved. after that I couldn't pickout milkweed!


anyone having issue of items going back to initial state when you reopen your server?
rope disappears and milkweed regenerates (but not all the time)

and number of boars increase, later on you'd have thirty boars filling the swamp!
(but only animal around my spawn point I think..)

I really wanna solve this problem..
I've been experimenting since last week(v206) and v211 still has the same problem ; (
plz help!   (I'm running on windows7)

#14 Re: Main Forum » PLAYER STATS + tools » 2019-03-15 10:30:49

Could you run stats for me too? Thanks so much for this!
Daisy Fruit (44 hours ago) … id=3773840

+ can you add stats for how many curses I've got?
+ it doesn't matter if I played in awbz mod all the time, right?

#15 Re: Main Forum » I hate stone walls » 2019-03-14 02:44:28

im also advocate of adobe wall and door wall
movable. no lockgrief.

#16 Re: Main Forum » what I've been graphing » 2019-03-12 19:19:04

Thanks!! XD I was expecting a skeptical comments..

I used excel to pick out the mass coordinates

Why would you want +5 generations? There'll be so many, it'd look like an eve spiral.

#17 Main Forum » what I've been graphing » 2019-03-12 18:25:43

Replies: 7

This is coordinates of middle~big cities past week.
I wanted to know where the old cities are and which direction will give you the best chance.
Well to be honest, this data alone wouldn't really help you find one.
(it's always best to use stdout.txt)
but I'll still share it just someone might want this.
and if you're interested, check this out time to time, I'll update the image every 1~2 days.

black : eve (3.13 morning)

dark red : 30+ generation (3.12)
red : 30+ generation (3.11)
orange :  "   (3.10)
light green
dark green
dark blue
light blue :  "  (3.2)

*each grid square is 10minute walking distance
*look ppl are trying to go to bell tower
*eve spiral is growing bigger everyday in anticlockwise
*blue spots are 10 days ago. items there might've deleted.

↑ donkey town is exactly -20k from normal eve spawn point. closest gap is about 5k.

↓ this is Tarr's tutorial generations. lived 3.11(yellow) ~ 3.12 (orange)


I'm thinking, after next server reset,
I should try making apocalypse marker at the center of eve spiral.
That way, everyone'd know about where and how far they are at in the eve spiral.
Want to know your thoughts! ; )

** How to calculate(approx) your true coordinate
1. born as eve and make a clear and long marking around your spawn point
2. turn on coordinate program. born as second eve and look for your marking
3. calculate the distance and guess the shape of eve spiral (note that eve spiral goes anticlockwise)

#18 Re: Main Forum » One hour one howl » 2019-03-10 11:15:12

they are quite cute! im waiting for your mod amon!!
would you write a guide on how to make those..?
is it as easy as replacing file or harder then that?

#19 Re: Main Forum » Buildings and Flooring Aren't All That Efficient » 2019-03-04 11:48:58

well I don't know how much Jason increased room insulation

but you better tryout a small room first.

I don't think a room big enough for a forge can be warm with room insulation

have a go and compare with it

#20 Re: Main Forum » Heated farm? Pine farming? » 2019-03-01 07:28:30

jungle cooling doesn't work without floor (not a single hole accepted)

you wouldn't want those walls, because 5x5 room insulation is already very small.
if you wanna have bigger berry room,
room insulation will be negligible

#21 Re: Main Forum » Tyrannical Nomadifications - (Client + Server + Editor) » 2019-03-01 07:18:25

should I run OneLife or v63EditOneLife?
OneLife stops at 'waiting to be born'
v63EditOneLife says I gotta have zlib1.dll to run this program .... ; (

#22 Re: Main Forum » Yum bonus tutorial - step by step guide to start with x10 yum chain » 2019-02-26 20:13:13

should i wait until  i become hungry
or is it ok to eat just when possible?
whats the reason avoiding carrot, corn, beans?

#24 Main Forum » there should be a locking sound » 2019-02-26 14:24:53

Replies: 9

yesterday a city had lock griefer who locked all 5 doors pretty much instantly.
four doors at nursery
and one door at kitchen

I'd give kudos for his skill and gut.
even after all the hassle, the griefer kept replenishing the wall
without being noticed by anyone..

anyway, how come nobody realized that while FOUR doors were locked???
there should be a locking sound
so that even newbie'd notice something's going on

#25 Re: Main Forum » The Door Problem » 2019-02-24 21:31:01

I've got an idea
make it so that player can only open a door!!
closing is automatic. like 3 seconds after it's open.
so when multiple ppl click a door, it will remain open.

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