One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » i'm not the only one that thinks new update ain't that bad - youtube » 2019-02-19 22:23:16

Well I think it's nice to tell your family that "we did good!" to cheer them and give them some kind of positive motivation, also if it wasn't the most productive eve-run in history. What is wrong with that?
And also, there is no right way of eve-running, there's a ton of ways, and even more opinions on how to do so.

I did play as an Eve in the new update, and yes it was more cold than before. But i did manage to make an axe, shovel and a hoe as the last thing before I died. At that time I had only one living granddaughter left, and she seemed like a good player just like her mom who made the farm (-but died to a snake). I don't consider myself pro at any means, but I'm allright and I know most of the tech-tree just not oil, cars, machines and planes tho'. I really don't think that the update made any change to my eve-run other than I did focus on rabbits for clothes, which i'm used to send boys out doing. Did also collect more wild milkweeds and of course ate more wild berries and bananas.

I feel like Eve-runs really depends on your kids, and their skills. It's damn hard to teach a very new player while you are an Eve, cause your time is soo valuable, and I did kinda abandoned a very very new player when he could feed himself, but I just don't had the time for teachings.

So yeah if Twisted was a bad Eve-mom like me, who is only focusing on progression, and not on all my sweet babies (sorry kids!) he might had gotten iron and stuff early on. But if I was a nicer Eve-mom like Twisted, I might had like five grandkids instead of one lonely girl, and if she died, all my work was for nothing anyway.

#2 Re: Main Forum » A Grave Problem » 2019-02-14 22:45:33

What if you could plant a tree on a digged grave? I would like that!

#3 Re: Main Forum » Snow Julien you stole from the wrong baby. » 2018-10-07 19:34:18

Rohen wrote:
Booklat1 wrote:
Roblor wrote:

But communism is never gonna work out blah blah blah blah

it wont if it keeps being confused with anachism

Communism will not work because it is an utopia. Even if you achieve something close to it, it will blow up sooner or later. Example is Sweden, who is getting overrun by people who have no money and no itent to work.

Are you saying that Sweden is a communist country? That's not true. Maybe you are confusing communism with socialism, which actually is two different systems.

And please attach sources when you're sharing your statements like Sweden is overruned by people with no money.
But we should not discuss politics here tho. Just hate statements with no sources.

#4 Re: Main Forum » The Last Girl » 2018-08-30 16:16:34

So i just played in a small town with the Egge-family. I was Treg Egge.

When I became adult, there was only one lady left. We prayed that she would get at girl. And she did!
But little did I know that the girl wasn't a blessing, altho she didn't had a black speak bubble.

First she told me that if I didn't gave her my backpack, she would kill herself. I wasn't gonna give her my backpack with a knife, to a demanding infant. But then a young boy gave her his backpack. When she got hair, her mother died of starvation... Altho we had lots of berries.
Well then she came and said that she wanted my wolfhat, or else she would die. Like wtf.. I told her that if she asked politely i would give it to her. But yeah, that was not gonna happen, so I just gave it to her. Then she was like "sorry" and "Thank you dad".

Well when she became of age she was still a pain in the ass with her demanding ways. She got a baby girl as her first and only child! Both me and the other two males that was left was cheering! But then she said " it's a boy! " and ran of. I was following with berries in my hand to rescue that poor little baby girl, but then it lagged so hard that I lost track of her.
We was two males left now, and I was getting so old. So we just died together.

Would have liked your cursed hardworking baby instead tongue

#5 Re: Main Forum » N/A » 2018-07-20 21:56:15

I was your mama, I was Linda! I actually died like one second after you, so mama did not grieve for long. Thank you for a good life with the best son ever!  Hope we meet again.

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