One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Baby Sling » 2018-06-28 22:53:18

jasonrohrer wrote:

I don't want to make raising babies any easier.

It's already too easy.  Raising a baby should be a huge sacrifice.  That is what creates a bond between mother and child.

I have three kids in real life, and we used slings and other carriers all the time with them.

However, this is a game, where the simulation is otherwise limited.  The ONLY burden a baby in the game currently creates is that they occupy your hands (and take a small bit of food each time you pick them up).

In real life, a baby creates so many more burdens, even if they don't occupy your hands (because they are in a sling).

I currently think the baby-care part of the game is too boring.  All you do is hold them for three minutes.  I'll be thinking about ways to make it more interesting in the future.

If you don't have a backpack though, not having your hands can be a quite a bigger burden than you make it out to be, specifically if you are collecting or transporting items. Additionally, it can cause issues if you are working on time sensitive tasks, although this is harder to solve.

My issue has more to do with the inconvenience of being stopped in your tracks from completing, carrying or transferring something. The 'boring' to me is that the current system can stop/prevent me from exploring/progressing towards other goals in the game if I'm a woman.

I would even be satisfied if you could put babies in a wheelbarrow/cart and balance baskets on your head (like women do with water vases. maybe either with a special basket hat, or a hat that you can put a basket on).

Also, if women switched to a pregnant state before having a baby (shown with a bigger belly), this could also help with planning. Essentially the game would semi-randomly pick when to switch a woman to the pregnant state, and a baby could only show up if a woman was in that pregnant state, although I do understand that the time between switching to pregnant state and having a baby could be inconsistent with having the baby being dependent on new players joining. I guess you could include the new player rate into the pregnant state calculations to make it a bit more reliable.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Fountain of Youth » 2018-06-26 07:45:12

Neo wrote:

Well  it kind of defeats the whole perpose of the game.

If it was easy to get, you could take it as many times as you wanted and there were no consequences, than I'd agree, but it only really conflicts with the title, not the purpose/core of the game. Personally I think having "One Hour" in the title really is a hinderance to the evolution of development because it sets in an ethos about a perfect length the game should/has to be, when that may not be the best possible version the game can become.

#3 Main Forum » Baby Sling » 2018-06-26 03:24:46

Replies: 22

Baby slings have been around since the beginning of time so that mothers could do stuff while holding and taking care of their babies. There should be a recipe like sheep/bear or other animal skin + rope to allow this to be possible. Maybe you can't pick up certain large or 2 handed items when you have a baby in a sling, but you should at least be able to feed yourself.

#4 Main Forum » Fountain of Youth » 2018-06-26 03:15:13

Replies: 5

I feel like the age limit can feel quite limiting for some games, sometimes 1 hour is enough, but many times its not. Yes, I know there is a two hour one life mod, but I feel like the core game should have some feature that allows you the ability for extended play. While I'd love to have different servers with different base settings to choose from, I don't think that's currently feasible with the current average players online count.

What if there was some kind of drink that you could make from extremely rare and/or extremely hard to find/retrieve items from each of the 5 biomes, which when drinken would act as a youth or age extending serum. It could either pause your age for 20-60 years, simply reduce your age by 20-45 year or 50-75%, or it could just extend your life and respectively each stage of life by a certain amount of years. There could be minimum and/or maximum ages to drink it, and if it reduces your age, there could be a minimum cap at 15.

I realize Jason has refrained from putting any "magic"/fantasy into the game so far, except maybe the Apocalypse, although maybe this could be thought of as a medicine instead! And I know even the YUM bonus is currently the only boost/buff that I'm aware of. But if the game ever gets to the point where there are futuristic cities and items like the laser shooting robot from the trailer, I imagine it'd be necessary for life extending medicines/technologies (and maybe even cryogenic chambers so you can go offline and come back later!), in order to organize such complex futuristic cities.


Should the player only be able to drink it once a life?
Can the player drink it multiple times in a life, and if so, should they the drink have diminishing effects each successive time?
Should the drinks be usable by anyone once made, or only by the person who made it?
Should this be ritualistic in someway where it requires multiple people to perform The Youthening™? (ie you need to be stabbed with a knife containing the solution).
Should any of the items be bodily fluids/parts for the sacrifice? (Human or Animal blood or bones, venom, cow milk, etc)?

Ideas for new potential items for recipe:

Golden Bowl - For scooping from fountain water (fountain water on its own destroys clay bowl) and maybe drinking final elixir
Steel Cauldron - cooking other parts of the elixir
Gemstone/Lifestone (Find gemstone in gold or iron mine. You must cook the cleaned gemstone into a food for someone to eat, and when they die, you collect the Lifestone.)
Fountain/Spring Water - Fountains are extremely rare and in maybe only the snow biome, with 1-5 initial uses, which replenish once per hour or more. Fountains might be hidden in rocks and only be found by taking a mining pick to new types or already existing larger rocks, with a chance of a fountain being uncovered.

Other potential items for recipe:

Bowl of Blood
Bowl of Anti-Venom
Bowl of Milk
Ground Bone
Rose Petals
Special fruit or other food

#5 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-06-20 06:06:50

I was Warrior... I just want to say I'm sorry to my family and of course to the baby I stabbed. I have never done anything like that before, I've never had a taste for blood, never even wielded a knife before that life. I kept that knife safe for over 30 years, given to me by another dying relative. I only used it to kill dangerous snakes which I turned into beautiful fruit shoes. In my late age I was asked to whom I would pass on the knife to, and for some reason it got me thinking.

We lived in a quaint little village, no stews, but still plenty of food for our small little town. Once I turned 59 though, I didn't want to leave our wonderful little family farm, so I devised the only thing I could think of to extend my life... find a newborn and drink its blood. I had just recently read an article about mice whose lives were extended by a circulatory connection to a younger animal. Luck would have it, for as I started walking, I saw a cute little baby sitting by the fire. I took the little baby while her mother was farming and ran out to the desert. I didn't want the shame from anyone seeing the terrible act I was about to take part in, so I ran far into the desert, put him on the ground next to a cactus, and stabbed him... Karma would get me that moment for I forgot a bowl to collect the blood, for I then had nothing to drink it from. On top of that it seems I didn't take the baby far enough away from camp, and the baby ran back to the village to warn everyone... I was so embarrassed... and in those final seconds of shame and horror, I couldn't even exchange out the murder weapon for a carrot to get my metabolism to the age 60. I starved at age 59, but I don't think I would have deserved age 60 anyway... OH THE SHAME!!!!!

I'm sorry family, I truly am...

#6 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-06-14 07:47:43

Liked your story, made me think though, it would be interesting if she left the game open and you just fed her until she had children, and then you or your boys fed them to keep the lineage going... wonder if anyone's done that, kept their children on life support as breeding machines lol

#7 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-06-13 12:53:06

I was born Eve Blue quite a few generations ago. I know my name didn't pass on, but I was reborn a 9th generation named Julian to a wonderful mother named Ruby and got to see the village truly blossom. I just want to say I'm sooooo proud of ALL my very great and wonderful grandchildren. Thank you for making Great ... Grandma proud :')

And a special thanks to my daughter Purvi Blue  (true name Purple), for had you not spent most of your life foraging great distances for the 2 of us, that small farm we created together would never have bloomed into the bustling village it is today.

Also, I apologize for not remembering the name of who I handed off the knife to as Julian, but I hope you kept it safe! I saw someone by a stew fire just before I died who had crazy eyes. Hopefully the Blue bloodline can be kept murder free!

#8 Re: Main Forum » Is food too plentiful now? » 2018-06-13 09:28:39

I think the amount of food options is great, I just have an issue with some particulars with the new foods (potatoes, cabbage/sauerkraut, and possibly stew). By the time you have a shovel, there are easier/better options than baked potatoes, unless you plan on adding a potato recipe, we should be able to dig them up with a sharp stone (they would act much better as a pre-pie portable food). Sauerkraut is wayyy too hard to make, requires you to be established, and takes up too many resources and time, while stew is too easy, you can build it in a starting farm, and doesn't even require a single steel tool. Except as a novelty, it makes no sense to put resources into sauerkraut, especially when they require THREE steel blades!!

Completely unrelated, but I would really love some kind of achievement/quest system in the game. A family/lineage based achievement board and/or personal all time achievements/quest awards (or a mixed board/page where you get permanent stars on your achievements when you complete a quest the first time, and temporary hearts on the badges/awards to keep track of what your current lineage/ancestors have completed). Quests and achievements have the benefit of providing focus and gameplay, and also promote organization and learning. You can have one with a mystery question mark so that no one assumes the game is complete at any time.

Also, there needs to be a way to pass down or pass on information in a simpler way than signs (whether temporary or permanent). It would be fun if you could write a last will and testament after you die that only can be read on a completed grave stone. It would also be great if there were notes/letters and/or some other kind of town manifests/tombs/plaques of some type. Big towns will nearly always end up with one issue or another with the current limited transfer of information, and there won't ever be as strong connections to your ancestors/current family/future generations in a civilization without the passing of information.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Make Lassos Great Again! » 2018-06-05 06:32:42

Maybe you need 2 lassos to lasso a person, 1 lasso to first tie their hands together (which they have 15 seconds to break out of) and then if you get a second lasso on them, and only then will they be captured. Or you need a lasso and a rope, with first lassoing them (making them unable to use their hands), and then having 15 seconds to tie their hands together with a rope (basically exchange their lasso for rope), and then you another 15 seconds to relasso them to their roped hands.

Needing just a lasso would make it too easy to grief. Not sure though whether they should be able to be tied to a fence or not.

#10 Re: Main Forum » If your a new player, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE FORUMS. » 2018-06-02 17:32:22

Crow wrote:

I think in the time I've been playing I've only been murdered once and it was a total accident. My grandmother was putting down a bow right as I stepped onto that tile.

Definitely stepped on rattlesnakes more times than I can remember.

I was accidentally murdered by my grandma too! It was also my only time, but it was a knife. She (think her name was Misty) goes “Here, please carry on my legacy”, goes to put down the knife and accidentally clicks the wrong square and stabs me lol. Only experience of being murdered (although others have tried), and i actually found it quite enjoyable smile

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