One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2018-06-13 07:10:46

Registered: 2018-06-06
Posts: 15

Re: Is food too plentiful now?

I would starve my whole family to keep my cute doggo eating steak and mutton. "BUDDY YOU MUST SURVIVE"


#27 2018-06-13 08:37:56

From: NZ
Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 90

Re: Is food too plentiful now?

We've had horizontal tech updates, its time for vertical ones.
The extra food is great, it allowing for a little more of the parenting we used to see. That is one of the main focuses of the game, right?
Well since people are starting to get a little downtime due to stew then it also gives them time to explore more of the tech tree. The one that isn't there yet.
When we can start making reasons to have houses and actually settle somewhere for good then we start getting back into rebuilding society. Like with police, merchants, family castes, builders, fighters and so on. But to get there we need the tech trees there to support it and enough of them that it wouldn't be possible for every city to do.
But that's just my take on it


#28 2018-06-13 09:20:43

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Is food too plentiful now?

Dogs wont be implented because of memes and the high probabilities that people will stab each others for the dogs.

Aaaand I rather cats to kill rats


#29 2018-06-13 09:28:39

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 11

Re: Is food too plentiful now?

I think the amount of food options is great, I just have an issue with some particulars with the new foods (potatoes, cabbage/sauerkraut, and possibly stew). By the time you have a shovel, there are easier/better options than baked potatoes, unless you plan on adding a potato recipe, we should be able to dig them up with a sharp stone (they would act much better as a pre-pie portable food). Sauerkraut is wayyy too hard to make, requires you to be established, and takes up too many resources and time, while stew is too easy, you can build it in a starting farm, and doesn't even require a single steel tool. Except as a novelty, it makes no sense to put resources into sauerkraut, especially when they require THREE steel blades!!

Completely unrelated, but I would really love some kind of achievement/quest system in the game. A family/lineage based achievement board and/or personal all time achievements/quest awards (or a mixed board/page where you get permanent stars on your achievements when you complete a quest the first time, and temporary hearts on the badges/awards to keep track of what your current lineage/ancestors have completed). Quests and achievements have the benefit of providing focus and gameplay, and also promote organization and learning. You can have one with a mystery question mark so that no one assumes the game is complete at any time.

Also, there needs to be a way to pass down or pass on information in a simpler way than signs (whether temporary or permanent). It would be fun if you could write a last will and testament after you die that only can be read on a completed grave stone. It would also be great if there were notes/letters and/or some other kind of town manifests/tombs/plaques of some type. Big towns will nearly always end up with one issue or another with the current limited transfer of information, and there won't ever be as strong connections to your ancestors/current family/future generations in a civilization without the passing of information.

Last edited by ishkibable (2018-06-13 11:18:12)


#30 2018-06-13 10:52:41

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 80

Re: Is food too plentiful now?

Food is ok now, I guess. Potatoes and cabbage never get touched though.

Clutter however, is worse then ever. With all these different seeds, different vegetables requiring several bowls (that cannot be emptied once inserted), items like corn and rose requiring time on the ground to change, graveyards are ALL hampering a towns ability to expand.

Too few people can have an effect on far too many. In addition to more storage options, we need to be able to reverse more things a griefer or unaware person can do. Too many early camps have starved because someone put corn kernels or something into bowls. Carrots can be removed from bowls, why not other food stuffs?

Core systems of communication and storage need addressed ASAP ore OHOL will continue to bleed players.


#31 2018-06-13 11:22:49

Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 326

Re: Is food too plentiful now?

TrustyWay wrote:

people will stab each others for the dogs

If you kill the owner, the dog should attack you! This is their purpose

Last edited by Glassius (2018-06-13 11:25:02)


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