One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The New Update did not do Enough to Stop Griefers » 2018-03-16 20:19:25

I still strongly believe this would be cleared uo in creative/positive ways by implementing off-screen dialogue boxes. I talked about it in detail here:

But basically, if we were able to “hear” people off screen, we’d be empowered as a group to start yelling “thief!” or “murder!” and we’d join in and find the one with blood on their hands. Maybe they flee, but we’d be able to convene and talk about who saw what, give a description and etc.


Not to mention that this change would allow for mother’s to hear children, people to call for help, and a community to function more like a community, for better or for worse.

#2 Main Forum » Potential solution to address the trolling problems » 2018-03-07 16:08:31

Replies: 6

There are a lot of threads about trolling recently. I totally feel everyone that trolls suck and while I even agree that something needs to be done, I don't think addressing the trolls directly with gameplay changes and so on makes sense. In fact, I think the trolls are potentially an important part of the game. Some folks want eating-limits, or to make trolling harder. But I'd say to that, trolling _should_ be easy. Stealing, killing, and destruction in general are all The Easy Way Out and that's part of why it stings so bad. It _should_ sting.

I personally believe the issues we're having with trolls have less to do with the trolling, and more to do with certain illusive design decisions affecting our ability to communicate as one would expect. I'm not talking about character limits, I'm talking about the viewport and presentation of dialog.

It is _so_ hard to have a conversation with someone in a town, or even just alert anyone of breaking news:

  • There's the overlapping text.

  • The zoomed in nature of the game so you can only feasibly be talking with 2-3 people at a time.

  • The zoomed view also contributes to the inability to yell or be heard by anyone in any town of nearly any size.

  • It also means that when a fellow villager does come into view, you have about 3 seconds to rifle off a message, often something like "STOP". If you do manage to get the message off in time and their screen is aligned properly as not to occlude your message, the chances of them actually stopping are still, at best, a coin flip because it's likely they're en route to avoid starvation, head-down making a bow saw or have their own children to tend to.

Giving it a bit more thought, zooming the view out would effect too many things in the game. Part of the tension of being nomadic or searching for water is directly correlated with the zoomed-in nature of the game. Zoom it out and the whole world gen needs to be re-thought.

But I do think there's room to play with how text/speech is presented. In the real world, someone can yell loudly. It might be worth exploring yelling, perhaps it costs hunger boxes? But a yell could send out a message within a radius, even within the same current style. Players would either see it above the yelling players head, or if off screen, snapped to the edge of the screen and sized based on distance from yelling player.


This could even be implemented without adding anything special like yelling costing hunger points, and just have each player have a voice volume radius. Maybe your voice volume is on a bell curve just like your stomach capacity is. Younger and older players have less of a voice, and middle-aged players, the loudest. Even if trolls somehow try to abuse this new way of talking, it won't be anything too different from the current model of communication in the game and if there's a bustling village of a dozen people and something happens and 3 people cry out "THIEF" near the city center, the whole town can come to see how they can assist with taking care of the thief.

Taking care of trolls, defending the village and all other manner of people-problems _are_ interesting things to solve as players, and they should stay. But I believe this change would not compromise any of those issues and give us much more ability to begin to find our own creative solutions to these issues.

Let me know what you think, or if you have ways to improve on this idea. smile

#3 Re: Main Forum » Eating all the food trolls » 2018-03-06 17:22:13

it might have unintended effects... trolls are gonna troll, so their overeating might be less noticeable if they have to moderate it. and even with throttling it, they'd still have somewhat catastrophic effects on the food stores.

#4 Re: Bug Discussion » Objects leaving the ground then flying off screen and disappearing » 2018-03-06 16:16:44

It could be! But in the case of the snare, I had just put it down and my daughter mentioned it too with a "wtf?" and nobody else was around before or after to pick it up. I have seen the lag thing happen with me when I pick something up and it takes a bit to catch up to me because I'm running too fast for it/the server, but this seems different idk.

#5 Bug Discussion » Objects leaving the ground then flying off screen and disappearing » 2018-03-06 06:53:03

Replies: 3

I've seen this on a few sessions. Most recently it happened with a snare I had dropped after catching a rabbit. All of the sudden the snare slowly lifted off in whatever direction, and then it picked up speed until completely off screen at a super high velocity. Can only assume it's forever gone off into infinity.

I didn't report it earlier because I have no real clue how to reproduce this, although I will say it does seem to happen only when there are a good amount of objects in the surrounding area. It also happened earlier with a basket full of carrots in that same session today, similarly crowded area. That could be a red herring though.

Sorry I can't be more specific. Maybe others have seen it and can reply with more reports and we'll get to the bottom of it. I'll do the same.

#6 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-05 22:11:08

sure sure, but spelling out whole words might take a bit too much real-estate/resources for now... also communicating the font might be tough

#7 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-05 21:50:15

ooo yea, night would be cool. all it'd take is some better colors, more emphasis on settlements, less on biome colors...

for signage, i'm not sure what makes the best evergreen "pixel" at the lowest cost (maybe round stones?), but if we keep it to certain characters, we could get away with a 3x3 grid. OR we just names things a single unique letter.

3x3 for a city called "TOH":

 X    X X   XXX
 X    XXX   X X

I've worked it out and it seems the only characters that work on a 3x3 are: C H I J L O T U X Y (and maybe P, F but could be confusing)

CHI, HOL, TOH, XOL, JIX, YOC, OIL, etc. etc. there's enough there to make unique names but they may be confusing to tell apart since the alphabet is so small.

a 5x5 grid would work for most characters if we use single character, so like Milkyway would be:

X   X
X   X
X   X

of course that'd mean we'd need to rename some cities to start with unique letters.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Assholes ... » 2018-03-05 20:32:59

i encountered about 4 griefers during a lifetime (i'm not sure the name of the settlement) and it actually played out interestingly.

first thing that happened was some able-bodied toddler was spouting "i need the knife!" and i asked why and they said "to murder you". the elder ran to the knife, got it and just pocketed it to diffuse the situation.
later, a young blonde boy tried to shoot me with an arrow, but missed. i went to the elder who now had two knives in her backpack, and we found and killed him.
next, an eve was inside the main building eating carrots constantly. one of my children yelled out and i went to the elder. elder took care of her and i cleaned up the bones. she ate probably 12 carrots but we took care of it before too much damage was done.
finally, a young toddler was found scarfing carrots on the southern farm, nearing the end of my life i decided to make myself useful and chase him off. even though i couldn't do anything, it was temporarily effective. i went back to town and died soon after that.

there's a bit of a need for law enforcement/guards. it worked, sort of, for the elder to have all and any knives in the settlement on her person. you can't say "don't have knives or bows" because griefers can still scarf endlessly, and that _must_ be stopped. though you can pick things up to hold them safe, that is rarely effective for a settlement with a lot of valuable food. so while 1 elder makes sense, it might be that you need at least two guards with knives so they can take care of these problems. it's tough to stop people who are busy working and get their attention in this game, so having a few guards would probably stop most problems before they became catastrophic.

#9 Re: Main Forum » A map of villages and roads on server 3 » 2018-03-05 20:20:49

this is incredible. does anyone have pictures of the centers of these settlements? to sorta reference and know which is which when you encounter them in-game?

it also might be cool to sorta spell out the settlements first letter with bones. i know i did that with an X at a couple places (before knowing their name)

#10 Re: Main Forum » The Milkweed People -- An Unbroken Line » 2018-03-05 18:15:01

I feel it'd be useful to name this framework. This weekend I was talking with some friends about the Celts and how that group was was defined by their ideals/culture rather than a central geography etc. It seems we need to unify these ideals/culture with a name, such as "The Milkweed People" but also maybe go further. Along with the whole "I'm one of the Milkweed People" both piquing curiosity from outsiders and identifying yourself to fellow MW people, we could use a series of questions to make sure that we are all on the same page:

Q: "one mother..."
A: "one daughter"

Q: "one son..."
A: "one elder"

Q: "once a hamlet is full..."
A: "head east of eden"

Q: "live upon the land..."
A: "lightly"

etc. not saying those are the questions/riddles etc. but this structure would simultaneously teach and test important lessons and might be a little more memetic as the cultural rules are getting quite lengthy...

#11 Main Forum » Cultural Roles » 2018-03-02 06:40:41

Replies: 5

There's been some talk on the discord about various tenants to follow that are more cultural than functional. A good example: brianj spearheading his sustainability laws. While forum posts are cool and we should talk and spread the word outside the game, I was thinking it might be effective to take up cultural roles inside the game, at least until it becomes "gospel" to help spread proper culture so we can move forward.

Right now I think we could use something like... a town crier, or maybe call them priests? It'd be someone that speaks at the city center, around the fire or indoors protected from the cold, about the 3 laws of sustainability and other important topics. They'd basically do this ad-nauseam for anyone that found the settlement along with any newborn babies etc. Anyone new would be sent to the city center by folks already in the know. Maybe they also nurse children as needed.

I fear if we don't do something drastic like this we'll have a really hard time properly spreading the word and chaos will prevail.

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