One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#2 Re: Main Forum » N/A » 2018-09-16 19:20:30

Haha I was an uncle to you I think, you were a kid and said 'I wanna make everyone reed skirts' haha. Oh nevermind you were an Eve, lol but there was a little girl there that wanted to do that.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Still thinking about griefers. » 2018-09-14 12:25:20

I just wanna say when a cursed player is injured, their text becomes red like anyone elses, which I think can be confusing for people trying not to heal the greifers

#4 Re: Fixed Bugs » shroom death, still tripping next life » 2018-08-29 10:08:05

Okay it stays like this for your next lives too. Unless you quit the game I assume

#5 Fixed Bugs » shroom death, still tripping next life » 2018-08-29 09:52:04

Replies: 2

So I starved while tripping on shrooms, (cause I didn't know what was food and what wasn't) and I respawned as an eve the next life... but it seems to be permanently stuck on the shroom effects.

heres a screen shot:

Try it yourselves! Pretty sure that's a bug right?

#6 Re: Main Forum » Trump Dynasty » 2018-04-04 05:22:45

I gave birth to my awesome son blond boy Victor, who started a wall and was my favourite kid, he definitely made the dynasty proud. My other kids were Ivana, Donny and Melania.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Wolf Family » 2018-04-04 04:59:58

Siolfor the Jackal wrote:

I wonder if that was the same Wolf clan I was apart of!
I was Eva Wolf. I was queen for a while and had several children but I lost track of what happened to them. I passed on my crown to a niece when I gave up looking for my children.
I remember meeting a traveller from a murdered village named Carl, he was a trapper and very nice.

EVA WOLF!!! I was Carl!! I was the guy collecting rabbits for my town down south, on my journey collecting rabbits (they were pretty scarce at the time - just a whole lot of stakes around rabbit holes), I came upon the Wolf Clan and their great village and I met THE NICEST person ever Eva Wolf who let me take a pie.
We bid our farewells and I said I would like to meet her again sometime.
But while I was gone one of my first male cousins murdered my village and as I returned he starting aiming to shoot me too! I ran back to Eva and told her what happened and she and the whole clan let me in simple as that. Later my other cousin who was a girl came on a horse and I told her about her brother (the murderer) and I think her and Eva were trying to find him and get justice haha... good times.
It's so funny you remembered and mentioned me, that made my day, thanks so much Eva Wolf.

Seriously though the Wolf Clan was one of the most kindest Clans I have met.

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