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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2023-12-01 21:06:08

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Update: Colonization


The four different groups of people in the game have had different specialties for a while.  Three of the groups have biome specialties, making them the experts who can obtain resources from the jungle, the desert, or the arctic.  The forth group had no specialty biome to call their own, so they became the language experts---the one group that could talk to all the other groups with no language barrier.  The idea was that they could serve as a kind of trading group, traveling from area to area in the world and exchanging specialty resources.

But in the harsh survival reality of the game, this fourth group, the language experts, were always seen as dead wood.  While the other groups were necessary for collective survival, because they provided access to necessary resources for technological advancement, the players could really care less about the fourth group.  If they died out, the rest could still survive and progress just fine.

This week, the language experts get an additional buff:  they can travel and settle anywhere, even outside of their homeland.  This means that they can join other villages and help out long-term, across generations, which will give them more opportunity to put their language translation abilities to good use.

There's also a fix to the way /DIE cycling works on the low-population servers, making parallel solo play on low-population servers viable again.

And finally, there's a new, more detailed food consumption log, which will allow third-party statistics services to compute some interesting things.  The log gets populated on a 24-hour delay, but data will eventually start posting here:

This was partly inspired by DopiePanda's amazing work on this new leaderboard and stats site:


#2 2023-12-06 14:27:22

From: Greece
Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 1,095

Re: Update: Colonization

Interesting, nice!
So how does this work? Can a white player enter all the biomes in one life or does his family have to have a well near??

Killing a griefer kills him for 10 minutes, Cursing him kills him for 90 Days.

4 curses kill him for all of us,  Mass Cursing bring us Peace! Please Curse!
Food value stats


#3 2024-01-06 17:50:17

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Colonization

Twisted in his latest YouTube video asked about this update, so I'll repost what I wrote here:

"The update makes it even more easy for players to resettle dead towns.  Is that rebuilding from scratch?  I don't think so.

The update makes it possible that a white woman can go to an Eve camp and try to raise her children there.  I did that once.  Is it good that I can do that?  Does it help players?

I guess going to an Eve camp and raising new players makes for a new sort of challenge.  I'm not sure it's a good one though, but whatever.

I played Eve Wood … id=9982276 as white and started in a mountain band.  Later on, I found that some of my descendants had moved back to an old jungle town like 4k right that had no/little kerosene.  I walked back on the road, and ended up having children that died early to starvation.  I did though reach where Eve and her daughters started a town, and had a child or two who lived a fair amount of time.  As I recall, I came back [got reborn] another life there, and had a nice time making paper with one of my relatives at least.  But having one's descendants as Eve resettle a dead town when you're trying to at least have your family have at least a semblance of rebuilding from scratch (who knows how much scavenging from old towns got done?  Arguably some of that may be alright, but still... it can be argued against also... or maybe it's alright since it can get considered repurposing, which Europeans are probably more familiar with than Americans), feels disappointing.

I had a server1 life where as a white man I went and helped Gingers start things up (after finding another Ginger family that had failed).  Next life I got born as a white girl, and well site was dry.  Gingers had tapped us out!  And I had helped my future family ruin the dreams of my Eve grandmother!  F---ing tapout!  It was nice when a Ginger apologized that their family tapped out that ready well site, and provide[d] a convenient excuse to go live at their town (which I wanted to do anyways, and was planning on walking there).  But still, what [were we] suppose to do?  Go dig up a well further away and walk more for iron, or go live with Gingers?

I have heard on discord that when someone wanted to get some specialty resources, it was convenient to have a white person around to translate.  But, I think that's about the only good thing I've heard come from this change.

Resettling old towns is NOT families rebuilding from scratch.  It is the furthest thing from it.  It is a cheat, and breeds entitled players who have not earned what they have.  It often results in players living in bad areas or not having the resources like kerosene to sustain an area.  It also spreads families out, since Eves spawn and sometimes run left, while resettling goes right.

This update encourages cheating, just like how the necessity of everyone staying close for trading/exchanging/gifting/stealing specialty resources made cheating so much easier for people.

Maybe it deserves a 44 out of 100.

And thank you for asking Twisted."

Also, on whites going to colonize an Eve camp.  Perhaps some veterans don't /die and play.  Sure, that's a new challenge, since you have less pips, and thus have to scramble more to get food.  But, if I did it a bunch of times, I'd expect to start racking up curses.  I can imagine hearing, "THAT WHITE LADY AND HER CHILDREN ARE EATING ALL OF OUR FOOD!".  And they would be right in that we would consume much more food than them.  Thing is, I'd end getting cursed for doing something suggested by the update picture.

Living in an area where you have to walk around a biome band is awkward.  I had experienced that awkwardnees a while back when I'd say get tan, and then walk to try to help out newer Gingers (arguably, sometimes taking too many things from dead towns... but taking things from dead towns discourages people resettling them).

But, mostly from what I've seen it has involved players resettling dead towns even more.  Perhaps some of that has been better than I've thought, or even necessary.  And yea, if you were Eve or her daughter and played at some town and the lineage dies out, and had more plans, I can understand frustration, and maybe resettling might even be beneficial to the server if there are no bottles and blacks resettle to make glass making easier, or gingers resettle so oil making is easier (gingers resettling can also make oil making harder... it's circumstantial).  But still, resettling a dead town with another family is cheating, or often seems like cheating.  And if someone says "well, it's been around forever", yea... so what?  Crime is still crime, even if it's been around forever.

It also makes it more difficult for people who want to play in a family which rebuilds from scratch and/or earns what they get from others (the family need not make buckets of latex from scratch... but shouldn't they have at least done something to earn those buckets of latex?  yea... getting latex can be a pain... so I have and others might through latex or kerosene at new families).

Additionally, last week some of us had played on Sunday on server1 and made a town in snow band there (hoping for a split to happen on Sunday, which didn't) , which had no family there when incoming players started getting split between bs2 and s1.  BlahWizard found graves of Furie people who were white: … d=10064597 Was the white person one of the people who had played with us on Sunday?  Or some new player just wandering about the woods?  I'm guessing it was the later.

So I think I'm sticking with an F grade for the colonization change.

Edit: Previous version had a wrong link.  Added link.

The other changes described in the post above do seem good.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2024-01-06 21:00:31)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#4 2024-01-09 02:11:04

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Colonization

On the discord, TheGeniusPhoenix asked:

"Can we talk about how if you are crossing a hazardous biome as a white female, you can't pick up the baby you just birthed!"

We can sit here all day and say "well, you can understand that Spoonwood, so why are you worried?!"

But, that's the sort of thing that can easily confuse a new player.  And having watched enough new players over the years now, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they are dropping babies and confused.  Even some veterans may be confused by that.  I think even after I learned about race restrictions, I wondered for a split second or two why I dropped a baby sometimes *before the bands*.


"Tbh I wouldn't be sad if it got changed back. Can't go anywhere as a white lady."

But couldn't you colonize an Eve camp and have your white babies eat up all the berries???  I mean, the picture suggests we try that!  No, don't do that.  It would be bad for the server, with likely the next Eve spawn further away from other races.

Nuclear Bomb remarks, and Twisted saw this also in his video I think, and I suspect many others have also:

"white people keep ending up in towns where the exclusive biome blocks them out of portions of it and either they take over the town or someone uses them as an excuse to start killing"

I mean, the former is not hard to find.

I'm skeptical that the following is the case, but there's a concern on a reddit thread:

"The White update is killing cities": … ng_cities/

"TheGeniusPhoenix — Today at 8:29 PM
I got born to a mother in a desert. She just tries to click on me, arms frozen to her sides."

44 out of 100 might be too high...

Last edited by Spoonwood (2024-01-09 02:26:06)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#5 2024-01-26 11:30:17

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Colonization

To make an analogy with the real world and use a modern example, this change was like making it easier for Mexicans to migrate to Texas.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#6 2024-01-26 21:53:22

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Colonization

So has anyone else taken up the challenge implied by the picture above and the word "colonize" (note... colonize connotes part of a more technological advanced group settling with less technologically advanced group... The British colonized what once were Native American areas or Cortez colonizes the Aztecs... something like the Goths "walking" into Rome or Mexicans swimming into Texas doesn't sound like colonization to me, or doesn't fit the word as well)?

Have you as a white lady or as a man with a white lady, gone to a low-tech or Eve camp family and tried to colonize what was once just their land?

If so, how did it go?

Last edited by Spoonwood (2024-01-31 19:21:19)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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