One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-04-17 22:51:15

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Deciding who has a baby

Currently, babies are distributed randomly to women who are of fertile age and NOT currently on birth cooldown, and their chance of having a baby is weighted by how well-fed they are compared to other eligible mothers on the server.

Empty stomach at the moment the baby joins means you're less likely to be the mother.  Full stomach means you're more likely.

This is an okay first heuristic, and it mirrors human biology nicely, but it's probably not that great in practice.  Most people keep pretty full if they can, and it also doesn't differentiate between civilized and non-civilized people well, or really differentiate who is best-suited to raise the baby.

I do want "better villages" to have higher birth rates, though.

Maybe their motherhood chance should be weighted by temperature instead?  Stand by the fire to have a baby?  Desert dwellers have more babies?  What about too hot making you have even more babies?  Or should it by only if you're just right?

What about a mother running an errand, away from the fire....

Let me hear some ideas about how this should work.


#2 2018-04-17 23:16:53

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Having a Man about might be a good positive multiplier to baby making.
Sum of food value in a radius around the Mothers could be interesting (could give different weights to domestic vs wild food)
Sum of items around would make them go more to bigger cities, sorta like it seemed to spawn eves pre apoc.

How many babies the Mom has that are at the pre-grab age could be good idea?
Maybe if they have certain kinds of items in grasp, like food etc?

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#3 2018-04-17 23:32:52

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: Deciding who has a baby

I think the fact that the child to a wild mother is less likely to survive balances it decently though of course a bunch of players suicide when they are born to a wild mother.

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#4 2018-04-17 23:45:34

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Deciding who has a baby

I'm for Goldilocks babies.


#5 2018-04-18 00:00:01

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Deciding who has a baby

YAHG wrote:

Having a Man about might be a good positive multiplier to baby making.
Sum of food value in a radius around the Mothers could be interesting (could give different weights to domestic vs wild food)
Sum of items around would make them go more to bigger cities, sorta like it seemed to spawn eves pre apoc.

How many babies the Mom has that are at the pre-grab age could be good idea?
Maybe if they have certain kinds of items in grasp, like food etc?

I would say luxuries, like furs and gold, should increase birthrate, but I think you'll find irl women reproduce quite a lot in places around the world, with very few luxuries.

They could be a modifier though. They certainly help in some cases.

Another modifier, as well as goods and men, would be alcohol, or drugs that might lead to more promiscuity.

Sexier clothing would be another option, adding a value to items for attractiveness (not just sex appeal) could be useful later to implement some features involving charisma. Something like the R value for insulation seen here
An S exponent to reproduction?

What about a comfort value that is modified by things including how well fed you are and that your temperature is balanced, among other things?


#6 2018-04-18 00:21:31

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Is there a point when a building over a biome, over rides the temp of the biome?
If so then having a house, that would provide a comfortable temperature, with a floor and walls, maybe ceilings and multiple stories in the future, these could be worthwhile endeavors for males to invest their time in to attract females.
The man provide the woman with a nice comfy house, her chance of making babies goes up, and together they make a family that takes over the world.


#7 2018-04-18 00:32:03

Registered: 2018-03-13
Posts: 6

Re: Deciding who has a baby

I think Eves should spawn at the age of 14, so they can at least find a place before having a child.

food intake and temperature seems good references at this moment. maybe as the techtree advances, new references can adjust birth rates, even choosing if she is going to have a baby. who said abortion plant that denies pregnancy for x minutes? get out, we don't discuss that in here. thank you.

so that's it.

Last edited by carrotlover (2018-04-18 00:32:51)


#8 2018-04-18 00:44:34

Joseph Stalin
From: Москва
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 207

Re: Deciding who has a baby

What generation they are in should matter


#9 2018-04-18 00:50:19

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 14

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Suicide should not be a way to get back to the village of your choice and screw over your eve.


#10 2018-04-18 00:58:03

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 21

Re: Deciding who has a baby

jasonrohrer wrote:

What about too hot making you have even more babies?

No. Cole Porter said it best:

According to the Kinsey Report, ev'ry average man you know
Much prefers his lovey-dovey to court
When the temperature is low
But when the thermometer goes 'way up
And the weather is sizzling hot
Mister, pants for romance is not
'Cause it's too, too, too darn hot
It's too darn hot
It's too, too darn hot

Last edited by evan.woods (2018-04-18 01:02:53)


#11 2018-04-18 00:59:30

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Eve should get the first baby after the home marker is set, before that it's very stressful

babies should come rather if mother has clothes, at least a backpack
or the temperature is high, otherwise rather not, kids die anyway far more often in cold
clothes are an indication of a well cared for settlement

also it would be nice if babies wouldn't be born far away from the home marker, otherwise a female has always to stay close to the village's center,
i've got so many kids as i was getting something for the village, sometimes from even far away, in snow, that's very unfortunate, i've lost once a cart because i had to head back to town with the new born kid


#12 2018-04-18 01:09:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Actually, just whether or not Mom has a home marker might be a nice first criterion for a rise in fertility.  You're not really very ready for kids until you've found a place to settle, at the very least.


#13 2018-04-18 01:33:51

Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 58

Re: Deciding who has a baby

How about this.

Every of-age girl gets a Fertility number.

At reaching age 15 (or whenever puberty):  Fertility starts at F0, some low number, maybe 1.
Or if Eve: Fertility starts at FE, some higher number like 10.

Every 5 seconds:
Fertility = log(e^Fertility + # males in same map chunk or within some distance)

The point is that fertility rises with number of nearby men, but each man is less significant with more "competition".

Could add other influences to Fertility, perhaps some decreasing it.

With each new joining player, females are chosen according to the highest Fertility.

Or, they are chosen with probability proportional to their Fertility.  Or... etc.

If a baby is born to the girl: Fertility reset to F0.

I let Eves start at a higher fertility to simulate possible pregnancy whenever they left wherever they came from.  And it should help these lonely girls start a family.

Maybe males can finally have a more interesting role in this game.

Last edited by powa (2018-04-18 01:34:25)


#14 2018-04-18 01:58:49

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Could we have rare cabbage plants/seeds that will spawn a baby for those towns left with only males or the elderly (or anyone) who still want to adopt kids? Automatic last name should be Cabbage, and Eves can't chose that last name.


#15 2018-04-18 02:06:38

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Anshin wrote:

Could we have rare cabbage plants/seeds that will spawn a baby for those towns left with only males or the elderly (or anyone) who still want to adopt kids? Automatic last name should be Cabbage, and Eves can't chose that last name.

Or garbage pails where unwanted kids abandoned by their Eve's can be found. They could be given names like: Too Slow To Catch Ma Joe, Les Value-than-a-basket-n-sharp-stone, Ned Not A Girl, Whitney Whiner, Abandoned Brandon, or The Sorry Kid.

Last edited by Morti (2018-04-18 02:25:14)


#16 2018-04-18 02:18:06

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 16

Re: Deciding who has a baby

A lot of good ideas so far. My thoughts:

- Gradual "fertility" increase over time based on life circumstances. (Factors: Eve, nearby males, age, recent children, etc.)
- Highest "fertility" on the server gets the new baby.
- When baby is born "fertility" should be set to zero.
- Eve modifier needed to offset male contributions to the gene pool.
- Home Marker should be significant modifier if not requirement to have baby.
- Goldilocks for food and temperature should be a significant modifier.

Example: (exact equations to determine each factor TBD)

"fertility" = (EveFactor)*(RecentChild)*(AgeFactor)*(MalesFactor)*(FoodFactor)*(TempFactor)*(HomeFactor) = (0~1)*(0~1)*(0~1)*(0~1)*(0~1)*(0~1)*(0~1)  =  0~1   

So prime candidate mothers that have everything going for them are almost guaranteed to get a new baby each time they are able to have another child. But those in non-ideal circumstances (pretty much everyone) get distributed children based on who is doing the best at the current moment. This would also help with new (to game) mothers getting overwhelmed with babies. Until they learn how to take care of themselves, they don't need to worry about taking care of multiple kids. Those more knowledgeable in the game should receive more children than new players, so hopefully they actually pass on some of that knowledge to the next generations instead of needing to ask their newborn children how to do basic tasks...

Last edited by AstroTitan (2018-04-18 02:39:39)


#17 2018-04-18 02:39:50

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Deciding who has a baby

AstroTitan wrote:

(MalesFactor) (0~1)  =  0~1

No males, no babies what-so-ever. Given the way Eve's work atm not sure this is a good idea, but adding 0~1 to a base value, so no males around never makes fertility 0, could work.

I really like the idea of guys getting close to girls increasing the likelihood that they get pregnant, without there having to be actual sexual intercourse.

I just imagine guys running through town, to drop things off, swinging by the farm to check out that cute new girl in town, passin through real quick and then when he returns, minutes, years, later, she's got his son in one hand and shes pullin carrots with the other.


#18 2018-04-18 02:46:05

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Morti wrote:

she's got his son in one hand and shes pullin carrots with the other.

This makes me think, we need backpacks for babies like people have in many parts of the world, so working mothers can still use their hands. Or just, let a backpack hold a baby up to age 3-4 or so and just have the kids head stickin out the top. Going to the tailor in a big town, just to grab a harness for your kid that is going to be grown up in a couple minute may not be worth it if that is the items only purpose. Maybe a rope or a sheet of cloth, with multiple uses, could also function as a baby sling.


#19 2018-04-18 02:59:20

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 16

Re: Deciding who has a baby

I admit that is the only thing I'm struggling to make work. It would have to be a combined equation taking into account whether or not your an Eve and males in area.

So maybe something like this:

MaleEveFactor = 1 / [{1 / (# Males Nearby+1)} / (Eve Check)]  = 1 / [{1/(1~100)} / (1~2)]

Assuming no logic errors on my part, this would give Eves preference over non-Eves; however, with a few males around, non-Eves will be preferred over the Eve.

Example Given Non-Eve & No Males: (Baseline)
= 1 / [{1/(1)}/(1)] = 1

Example Given Eve & No Males:
= 1 / [{1/(1)}/(2)] = 2

Example Given Non-Eve & 1 Male:
= 1 / [{1/(2)}/(1)] = 2

Example Given Non-Eve & 2 Males:
= 1 / [{1/(3)}/(1)] = 3

Last edited by AstroTitan (2018-04-18 03:24:19)


#20 2018-04-18 06:01:25

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Deciding who has a baby

i dont like when my aunts are younger than my daughter, i even had my sister as baby once, i had to raise her, my mom was old,  even after i had 3 kids
this really should change, force younger woman have the babies not the old ones
there could be some building which increases baby chance, like a cradle, cost resources, and used when the baby born

eves should have higher chance of having girls, thats for sure, even second generation. could be some kind of town territory zone, like 10 squares, or based on items inside, advanced ones costing more, like carts

if you never increase the population above 10, those would be nice runs, if anyone is new, and you dont kill any noobs, then often a baby boom happens and a famine right after, killing kids of age 10 with bad map knowledge, and food is scarce from inside outward
so what if, your family should build a certain building to increase max cap of the family and we could see a list of names in current family. people cant control it, they are too light hearted, i often hear that " everybody deserves a chance" same players spawn back mroe often than not, why is problem they spawn 5 min later when resources are sorted and young girls fertile?

i like the ideea of hot temperature increases the child rate, that would be mostly intentional livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#21 2018-04-18 06:23:34

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Deciding who has a baby

You know, I just realized that giving more babies to those well feed actually gives more babies to people suffering and less babies to those who can support them. Think about it. Better food sources give far more hunger boxes, so you allow yourself to grow more hungry between each meal. If you have a pie in your backpack, you can let yourself go down to almost starving before you have to eat. In fact, you want to let yourself go down at least half way before eating, otherwise you are wasting your pie.

Mean while, if you are surviving bush to bush eating berries that only give you a few boxes of hunger, you are going to top yourself off as often as possible, because your not sure when your next meal will be. So an Eve in the wilderness will tend to be full more often than someone with a spare pie in their backpack.


#22 2018-04-18 06:32:44

Registered: 2018-03-27
Posts: 2

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Having babies could also be determined by how warm the mother is. Like a naked mum is less likely to have one.

You could also make a crown from something easy to get like string+ leaf which would reduce hunger but also eliminate the chance of having a baby for those struggling mums or overpopulated villages. >.> Contraception crown? Or maybe it could be worn in the pants slot, a chastity belt haha, i dare you to put that in game. Double dog dare.


#23 2018-04-18 06:37:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 136

Re: Deciding who has a baby

@Lily you are right!

The most obvious and realistic solution is to just implement sex.
If you want babies you interact with the opposite sex.
Adams spawn near Eves


#24 2018-04-18 07:22:24

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 65

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Lily wrote:

You know, I just realized that giving more babies to those well feed actually gives more babies to people suffering and less babies to those who can support them. Think about it. Better food sources give far more hunger boxes, so you allow yourself to grow more hungry between each meal. If you have a pie in your backpack, you can let yourself go down to almost starving before you have to eat. In fact, you want to let yourself go down at least half way before eating, otherwise you are wasting your pie.

Mean while, if you are surviving bush to bush eating berries that only give you a few boxes of hunger, you are going to top yourself off as often as possible, because your not sure when your next meal will be. So an Eve in the wilderness will tend to be full more often than someone with a spare pie in their backpack.

Right you are, good call.


#25 2018-04-18 07:24:05

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 65

Re: Deciding who has a baby

Nuzalea wrote:

Having babies could also be determined by how warm the mother is. Like a naked mum is less likely to have one.

I guess you never watched Quest For Fire.


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