a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Are you all handling your lives okay?
Your families; your kids, your parents, yourselves?
I'm not talking about the game, I mean in real life.
We're all different people. We all handle odd situations differently.
I know we don't know each other personally, but, I'm a little curious, a little concerned,
I'd like to remind you that I care about you.
I don't know about you, but it's, a little difficult for me to engage with individuals.
It's one thing that I really liked about giving planetarium shows, I could always be very general; talking about humanity, about Earth; about the future and the universe.
It's very easy, for me, to express a "10,000 foot view" not so easy for me to express a two foot view.
Right now I feel about 30 feet, away, from most of you, and I'd just like to walk over to you and say hi.
Maybe just listen, to what you have to say, for a moment, if you have any concerns you'd like to share?
Good news, bad news; I'd say my ears are open, but I suppose it's my eyes, in this case.
Imagine we've just spent a half a day, at a, One Hour One Life Convention, in some big room somewhere, and everyone else is standing around, chatting, after Jason just finished a speech, and for some reason we all know each other, we're all old friends.
Hows it been?
This is a wholesome thread idea.
Everyone in my life is doing well. Lots of stuff are closed so I'm about to go visit some internet friends I've never met before since we all have a lot of time. I know, social distancing. I'm planning on being careful. We're all introverts so it's not like we all go outside much anyways. I'm excited.
I hope the rest of you are doing okay, and that you and your families stay safe.
I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.
Not playing the game much atm, been playing other things in the last few weeks.
As for how it’s going in general, it’s going alright. Was really sick for a few hours yesterday, but nothing corona related. So far none of my family members have caught the virus, so that’s good. Though I’m a little worried about my sisters, one of them is in voluntary quarantine after returning home from Italy, and the other is still working full-time.
Also staying inside at home for the most part, because of the virus.
Last edited by sigmen4020 (2020-03-22 19:49:22)
For the time being, I think we have enough content.
Lots of stuff are closed so I'm about to go visit some internet friends I've never met before since we all have a lot of time. I know, social distancing. I'm planning on being careful. We're all introverts so it's not like we all go outside much anyways. I'm excited.
That sounds like a lot of fun. I've been to a few gatherings-of-like-minds before and, let me tell you, I've never quite felt like I belonged, in a bunch of people, until then.
Land wise, I belong in my hometown, but people wise, I've never felt more like I belonged than in a good rally in the mall of Washington D.C.. I've never been to any electronic or game conventions, no blizzcon or dragoncon or any of that, but, I'm sure it'd be fun.
I did meet up with a couple kids that I played Ultima Online with, my friends and I and those two, we met in the middle of the night, drove across the state to area that their parents had taken them up to go camping, and me and my 5 friends met up with those 2, a mile or so away from their camp on a public stretch of road. We mostly talked about non-UO related stuff, but, we could always count on the UO subjects, if our conversations faltered. I think we were in our late teens, early twenties, they were in their mid-teens, but it was all good.
We didn't rape them, if you're wondering. XD This is the thing that our parents don't understand; the fear, that has been passed down. The fear that I am glad to see, subsiding, as life moves on, and more and more people alive, have only ever known a world, where this sort of communication exists.
Now if only it was as easy, as going down the street to your friends house, to visit people in Korea, Croatia, Australia, Brazil or Japan.
We've done really well, to make that easier. Not a very affordable reality for most human beings, but at least it's an option. It's an option.
I hope you have a good time, Slinky. I appreciate the interactions we've had, by at least knowing we share one interest for sure.
Not playing the game much atm, been playing other things in the last few weeks.
Yeah, it's a little unfortunate Jason is so fond of mechanic changes. At least, for those of us that find comfort in the reliability of game worlds.
It's okay though, most of what makes the game what we loved, is still there. Imagine if he just removed reproduction? Made everyone spawn as 21 year old male characters in the same avatar. If we didn't age, or ever have to deal with death, as a result of age.
There should always be something here for us to come back to for a life, or two, to find, and remember.
I tried playing Craft the World, before I made this post, but it didn't feel right. Before that I played two lives, as a black family member, and as a brown one, they didn't feel right either, in the end. There is something I enjoyed, something I really appreciated, about being a person of the world. Not a quarter of it, not a fraction.
There is a real conflict, between the idea of caring for an anonymous person, your mother or your child, and then having to discriminate against the same anonymous players.
When I made this thread, I didn't care about the game. I cared about you as people. I am an anonymous person, and we do care for each other. We always care, about each other first, no matter who, or what, we find out about each other later. No matter how long we live, no matter how much we've experienced, or, what information our culture tells us, to think, about people of other cultures, we are just born, anonymous children of life.
This is a time, for the Earth, of rapid change. The equinox's, spring and fall, the angle of the sun on the surface of the Earth, is shifting quickly, relative to the poles.
Life, really does, spring, into action right now, at least, life in the northern hemisphere. That means a lot of micro organisms are going to be coming to life, a lot of the usual stuff, and when those things come into contact with us, via the air and water, we display similar reactions, similar, symptoms. As much as a million media outlets, want to remind you of a new virus and turn this time of year into Black Friday, I'd just like to remind you of the usual things. The changes you have experienced every year, due to your body's reaction to seasonal changes. There is fresh air outside, moldy air in some places, and machined air in others. All the air on Earth, could fall into three such classifications. We certainly don't benefit directly, from the moldy air, but many functional aspects of life, do; many species. We stood up to see farther, and breathe clearer air.
I was already worried about people spending too much time indoors, as a prime example myself. And even though I get out on occasion, I don't feel I get out enough.
But, we are adapting... this is just necessary. It really is. It is not wrong, for a copy of life to suffer and die, under unusual circumstances. There are 8 billion human experiments, being run every day. At least I feel free to make this choice. At least it's not so obvious. But as a person who is, perhaps, less happy than they might be, if I had people to be outside with, people to share, fresh breeze and conversation, with. I encourage you, please be more inclined to take people up on their offers, if they ask you if you'd like to go for a walk. To get out at all really, but don't depend on engines, to go from inside your home, to outside of it. We can move. We can move, each other.
I feel like shit, no energy at all, all day just games and yt (sometimes going to shop) because of quarantine. My family is ok.
I'm an introvert and somewhat of a hermit! So staying home isn't too hard for me to do. My husband on the other hand likes to be out and about, so it's a bit harder on him. I've been taking this time to have him get my "Honey-do" list done around the house. Keeps him busy and his mind off of being stuck at home.
I'm an introvert and somewhat of a hermit!
So staying home isn't too hard for me to do. My husband on the other hand likes to be out and about, so it's a bit harder on him. I've been taking this time to have him get my "Honey-do" list done around the house. Keeps him busy and his mind off of being stuck at home.
Same, same, and same! If the weather doesn't warm up soon, he's going to be in a fix.
Our birthdays are soon though, it's not all bad.
But as a person who is, perhaps, less happy than they might be, if I had people to be outside with, people to share, fresh breeze and conversation, with. I encourage you, please be more inclined to take people up on their offers, if they ask you if you'd like to go for a walk. To get out at all really, but don't depend on engines, to go from inside your home, to outside of it. We can move. We can move, each other.
I'll be a bit mushy and honest. When I'm feeling bad I sometimes go for a walk or run around the neighborhood. Waving to and being waved at by all the people I know but don't know is still pretty nice. Plus there's lots of dogs around and I love all those big idiots.
Hope you and yours are all good.
I get the pleasure of being on the frontlines of everything. My clinic stays open even if we have a case of the virus. Dialysis is still more important than staying home to die without it. We are all taking proper precautions and wearing our PPE, our patients all wear masks and get screened immediately upon entering the lobby. I have to be mindful that I am going in and out everyday, to be sure to continue to wash my hands and take those same precautions. I hope all of you know that washing your hands for a few seconds isn't going to cut it. I'm talking 20 to 30 seconds (we do it for 40 to 60 seconds at the clinic) with a LOT of friction with soap, then rinse, then dry, then use a clean paper towel to turn off that faucet. Hand sanitizer. use enough to rub your hands vigorously for 30 seconds until sanitizer is dry. Friction is key! Anyway I hope that helps.
So the thought of getting sick doesn't terrify me, it's the thought we could all be carriers and not know it due to being asymptomatic. Hopefully everyone stays safe, clean, healthy, use common sense!
Gretta <-----
Waiting on a job, I enjoyed the free time and I had enough money to sustain myself but now I'm stressed a bit, and even though nothing I can do, I feel bad starting to do things like starting a new game but end up doing stupid shit like watching youtube for hours.
My family panicking over the virus while acting like they not.
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Been avoiding OHOL while off due to COV-19. Figured it would be overrun by bored kids looking to cause unnecessary drama.
Letting Rimworld's new DLC kick my arse instead.
I'm a massive introvert who barely goes out normally, and while my work has reduced operations to a skeleton crew, I'm deemed essential personnel and I can't easily do my job from home, so I'm still going in. Meaning, with a few small exceptions, I'm basically over here just living my normal life with more hand-washing. Which in itself feels kind of surreal right now.
Been avoiding OHOL while off due to COV-19. Figured it would be overrun by bored kids looking to cause unnecessary drama.
I haven't seen much actual griefing lately, but I'm thinking this may in fact be a good idea, anyway. I played quite a bit over the weekend hoping to take my mind off the weird and disturbing state of the world, but while it sometimes works, other times it just makes me feel even more stressed. And if I get impatient or annoyed with people in the game, I feel extra terrible about it afterwards. They're probably already stressed enough, too.
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